Book Read Free

Love Accidental

Page 23

by Brooke Noelle

  “Don’t be sorry. I would have happily taken a bullet if it meant you were in my life. This isn’t your fault. Your Dad is fucking psycho.”

  I burst into laughter at his blunt words.

  “Sorry,” he muttered, looking a little embarrassed when the security guard turned to look back at us.

  “I think that is an accurate description.”

  “The SUV is waiting, sir,” the guard said as the doors slid open.

  There were still police out front as we exited the building. As we pulled away, I realized my apartment would never be home again. My safe haven had been violated.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  One week later—Tuesday

  I anxiously bounced my foot up and down, waiting for Brooke’s name to be called. I was surrounded by women in various stages of pregnancy all waiting to see their doctor.

  “Do you think it will always take so long?” I hissed close to Brooke’s ear.

  She looked up from the magazine she was reading and smiled. “It’s only been fifteen minutes. The nurse said the doctor was running a little late. Babies don’t care about a doctor’s schedule.”

  I groaned. “Can’t they have another doctor deliver the baby?”

  She giggled softly. “I know when it’s my turn to go into labor, I’ll want the doctor I’ve been seeing throughout the pregnancy to be the one in the delivery room.”

  “We’ll get two doctors then. Our regular one and a backup,” I said, nodding my head as if I had thought of something great.

  “They’re always going to have a doctor ready to deliver the baby. We don’t have to get two. Would you please relax?”

  I let out a long breath and stared at the purple and blue giraffes painted on the walls. “Is the doctor going to answer my questions? If she doesn’t, we have to find a new one.”

  “I’m sure she’ll answer as many questions as she has time for. There are plenty of books we can read and, of course, the internet.”

  I shook my head. “No way. Don’t you dare get any advice from or believe anything you read on the internet.”

  “Fine. I’ll never get on the internet again.”

  I went back to nervously bouncing my foot up and down. I was going to lose my mind if I didn’t hear Brooke’s name called in the next five minutes. Patience was not my thing.

  “Brooke Palmer?” a woman dressed in pink scrubs called out.

  I flew out of my chair, grabbing Brooke’s hand and pulling her behind me as I headed for the door that would lead me to the doctor.

  Once inside the little room, we were forced to wait another ten minutes. I wanted to scream in frustration and was about to demand we find another clinic when there was a tap on the door and a woman wearing a white coat entered.

  “Thank God,” I muttered.

  Over the next thirty minutes, I peppered the woman with questions about the pregnancy and asked the one question I had been dying to know the answer to.

  “Sex is okay? Safe? It won’t hurt the baby?” I asked, scared to death she would tell me sex was off the table for the next seven and a half months.

  The woman smiled. “Sex is fine.”

  I looked at Brooke, grinning like a fool. She looked like she wanted to crawl under a rock. She had tried to tell me several times it was safe. I didn’t want to take any chances and had told her we were abstaining until I knew for sure. Her body had been through a lot during the violent fight with her dad. I was not going to risk anything.

  “Told you,” she muttered.

  We set up the appointment for the following month, which I insisted I would attend. I was going to be with Brooke and my child every step of the way.

  “I don’t have to go to work today. How about we do a little shopping?” I suggested.

  “Shopping?” she asked, weariness in her voice.

  “We have a child coming into the world and he or she is going to need a lot of things.”

  “Don’t you think you might be getting ahead of yourself a little? The baby barely has a heartbeat.”

  I shrugged. “Come on, I want to look at all the baby things!” I said, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

  “You’re crazy.”

  “I am.”

  I leaned forward and told the driver to take us to a baby store. Once there, I felt a bit like a kid in a candy store. I wanted everything.

  “What color should we do the nursery in?” I asked.

  Brooke shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t know. Neutral is probably best.”

  “What if it’s a boy?” I asked, looking at a book filled with various nursery designs.

  “Neutral works for a boy or a girl,” she said dryly.

  “Oh,” I muttered, drawn to a nursery outfitted with soft pastels and little woodland creatures. “What about this one?” I pointed to the picture.

  “Sure. That’s nice.”

  I looked away from the book, studying her face. I was overjoyed and could barely contain my excitement over the idea of having a baby. Brooke couldn’t have been more opposite.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her. “You don’t seem enthused about any of this. I thought you wanted to do some shopping.”

  She shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t want to think about decorating a nursery. What if we have to move, run away again if he escapes?”

  I wrapped my arms around her. “He’s not going to escape. They’ve learned their lesson with him. He’s going to be held until they can get a trial. He’ll likely be sent to some prison out of state. He won’t be getting out.”

  “You can’t know that for sure.”

  “I’m confident in the abilities of our boys in blue. Your dad is on a maximum-security hold. The only contact he has with the outside world is through his lawyer. The guards have been thoroughly vetted. He isn’t going to be paying anyone to help him again,” I assured her. “We can be happy. We can’t live in fear, constantly looking over our shoulder. Don’t give him that kind of control.”

  “It’s hard not to.”

  “I know, but together, we are stronger than him. We’ve got tight security. He isn’t getting near us even if he did manage to get out,” I said, rubbing her upper arms with my hands.

  She took a deep breath. “I’ll try. I am excited. I really am. I’ll try to act the part.”

  “If you don’t feel it, you don’t feel it. Besides, I have enough excitement for the two of us.”

  That brought a smile to her face. “That sales lady is eyeing you. She knows you are itching to drop a load of cash in this place.”

  I grinned, winking as I did. “I am. Are you ready to help me spend it?”

  She burst into laughter. “I think we could do some serious damage in this place.”

  I grabbed her hand, and together, we began to pick out a crib and other furnishings. I bought several books, intent on knowing everything there was to know about pregnancy and babies. After spending a lot of time and money in the store, we called it a day.

  “Feeling better about everything?” I asked as we headed up to my penthouse.

  She nodded. “A little. I’ll feel even better when he’s shipped somewhere else.”

  When we walked inside, we were greeted by a stack of moving boxes.

  “Are you sure you don’t want the rest of your stuff brought over?” I asked, skirting around the boxes.

  She shook her head. “No. I’m having it put into storage for now. I have all I need in those boxes. It isn’t like I’m going to be able to fit in my clothes for much longer anyway. I’ll need to buy a whole new wardrobe.”

  “I can’t wait to see you big and pregnant,” I told her, placing my hand on her flat tummy. “You are going to be one of those gorgeous, glowing women.”

  She moaned. “I’m not sure I’m quite as excited about that as you are.”

  We walked to the couch in the living room and sat down together. I turned her to face me, putting her feet in my lap and gently removing her heels before I starte
d rubbing her feet.

  “That feels so good,” she moaned.

  “Good. I want to take care of you, Brooke. Will you let me?” I asked.

  “Zachary, we haven’t really talked much about where we’re going. It has been a little hectic and I feel like we’ve steamrolled right through some important matters.”

  “Like?” I asked, knowing exactly where she was going with the conversation.

  “Like what are we doing?”

  I smiled. “I’m rubbing your feet. I plan on rubbing your feet every night for the foreseeable future.”

  She didn’t reply. Despite Aiden’s constant prodding, I had yet to tell her how I felt about her. It never seemed like the right time.

  “I can get on board with that.”

  It was now or never. “Brooke, we should have had this talk last week, or even before then. I didn’t know how to say it, I guess because I didn’t know what I was feeling.” I looked over to see her intently watching me with those wide brown eyes. “I don’t know when it happened, but I love you.”

  Saying the words was difficult, but once they were out, it felt so right.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered, tears welling up and spilling onto her cheeks.

  I smiled, knowing they were happy tears. The doctor had assured me that the random crying episodes that had been happening all week were normal. I was going to invest in cases of Kleenex.

  “We’re going to be a family. You and me, we’ll be the best parents ever.”

  She cringed. “I hope it’s that nurture and not nature situation.”

  “You’re going to be an excellent mother, Brooke. We are going to be loving, supportive, and give our child everything she or he needs.”

  She was nodding her head. “I hope so. When I found out I was pregnant, do you know what my first thought was?”

  I shook my head. “Not a clue.”

  “I realized that I’ve never changed a diaper in my life. I have no idea how to do it!”

  I burst into laughter. “I can’t say I have either. I’m sure we can take a class or something. Do they offer Baby 101?” I asked, being completely serious.

  “I think they call that a nanny.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “A nanny? Do you want a nanny?”

  She shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t know. I hadn’t really thought about it. I don’t have a job at the moment. My father’s business is going to be sold off to the highest bidder—what’s left of it that is.”

  “You can stay home, or you can work with me. We made a good team.”

  “I’m not going to be your PA,” she said in a haughty tone. “I was running my own department.”

  “I would never ask you to be my PA. I was thinking more like the marketing director or my advisor or something along those line. It’s my company. I can make a job for you.”

  She laughed. “You have a board of directors. I know how this works. Thank you. I will consider it. I’m not sure what I want to do yet. I thought about starting over, building my own company, but then I’d be in direct competition with you. That could get messy.”

  “I don’t want you on the other side. I want you on my side,” I said firmly.

  “We’ll work out the details later. I was thinking about something else.”

  Her eyes drifted down my chest and then back up to mine.

  “Are you sure? Are you feeling okay?”

  She slowly nodded her head. “I’m very sure. I’ve been sure for a week. You’re the one who refused.”

  I pushed her legs off my lap and leaned over to kiss her. “I’ve got a lot of time to make up for. You sure?”

  “If you don’t take me to bed right now, I’m going to have to find another way to satisfy the ache. I need you,” she whispered before softly kissing my lips.

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I jumped off the couch, leaned down, and picked her up, earning a little squeal from her. I carried her with great care into our bedroom, ready to take care of any ache she was suffering from.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Tuesday night

  He was handling me as if I were a delicate flower that would shatter at a heavy touch. When he deposited me on the bed, I looked up and smiled at him, ready to be ravished. When he stepped away from me, I was crestfallen.

  “Don’t be too gentle,” I teased, hoping to cajole him into being anything but.

  He shook his head. “I have to be. I won’t risk hurting you or the baby.”

  I shook my head. “Please don’t do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “Don’t change. What we have is fiery and passionate, and I love it. I love losing myself in you and the way you make my body hum.”

  “But what if—"

  I stopped him. “The baby is tucked away nice and safe. You can’t hurt me. You heard what the doctor said. Most women don’t even know they’re pregnant this early. Zachary, I want you to think of me as me, not a pregnant woman.”


  He bent down and pulled my shirt over my head before tugging my arms up and slowly pulling my leggings down, stopping a moment to breath over my center. I stepped out of the pants and waited for him to get naked. He was going way too slow for my taste.

  When he didn’t make a move to strip, I tugged at his jeans, taking matters into my own hands.

  “Slow down. There’s no rush.”

  “Yes, there is. I’ve waited a week. I need you. I want to feel you inside me.” I stopped my hands and looked up at him, my hands going to his face. “Make love to me.”

  He was smiling as he slowly nodded his head. “That, I can do.”

  I dropped my hands from his face and let him undress himself while I stripped off my bra and panties. I turned from him and pulled the blankets back before sitting on the bed and crossing my legs, my hands folded and resting on my knee. When he finished undressing, he stopped and looked at me before bursting into laughter.

  “How can I possibly have sex with you when you look so prim and proper sitting there?”

  I looked down, realized I had posed as if I were in a business meeting, albeit naked, and laughed. It was all very formal and not at all sexy.

  “You’re right. Let’s start over,” I said, wanting to put both of us at ease.

  Things had suddenly grown awkward between us. That fire that always drove us headlong into a mind-blowing, passionate command of the other’s body had diminished. There was something much different happening, and I felt like we were missing that spark. I wanted to set the mood and remind him we were still the same people we had been a few weeks ago when he had taken me in his closet.

  “Wait here,” I said, rising from the bed.

  I strode naked across the room, my hips swaying as I walked into the bathroom and pulled out the matches from a drawer. I had left them there after a long soak in his huge tub many weeks ago. I grabbed the candles positioned around the tub and carried them into the room. He watched me as I put a few candles on the bedside tables and lit them. The fireplace mantle held more decorative candles, which I quickly lit. I gave the room one last look before giving him a sassy smile and turning off the lights.

  “That’s better,” I cooed, heading for the bed.

  His eyes followed me around the room, desire burning strong. I climbed onto the bed from the opposite side, fluffed the pillows against the headboard, and sat down. When he moved to get on the bed, I shook my head.

  “Not yet,” I whispered.

  His gaze was locked with mine, the candlelight reflecting in his eyes. I put my finger in my mouth and sucked on it before running it down my chest, circling one nipple and then the other, and dropping my bent legs wide. He sucked in a breath, his eyes dropping lower to follow the path of my finger.

  The look on his face was ravenous. I moved my finger down my slit, moaning with pleasure as I slowly parted my pussy lips. With his eyes fixated on my pussy, I slowly slid one finger inside, groaning as I felt how wet I was. I
finger-fucked myself, my eyes on him the entire time. I wanted him crazy with passion. I didn’t want him thinking about the baby inside my body. My other hand moved to my breasts, gently kneading them as my finger worked over my pussy.

  “I’m going to come,” I whispered. “I want you inside me when I do.”

  His eyes jerked up to mine. “Do it. I want to watch you make yourself come.”

  The words sent heat pooling in my belly. He was enjoying my show as much as I was. I felt emboldened by his desire, ready to do as he asked. I wanted to please him. His hand went to his cock, circling it, sliding up and down. He watched me as he did so.

  “I’m waiting,” he groaned, his voice harsh.

  I moved my finger over my clit before spreading my legs wider, my pussy completely exposed and open to his view. When I moved a second finger inside my wet pussy, he cursed. His arousal was making me even hotter. I could feel my pussy juices running down the inside of my thigh. I was so hot and ready for him. I used my finger to find my clit, rubbing slow circles before pressing harder and rubbing faster.

  “Slow down,” he barked.

  I whimpered, not wanting to obey his orders. I was so close to coming.

  “I said stop.”

  I immediately stopped moving my fingers. My pussy was throbbing, demanding release. I moved my hand over my breast, squeezing my sensitive nipple, needing something.

  “Now,” he ordered, his gaze never leaving my pussy.

  I quickly moved my fingers with such speed and intensity, I lost all control.

  I cried out, slamming my head against the pillows pressed against the headboard as I came on my finger.

  “Zachary!” I cried out his name, begging him to make the orgasm complete.

  He was on me in an instant, pushing between my legs, his hand on the inside of my thighs, spreading me wide as he pushed inside me. His intrusion pushed my climax higher as he held steady inside me, letting my pussy clamp down hard around his dick. I felt empowered and sexy as hell with the way he was looking into my eyes, his body locked with mine.

  “I want to fuck you over and over. You’re the sexiest woman on this planet,” he groaned, thrusting deep inside me.


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