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Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles

Page 6

by Johnson, Cat

  When I hum, he cries out my name, and I pick up my pace, knowing he’s getting close. I want him to feel good, but I have other ideas. I pull back, letting his cock slide from my mouth with a pop.

  He looks dazed as I lie next to him. “Not going to give me a happy ending?”

  “No, you’re going to give me one.”

  He grin is wicked as he moves over me, kissing a trail down my body, similar to the one I made on his skin. He sucks and nibbles my breasts until I’m begging for more, and then moves lower. When he gets to my mound, he eases my legs apart.

  “Fuck. You’re drenched.”

  “What can I say? You turn me on, husband.”

  He kisses my inner thigh, rubbing his five o’clock shadow against my sensitive skin. Each kiss brings him closer to my folds, and I’m more than ready to have his mouth on me. I throw a leg over his shoulder, granting him all the access he desires.

  Hot breath hits me right before he kisses me there. My fingers dig into the sheets, and I moan loudly. Good freaking god. He licks and nibbles his way to my clit, grazing it with his teeth and uses his fingers to work me from the inside. My hips arch on their own accord, as I chase the pleasure that’s quickly building in my stomach.

  “So. Close,” I pant.

  “I know, Princess.”

  Right before I come, he pulls away, moving over me.

  “I want you to be sure, Kinsley,” he says, kissing me.

  I can taste myself on his lips, and it turns me on even more.

  “I’ve never been surer, Hades.”

  He positions himself before entering me in a slow, torturous thrust that leaves us both making sounds of pleasure.

  “You good?”

  He’s so big, and I’ve never felt fuller. But, god, does this feel perfect. Like we’re meant to be together.

  I nod. “I’m good.”

  His thrusts are slow and calculated as my body adjusts to his size. Pain turns to pleasure, and I begin to move with him. He kisses me hard, his tongue mimicking his thrusts. I hold onto him, getting lost in this madness.

  “Fuck. Kinsley.” His head tilts back, desire etched on his face.

  “Hades,” I pant.

  He rocks against me, rubbing my clit at the same speed. When I come, white stars explode behind my eyes, and I cry out as my pussy clenches around him. We rock blindly against each other and I try to savor this feeling of perfection.

  “Kinsley!” he groans as he comes.

  Another orgasm rips through me, and I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. His lips crash against mine, whispering sweet nothings. One thing stands out, making my breath hitch in my throat.

  “I’ve dreamt about this for five years,” he confesses, as he throbs deep inside of me. “Since that night. You brought me back to life when nothing else could.”

  We may not know everything about each other, but in this moment, I know I want to be at his side for longer than six months.

  “I love you, Hades.”

  As the words leaves my lips, something shifts between us. Something that makes my pulse skip a beat. I can feel the wall going up between us and it breaks my heart. He pulls away and sits, turning his back to me.

  “Princess, this was never meant to be permanent.”

  Back to Princess.

  I blink away the tears that sting my eyes.

  “Maybe not, but that doesn’t change the fact that I do love you.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “I know enough, Hades.”

  “And what? You’re going to give up Hollywood, and we’ll live happily ever after here?”

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  He stands. “I’m no good for you, Kinsley. You don’t see it now, but this—” he gestures between us. “This will never work. We’re too different.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  “For fuck’s sake, the Feds were looking into me. Does that sound like the type of man you want to be with?” He goes on, “I’ll make some calls. Tomorrow, you’re free to go.”

  “And if I don’t want to?”

  “I’m not asking.”

  “Hades, why are you doing this?”

  Reaching down, he grabs his pants and shoes, dressing quickly. And then he walks away without saying another word. My heart feels like it’s shattering into a million pieces, but I’ve been through worse. Inhaling, I get up and go to the bathroom to shower.

  I’ll leave in the morning, because that’s what my stubborn husband thinks he wants. But I’m not done fighting for us. Not by a longshot.


  Four Months Later

  I stay away for as long as I can, hoping Hades will come for me. I mean, that’s what a normal person would do when they realize they’ve made a mistake. When the jerk doesn’t show up, I decide to take matters into my own hands.

  Dad asks, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  This is the longest he’s been sober since Mom died, making me so dang proud of him.

  “I know it’s hard to understand, but I care about him. Yes, I want to do this.”

  “Then go get him, Kinsley, and find a love like I had with your mother.”

  He makes a few phone calls, but by the end of the day the plan is set. I’m going to get my man.

  * * *

  When the motorcycles approach, I get out of my car. The entrance to the clubhouse is blocked by six police cruisers, and no one is getting through unless they move. The bikes come to a stop, and Hades gets off.

  “Is there a problem?” He’s looking right at me.

  God, even now he takes my breath away.

  “There is. You broke our contract, and I’m here to get my payment.”


  “We were supposed to be together for six months. Not two.”

  “I see.” He gestures to the police cars. “And they’re here to make sure I’ll listen?”

  “You can be quite stubborn, if you weren’t aware. Figured it wouldn’t hurt to have some backup.”

  “Ah.” He nods. “Okay. Let’s talk, Princess.”

  I go to him, getting on the bike behind him. We speed down the driveway, and it feels like I’m coming home. Inside, nothing has changed. When we get to our room, I stop. The bed doesn’t look like it’s been slept in since I left. My nightgown is even still hanging over the chair from that night.

  “It’s starting to lose your scent. I hold it every fucking night, wishing you were here.”

  I turn to him. “I know the feeling.”

  Because every time I catch a whiff of smoke my heart lurches, and I pray he’s there.

  He closes the door and asks, “Why are you here?”

  “You know why.”

  “Because I sent the divorce papers in the mail?”

  “I have to say, that was a dick move, even for you. Just so we’re clear, I’m not signing them. Not until you hear me out.”

  He nods once, and it gives me hope.

  “I love you, Hades. It was true four months ago, and its true today. When I left, I thought you’d come for me. When you didn’t, I decided to talk to a friend of yours.”


  Meeting Saint Massacre was an experience. He’s the one man who holds more power than Hades, and I can see why. I could also see that he wants Hades to be happy, which is why I’m here today.

  “He had a lot to say. He told me something that struck a chord.” I move closer to him. “He said you’re scared of being happy because you lost someone close to you in the Army. Someone you loved. Hades, we all die. It’s a fact of life. That doesn’t mean you can skirt through life without living.”

  Tears fill his eyes, but I need to get it all out.

  “We can be happy. I know it, and I think you know it.”

  He clears his throat. “Is that all? Because I have something to say, too.”

  “No. I’m here because you owe me something.”

  He’s close now. So close that
I could touch him, if I wanted. But I don’t. Because this has to be his choice. Closing his eyes, he sighs.

  “I was a god damn fool to let you go, Kinsley, and I’m so fucking sorry.” He closes the distance between us, his lips brushing over mine. “So, tell me, wife, what do I owe you?”

  I smile up at him. “A shindig with our close family and friends. And that bonfire better be huge, because we’re celebrating two things.”

  I guide his hand over my stomach, to the small bump under my shirt. Life is full of surprises and this is no exception. His eyes light up, and he pulls me into his arms, spinning me around.

  “I love you, Kinsley. So fucking much.”

  “And I love you, Hades.”

  “Come on. Let’s tell the others. They’ll be glad to hear I’ve finally gotten my head out of my ass.”

  “Oh no, husband, we’re not going anywhere. We have a lot of lost time to make up for.”

  He gives me a wolfish grin. “Is that so? We better start now, then.”

  I laugh as he carries me to the bed. As he moves over me, I know that I’ve finally found my place in this world in the most unlikely place possible. Sure, this princess wasn’t saved by a knight in shining armor, but a biker in leather won my heart.

  About the Author

  Sarah Bale's family always knew she was destined to write romances when they saw the elaborate stories she created for her Barbie dolls. At fifteen she penned her first book, which will never see the light of day if she has any say. When Sarah isn't writing she enjoys spending time with her family and friends and also planning what she’d do in a zombie apocalypse. She resides in Oklahoma and doesn't plan on leaving any time soon.

  You can find her at:

  First Time Feels

  Lasairiona McMaster

  Life for Ana gets complicated when she falls in love with her best friend – only her best friend is a girl… and has a boyfriend.




  “No!” Ana sighed and glared at her best friend.

  “Ok, so I’m getting the impression that you’re leaning towards ‘no’, buuuuut could you at least hear me out first, please?”

  Ana rolled her eyes and sighed again. “Why?” She blew out a frustrated puff of air, causing her bangs to flap against her forehead.

  “I want you to be happy, that’s all.”

  They were sitting in their small dining area. It was more a dining space they had created where none previously existed. Cozy, also known as ‘room enough for two but only if you angle your knees just so’. Ana and her best friend, Cadhla ‘Ky’ Ní Corráin, had lived together in a small, two-bedroom apartment in Detroit for over a year. Try as they might, no amount of ‘feminine touch’ made the place feel anything more than the over-priced shoebox it was.

  Taking a sip of her hot chocolate, Ana considered the statement. “And you think for me to be happy, I need a man in my life?”

  “What? No. We’re all about the girl power in this house. Fuck the patriarchy, smash the shit out of those glass ceilings… you know that, Anabanana. Not to mention, we both know I’m an equal opportunities kinda gal. You don’t need anyone to complete you… I just… look, other than work, occasional trips to see your parents, your brother and his hottie, pain-in-the-ass, off-limits roommate, you never go out and do, well, anything.” She waved her hands dramatically. “All work and no play makes Ana a dull girl.”

  “So now I’m dull?” Ana arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips.

  I mean, she’s not completely wrong. ‘Stuck in a rut’ isn’t that what Luke said?

  “I’m considering buying you yarn and needles for Christmas.”

  “Knitting isn’t dull, Cadhla. It’s coming back into style. You need to brush up on current trends before throwin’ outta date shade.”

  “Well, it’s seen as dull, Ana. Dang, saying your full name doesn’t quite carry the same weight as when you do it.”

  Ana smiled despite herself.

  “I’m done with men.”

  “You keep saying that.”

  “Because I’m, y’know, still done with men. Except Luke.”

  Cadhla sighed and shook her head. “Gay best friends don’t count, Ana. What about—”

  “No! I’m not letting you set me up with any more guys you know, Ky. There’s always something… wrong… with them.”

  “You’re just too fussy, girl. They’re all perfectly nice guys.”

  “I’m supposed to be fussy, Ky, remember? It’s not that my standards are too high, it’s that the men of Detroit don’t even pretend to try to meet them.”

  “What about Toby?”

  “Sucked his teeth.”

  Maybe I am too fussy.


  “Pretty sure he’s a felon.”

  Maybe all men are just dickheads and that’s the problem.



  He tried to convince me I was the problem.

  Gaslighting prick.


  “Talked about himself in the third person.”

  Maybe Ana is actually the problem?

  “Ok, so I’m thinking it might be something about guys whose names start with the letter ‘T’.”

  “I’d agree, except Shaun, Andrew and Cory were all jerks, too.”

  “Jerks? You could tell from one date that they were jerks?”

  Ana nodded firmly. “A trifecta of fuck aaaaaall the way off.”

  “A trifecta of fucks? A trifuckta? And not the fun kind? I find that hard to believe, Ana Williams.”

  Ana giggled and held her finger out to count off the men she’d been on dates with. “Shaun was clearly a player. We bumped into two other women he’d dated before we even got to our table. Andrew wanted love, marriage and babies, right off the bat, and Cory, well, I’m sure his dick piercings would have been fun but he obviously wanted to be anywhere else but on a date with me. See? You can’t call me dull when I can rhyme off so many conquests, Ky.”

  “And if I were to ask over what period of time those conquests took place?”

  “I’d plead the fifth.”

  “Damn straight you would. Wait, which piercings does he have?”

  “Ky!” Ana huffed out air again. “What does that matter?”

  “Maybe I’ll date him instead!”

  “And his dick piercings are vital in that decision?”

  “They are if they’re ones that please his partner, yes. Maybe you’re just not into guys, have you considered women?”

  Ana’s heart flipped and her stomach tightened.

  Woman. Singular.

  The doorbell chimed.

  Saved by the bell.

  “They’re early,” Cadhla muttered.

  “Who is early, Ky?” Ana pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes.

  What has she gotten us into this time?

  “Our dates. We’re going out.” She waved a dismissive hand as she stood up from the table. “But we’re putting a pin in that dick piercing chat. I wanna hear more about Cory’s cock.”

  “Wait, what? Dates? Cadhla! For one, I’m in my fucking pjs and for two it’s not really a date since Ethan is your boyfriend!” Ana hissed.

  “Current boyfriend, you know they never last long with me and if I’d told you earlier, you’d have said no. Plus, it’s not my fault you got into your pjs so early!”

  “I’m still saying no.”

  “Ana, you can’t say no, he’s at the door. Go throw on your cute skinny jeans and a sweater and come out for dinner.”

  The doorbell chimed again.

  Before Ana could register what was happening, the door opened and Ky’s boyfriend, Ethan, stepped into the apartment.

  “Door’s open, we’re coming in! Hide the dildo—ooooooh, she didn’t tell you we were coming, did she?” He cast a sympathetic glance over Ana’s pink pajamas.

  Ana sighed. “No, Ethan, s
he didn’t. You’re going to have to give me ten minutes to put some clothes on. I’m not sure where we’re having dinner, but I bet they have a more formal dress code than this.” She waved her hands at herself.

  “I dunno,” an unfamiliar voice joined the conversation. Ana looked up to meet the darkest eyes she’d ever seen. He scrubbed his hand across his jaw and through his floppy, jet-black hair.

  Yeah, you’re totally gonna wanna see me naked now you’ve seen my freakin’ unicorn slippers. Nothing quite says ‘make me orgasm’ like oversized pjs and novelty slippers.

  “Those are some hella cute unicorn slippers. I’m not sure I wanna eat any place that won’t let you in looking that adorable.”

  Ana felt her face getting hot and nervously flicked her bangs out of her eyes; in her periphery, she saw Ky smirk.

  “Xander. Xander Harris. Yup, like the dude from Buffy and probably every bit as geeky, too.” He held out his hand.

  “Ana Williams, nice to meet you.”

  “Hi Xander,” Cadhla said, stepping forward to shake his hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Cadhla.”

  “Don’t believe everything you hear… Cay-lah?”

  She smiled, tossing Ana her signature ‘another dumbass who can’t say my name,’ eye roll.

  “You can just call me ‘Ky’, most people do.”

  “Ky?” He repeated.

  “Yeah, Ky. Y’know… K… Y… like the jelly?” She threw an exaggerated wink at him.

  He chuckled. “I have a common name and people still fuck it up all the time, so I try to get people’s names right.”

  “Appreciated.” She turned to Ana. “Why are you still standing in your pajamas? He was just being polite; you can’t actually go to dinner looking like that!”

  Blushing again, Ana’s gaze found Xander’s. His lopsided smile, messy hair and broad shoulders were attractive, there was no doubt about it, but she knew before she’d even taken a step out the door that this date would likely end just like all the others.


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