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Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles

Page 10

by Johnson, Cat

  “It’s okay to stand up for yourself, though.” Laken watches me, while I fumble with the flowers under the pretence of making it look just right. “I mean, it was his choice to leave, and it’s his stuff. He should be responsible for that.”

  “Yeah, well. Unfortunately Harvey left a lot more than just his stuff.”

  I glance up to see Laken’s raised eyebrow. “You mean that inner voice that constantly criticises?”

  I laugh in surprise. “How did you know?”

  Before Laken can answer Gage sweeps into the room. “Dinner’s ready.” He’s balancing three bowls and a wine glass perfectly. “If you could grab the wine,” he says to Laken who disappears off to the kitchen, returning moments later with the almost empty bottle I poured from earlier, and another full bottle.

  Gage sets the food down, and pulls out the chair at the head of the table. “For you, ma’am.”

  “Thank you.” I sit down, then Gage does the same as Laken refills everyone’s wine glasses and takes a seat himself.

  We begin to eat, and I close my eyes to savour all the flavours as garlic and ginger and soy sauce cross my tongue.

  “This is so good.” I catch Gage’s gaze. “I never expected a fireman would also be an amazing chef.”

  He grins. “Well, that is my main profession.”

  I frown. “Not fighting fires?”

  Laken laughs. “Fighting fires is voluntary. We don’t get paid for that.”

  “Oh. So what do you do when you’re not fighting fires?” I ask Laken.

  “I work as a counsellor for drug and alcohol services, helping people manage their addictions.”

  “That sounds heavy.”

  Laken shrugs. “It can be.”

  “We didn’t come here to talk work,” Gage interrupts. “Tell us about this place. I used your bathroom just before, and I have to say, that shower is enormous!”

  “Isn’t it huge?”

  I speak at the same time Laken says. “I know.”

  I glance his way. “You’ve been here before?”

  His grin widens, and there’s a distinctly mischievous twinkle in his eye. “I may have been here once or twice.”

  Gage laughs, a deep rumble that warms my insides. “What Laken’s trying to say, is his parent’s owned this place, up until you bought it.”

  Laken’s parents? I’m too scared to ask what he thinks of the place after my recent neglect. “You know the shower well then.”

  Laken’s gaze burns into mine, and it’s a fight to suppress the shiver threatening to travel my spine. “I designed it.” He gives a satisfied grin. “Always liked space, you know, and I loved the idea of sharing.”

  “You did that for your parents?”

  He shrugs. “They were renovating to sell. I always thought I might buy the place, bring my girlfriend here to settle down.”

  There’s a word I didn’t want to hear. I lean back in the chair. “You have a girlfriend?”

  “Had.” He shakes his head. “Turns out she didn’t want to live in some backwater village, so I followed her to the city. Turns out I couldn’t live in the city.” He chuckles as he glances around the room, his gaze wistful. “If I’d realised that a week or two earlier, I’d be living here instead.”

  He’s been hurt, just like I have. My heart melts a little more. How perfect would it be to have a partner who loves this place as much as I do?

  His gaze catches mine. “I always hoped to find someone who’d love this place just as much as I do.”

  A shiver travels my spine. “I was just thinking the same thing,” I admit.

  Laken’s smile stretches wider, and he leans forward to rest his elbows on the table. “Do you believe in fate, too?”


  For the first time in my life, I’m tongue-tied.

  Luckily Gage has his own opinions on that. “No such thing as fate,” he declares, setting down his fork. “You forge your own destiny by the choices you make. Not by some pre-determined thing.”

  I turn to Gage. My heart is racing and I need to change the subject.

  “And what’s your story?” I ask. “Why don’t you have a girlfriend?”

  Gage laughs. “I’m too picky.” He shrugs, as though to dismiss it, but I see in his expression there’s something hurting there and I find myself softening towards Gage, too.

  “And what is it that you’re so picky about?”

  Gage looks at me. “I want a woman who wants to live with the land, not just on it. I want someone who’s willing to learn with me about the biodiversity in the area, and how we can work with it rather than against it.” He shrugs. “There’s always room for a small veggie garden and some fruit trees, but my goal is to make use of what’s already here, to live with the natural cycles of nature, to eat the food that grows in abundance, to be more sustainable, rather than simply taking from the Earth all the time.”

  My mouth drops open. “That’s exactly what I was aiming for. It’s why I bought this place. All those edible natives in the garden were such a bonus, let alone all the ones growing wild in the bush.” My gaze flicks from Gage to Laken and back again. “The orchard and vegetable garden were a plus, because I would like to be as self-sustainable as possible. But I’ve always wanted to supplement the introduced foods with local options, and maybe even one day replace them. I always figured it would be so much easier than fighting the conditions to grow things that don’t normally grow here.”

  Gage’s eyes widen as I speak, while Laken chuckles. “Choices can only account for so much, Gage. Fate determines the rest.”

  I glance up, but Laken isn’t looking at his friend, his gaze is on me; and there’s such a longing in it my heart stutters in my chest.

  I may have been feeling tired when I bumped into Gage in the supermarket, but I’m awake now. Wide awake.

  “So...” I clear my throat, thinking back to the conversation we had on their first visit.

  “So?” Gage prompts.

  I take a sip of wine. The men wait in silence. “So.” I start again. “Your offer. The other night. Was that... was it real?”

  Gage leans back, throwing an arm over the back of the chair next to him. “One hundred percent.”

  “So.” I don’t even know what it is I’m trying to ask. Do they really want to have a threesome with me? Will it only be a one-night stand? What if I want it to be more? “You guys save damsels in distress often?”

  Laken shrugs. “Honestly? We’ve only done it a couple of times before.”

  “And it’s been a while, now. Thought we might be losing our touch. You’re a good boost for the ego.” Gage grins.

  “And you joined the fire service because it seemed the place to find threesome opportunities?”

  “We joined the fire service to help out.” Laken’s expression is sincere. “Gage and I have been mates since high school, and let me tell you we weren’t exactly the easiest kids, growing up. Thought it might be a good chance to give back.”

  “Yeah.” Gage laughs. “The threesome thing was unexpected icing on the cake, so to speak.”

  “So neither of you are looking for a permanent relationship?” My wine glass is on the table, and I’m holding the stem between my thumb and forefinger, spinning it slowly. I can’t look at either of them, I’m too scared about what the answer might be. Because I really, really, want to have a threesome, but if I’m completely honest with myself I don’t want it to be a once off, especially not with two guys I feel such a connection with.

  Laken leans forward, reaching out to cover my hand with his. It’s warm, and a tingle travels my arm as I glance up to meet his gaze. “I’m always looking for a permanent relationship.” His voice is husky. “But until I find that person, I’m also okay with having some fun when the opportunity arises.”

  There’s a lump in my throat, and I have to cough to clear it. “And I guess you don’t hook up with women you’ve shared?” My gaze moves from Laken to Gage.

  Gage takes a sip of his wine.
“If there’s a connection, then absolutely we jump on it. Often turns out a bit weird though. If we’ve both slept with her then having the other person hanging around, even just as a friend, tends to make it a bit uncomfortable, usually for the woman in question.”

  “And what about a permanent, threesome, thing?” I clear my throat again, and look back down at my hands. I’ve never voiced that thought out loud, ever, and I’m certain they’re about to tell me how daft such an idea is.

  “Not many are up for that.” I can hear the smirk in Gage’s tone, and I can’t help but meet his gaze. “That would be ideal, wouldn’t it? No having to choose between your lover and your best friend, because you’re all lovers.”

  The weight on my chest lifts a little. “You really think so?”

  Laken shifts in his seat. “Relationship’s come in all shapes and sizes. I’d be open to a polyamorous relationship, if that’s how the cards fell.”

  I lick my lips. “But would you seek one out?”

  He shrugs. “Can you seek one out? Seems like a lot of hard work trying to find three people who are compatible with each other. On the other hand, if it just fell into your lap....” His gaze burns into mine. “Let’s just say I wouldn’t turn down such an opportunity either.”

  Gage gulps down the last of his wine. “You want to take us up on our offer? And you want to know if we’d repeat it?”

  Nerves dance in my stomach and I swallow, as though I can somehow get rid of them that way. “Yeah.” I nod. “If we all enjoyed it, that is.”

  Gage laughs. “I can pretty much guarantee that.”

  I snort and roll my eyes. “Not half-confident, are you?”

  He grins. “I know my strengths, and I’ve spent enough time with Laken to know his.” His gaze holds mine. “You’re a gorgeous, intelligent woman, Mia. I’m bound to enjoy any evening spent with you, even if we don’t end up in bed.”


  I take a deep breath. It’s now or never. “Will you stay tonight?”

  The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them, but I suppress the voice telling me I shouldn’t be so forward. I’m never going to get anywhere if I don’t take some risks, and everything I’ve seen of these guys so far is telling me that this risk is a safe one.

  Both men’s faces light up.

  “I’d love to,” Laken says. “If you’re sure.”

  I’m not sure. This is the most spontaneous, ridiculous thing I’ve ever done. I’m terrified, but one thing is certain—I’ve never felt more alive in my life.

  I nod. “Gotta take opportunities as they arise, right? Who knows when this chance might come again.”

  Gage’s grin widens. “Exactly. And that is how your choices form your future.” His expression turns serious for the first time. “And just so you know... you want to stop, we’ll stop. You’re in control here, every moment. What you say goes. No matter what.”

  * * *

  We finish eating, the men talking about their lives; jobs, hobbies, families. I’m too nervous to say much, and they seem to understand that, taking over the conversation so I don’t need to.

  Dessert is just as delicious as main course, and then Gage suggests we retire to the lounge room to rest while our food digests.

  “You’ve never had a proper threesome before?” Gage asks.

  I shake my head. “Just with the dildo.”

  “We’d better ease into it then.” He moves to sit next to me. “Shall we start with a massage?”

  I nod.

  “You’d better twist in the seat a little, so I can reach your shoulders.”

  I move as he suggests, and he covers my shoulders with his broad hands, his thumbs applying a gentle pressure.

  “You’re very stiff here.” The pressure increases, and I close my eyes, my head rolling back as his expert touch releases tension I didn’t even realise I had.

  “That good?” he asks.

  “That’s amazing,” I whisper.

  “How do you feel about your feet being touched?” Laken asks, and I open my eyes to see he’s kneeling in front of me.

  “I love it.”

  “Great.” He slips off my shoes and socks and begins to massage my feet.

  I close my eyes again. I’ve never been so pampered in my life.

  Gage eases me back so my shoulders rest against his chest and his fingers go to work on my scalp, firm circular motions that soften as he comes around to my forehead and cheeks. Laken works my soles, then my ankles, and finally my calves, rubbing my muscles with long even strokes.

  “Damn, guys. I don’t want this to stop.”

  “Nothing to worry about there.” There’s a grin to Laken’s tone. “We’re only just getting started.”

  Gage strokes my jaw and my neck. His hand caresses my collarbone, stretching under my top to rub my shoulders from the front.

  “Remember,” he says. “Anything you don’t like, you say so. We’ll stop. No questions asked. Got it?”

  I open my eyes and look up. His gaze is on me, those grey eyes serious for the second time tonight.

  “Got it.” I nod.

  “And we’re very open to guidance,” Laken continues. “If there’s something in particular that just really floats your boat, let us know and we’ll make it happen.”

  I look down at him. “Right now, I’m more than happy to see where this goes. But I’ll be sure to direct you if I feel you need it.”

  Laken grins, and Gage’s thick fingers move to undo the buttons of my shirt. He lets it fall open naturally, and Laken’s eyes drop to follow the strip of exposed skin, his eyes widening.

  His obvious approval boosts my confidence no end, and I sit up to slip my shirt off and drop it on the floor. Laken’s lips part as his gaze comes to rest on my breasts.

  He sets my foot down, sitting a little higher on his knees so he’s eye level with me. “You’re a gorgeous woman, Mia.” He reaches out to stroke my cheek again. “Beautiful.” His voice is husky. “Strong. Independent.” He leans forward, pressing his lips against mine. I hold his face between my hands as I kiss him back, my thumbs stroking that bristle on his chin.

  “A perfect woman.” Gage chuckles as he shifts behind me, brushing my hair to one side to place a kiss at the base of my neck.

  Laken fumbles with the hooks on my bra strap, as Gage kisses his way along my shoulder, his huge hand coming around to stroke between my thighs.

  He’s barely touching me, and yet he’s still managed to waken every nerve in my body. I part my legs, tilting my hips to give him better access.

  Laken unhooks my bra, and I pull the straps down my arms and let it fall to the floor.

  His hands rest on my sides as he kisses me again. His thumbs slide across the top of my nipples, sending a jolt to my groin just as Gage’s pressure between my thighs increases.

  I gasp, closing my eyes to focus on the sensations sweeping my body.

  Gage laughs, a rumble that vibrates deep in his chest. “You like that, then?”

  I nod, breathless as his movements rub the seam of my jeans against my clit, setting my whole body alight

  Laken cups a breast in one hand, covering it completely as he rolls the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and his hot, wet mouth closes over the other.

  He flicks that nipple with his tongue, circling and sucking, as Gage’s movements speed up.

  I gasp. “Fuck, guys, fuck. Oh my god. Keep going.” I gasp the last words, clinging to Gage’s arm and Laken’s neck as an orgasm sweeps through my body, throwing my head back as pleasure shoots up my spine to burst out the top of my head.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  I sag back against Gage’s chest, panting.

  “You got there, then?” Gage asks. I open my eyes to see his gaze, that mischievous twinkle in his eye.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever come so quickly.”

  “Our skills are highly sought after.” Gage twists slightly so he can nuzzle into my neck, kissing his way to my lips.
/>   His kiss is more forceful than Laken’s, though his lips are just as soft. I open my mouth to welcome his tongue, reaching up to hold his neck as I kiss him back with as much hunger as he’s kissing me.

  When he comes up for air I turn to look at Laken, whose shirt is now off, revealing a glistening torso, muscles bulging in all the right places.

  Fuck he’s hot. I bite my lip. I must be dreaming. How is it I’ve had two gorgeous, skilled men drop into my life, just when I needed them the most?


  Laken catches my gaze and leans forward to take his turn to kiss me. His whiskers tickle my chin, and I bring my hand up, focusing on the soft brush of them as my fingers stroke his jawline. His lips are so soft, and before I know it he’s slipped his tongue between them to press against mine, still tasting of Gage’s fruity dessert.

  He pulls away. “Before we go any further we should probably work out some details.”

  Gage laughs. “Always the details man.”

  “This detail is important.” Laken’s gaze holds mine. “What sort of threesome were you imagining? Are you okay with anal? Or did your fantasies involve making love to one bloke and giving head to the other?”

  “I was hoping for anal,” I admit. “Though if you guys aren’t comfortable with that then the other is fine, too.”

  Gage kisses my shoulder. “It’s not a real threesome if there’s no anal,” he says, his voice husky.

  “Some might disagree.” Laken laughs. “But I’m open to anything. And it’s good to know where you stand. Means there’s no unpleasant surprises.” His hands slide down my torso to rest on my thighs. “And the next question. Where do you want to do this? This couch seems comfy enough, or do you have somewhere else in mind?”

  “My bed.” I don’t need to think about that. “Far more comfortable than here. Especially for three.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  I lead the way to my bedroom.

  I flick on the light and my gaze falls on my unmade bed, the blankets rumpled up at the foot, the pillows askew. I cringe. How could I have missed this is my rushed clean up?


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