Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles

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Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles Page 24

by Johnson, Cat

  “Troy.” I arched my back, needing him, my body on fire for his touch. “Maybe we should talk about this later.”

  “No way.” His eyes gleamed with knowing mischief. With one finger, he traced a line down my stomach to my core, where he parted me and circled my clit. “I want you to be in the moment, aware of what you’ll be saying yes to. I want every part of you to be filled with me while you decide.”

  “You don’t play fair,” I gasped.

  “Never claimed I did.” With a grin that melted my heart and ignited my body, he palmed my ass and lifted me to his mouth. “C’mon, baby. It’s not a big deal. It’s only forever.”

  I closed my eyes, lost in the exquisite pleasure he was bringing me. This was perfection. This was bliss. Why would I turn down the opportunity to have more perfect bliss in my life? I’d have to be crazy to say no.

  “Yes!” I cried out. “Yes. Troy . . . yes, I’ll do it. I’ll go with you.”

  He paused, his lips hovering over me. “Are you sure? That’s not just the impending orgasm talking?”

  I laughed, joy spilling from me. “No. I want to do this. I want to wake up with you and go to sleep with you . . . and live all the other moments in between.” I wrapped my legs around his hips and drew him down to me. “I love you, Troy Beck. For always.”

  He held himself over me, his eyes filled with joy as he slid home, linking our bodies as completely as our hearts were joined.

  “I love you . . . my wild one.”

  About the Author

  Tawdra Kandle writes romance in just about all of its steamy forms. She adores unlikely pairings, strong women, sexy guys, hot love scenes and just enough conflict to make it interesting. Her one hundred published books include small-town, military, royal, new adult, and sports romances. Tawdra lives in central Florida with her husband, two sweet pups and too many cats. Assorted grown children and a perfect granddaughter live nearby. And yeah, she rocks purple hair. Subscribe to her newsletter here:

  Waiting for the Rapture

  Michelle Mink

  One look across the darkly lit club was all it took for Jason Roberts to find everything he never knew he was missing. Admiration from afar only lasts so long—especially with a man as obsessed as he is. A BBW Romance.


  Across the Room

  I wasn't sure exactly what I was doing there that night. Well, to be perfectly honest, certain parts of my anatomy knew exactly what I was there for... Her.

  The week prior, on my brother Sam’s recommendation, I had taken some clients that were in town for a conference we were hosting to a new local nightspot called Chateau Diamant. While we were seated at a booth in the back, I saw her walk up to the bar.

  Sweet Jesus, she was purity and sin in the same voluptuous package.

  I'd love to say I noticed her smile first, or her eyes, but no. It was her ass. As she stood there at the bar, I got a profile view of the best ass I do believe I had ever seen. Thick, firm—I could almost imagine my palms and fingers squeezing it as she rode me. My eyes then travelled down her legs that were taunting me under her form-fitting skirt. I wanted those pale legs wrapped around my waist as I pinned her to the wall.

  And don't even get me started on her breasts. Full, lush, and begging for me to kiss the swell of them.

  She'd turned me into a perverted monster before I even knew her name.

  I wanted to weave my fingers in her long, dark hair as her plump lips wrapped around my cock.

  Needless to say, I called the evening short and got the hell out of there before I embarrassed my company by putting on a floor show with a woman I didn't know in front of our biggest clients. I did, however, have to pull my dick out as soon as I got home to relieve the pressure. I don't think I had ever been so hard in my life...

  ...Which is why I came back tonight.

  I’d sat at the bar for what felt like hours, pathetically waiting to catch a glimpse of her. Just as I was about to give up, she walked in. This time I didn't see as much skin, but she was wearing what appeared to be black leather pants with a dark red corset. Her hair was pulled up, exposing her shoulders and the creamy skin of her neck.

  I was done for.

  She was the most exquisite thing I had ever seen, as cliche as that sounds. I wanted to touch her, kiss her, marry her and fuck her all at the same time.

  Completely done for.

  It also seems her beauty had the ability to knock me on my ass. While we stood there, both of us seemingly unable to look away, there were a couple of girls behind me at the bar who apparently had too much to drink already. They weren't paying attention and bumped into me rather hard—and as my eyes and attention were focused on the beautiful woman whose name I still did not know; I stumbled and fell right on my ass.

  Done for, and humiliated.

  Before I could register what happened those two leather-clad legs were standing in front of me. Taking advantage of the opportunity I had—figuring it’d be my last—I drank her in. Blood red toenails peeped out of a pair of stiletto heels that should be illegal. Toned calves and thick thighs led up to the spectacular ass I knew she had. Her stomach was not flat, but I could imagine many nights post-coitus laying my head there while she ran her hands through my hair. The corset she wore accented her natural hourglass figure. While I already knew she had a great rack, up close there were no words that could do her breasts justice.

  While I was shamelessly staring—after all I was convinced this was the last time, I would be close enough to get the chance—she bent down to look at me eye-level. “Are you okay?” she asked.

  It took me a second to register that she had spoken, as I was too busy grinning like a fool. Finally, I shook my head to clear it. “Pardon?”

  She smiled at me. A big, brilliant smile which brought my attention back to her lips. “I asked if you were okay. Those girls that bumped into you are so far gone I don't even think it registered. Do you need a hand up?” Standing, she offered me her hand.

  Done for, humiliated, but with an invitation to touch her skin. Maybe the night was looking up, after all.

  “Sure, thanks.” I replied, using her hand to help stand. After I was on my feet, I couldn't find it in me to let it go.

  “My name is Sophia, and you are?” she asked, still smiling. A slight blush started to stain her cheeks, and I realized that I still had not answered her.

  “Sorry, my name is Jason. Thanks, for helping me up,” I answered. I still had not let go of her hand, and I didn't plan on it until I absolutely had to.

  Anything to keep touching her.

  “Well, Jason, why don't we grab a booth and have a seat?” Although I—okay, my dick—was saddened at the loss of her hand in mine, I had the amazing consolation prize of watching her ass in those pants as she led the way across the room. That beautiful, apple-shaped ass that was begging me to take a bite.

  Happily done for.

  * * *

  A while later, I looked at my cell phone and realized we had been talking for about 3 hours. While we started on off on opposite sides of the circular booth (I followed her lead), we slowly started gravitating toward the middle. My arm was resting behind her head, playing with the hair at the nape of her neck.

  We talked about our careers (hers as a corporate attorney, mine in marketing for a local ad firm), college (she studied law at UC Berkeley, I got my masters in marketing at NYU), and what brought us to Austin (she's from a little town not too far away, and I was transferred from the Chicago branch of my company). She lives alone, but her cousin, Natalie, lives in the same building.

  As she began asking about my family, she abruptly stopped, smiled, and gestured across the room. “As a matter of fact, here comes Natalie now. She and her new boyfriend were supposed to meet me here tonight”. I began to get that feeling in my stomach—you know the one. The 'Dear God, please don't let me have to deal with any embarrassing members of my family while I'm trying to
get to know the person whose panties, I'd like hanging on my bed post by night's end' feeling.

  Sometimes, life is cruel. Lo and Behold, next to the Natalie I had heard so much about over the last three hours was my brother, Sam.

  Sam and I were close growing up. We ran in different circles, but always made time for each other. He pursued a career in sports, and after playing for the Cleveland Browns three seasons before he ruptured three vertebrae, he now is a freelance sportswriter. After I was transferred here from our hometown of Chicago, it wasn't long before Sam got bored and decided to follow. After all, he could do his job from anywhere, and I got to have someone in town who I knew.

  I did make sure his goofy ass had his own apartment though, in the next building over from mine. This requires him to be fully clothed when he arrives at my house. When Sam Roberts is your brother, you learn it's necessary to take those kinds of precautions.

  Leaning into her ear I whispered “Sophia, please don't hold anything you hear me say, or you hear said about me against me for the remainder of our time here” I implored. Gaining secret satisfaction at the shiver that ran through her from my whispering in her ear, I was smiling softly when she turned to me, confused. Before I had a chance to elaborate, up walked Natalie and Sam.

  After going through introductions (Sam found the coincidence of two brothers “having the hots” for two cousins hilarious) we sat and carried on small talk for a while. Sophia seemed to take everything in stride and kept up her end effortlessly. I watched her as she spoke, smiled, and laughed—and decided that I may want to wait to get her directly in my bed (my cock strongly disagreed, but we had both decided long ago that he couldn't be trusted with major decisions). She was beyond special and seemed to have every quality that I could ever dream of in a woman. I knew there were many other things I should care about when thinking long-term—does she bake, and what about leaving her clothes on the bedroom floor? —but right now I couldn’t care less about anything other than the fact I wanted her. Add to the fact that she looked like Mia Tyler crossed with a little Betty Paige, and I knew I would never again meet a person that I was attracted to as much as her.

  This thought both thrilled and scared the shit out of me. I was thrilled, because the person I knew I would want more than anyone was right next to me, and scared because if I fucked this up I just knew somehow all other women in my life would be measured against her. Before seeing her for the first time, I had never really thought about looking for a relationship. I wasn't opposed to them, and I dated here and there, but no one had ever held my attention long enough for me to give a shit if it went anywhere.

  I knew, as Sam would say, I was getting soft over here, but I just couldn't not want to at least try for something with Sophia. I wasn't stupid enough to say I loved her at first sight, but there was a definite attraction that went beyond me just wanting to loosen her corset.

  Goddamn, that corset, though.

  “Come on Sam,” I said gesturing to the bar, “let’s go get these ladies something to drink, shall we?” The look I gave him brokered no wriggle room. This wasn’t a request.

  “Sure, sure.” Sam finished helping Natalie into the booth and motioned me ahead of him. “After you, bro.”

  The line was long, but that gave me time to get across what I wanted. “Listen, man, I like Sophia. Like, really like Sophia. I need you not to be a dick about it and run her off.”

  Sam looked almost hurt. “Jason, come on now. Sophia is good people. I was actually thinking of introducing her to you anyway—but you said you had this thing going with a chick at the club. Wait, hold the fuck up, is Sophia your mysterious club girl?” He wriggled his eyebrows for emphasis.

  “If I tell you the truth, will you get off my nuts about it?”

  “Sure, sure. Come on, tell Sam all about it.” His smile fell after I nudged him a little too hard in the gut.

  “Line is moving, let’s go.” I stepped around him and ordered the drinks. Turning towards the table I could see both ladies looking our way. Sophia smiled and waved.

  “Oh, yeah. You have it bad, bro. That’s cool. Awesomeness seems to run in their family. I think Natalie may be the start of something serious.” Sam grabbed his and Natalie’s drinks from the bar and started toward the table. It took me a moment to catch up.

  “No shit? You, serious?” I asked, careful to avoid people as I carried my and Sophia’s drinks.

  “What can I say? She’s fucking amazing.” With that, we were back at the table.

  * * *

  Conversation continued to run smoothly, and before long the lights were flickering for last call. Sophia spoke with Natalie for a moment then turned to me. “Walk me out to my car?”

  “Absolutely.” We said our goodbyes and I guided her outside and to the parking lot, where she motioned to her car parked near the door.

  “This is me. Thank you, Jason, for a lovely evening.” She stepped up and placed a kiss on the corner of my mouth. I was momentarily stunned and was too slow to respond at first.

  As she backed up, I could see a slight confusion in her eyes, and knew that would never do. “May I?” I asked. I didn’t elaborate, but I was pretty sure she didn’t need me to. At her nod, I lifted my hands to the side of her face and pressed my lips to hers.

  I knew that if I ever got my chance with this woman, I would do my damnedest to take my time. Kissing her was no exception. I gently teased her mouth open with my tongue and smiled inwardly as I felt her thighs shift as she stood in front of me.

  That’s right, baby. I’d be just as gentle kissing you there, too.

  I explored her mouth and reveled when she responded in kind. After she whimpered for the second or third time, I backed away and left a last, lingering kiss on her forehead. “Oh, sweetheart, the things I want to do to you. I think we both know this isn’t the place, though.”

  She nodded with a sigh and reached into her bag. “Here’s my card. Text me when you get home, so I know you got there safe, okay?”

  “Absolutely. You be careful getting your beautiful self home. We’ll talk soon.” I squeezed her shoulders and stepped away, slowly.

  “Thank you, Jason, for a great night.” She got in her car and drove away, and I had to take a few deep breaths to clear my head to be able to drive. If I caught the lingering scent of her perfume, well, that was a bonus.


  Across Town

  I barely made it through the door of my apartment before pulling my phone out with one hand and palming my dick with the other. After a moment I calmed my hormones long enough to shoot a text to Sophia to let her know I was home, and this was my number.

  “Hey Sophia, it’s Jason. Thank you for a wonderful night. Made it home safe. Hopefully will see you again, soon.” A few moments later, as I was shutting the apartment down and stripping for bed, I received a text in return.

  “Great!” That was it. That was the reply.

  Did she not have the same evening that I did? I could have sworn there was a connection, there. Before my thoughts could spiral too badly, I went to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen. When I returned, I saw I had another message.

  “Sorry about that, corsets are nearly as hard to get out of by yourself as they are getting in. I had a great time and would love to see you again. Work is crazy this next week (starting depositions for a new case in the morning), but maybe we could get together next weekend?”

  It took me a moment to realize she had said anything beyond talk of her corset. My cock was rock hard, again, as I imagined I was there to help. Before I knew it, I was subconsciously stroking myself over my boxer briefs. Fuck, I need to reply.

  Unfortunately, all my blood—and brain—cells were south of the border. All I could reply was “Fuck, baby, you can’t tell me things like that and expect me to still carry on a conversation. Trust that I would have no problem helping you out of that corset.”

  It was after I hit send that I realized what I’d done.

  Shit. Fu

  I jumped as my phone went off again. I opened the message and saw a picture of said corset and accompanying leather pants in a pile on the floor. “Who said anything about conversing?” was her reply.

  I am so screwed. She’s going to be the death of me—but what a way to go!

  I lost all pretext of decency and pulled my cock out, hissing as the cold air hit it. My phone rang—Sophia’s number showing on the screen. “H-hello?” I stuttered, wincing. “Hi. Hey, gorgeous. What’s going on?”

  She giggled, softly. “Well, I know I need to be asleep, with my big day tomorrow, but I was a little keyed up. I hope I’m not being too forward, and I hope I didn’t read the situation wrong, but in my field, I find it’s good to be blunt and go after what I want.”

  “I admire that in a woman,” I paused. “Just so we are absolutely clear here, what exactly is it that you want?”

  “Right now? You. Since we are being all adult about our responsibilities, I couldn’t bring you home with me—but I noticed you a few days ago. You were so adorable, but you looked like you were in a busy meeting. I was going to wait around until you were done to say hello, but you left pretty quickly.”

  I turned the phone on speaker and placed it next to me on the bedside table. “I noticed you, too. That’s why I left.”

  “Not really filling a girl with confidence here, Jason,” she laughed.


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