Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles

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Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles Page 25

by Johnson, Cat

  “Well, I left because what I wanted to do was meet you across the dance floor and kiss you. Unfortunately, you were correct. I was there on business. I was afraid I’d embarrass myself in front of my clients.”

  “Ah. Well, I’m flattered then.” Her voice was slightly breathier. She became quiet for a moment.

  I let my hands rub across my chest, and down my abs. “Sophia, honey, you still with me?”

  Her breath stuttered for a moment, then I heard a shaky “mmhmm.”

  Holy fuck, is she…?

  A slight moan came through the line.

  Jesus fucking Christ, she is!

  Deciding to just go with it, I asked “What are you doing, baby?”

  “Taking the edge off, so I can sleep. I’m thinking about what would have happened if you had come up and kissed me that night on the dance floor.”

  This time it was my breath that stuttered. I palmed my cock with one hand and lightly cupped my balls with the other. “And what are you doing while you are thinking about that?”

  She moaned, again. “I’m playing with my breasts with one hand and teasing my clit with my vibrator.”

  I tugged a little firmer on my balls and tightened my grip on my cock. “It’s not nice to tease, baby. Is it turned on?”

  “Yeah, on low.”

  “Turn it up as much as you can stand it. I wanna hear you. Play with that pretty pussy for me.”

  I could hear the faint buzzing of her vibrator then, followed by a deep groan. “Fuck, Jason…” She paused, seemingly out of breath. “Fuck… I wish you would have kissed me that night. I would have let you.”

  I was pumping a steady rhythm, abandoning my balls for a moment to pinch my flat nipples. Swallowing back a groan, I asked “Would you? What else would you have done?”

  Sophia was breathing heavy. It won’t be long, now. She never actually replied, because she began moaning in earnest. I pumped my cock harder, trying to catch up to where she was. “That’s okay, baby. You can tell me, later. Right now, I want you to imagine. Imagine if I’d kissed you like I did in the parking lot. Imagine we talked like we did tonight and got along so well.

  “Imagine me taking you home, and barely making it through the door before backing you up against the door and hiking that skirt up above those gorgeous hips.” I could tell she was close. I slowed my pumping because I wanted her to finish first. “Fuck, Sophia. I would have dropped to my knees and worshipped that pussy like the fucking goddess you are. I’d have made you scream. Would you have screamed for me baby? Screamed my name?”

  “Yeah!” She was panting into the phone, and I could hear the vibrator a little louder, so she must have turned it up a bit.

  “Do it then, baby. Scream my name when you cum so I can lap it all up. Fuck, I wanna feel you running down my chin.” I could hear her, then. Her moans became louder. Eventually, they weren’t moans at all, but her chanting my name like a fucking prayer. I figured she was close, so I picked up the pace on my cock and started playing with my balls, again.

  “That’s it. Fuck, Sophia, you’d taste so good. Cum for me. Fuck, I’m close. Cum for me so I can taste you, and so I can cum for you.” As she finally broke, screaming my name just like I asked her, I could feel myself crossing that threshold, myself. Thick ropes of sticky semen splashed across my stomach as I cried out her name.

  Moments later, after we were both cleaned up and snuggled in our beds, I could hear her sleepily call for me. “Jason, you there?”

  Grinning, I replied. “I’m here, honey. Thank you.”

  “For what?” She sounded confused. “You are the one who did all the talking.”

  “Thank you for the honor of letting me hear you, letting me inspire that. One day, I want to make good on that little fantasy.”

  “Jason, the point was to take the edge off so I could sleep. Not to get me immediately raring to go, again. I really have to be on point, tomorrow.” She was adorable when she pouted.

  I’m such a sucker, already.

  “Get some sleep. We’ll talk soon.” At her mumble in confirmation, I disconnected the call so I could do the same.

  Soon couldn’t come soon enough.

  * * *

  The next morning had me up and moving with a bounce in my step. Things were going well, and I couldn’t wait to see what the day had in store. I drove to work like a man who felt he could take on the world.

  Settling at my desk, I noticed an entry in my calendar for a meeting with the top brass at 10:00 am. There had been some buzzing about an issue with a past client that I had briefly worked with when their previous rep had left. They didn’t really ring a bell because I’d only had them for a week or so before they left the firm all together. I dug through my files and set my notes aside on them in case they were needed and then went to work on tackling my email.

  Eventually, my phone notified me that it was time to head to the meeting. Grabbing a coffee on the way, I sat at the table and waited for the meeting to begin. It turned out we were being sued by this old client because the rep before me had misrepresented what we could produce for them, results-wise.

  Apparently, this was pretty serious. Our lawyers, who were in on the meeting, were tracking down the previous rep and building a case against him for misrepresenting us to the client. All in all, while this wouldn’t affect the company as a whole, this could shut down our division.

  And I was the last rep they had, on paper. While everyone knew I had nothing to do with it, it still smarted that this was something I should have known about before we got to this point. Either way, we were here to be deposed by the old client’s legal team. I’d been warned to watch what I said—that their lawyer was a real “ball buster” who would “stop at nothing” to get what she wanted, and a win for her client.

  I got a sinking feeling in my gut that I couldn’t name. After a few minutes, when we were buzzed to let us know the lawyer was coming up with her team. The feeling grew.

  As the door opened and she walked in, I was equal parts enamored, confused, and betrayed. Sitting directly in front of me, she was the consummate professional. I wouldn’t think she knew me at all, if it wasn’t for the brief widening of her eyes when they sat her right across from me. Maybe I was right, last night, when I fell on my ass.

  Done for, and humiliated. Did she know it was me all along? Was this some kind of game?

  I honestly don’t know if I want to know.



  Time passed. It’d been two weeks since that day in the boardroom. The rest of the meeting passed in a blur. I was asked for a copy of the notes I had on the client—which I gave. I was asked questions that I can’t remember because all I could honestly focus on is that the person asking them of me acted like I was some stranger. Like I hadn’t been a man debating the taste of her the night before.

  That night I tried to call and text her but got no response. I’d tried again, the day after, to the same result. I stopped trying after that.

  For the first week, I let myself be saddened by the whole thing. Then, I got mad.

  I make it a habit not to use people. The fact that I could be used that way had me initially very mad at Sophia for having done it, but mainly more at myself for letting it be done in the first place. While there was no way I could have known the shit at work was going to go how it did, I’d let myself become basically obsessed with a woman I barely even knew.

  I’d let myself start caring for her the moment she helped my sorry ass off the floor that night.

  Done for, and humiliated.

  So, after two weeks, I was a long ways into pissed, and sliding into indifferent.

  It’s easy to be indifferent when you won’t hear from or see them, again.

  Sam called me that afternoon. “Hey asshat, want to get together and watch the game, tonight?”

  “Sam, I don’t even know who is playing, or what sport it is. I’m busy.”

  “You’ve been busy these last two weeks.” />
  “Well, like a grown-up, I have work.”

  “Don’t be a bitch. I haven’t seen your ass since that night at the club.”

  “Hmm, I guess that’s right. I’ve just been busy, man. Work stuff.”

  “Uh-huh,” he paused. “Would any of this work stuff be why Natalie had to console an upset Sophia?” Most people wouldn’t have heard the edge in his voice. I, however, am not most people.

  “Man, I don’t know what you are talking about. I walked Sophia out that night, got her number, texted her that I was home, we chatted, and now she won’t take my calls or return my texts. I guess she wasn’t interested after all, so I stopped trying.” I didn’t want to put Sam in the middle due to his relationship with Natalie, but I wasn’t taking the blame for this one.

  “That’s how it went?”

  “I put that on Grandma Pascale’s sainted meatloaf, Sam. She doesn’t want to talk to me, and I’m not going to stalk her.”

  Sam whistled, low. “You haven’t sworn anything on Granny P’s meatloaf for about 10 years or so.”

  “Well, that’s how serious I am.” I stood and stretched. “Anyway, man, I really have shit I need to work on, tonight. I’m not going to be able to watch the game.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Sure. I’ll catch you later, J.” Sam disconnected.

  * * *

  That night I got a call after midnight from Sam’s phone. Worried it might be an emergency, I picked up. “Yo, Sam, you alright?”

  There was silence, and then a female voice I didn’t recognize at first. “Are you sure that what you told Sam is true, that you didn’t dismiss Sophia in any way?”

  Ah, Natalie.

  “This is Natalie, right?” I paused for a beat and got a hum in the affirmative. “Good, so I’m going to tell you like I told my brother. I thought things were good between Sophia and me. I thought we were compatible. For reasons that she will need to inform you of—because fuck if I can understand them—it’s not going to work out.”

  “She seemed to really like you, though. And, she’s been upset these last couple of weeks.”

  “And that’s automatically on me? I’m automatically the one who fucked it up?” No response. “Look, I’m sorry if I’m coming across as a dick, but Sophia has her reasons, I suppose. If she feels like sharing them with you, then good for you. I tried and couldn’t. She ghosted me. So, call her at ass-o’clock on a Monday night and ask her, because I don’t know anything.” I disconnected the call.

  * * *

  The next morning, I was met with a knock on the door. I was half dressed for work, with my pants on and shirt open and untucked. Figuring it was Sam coming to bitch at me, I wrenched open the door without looking first. “Look fucker, I’m sorry for disrespecting—” The words died on my tongue. There, in front of me, was Sophia.

  “Hi,” she said meekly, as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “Can I… Can I come in?”

  Wordlessly, I stepped aside and gestured for her to enter. She walked in, and I further motioned for her to sit on the couch, while I perched in my chair. I didn’t say a word, figuring if she had the guts to come to me after what she’d done, she could at least explain herself.

  “Look, I owe you an apology.” She took a breath and smoothed out her skirt. “You are owed an apology for so many things.”

  After waiting for her to continue, I took pity on her and acknowledged her. “Well, thank you. I appreciate that. If that’s all?” I didn’t stand, but I motioned toward the door. Her eyes widened as if I physically struck her, and I sighed. “Look, I am trying to not be an ass, here. But to be honest, I’m a little fucking hurt by what you did. Jesus, Sophia, I thought we connected—”

  “—We did—” she interrupted.

  “—but you lied to me. You lied to me about who you were. You lied to me about what you ultimately wanted from me.” She was shaking her bowed head at this point, but I continued. “You then decided to ghost me like I meant nothing to you. So, I get it. Things may be weird for a little bit if Sam and Natalie get more serious, but I promise to keep your little secret about how you set me up to use me and not be a jerk in public, okay?”

  She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, and I willed down the part of me that just wanted to comfort her. Did I have to be such an asshole? Probably not.

  I stood and walked to the kitchen and grabbed her a bottle of water. Handing it to her, I acknowledged her soft words of thanks with a tilt of my head.

  She took a sip, then spoke. “You may never believe me, but I didn’t know you were the person I would be deposing until roughly 15 minutes before I walked into that boardroom. My information was not fully up to date. I knew the original rep was no longer with the company, but I swear I had no goddamn idea that you were the one who took their place. When we talked that night, you said you were a sales rep. You didn’t mention the company you worked for, just like I didn’t mention the firm I represent. All I knew was that I met someone I felt so fucking comfortable around.”

  She stopped for a moment, and tilted her head back, seemingly trying to blink away her tears. I wanted to go to her, then, and comfort her—but I still wasn’t sure what I believed. I let my hands ball into fists as they rested on my knees.

  “And then, afterwards, when you tried to call me—you have no fucking idea how much I wanted to answer you.”

  “What was stopping you?” I interjected.

  “Well, the law, for one.” She sighed. “I couldn’t talk to you—I’m not supposed to be here now. We shouldn’t have any contact until this is over.”

  “Okay, when will that be?” I felt a spark of hope ignite in my belly, regardless of how much I tried to hinder it.

  “I don’t know, exactly. Soon, I think. I’m not even supposed to be discussing any of this with you, but I couldn’t in good conscience leave you thinking that you weren’t special to me—or that I didn’t feel whatever it was you were feeling that night. I swear I did.” She was crying in earnest, now.

  I stood and walked to her and offered her my hand. As she took it, I helped her stand, then tentatively pulled her into my arms. “Shh, baby. None of that, now.” As she relaxed into me, I tightened my grip around her and kissed the crown of her head. “I’m sorry you got put into a shit position.”

  She started to shake her head and pull away from me. “Stop, don’t apologize. I hurt you. It was unintentional, but I hurt you.”

  I walked back to the chair, and pulled her with me, guiding her onto my lap. She sat across my legs, and curled up, crying. “Sophia, listen… Was I mad? Absolutely. Was I hurt? Yes. However, I am starting to see now that you didn’t intend for this to happen. That’s the truth, right?” She sniffled and nodded her head. I started rubbing her back with one hand, and tracing patterns on her leg by the hem of her skirt with the other.

  Finally, her tears subsided. “I can understand if you want nothing else to do with me,” she began in a small voice. “Natalie called me late last night and told me about the conversation between the two of you. I’m sorry she called so late, and I’m sorry for coming here unannounced, but I couldn’t let you continue thinking that I didn’t feel a connection—that I didn’t want you.” At that, she sat up a bit, and placed her hands on either side of my face. “Please tell me I’m not too late. Tell me you still feel it, too.”

  Words failed me, so I did the only thing I could, and kissed her. I could taste the salt of her tears as I explored her lips, and I worked on slowly kissing them all away.

  It took her moaning and a pressure on my cock to realize that we had changed positions, and she was now straddling me. Groaning, I tilted my head back so I could speak. My Sophia, though, wasted no time in moving my shirt collar aside and began kissing the edge of my jaw and then down my neck.

  Fuck, I don’t want to be the voice of reason here, but…

  “Baby,” I began. “Baby, we gotta stop.”

  Sophia huffed in frustration, and then ground her hot little pussy on my cock�
��causing us both to groan. “You sure about that?”

  My hands went to her waist with the intent to still her, but I couldn’t help bucking up once in reflex. “Fuck…” I shook my head to clear it, then turned my head to face her. “Come on, now. Not like this.”

  “What do you mean?” Sophia backed up and scooted back so not to be sitting directly on my dick.

  “I mean, that as much as I want to do this, and I do, trust me.” My hands crept under the hem of her skirt to tease the inside of her thigh for a moment, then resumed their place on her hips when she whimpered. “Things haven’t changed.”

  Her face crumbled. “You are still mad? Of course, you are. I’m sorry, I’ll see myself—”

  I interrupted her rambling by kissing her quickly on the mouth and then her forehead. “No, baby. I’m not still mad. I’ll be okay. But you still gotta go do you job, and I am not going to get in the way of that.”

  “Ugh. This sucks.” Sophia turned back to sitting sideways on my lap instead of straddling me, then tucked her head under my chin. We sat there for a few moments and then she spoke. “I could get disbarred for coming here this morning.”

  This made me angry. I sat back. “Why in the world would you do something for me that could get you disbarred?”

  “Because I think we could really be something, and I don’t want to throw that away before we even get the chance to start.” Her eyes searched mine for a moment, then she settled back against my chest. After a few moments she stood and offered me her hand. “Walk me out?”

  I nodded, stood, and led the way. At the door I left a sweet kiss on her lips. “Do what you have to do, baby. I’ll be here.”

  She nodded and left. I watched her round the corner to where I presumed she was parked.

  Done for, not so humiliated, and ready to see where this takes us.



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