Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles

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Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles Page 48

by Johnson, Cat

  “We need to talk,” he said.

  “There’s nothing to talk about. You have your life; I have mine. There is no middle ground, no possible compromise. Let’s just leave it at that.”


  After practically throwing Harper out of my apartment, I hailed a taxi and went to my parents to pick up their Volvo. If my mom hadn’t been so busy and distraught, she might’ve noticed my state of mind, but thankfully she didn’t. I told her I wanted to take the weekend off, took the keys, and drove away before she could ask more questions. Since I borrowed the car often now that mine had gone to car heaven, this wasn’t unusual enough to make her worry.

  I didn’t have a destination in mind. Before I knew it I was speeding along the I-45 toward Galveston. What better way to mend a broken heart than to walk along the beach at sunset and cry my heart out? Not as poetic as it sounded. I wasn’t sure I’d find a place to stay there on such short notice, so I was ready to bunk in my car if I had to. Fortunately, after I stopped at a gas station to do some research and make some calls, I found a room at an inn near the beach.

  I drove there, checked in, and rushed to my room. The bed was small, there was rust in the bathroom sink, and the floors were rickety with age and humidity. However, the sheets were clean and the window framed a breathtaking view of the ocean. As I lay on the bed and looked out into the distance, warm, bitter tears flowed down from my eyes, soaking the pillow.

  What had I done? I’d screwed up my whole life. After my brief disastrous marriage, I’d managed to find a balance, a routine. I’d never been happy, but at least I’d been content. I liked my job, it was something to hang on to. As were the fantasies that one day I would meet a man like Harper, fall madly in love, and in my silly dream he would love me, too. Instead, now that I had sampled the real thing, it seemed impossible to settle for anyone less. Last night, Harper had ruined me for other men—at my own request. While he would return to his exciting life and forget about me, I would probably grow old alone. Maybe I should start adopting cats to have a few companions in the long years to come.

  When a knock sounded at the door, I nearly jumped out of my skin. The movie American Psycho came to mind. I slid off the bed and padded to the door, ears pricked.

  Before my mind could conjure more bloody visions of murderers, Harper’s voice came through the door.

  “Alexia, it’s me. Will you please let me in?”

  Eyes wide, lips parted in shock, I unlocked the door and swung it open. “What the—What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

  He looked down at his shoes. “I followed you, first to your parents’ house, then here.”


  He clenched and unclenched his fists, as though preparing to give a speech.

  Finally, he spoke. “First, I want to apologize. It was stupid, selfish, and rude of me to suggest that we have a long-distance relationship. While I was following you, I realized I don’t want that either. I want all of you, Lexi. I want to wake up next to you every day, to sleep with you every night, and hear those cute, soft, snorting sounds you make in your sleep.”

  “I don’t—”

  “Please listen to me.” He gripped my shoulders and stared into my eyes. “I never realized it until last night, but I’m in love with you. Probably have been for the past fifteen years, although it never occurred to me that you could feel the same way. I want a chance to be with you wholeheartedly, to have a normal relationship, and see where it will lead. To cook dinner for you and watch you win those shooting competitions.”

  I stared at him, mesmerized, wondering if this was just another fantasy. I reached out to touch his cheek to see if he was real. He was.

  “But… What about your job?” I asked. “I guess I could find a job in Austin, if…”

  He shook his head. “I want to open my own business in Houston. It’s about time I did. I have many connections here, so it won’t be a problem.”

  “Won’t you miss your life in Austin?”

  “Life is where love is.”

  I laughed softly at the cheesy inspirational quote. Another thing we had in common.

  I slid my hands around his neck, and he pulled me into his arms.

  “What if it doesn’t work, Harper? We don’t know each other that well. What if we’re not compatible?”

  He shrugged. “What’s the worst that can happen? We part friends. I’d rather be your friend than not have you in my life at all. But what if we’re made for each other? What if we’re soulmates, and we’ve been wasting the unique chance to be together? Would you prefer risking that?”

  I gazed into his gorgeous blue eyes, already lost. I’d been lost for a decade and a half. Slowly, I shook my head. “No. Did you say you can cook?”

  He grinned, nodding.

  “Then, you couldn’t possibly disappoint me. As for me… You’ve already heard me snore and saw how I look first thing in the morning. I can’t think of anything worse that could put you off.”

  “I’ll simply have fun discovering things about you.”

  Laughing, he stepped inside the room and leaned in to kiss me, kicking the door closed behind him.


  One year later

  The sand was warm under my feet, as was Harper’s hand enveloping mine while we walked down the beach. The coolness of the ocean hovered in the air, making this a perfect summer evening.

  “This was the best surprise ever,” I said, leaning into him.

  Harper squeezed my waist. “I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate our one year anniversary than coming here to Galveston, where it all began. I even managed to get us the same room.”

  We smiled at each other. I couldn’t believe how smitten I was, even after a whole year together. I loved him more every day, and what amazed me was that he seemed to feel the same way.

  Things had progressed slowly between us, with Harper busy establishing his business and me starting to offer private lessons to up my income, which had paid off in the shape of a brand new car. Harper had rented a spacious condo, and for the past couple of months we’d spent our nights there. We hadn’t made an agreement to move in together; things had progressed naturally. Neither of us wanted to spend time without the other.

  “I can’t believe it’s been a year,” I said.

  “Me, neither. Time flies when you’re having fun.” He grinned, then his face grew serious. “Listen, I’ve been thinking… I know we haven’t discussed this, but…”

  He stopped and turned me to face him. For a terrible moment I thought he was about to dump me, or give me some horrible news. He watched me so intently I was alarmed.

  “What is it? Just tell me,” I demanded.

  He drew in a deep breath. I had never seen him so nervous. “Okay.” Taking out a little black box from his pocket, he opened it and presented it to me. “Will you marry me, Alexia?”

  For a few moments, I was stunned, blinded first by the diamond winking at me from its slim platinum band, then by tears. I couldn’t believe it! I had dreamed of being Harper’s bride one day, but I hadn’t given it much thought. My previous marriage had been quite traumatic. Although now I knew Harper was no Brad, I wasn’t sure how I felt about getting married again.

  As though reading my mind, Harper took my hand in his. “I know you’ve been hurt before, which is why I waited so long to ask you. I knew a year ago that I wanted you to be my wife, ever since our first kiss. And every moment I spend with you makes me love you more. We’re happy as we are, but I want more. A year ago you told me you wanted a man who would love you for better or worse, who would be close to you and wanted you to have his children.” He spread his arms wide. “Here I am. Do you still want that?”

  My eyes welled up. My chest tightened with happiness. Utter, complete, all-consuming joy. I nodded, sniffling back tears.

  “With all my heart,” I said, staring up into the sapphire eyes that had become my entire universe.

  “Then will you be my w


  As he took the ring out of its box and slid it on my finger, I saw his hands were shaking. This bad-ass lawyer who handled million dollar contracts and was responsible for the financial future of dozens of companies was nervous because of me. I stared down at the ring, which fit so well it felt like it was part of me already. Then I looked at Harper. I wanted to say something profound, instead of ruining this moment with my sniffling.

  “Harper, I’ve dreamed of this ever since I was fourteen. Even though life took us in different directions for a while, I’ve always felt we were meant to be together. For the first time in my life, I feel as if I’ve arrived home. I don’t know how to explain it…”

  “I understand.”

  I gazed at him as he stood there, framed by the breathtaking sunset. “I know you do. That’s the hell of it. You always know what I feel, what I’m about to say… It’s an incredible connection we have, something I never thought I would share with another human being.”

  He took my hand and pressed it to his heart. “It’s because we’re soulmates. I never thought they existed until I found mine.”

  Drawing me closer, he bent to give me a soft, tender kiss.

  “We’re going to have a wonderful life together, Alexia.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, closing my eyes to savor the moment—my lover in my arms, the melody of the ocean, the breeze that seemed to whisper to me that everything would be okay… All was perfect.

  “We already do,” I said, and lifted my mouth to his.

  About the Author

  Melinda De Ross is a USA Today bestselling author, loving wife, avid reader, fashion addict, and fanatic food lover. Best known for her witty romantic comedies and romantic suspense novels, Melinda offers readers a unique blend of humor, escapism and interesting characters. While she's a law graduate and professional target shooter, she prefers to spend her days spinning tales, or cuddling with her husband and binge-watching classic cartoons. She loves to hear from readers, so if you have a question or want to learn more about her books, visit her website:

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  Hot SEAL, Cold Water

  Cat Johnson

  When a Navy SEAL on leave clashes with a Hollywood producer with a bad attitude, they both find something they didn’t know they were looking for.



  It’s the simple pleasures in life that make up for all the other bull shit.

  After thirty-six years on this earth—half of that time spent with a sniper rifle in my hand—I’d learned that, if nothing else.

  Things like a second glance from a hot woman seated across a crowded bar. Or a cold beer on a hot day. A thick, juicy, bone-in ribeye blackened on the outside and bloody on the inside. Two weeks leave with nothing to do and the solitude of an empty beach house in which to do it. And, finally, the feel of diving into cool, crystal clear water at sunrise.

  Currently enjoying the last two items on my pleasure-filled bucket list, I dropped my towel on the deck, climbed onto the diving board and sliced through the water.

  After crossing the length of the pool underwater, I surfaced on the other side. There, I turned and pushed off, heading across to where I’d left my towel.

  I hoisted myself out of the pool and was just thinking that maybe I’d try to find someplace later today where I could knock off a couple of more things from my list when I heard it. High heels clicking, quick and sure on the stone path that wove through the pristinely landscaped property.

  I heard her right before I saw her. And she obviously saw me as I stood there naked and dripping.

  Her brows rose and her gaze dropped down my body, before she yanked it up to my face and glared. “What are you doing? No one is supposed to be here.”

  She delivered the accusation with such force and confidence, I almost doubted myself.

  Interesting, since I had an explicit invitation from the owner personally and, as far as I knew, she did not. Although I shouldn’t be surprised if the old coot had a taste for women half his age. Shapely blondes with ice blue eyes colder than the water I’d plunged into to wake up.

  She kept me pinned with her glare as I bent and reached for the towel, but only to wipe my face.

  My time in the teams had taught me many things. To be cool in any situation was one of them. To rattle my opponent and knock them off-balance was another.

  As I watched her tits rise beneath her tight little top with the breath she sucked in at my action, and my continued exhibitionism, I had a few thoughts. Only one of which was mission accomplished. She looked rattled all right and I was enjoying that fact. Probably a bit too much.

  It hit me that maybe I should cover up and find out what she was doing here. My absent host, Robert, might be as old as the Hollywood hills but he’d earned his money and his reputation in the picture industry.

  The sexy as hell ice queen in front of me looked like she belonged in Hollywood. About as much as I did not.

  I took my time rubbing the towel over my hair. Overly long, according to my mother. But just right for a SEAL who often needed to blend in and be invisible in foreign countries.

  When one dark lock fell over my eye, I shoved it out of the way. Only then did I wrap the towel around my waist, tucking in the end to secure it—although secure wasn’t exactly a word I’d use to describe the towel as it rode low on my hips.

  She waited and watched. My mystery woman who, honestly, I wouldn’t mind getting to know a whole lot better, in spite of her pinched expression.

  I let my gaze drop down the tight little skirt that landed well above the knees of her mile-long legs. Yup. She could glare at me all she wanted. I had plenty of other pleasant things to look at.

  What had her so pissed at me again?

  Oh, yeah. My being here, which was a puzzler.

  Maybe Robert hadn’t told his paramour I’d be using the place. In which case, I’d better clear this up. And, if she were with him, I’d also better stop picturing her naked.

  Paramour? Where the fuck had that thought come from?

  I didn’t even know I knew the word but somehow I knew with certainty it was the right description for her—if she was with Robert in that way. I also knew something else with certainty. Hanging around Robert had changed me. At least my vocabulary.

  Folding my arms across my chest, I returned her stare. “I have permission to be here.”

  “I was told this property was currently vacant.” She drew in a breath and let it out in a huff. Lips pressed together she shook her head as she pulled out her cell.

  She looked about as angry with whoever hadn’t told her I’d be here as she did with me. Poor Robert was in for a reaming if it were him.

  There wasn’t much I could do about that so I lifted one shoulder. “Sorry. But I’ll be out of here in two weeks, if that helps you any.”

  If my being here was really a problem I suppose I could leave early. Drive back to Coronado and spend the remainder of my leave on base.

  Did I want to? Fuck no. Would I, for Robert? Yeah, I would.

  We’d gotten pretty damn close over the years. At least, as close as a guy like me could with a rich eighty-year-old retired Hollywood producer who split his time between his beachfront mansion in Santa Barbara and his penthouse in Vegas.

  Yup. Robert and I had about as much in common with each other as I did with this woman. But maybe opposites did attract. I sure felt the attraction. Did she?

  Hard to tell since she still looked as if my mere presence was ruining her day.

  I found the idea of a little anger-fueled sex pretty enticing. What did that say about me? Nothing I didn’t already know. That hearts and flowers and romance weren’t in the cards for me. Maybe in a few years after I retired, but not now. Although I could hope that a nice hate-fuck was in store for me in the near future.

  I watched her rapidly tapping out a message on her pho
ne, which afforded me the opportunity to look at her unobserved. She was probably my age. Although, she could very well be ten years older than me and I’d never know. Such was the magic of modern cosmetic surgery.

  Tired of being ignored, I said, “You know, this place is big enough. We could both be here.”

  In fact, I really liked that idea.

  She raised her gaze and delivered a glance that told me what she thought about my suggestion.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. We’re going to need every bedroom for the cast.” She shook her head and went back to her cell and I went back to being perplexed.

  The cast? What cast?

  Was the old man filming a movie here and forgot to tell me?

  I reached down for my own cell, thinking it was long past time that I called Robert and asked him what the hell was going on. Then I remembered I was in a towel and my phone was plugged in the wall outlet in the kitchen.

  Finally finished with her text, which if I had to guess was filled with all caps and exclamation points judging by her obvious agitation, she glanced up at me. “Look, Mr.—”

  I hadn’t been called mister in—ever. Master Chief, yes. Mister, no. But I didn’t correct her and simply said, “Jacob is fine.”

  “Mr. Jacob—”

  “Jacob’s my first name. I’m not formal. No mister necessary.” It seemed ridiculous to not be on a first name basis with her. She had seen me naked after all. And I’d been picturing her that way for a good five minutes now. “And you are?”

  “Joanne Rossi. New Millennia Media. Out of Burbank. We have a signed contract with the owner of this property and paid her in advance for two months exclusive use for filming starting Monday. And at no time during our negotiations were you mentioned.” She swirled her finger in my direction, encompassing me and my continued presence.


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