Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles

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Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles Page 49

by Johnson, Cat

  Joanne. I rolled that name around in my mind for a moment before I focused on the rest of what she’d said and frowned.

  She’d referred to the owner of the property as she. And I knew Robert was due back here next week so why would he rent it out for two months?

  I opened my mouth to tell her that when an idea struck. “What’s the address of the property you rented?”

  She rolled her eyes at me but indulged me enough to consult her cell phone. “One-ten Beach Road.”

  My lips quirked up. “Yup. That explains it. This is one-hundred Beach Road. The house you want is next door.”

  Her eyes widened. “No. The GPS said I’d arrived. How could I have—”

  “The gates are next to each other and I did notice the bushes are blocking the number.” I shrugged.

  “I’m truly sorry for intruding.”

  “I’m not.” I grinned.

  For the first time since she’d arrived, the tough as nails façade slipped away just a bit and let the woman beneath peek through. “Oh really?”

  “Really.” I nodded. “Have you had breakfast yet?”

  “I don’t eat breakfast.”

  That might be true but there was certainly a hunger in her gaze as it skimmed over my bare torso. “I bet you drink coffee though,” I guessed.

  “Yes. I do.”

  “Then you can drink while you watch me eat.”

  I swear she looked tempted . . . until she shook her head. “I really can’t. I have to get to the house.”

  “The vacant house that you won’t be using until Monday? Seems like you have time for at least a cup of coffee.”

  Her lips twitched. “Tempting but I’ve got a lot to do. I wouldn’t be here this early if I didn’t.”

  It was early. Seven if I had to guess.

  I would have thought most Hollywood folks rolled in from partying the night before around sunrise. Yet she was here at the crack of dawn beginning her workday. Just one more thing that intrigued me about this woman. The woman who was about to leave, judging by the car keys in her hand.

  “Raincheck, then,” I said, ever hopeful.

  She didn’t accept my offer, but she didn’t reject it either. What she did do was say, “Thank you for clarifying the address. And again, I apologize for intruding.”

  “No problem. Intrude anytime.”

  “Enjoy your breakfast.” She sent me an indulgent smile before turning and strutting back the way she’d come.

  I shook my head at the tempting view her exit treated me to and the shame she wasn’t staying. Then it hit me. I knew where my little intruder would be and when. And I had every intention of repaying the visit.



  “Good. You’re here.” Maria, the show’s director, greeted me Monday morning as I rounded the pool of the beach house. The correct beach house this time.

  It was a beautiful property, perfect for our location, but this one didn’t come with a hot as hell naked man in the pool.

  “The stationary cameras are all installed, both inside the house and outside on the grounds,” Maria told me. “The cameramen are here and ready. And the cast should start arriving in the limos in a few minutes.”

  I nodded. “It sounds like you’ve got everything covered.”

  Maria smiled. “This isn’t exactly my first rodeo.”

  “Hmm. Rodeo.” That might be an idea for a show.

  Cowboys were always popular. I tipped my head to the side, making a mental note to check on the most recent ratings of any rodeo airings.

  “Uh oh.” Maria narrowed her dark eyes at me. “I really need to watch what I say to you or I’ll be tiptoeing through cow manure on the next shoot.”

  “We’ll see. We have to get through this one first.”

  “If this season is even half as exciting as last season ended up, time is going to fly,” Maria predicted.

  I let out a breath. “We can only hope.”

  An executive producer was only as good as her last season. That was the double-edge sword of having a huge hit. How to top it?

  “The first limo is pulling in.” The radio on Maria’s belt came to life with that news.

  “On my way,” she replied before she handed the second radio to me. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks.” I took it and turned, about to follow Maria on her path toward the driveway, when a rustling in the bushes stopped me.

  “Good morning.” The deep male voice was oddly familiar. When I turned, I saw why.

  Temporarily, my mouth fell open, but I was nothing if not quick on my feet. I recovered quickly and took in Jacob, clothed this time. “Good morning. You’re trespassing.”

  “Am I? Silly me. I was out for a run on the beach. I thought I was at the right house. I guess I misjudged. They’re so close, it’s easy to get mixed up.” His hazel eyes twinkled with mischief at the lie.

  Meanwhile, I couldn’t help but imagine running my fingers through that dark hair . . . and down his ripped abs barely visible beneath the tight, sweat dampened tank top. “I guess I can forgive you this time. Since I made a similar mistake. But you have to stay out of the shot, please.”

  “Oh, not a problem. I always try not to get shot.” He continued to amuse himself. And—dammit—me too. I couldn’t help it as my mouth quirked up in a smile I couldn’t hide at his corny joke.

  I heard the chattering girls and realized my personal and professional worlds were about to collide. “Come here,” I whispered loudly enough for him to hear.

  One dark brow lifted but he did as I’d requested and moved to stand just behind me. It was then I realized how tall he was. I was five-foot-eleven in my heels. But Jacob still dwarfed me by a few inches.

  The four females from the cast didn’t even look twice at us as they trotted toward the pool and the bar set up there, stripping as they went.

  “Um, what exactly are you filming here?” Jacob asked.

  I couldn’t blame him. It was starting to look like a porno set as clothes flew and bikinis were exposed.

  “It’s a new reality show.”

  “Ah. Interesting.”

  I glanced back and saw his expression was more amused than interested so I didn’t bother explaining the concept. Instead I shrugged. “It’s a living.”

  He nodded, before saying, “So, I’m here for that raincheck. Breakfast?” When I didn’t answer right away, he added. “Or lunch?”

  “I’m working. It’s the first day of shooting.”

  “Then dinner after you’re done for the day.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  My kneejerk reaction was to say no without having a reason. I hadn’t expected to have to defend my decision. Not that I couldn’t. I had plenty of reasons. He was too handsome. Too flirty.

  But even if I wanted to ignore all that, there were plenty of other excuses. My job for one. My ex for another and that was all the reason I needed.

  “Jacob, I’m flattered. But—”

  “This isn’t sounding like a yes.”

  “It’s not. But thank you.”

  “You still didn’t give me a reason why.”

  “I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  One dark brow shot up again. “It’s only dinner, Joanne.”

  In the sunlight, I noticed the kaleidoscope of colors swirling in the eyes that stayed focused on mine.

  “Why are you so intent on getting me to eat with you?” I asked.

  “For one, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you’re the kind of workaholic who never stops to eat a decent meal. And I happen to believe proper nutrition is very important.” He threw that line out as smoothly as a used car salesman. Then he dropped his gaze to my lips before he brought it back up to meet mine. “And, more importantly, I can’t seem to stop thinking about you.”

  I’d been in the business long enough to spot a bull shitter, but that last thing he’d said sounded sincer
e. And the look in his eyes—it cut straight through me.

  I could almost taste his desire. How long had it been since I’d felt wanted by a man? Never mind one as attractive as this one.

  I’d sworn off men. Promised myself I’d never be in the position to get hurt again. But I also didn’t want to live like a nun at only forty years old.

  Three years was a long time to go without sex. Three years was also a long time to still feel the pain of that breakup, but I did. Every time I thought of it. And the only time I didn’t think about it was when I was occupied with work.

  At least my career was on track, even if my personal life was a train wreck. Maybe it was time to fix that. I sure as hell didn’t want a relationship, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to have a lover. Just for a night.

  I drew in a breath and realized my heart was thundering. I was never anything but confident at work, but this man, with his pecs of steel that I’d wager matched what I’d glimpsed between his legs by the pool, had me nervous.

  I swallowed and said, “We only started rolling today . . . so I won’t be out of here until late tonight . . . but, I guess I could swing by your place.”

  His eyes brightened when he realized, in my long about way, I’d said yes to his invitation. He smiled, slow and sensuous. “I’ll leave the gate open and the door unlocked.”

  He hadn’t mentioned food, but I think we both knew I wasn’t really going there for dinner.

  “You aren’t worried about intruders?” Nerves had me making a joke.

  His grin widened. “I think I can defend myself. And besides, my last intruder didn’t work out so badly.”

  No, it hadn’t. But Jesus, when this was over, I hope I didn’t regret making a wrong turn into that driveway that day.



  “How’s your time at the beach been?” Robert asked while on speakerphone on my cell.

  “Eh, it’s not Djibouti but it’s not so bad,” I joked as I stirred the pot of chili on the eight-burner stove in the massive kitchen.

  We were eating here tonight because I had no intention of squandering what I feared would be precious few hours with Joanne by taking her to a public restaurant.

  Luckily, one of the few dishes I knew how to cook really well would also hold on the stove for as long as I needed it to. Until whenever she arrived. Or until we weren’t otherwise occupied . . . Whichever.

  “You’ll have to tell me about your time in Africa sometime.”

  “You always ask me to tell you stories, but you, sir, have many untold stories of your own.”

  “Me?” Robert chuckled.

  I snorted. “Yes, you.”

  Maybe he and I weren’t such an odd couple after all.

  I knew, from things I’d seen around the house and things he’d let slip in conversation, he had spent time in other places besides Hollywood. A man who had a photo of himself being knighted by Saddam Hussein definitely had a story to tell.

  “Hey, did you know they’re filming some reality show at the house next door?”

  “A reality show? No, I didn’t. How do you know?” he asked.

  “I, uh, ran into one of the producers. It seems your neighbor rented it to some production company.”

  “Good God. There goes the neighborhood.”

  I laughed at his melodrama. “Don’t worry. They’re only renting for two months then I’m sure they’ll be gone.”

  “Let’s hope. Though it would be preferable if they were gone before my return next week.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” I joked.

  “If only that were true. I suppose you acquiring some nice tear gas is out of the question?”

  I barked out a laugh. “Yes. Most definitely.”

  He sighed. “All right. Then I guess I’ll just see you next week.”

  “Sounds good. See you then.” Still smiling, I disconnected the call.

  A flash of car headlights from the driveway turned that small smile into a wide grin.

  Happy she’d actually come, I opened the door . . . and was hit with a full body slam. From those long legs to her shapely mouth, she pressed against me.

  I recovered quickly enough to wrap both arms around her and kiss her back before this unexpected but most welcome moment was over. I managed a soul-stealing tongue kiss that had me hard as a rock inside my jeans before she pulled away.

  “I don’t do relationships,” she said, her stare pinning mine.

  A short, shocked laugh escaped me as she knocked me off balance with the comment. “What a coincidence. Neither do I.”

  I’d seen what being a team guy could do to relationships, from casual dating to marriages. After growing up in a broken home, I had no intention of trying to start anything serious now.

  Although, Joanne’s preemptive proclamation made me wonder. What were her reasons?

  It was something I’d have to investigate later, because now I was hard enough to drive nails and I had a handful of warm willing woman to deal with.

  As she rubbed the bulge in my jeans, I had to assume she had no problem with sex, just with relationships, which only had me more intrigued in discovering why.

  She leaned in toward my mouth, and I was all for kissing her, but I’d far rather do it horizontally and naked, instead of standing by the front door.

  Leaning down, I braced her weight on one shoulder and straightened.

  As her feet left the ground, she squeaked, “What are you doing?”

  “Carrying you to bed.” Normally I’d have asked first, but given she’d already unbuttoned my jeans and was in the process of sliding her hand inside my underwear before I’d hoisted her up, I didn’t think she’d mind. “Problem?”


  I couldn’t see the pout, but I heard it in her tone.

  She didn’t like not being in charge. I could tell that about her already. But she didn’t fight me now. Probably because I was taking her exactly where she knew we’d end up the moment I’d opened that door and she’d attacked me. Not that I was complaining. Of all the attacks I’d been involved in during my lifetime, this was by far the most—make that the only—pleasurable one.

  Robert’s guestrooms put the rooms at some five-star hotels to shame. When I’d arrived a few days ago, I’d settled into the bedroom I always stayed in when I visited him. The room I’d been using ever since my life had taken a surreal turn on that day we’d met those many years ago.

  But in all the times I’d visited, I’d never once brought a woman to bed here.

  As Robert’s guest, I’d always come to spend time with him. But for the first time, he wasn’t here while I was.

  I ignored any shadow of guilt as I carried Joanne to the bed and dropped her onto the king-sized mattress. Robert wouldn’t mind my guest being here. In fact, I was pretty sure he’d approve wholeheartedly.

  “You going to close those curtains?” she asked, eyeing the wall of windows that faced the moonlit ocean.

  “I like to wake up with the sun.”

  She cocked up one brow.

  I back peddled on that decision and reached for the button next to the bed. “But I’ll close them tonight.” With a soft electric whir the curtains moved together.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” The politeness of our conversation didn’t match my actions as I opened the button and zipper on her fitted trousers and yanked them down her oh-so-long legs.

  The lace panties followed the pants as I dropped both onto the floor next to the bed, before I dove between her legs headfirst.

  Hell, I was a SEAL. Diving was part of the program. I didn’t have long to be entertained with my own cleverness as I got my first taste of Joanne on my tongue.

  She sucked in a sharp breath when my mouth made contact with her core, which only inspired me to work harder, drive her further.

  I planned to push her all the way to a mind-numbing orgasm with my mouth and then slide inside for one of my own.

  My plan wo
rked. She came apart in seconds. No exaggeration.

  I knew I was good, but I wasn’t that good. This woman had to be primed and ready before I ever touched her to have a hair-trigger orgasm that rocked her, me and the bed we were on so quickly.

  Her cries bounced off the walls of the cavernous room and I enjoyed every decibel. It was like a shot of testosterone, making me impossibly harder. But I was glad Robert was a state away and not inside the house.

  When she finally untangled her fingers from my hair, I lifted my head and got a good look at her flushed face.

  I might have sacrificed some hair for the encounter but seeing her look like that was well worth it. Sated yet hungry for more. Relaxed but on edge as she watched me.

  If she was wondering what I was going to do next, she needn’t have. There was only one way this night was going to go. I reached for the bedside table and pulled out a box of condoms.

  Her brow cocked up. “Hmm. You’re prepared.”

  I heard the attitude in her tone just as I saw her withdraw emotionally.

  Was this jealousy? Did she think I had so many women in this bed that I kept a stash of condoms at the ready?

  I could have told her Robert, the consummate host, supplied everything any of his guests could ever want. There were tampons and prescription sleeping pills provided too, along with toothbrushes and toothpaste. I could have told her, but I didn’t.

  She was getting pissed and, sick motherfucker that I was, I liked a little fire in a woman.

  Sex with her soft and satisfied would only be surpassed by sex with her spitting mad.

  “Be glad I am prepared,” I told her.

  I was naked and sheathed in seconds. Then it was time to prove to her why she should be glad I was armed with condoms.

  Spreading her legs wide, I pushed inside her slick heat. I had every intention of fucking her until she couldn’t think. As it turned out, I was the one affected.


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