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Return : Stratham Knights Book 1

Page 19

by NV Roez

  How the hell did I get here? This isn't supposed to be my life. I'm not supposed to be sitting with members of the Bianchi crime family while they chat with these college rich kids on how they're going to bring the Knights down.

  The Knights.

  My Knights.

  But I guess that's not true either. They're criminals. And from what I'm hearing, it's more than just some casual weed connections.

  The Elite are full-fledged fucking criminals playing footsie with the mob bosses and traffickers of the underground.

  And that's the realization that has my blood boiling underneath my skin.

  They took years away from me, threatened me, had me beat up, had the nerve to tell me that I owed them! And all the while...

  Stop, Evelyn. Just breathe.

  I need to catch my breath before I pass out.

  How dare the Knights pass judgment on me for what they think I did. They think I burned down a goddamn building for fuck’s sake while they're involved with trafficking weapons, drugs, and children!

  I feel my face flush, stomach acid churning in my stomach. This can't be right. It just can't be.

  "So, what do you think, Evelyn. Do you agree with the terms?" Alik asks, bringing me back into the discussion.

  I shake out of my reverie and stare into his black eyes. "You know how I feel about these things."

  "Well, do you believe the information these gentlemen shared tonight is credible?" he continues, firmly ignoring the rest of the guys at the table.

  I turn to look at Parker.

  "How do you know?" I ask, questioning how he knows so much about what the Knights are involved in.

  "How dare you question him!" Randall shouts. "You're not even supposed to be here. This meeting wouldn't even be possible without Parker. He risked everything getting that information for us. You're just a little tramp slut Ryan wants to fuck!".

  My eyes never waiver from Parker's during Randall's little tantrum. Randall isn't important, Parker is. I need to see the truth or the lie in his eyes. And he gives it to me.

  Randall doesn't notice as one of Alik's guards moves behind him. I may not care about his little outburst, but Alik does.

  In the next instant, a small throwing blade flies across the table, hitting the soft white pillow of Randall's left eye. The guard immediately leans down and covers Randall's mouth before he can scream, with partygoers none the wiser. It's a practiced move that I've seen them do countless times.

  "You're not in your house. You are a tolerated guest here at best. You will not speak to her like that again. I don't give warnings."

  Benji turns pale, looking somewhat green, staring as blood oozes out of Randall's eye. He's writhing in pain and being held by Alik's guard. Parker and Ryan don't move. And from what I can tell, they aren't even breathing.

  What did they think? This is Alik fucking Bianchi. Idiots.

  "Was that really necessary?" I glower at Alik like one would at a child who's having a tantrum. Well, because this is him having a tantrum.

  "Oh, come on, Evelyn. I'm not going to be disrespected in my own place."

  "He wasn't disrespecting you. He was talking shit to me," I snap back.

  I don't know why I care so much that he did that to Randall. It's not like he and I are on friendly terms, but still, this feels wrong.

  Alik reaches out to brush hair away from my face, and I don't flinch. "No one gets to disrespect you either. When are you going to learn? You will always be family, and no one disrespects my family."


  Delaney comes around with more drinks, knowing that I need them. I take two shots from her tray and down them before anyone even notices she's there, and move to get up.

  We really need to get Randall to the hospital, and I'm ready for this night to be over.

  "We're not family, Alik. Please remember that. I won't be back," I state matter-of-factly, but he shakes his head.

  "That's not how this works, princess. Do we have a deal in place or not? I will take care of the Knights for you, and your boys here become our new business partners."

  I clench my jaw so hard my teeth feel like they're gonna crack. "This isn't my business, Alik." Breathe Evelyn. "Can I just get the kid to the hospital and let them get back to you?"

  "Sorry, kiddo. I trust you. It's either you or nothing, now or never. You tell me we have a deal, you all can go, and Mack will get your boy to the hospital."

  I turn to Alik, searching his eyes. "Don't kill them. Send your message, make them weak, but don't kill them."

  "What the fuck, Evelyn! Just make the damn deal. Who the fuck cares what happens to the Knights?" Ryan shouts in my ear, but I ignore him.

  "Deal," Alik says, nodding his head towards Eric, who writes something in his little black book.

  I hate that fucking book.

  "It was good seeing you, Evelyn. Glad to be working with you again," he says with a genuine smile, without a care in the world or about the fact that there's a kid bleeding out of his eye at our booth.

  "I wish I could say the same, Alik, but I won't be back."

  He just nods while Mack brushes past me to grab a hold of the now crying Randall and literally carries him down the stairs like he's bringing his bride over the threshold.

  The universe really has a terrible sense of humor.

  Mack gets all of us to the hospital, and while he gets Randall checked in, I walk outside to get some air and alone time, but Ryan follows.

  "Shit!" Ryan shouts as we walk out the double doors. "What the hell was that, Evelyn? You nearly got Randall killed."

  "Don't yell at me. You're the assholes who decided to do business with the Bianchi fucking crime family. You're all lucky he let you walk out of that place without more of a price."

  "Oh yea, and what do you know about the Bianchi family? Why does he call YOU family?"

  "None of your goddamn business, Ryan. Instead of arguing with me over shit I have no control over, why don't you focus on how the hell you plan on paying Bianchi back."

  "Screw that! You had no right changing our deal to keep those assholes alive."

  "You really are an idiot." I shake my head in disappointment. "Death has a higher price. You don't know who you're dealing with, Ryan. You don't want to have that kind of debt with Alik. I just saved your goddamn life."

  "Did you fuck him?" he questions out of nowhere and it feels like a slap in the face.

  "Excuse me?"

  "I get it now. You're just a gutter rat, is that it? I have to treat you like trash for you to let me fuck you?"

  My feet pause. "Think very carefully on your next words, Ryan."

  "You know what, forget it. It's been a long night and it doesn't matter. I'm going back inside to see how Randall is doing."

  Ryan storms back inside to the waiting area while I stay outside, pacing in the frigid air. I'm freezing in this little ass dress, but I refuse to go inside with the rest of them. I just need some space to unpack everything that happened tonight.

  A few minutes later, I hear someone light up a cigarette. I glance over my shoulder to see Mack leaning against the wall.

  "You still getting into trouble kid?" he says with a weak smile.

  I audibly sigh, turning my head back to stare at the nothing in front of me, rubbing my arms to stay the cold.

  "It always finds me, no matter what I do. Tell me something, Mack. Do people living in hell ever find peace?"

  "I don't know, kid, but as long as I'm breathing, your back will always be covered."

  He's a good man—too good. I should tell him that, but I don't. Instead, the edges of my mouth tilt into a half smile while I stare straight ahead and say nothing.


  God, I love the ocean. These are the days I cherish the most. There's nothing like riding a wave on a board or taking in the vastness of the never-ending horizon.

  In spite of my nightmares and things I can't control, I'm safe here with them. It's pure peace. I'm completely in tune wit
h the bigger part of what the world could be—strong, powerful, life altering. A place where the devils don't exist.

  I look over to where Micah is just laying flat on his board, floating on the water, staring at the sky, and I know he feels it too. I can see the same spark of awed inspiration in his eyes that's reflected in mine. He and I are alike when it comes to the ocean. This is his favorite place to be.

  I can see his sadness, too. It's been months since we lost our parents, and many days, it feels like it was just yesterday that they left us.

  My sister and the others are scattered in the water. She's been trying to teach Caleb how to surf all day, but he's awkward and untrusting of himself. He would get it, if he would just let go. But Caleb is Caleb. I swear, he thinks that he could command the waves to do his bidding. One day, that boy will learn that he can't control everything.

  "Evie, can you promise me something?" Micah whispers, staring at the sky.

  I shift on my board so I can face him better.

  "Promise me you'll stay."

  Huh? "Stay where, Micah? We can't stay at the beach forever. Besides, we have a movie to sneak into," I tease and he grins all dimples and teeth.

  "Never change, Evie. This right here..." he pauses, taking a deep inhale and slowly releasing it. "This right here is perfect."

  It's my turn to grin, looking at the ocean. "Yeah, Micah, it is."

  As the sun gets closer to the horizon, we bring it in, sneak the boards back into the surf shop and head to the movies.

  The boys are stuffing snacks and little bottles of alcohol they brought earlier into their shorts to sneak them into the theater. Ivy is giving them yet another lecture on how they shouldn't do it, to choose right over wrong, even if it's a small thing. She is nothing if not consistent, and they all love her for it.

  She is our conscience, the spirit of our little motley crew, and without a doubt, we'd all die for her. But the girl hates breaking the rules, or maybe she's just that scared. Who knows? The irony is that she has no idea that she'll be sneaking into the theater tonight, too, so the candy and alcohol really are the last things to be worried about.

  As we all walk to the theater, Micah pulls my hand so that we're both hanging back from the rest of them. He laces his fingers in mine and I'm enveloped in coconut and cinnamon spice.

  "What are you doing?" I whisper in a bit of shock, squishing my eyebrows together. He's never actually held my hand before.

  "I wanted to talk to you. Actually, it's not a big deal or anything, I just want you to know that you're my best friend. I wouldn't have been able to get through losing my parents without you and Ivy. I thought life would never get better once my mom died and then you guys showed up. You think that you have no one but your sister, but that's not true. You have me, too."

  I smile at him and scrunch my eyebrows.

  "I know that. We're family. We all are," I say, shrugging my shoulders, not understanding what Micah is trying to get at.

  He looks at me through earnest blue eyes. "You... You keep me grounded, and I hope I do the same for you. Angel, I..." There's a pain in his eyes that breaks my heart, but he doesn't continue.

  Micah quickly lets go and walks away to catch up with the rest of our crew and I stand there puzzled. Then it suddenly hits me.

  "I love you, too, Micah," I whisper into the air, realizing how true those words are.

  Watching everyone walk towards the theater, I realize just how much I love all of them.


  I startle awake at the sound of a knock at my door. Groaning, I get out of bed and check the clock. It's nearly three a.m. What the hell?

  I check my phone to see if I have any messages from Celeste. She hasn't been back to school since the night before spring break, so maybe it's her coming back to campus. But when I check my phone, there are no missed texts. At least, not from her.

  The knocking turns to banging, so I quickly grab my knife from under my pillow and go to find out what idiot thought it was wise to wake me up at this hour of the morning.

  When I open my door, I'm nearly knocked off balance. Micah is leaning against the door, dressed to the nines in black with his collared shirt unbuttoned at the top. His jeweled blue eyes stare through me.

  I stand mesmerized for a second before I can remember that I'm supposed to be irritated and my brain returns.

  "There better be a damn good reason for you being at my door at this hour, Micah."

  "Good morning to you too, Angel," he says with a cocksure smile, leaning across the threshold and inching his way into my room.

  I place a hand on his chest, pretending to ignore the feeling of his smooth, solid chest underneath it. "Not a chance. I don't care where you go, but you're not coming in here."

  "What? Afraid of letting me in?"

  "Not afraid. Just not stupid. Are you drunk? Why don't you go knock on London's door?"

  "I don't want London, Angel. I haven't been seeing you around lately and I realized that all I've ever wanted since I was fourteen is you. I’m not letting you go again."

  I snort out a nervous laugh, trying to keep his words at bay. "Where are Caleb and Elijah? I'm pretty sure your keepers wouldn't approve."

  "They're still at the gala," he says with a shrug. "You were right before about how much I let them decide for me. But the last few weeks..." He sighs and leans against the door frame. "Truth is, I thought you were gone again. I realized that they've been and will always be my brothers, but my heart has always been missing you. Angel, let me in."

  "I can't, Micah." My voice is barely audible.

  I go to close the door, but he pushes his hand against it.

  "Wait! Don't shut me out. How about we take a drive out to Sugar & Spice? You still the coffee addict I remember?" His dimples are prominent when he smiles.

  Be still my fucking heart.

  I briefly close my eyes and gather my strength. Good coffee has always been a weakness.

  "That might be the only thing that's stayed the same. I'll go with you for coffee, but can we do it in two hours?

  His eyes spark and his grin turns into a full wattage smile. "Yeah, sure. I'll just wait here while you get dressed." He says, leaning against the opposite wall in the hallway.

  Huh? "You're gonna stay outside my door for two hours?"

  "You bet, unless you're going to let me in your room? This way, I know you're not going to skip out."

  I roll my eyes. "Suit yourself. See you in two hours, but after this, no more popping up. We're not friends."

  I go to close my door when he stops me again.

  "Maybe not, Angel, but we're not enemies."

  Two and a half hours later, I open my door to a sleeping Micah. He’s sitting on the floor in the hallway in the same dress clothes he was in when he first knocked on my door. I shake my head. I half thought I’d dreamed of his intrusion, but clearly, I hadn't.

  I stare at him, trying to decide what to do. I could just close my door, go back to sleep, and let someone else find him. But the longer I stare at him, the heavier my door feels.

  The truth is, I miss him. Even if I'm not ever going to admit that out loud. Ever.

  He stirs in his sleep. His blond beach waves framing his face fall forward and my hands ache to touch them.

  You're in trouble, Evelyn.

  I walk towards him, kicking at his foot to wake him.

  "You still serious about coffee?" I ask.

  Despite my hopes to scare him awake, he just looks up at me with his ocean eyes and a smile.

  "The girl I knew would never let someone tease about coffee and not follow through." He stretches awake. His tattoos peek through the top of his shirt as he moves to stand.

  "I'm not the girl you knew. That girl died a long time ago," I say, stepping into the elevator.

  When we get to his car, he stops and turns. "Just so we're clear. I don't want the girl I knew, Angel. I miss her, but I'm not that boy either. I just want to learn who the woman in front of me is.
To start over, start fresh. Can you do that?"

  I raise my hands in surrender. "Too much, Micah. Coffee then talk."

  When I peek up at him, he's grinning like the Cheshire Cat, but he doesn't say any more.

  We get to Sugar & Spice ten minutes later, and the smell of roasted Arabica beans brings a warmth to my heart that only coffee lovers understand. It's magical.

  Then there's the added bonus that I'm no longer enveloped in just Micah. The last ten minutes were less than comfortable, but here, I can breathe again.

  We get our lattes, mine with an extra espresso shot, and head to a booth when the tiny hairs on the back of my next stand on end.

  Something's off.

  I look around the near empty cafe, trying to figure out what's bothering me, and see nothing out of the ordinary.

  "Hey, you okay?" Micah asks me as he slides into a booth by the window.

  "You mean despite being woken up and having to deal with your sorry ass this early in the morning? Sure, I'm fine."

  I shake off the feeling that I'm being watched and slide into the seat opposite him. Clearly, I'm just on edge because it's five a.m. and I need coffee.

  "So tell me. How much has changed since we were surfing the waves in Rose Bay?"

  I give him an incredulous look. "Really? It'd be easier explaining the theory of relativity or the number of moves to win at chess."

  His eyes dance as he grins his lopsided grin. "Do you still play chess?"

  I find myself smiling back like a silly little schoolgirl. Chess was always my favorite game, but it's the fact that he remembers that has me all gushy.


  "Whenever I can find someone who's willing to play. No one has really been able to give me a good run like you used to." I shrug, wondering why I feel so self-conscious. "I tried teaching Celeste, but it's hopeless with her."

  He laughs with glittering eyes. "Yeah, I can't imagine she's very good."

  His laugh connects to my soul. I haven’t heard that sound in years, and I can’t help the smile on my face.


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