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Build-A-Harem- The Island Collection

Page 6

by Zachariah Dracoulis

  Right at the point Cassie was starting to get a little frustrated I found the sweet spot and thrusted, surprising the both of us.

  “Well…” Cassie practically gasped out, “I didn’t think I’d miss it that much.”

  I decided not to respond, not with words anyway, and drew back, ensured I was still in a good position, and pushed in again, eliciting another surprised breath from Cassie that made me smile proudly.

  Before long I’d managed to get into a decent rhythm, and while she certainly was helping with her insistence on tracing around my lower back and moaning in my ears, I was holding strong.

  It was nothing like with the cat girls where I was some kind of sex-genius stud with unlimited stamina and the ability to equally pleasure two girls at once, I was having to work for it, and I loved it.

  Each slightly missed thrust, every awkward hand movement, every instance where my poorly constructed bed felt ready to break made it all feel so real and brilliant.

  “Oh… yes…” Cassie moaned as she started to tighten around me, coaxing me to grab her breast while my thrusts grew slightly more erratic and quick as I drew closer to finishing.

  She began to push her hips against me.

  I started to tremble slightly.

  We both began to breathe quicker and heavier.

  Then, with one final, deep thrust I finished, pulsing inside her as she let out a breathless cry of pleasure that came out in the form of a few squeaks and moans.

  “That was… fun…” Cassie sighed while I struggled to catch my breath, “We’ll have to do it again some time.”

  “Mmhm…” I replied, my mouth unable to form proper words as I finally pulled out of Cassie and flopped down beside her.

  That’s how we stayed for a while, Cassie catching her breath long before but clearly wanting to have a powernap or something while I couldn’t stop thinking about what to do next.

  So many options, so little energy.


  “So,” Cassie said, breaking the silence that had fallen over us once I’d caught my breath, “this island, this… house, it’s the start of a harem, right?”

  I was briefly thrown off, mostly because I didn’t know exactly how to respond, but then I nodded and managed a smile, “Yeah, that’s the goal. How’d you know?”

  “I’ve seen a few in my time,” Cassie replied, “never one run by a Creator, but still enough to know the hallmarks. How many people are in it at the moment?”

  “Well, there’s me,” I chuckled before rolling onto my elbow and propping my head up so I could better look at her, “but other than that it looks like I’m on my own out here.”

  “Except for the lizard, right?” Cassie asked, a tone I didn’t understand at first wrapping around her words.

  “Heh, yeah, except for the lizard.” I replied without thinking before realizing exactly it was that I’d said, “I mean, no, he’s… Jesse’s just-”

  “Don’t worry,” Cassie laughed, “I’m aware that Creators tend… well, tended to have some kind of pet or familiar or… companion with them, I just thought that it was a bit weird that you’re on your own here.”

  “Is that really so strange?” I asked after breathing a sigh of relief, “I mean, I’ve only been here a day.”

  And that’s when Cassie got really confused.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I just spaw-” I started then stopped when I realized what I was about to reveal, “I mean… Landed, I just landed here.”

  “Do you mean ‘summoned’?” Cassie asked.

  “Exactly,” I said with a slightly overeager nod, “I was summoned.”

  “By who?”

  “I… I don’t know,” I replied, deciding that adding a splash of ignorance from me would make my story a bit more believable, “one minute I was elsewhere, the next I was here.”

  Cassie didn’t seem too happy with that answer, but she also appeared to have that old gods acceptance, if that makes any sense.

  I suppose it doesn’t really, does it?

  Well, picture the Greeks, or maybe even the Vikings, and how they’re displayed in history and stories from the time as often simply accepting things as the will of the gods, even when it flew in the face of all logic and reason.

  That’s what Cassie was doing.

  The Creators had clearly been gone for a long time in the game’s universe, and that had left people like Cassie in a weird state between atheism and theistic belief, that’s what I interpreted anyway.

  “Alright, well, I guess I should probably get cleaned up,” Cassie said as she pulled on her pants, breaking me away from my internal musings about the Creators and just how far I was going to let my God complex go, “mind if I jump out for a second?”

  “Sure thing.” I replied before quickly shuffling away from the doorway and letting her get out.

  I didn’t even know it at first, but that’s actually the exact moment where I decided how far I was going to let my God complex go. I was going to let them go on believing that I was a Creator, considering I was one by all rights, but at the same time I was just going to be a guy.

  No sacrifices of wine and booty for me.

  By that I obviously mean people having sex with me to satiate my demands, not that people kill their asses for me, that would be weird.

  Anyway, I was on my own in there for a while, just thinking about my position and what I wanted to do, which mostly revolved around getting a better understanding of the game’s physics and world so I could make some truly awesome structures.

  I was about midway through planning out a bizarre sex pyramid when I heard rustling in the jungle and expected Cassie to jump back into bed with me.

  “Back for round two, are we?” I chuckled.

  “I mean, if you really want.” the gruff-voiced Jesse joked.

  There was a part of me that was glad my guide had found me, but mostly I was disappointed that I wasn’t going to be able to get some more fun in before going forward.

  “What’s up, Jesse?” I asked as I sat up before spotting a surprised Fern and leaping out of the way, “Sorry!”

  “I-it’s fine,” Fern replied while I hastily pulled on my pants, realized I’d put them on back-to-front, and shuffled them back on, “not like I haven’t seen one before.”

  “He’s just embarrassed,” Jesse laughed, “get yourself dressed, Dax, we need some help.”

  “What’s up?” I practically swore after falling out of the house and onto the dirt.

  “Got cold down by the beach,” Jesse replied, “and I figured you’d be kind enough to get Fern here another fire going.”

  I struggled to make my brain tick over, but eventually the tumblers fell into place and I spawned in another log, stopping just short of lighting it as Jesse cleared his throat loudly.

  “Might want to consider making a pit,” Jesse suggested as politely as he could, “you know, prevent a major fire that engulfs the island and all that.”

  I didn’t appreciate his tone all that much, although I did see his point and, without saying a word, spawned a stone shovel into my right hand, making Fern jump slightly.

  “Sorry,” I grunted as I started digging a hole a few feet away from the house, “should’ve given you some warning.”

  “It’s fine,” Fern replied with a shake of her head, “it’s just that I haven’t seen anything like that since the commune. Traveling mages and stuff.”

  “Sounds fun.”

  “Not really, they used to lull people into a false sense of security and then rob us blind.”

  I wasn’t really expecting that answer and, as a result, didn’t really have a response that wasn’t either a joke or a light-hearted jab.

  Luckily I was able to mask the fact that I didn’t have a response by simply pretending that digging the hole was too exerting to allow for talking.

  Okay, so maybe it wasn’t all pretend, but it was still a good reason

  “There we go,” I said with a smile
after kicking the log into the relatively shallow hole and lighting it, “nice and toasty.”

  “Thank you,” Fern replied as she went a bit closer to the fire and sat down beside it, “any idea how far off my food is?”

  “That’s an excellent question, Fern,” Jesse said before I could open my mouth, “what do you think, Dax? How long until her fruit is ready?”

  I didn’t know why he was trying to out the fact that we were growing her fruit from his homemade fertilizer, but at the same time I wasn’t about to let it get me down.

  “I’m not sure. You want to show me where you planted it?” I asked with a sly grin.

  Jesse hesitated to answer, then smiled and nodded, “Sure thing. Be right back, Fern.”

  Fern didn’t respond, she was too focused on the fire in front of her to hear what we were saying, so we just went ahead and walked off.

  “You were right,” I said once we were around the side of the house where Jesse had stopped, “the sense of accomplishment really makes a difference.”

  “Of course I was right,” Jesse scoffed amusedly, “this game was designed by hyper-intelligent AI systems using a state-of-the-art neural net and a complex understanding of humans that only comes with years of exposure.”

  I have to admit, I was a bit confused with most of what he’d said, but I managed to shrug it off and smile again, “Whatever, my point is that I’m grateful. Thanks for making me stick around.”

  “No problem.”

  I was kind of hoping for a slightly more fulfilling conversation, though it really didn’t seem like Jesse was up for that.

  “So, where’s this fruit… patch… thing?” I asked, looking around for any sign of a garden or at least some disturbed earth.

  “You’re standing in it.”

  “Oh for-” I snapped as I leaped out of the pile, “Thanks for warning me.”

  “You were talking, I didn’t want to interrupt,” Jesse chuckled, “anyway, doesn’t look like much of anything is growing.”

  “Agreed…” I replied disappointedly, doing my best to scrape what I could off my feet on a root, “You think there’s anything I could do to accelerate the process?”

  “Could try building a garden or something,” Jesse suggested, “cordon off the area around it and see if that fast-tracks the growth.”

  “How would that work?” I asked while creating a rough design for the garden in my head.

  “Same way that building a jetty made a boat appear,” Jesse replied, “it’s a game, game things happen.”

  For a moment I thought about telling him he was screwing with my immersion, but the truth was I’d already done that about fifteen times over all on my own.

  So, without saying another word, I spawned in a plank and, after some mental gymnastics, created a three-by-three-foot square-shaped barrier for the garden and lowered it over the rough area where I guessed Jesse had done his… gardening.

  “Looks good,” Jesse remarked as I walked around the edge of the garden and lightly stomped the wood so that it was slightly buried, “now, onto-”

  “I could’ve done that, you know.” Cassie said, having just come through the beach side of the jungle, “I have a bit of a knack for building stuff.”

  “Is that a fact?” I asked as I walked over and she went and sat by the fire, “Any other useful skills?”

  “Why not use that Toolbox of yours?” Cassie replied, “From what I’ve read, they can tell you a lot about a person.”

  While it was a bit odd having game-based information coming from someone other than Jesse, I have to admit I was slightly relieved that he didn’t get another opportunity to lightly infer that I was stupid.

  “Well?” Cassie asked after I’d been standing there silent for a few seconds, “You going to scan me or what?”

  “Yeah, Dax,” Jesse lightheartedly jabbed, “you going to scan her or what?”

  I was hesitant for a few reasons, not least because I was worried I might accidently break Cassie down like I’d done with everything else I’d scanned.

  “Hurry up, would you?” Cassie weakly laughed, “I’m pretty damn cold and would like to start focusing on getting dry.”

  “Um, yeah, of course, of course…” I replied before tentatively raising my hand in her direction.

  The Toolbox took a few seconds to fire up, undoubtedly because it hadn’t scanned anyone before, then created the same wireframe that it had used for everything else.

  That moment, those few seconds of waiting for her to get broken down into a million pieces of data, was way scarier than being face-to-face with the shark.

  And then the Toolbox finished its scan with a little notification popping up above her head saying ‘Lifeform Scanned. Profile Created’ before quickly disappearing.

  “That… tickled.” Cassie chuckled as I started scrolling through her profile on the little holographic screen, “Anything interesting?”

  It took me a second to answer as I read through the copious amount of information I had on her, “I… yeah, yeah, just a bit.” I finally said before gesturing for Jesse to follow me, “I’ll be back in just a second.”

  With a slightly reluctant Jesse trailing me, I walked around to the back of the house, kneeled, and, after a sneaky peek around the corner, showed him the menu hovering over my palm.

  “What are all these?” I asked.

  “Based on the context, I’d say they’re sex pos-”

  “I’m aware that they’re sexual positions,” I interjected, “but why are they blacked out?”

  Jesse regarded me with confusion for a few seconds after that, then let out a little amused scoff, “C’mon, you have to realize what they are, right? You haven’t unlocked them yet.”

  “Okay, that’s what I thought,” I replied, nodding somewhat manically, “how do I unlock them?”

  “By doing better,” Jesse said, “you know, like any other game? Complete challenges, do specific tasks for them, plus I reckon there’ll be a couple of timed events in there.”

  “So, in order to get her to do…” I trailed off as I scrolled through the encyclopedic menu of sex acts, “Okay, this one, I need to, what, make her a better bed?”

  “Well, yeah,” Jesse replied matter-of-factly, “I mean, you didn’t think she’d just be happy with a bunch of shirts, right?”

  “I was kind of hoping that that was the case, yeah,” I mostly muttered, “but how am I supposed to get a better bed? There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of sheep or anything here, and I sincerely doubt I’m goin’ to find a department store.”

  “You’d be surprised,” Jesse chuckled, “but you’re right. Look, there’re two paths. One is to basically accept what you’ve got, maybe see if you can get lucky and find some kind of linen substitute on the island, or two, you can trade.”

  “Trade?” I asked, tilting my head in confusion, “Who am I supposed to trade with?”

  “That actually leads me to what I was goin’ to suggest you do next,” Jesse replied with a grin, “you’re going to need a harbor.”


  “A harbor?” I asked after closing the menu in my hand, ignoring the pain that was starting to radiate up my thighs as I remained kneeling, “What do you mean I need a harbor? How do I even get a harbor?”

  “That’s actually something I think your newfound friend can help you with,” Jesse said before tilting his head in the general direction of the girls, “based on that little info sheet, Cassie is definitely the girl for the job, and not just because she has dwarf blood in her.”

  “So, what? I’m just supposed to go up to her and demand that she build me a harbor?” I scoffed, “You don’t think that that’ll make things, I don’t know, a bit weird?”

  Jesse shrugged at that, “You saved her and her friend’s life, at this point I think she’d be more than happy to pitch in in any way she can, provided she’s in your harem.”

  He’d deliberately left that last point to linger a while, hoping that I would con
firm it in some way or another, but eventually he saw the look on my face and grew concerned.

  “She is in your harem, right?”

  “I… I don’t know, she might be,” I replied, trying to think back to if there’d been any talk about the harem before, during, or after our fun little tussle, “I couldn’t say for sure though.”

  That clearly pissed off Jesse pretty badly, which I didn’t really understand until I realized what I’d done so wrong.

  He’d taken the training wheels off, I’d deviated from the path, and there was every chance that I was going to lose my first of only two girls before I got any.

  “Guys?” Cassie called over, breaking Jesse and I out of our shared panicked state, “You do know that we can hear, like, every second word you say, right?”

  Panic was instantly replaced with embarrassment followed by some more panic as I started to wonder if either of them had heard anything that might make them realize that I was just a guy in a game.

  “That’d be because Dax here has a big flappy mouth.” Jesse joked before walking around to the front of the house and gesturing for me to follow, “We’re just talkin’ about the Creator’s plans, nothin’ major.”

  “That’s all well and good,” Cassie replied as she turned her attention to me, “but I figured I should at least let you know where I stand, you know, just to make things a bit easier.”

  “And where would you be standing?” I asked, surprising even myself with the question.

  “That’s pretty simple, Dax,” Cassie said with a smile, “I think I may as well make myself useful around here seeing as I’m now a part of your little harem thing, which in no small way has to do with the fact that I’m a bit done with the whole minimalist cube thing. No offense.”

  “So that’s a yes then?” I replied, skipping over the jab at my awesomely awesome cube house, “You want to join the harem?”

  “Don’t see why not,” Cassie let out with a nonchalant sigh, “not exactly a lot of options here, are there?”


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