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Build-A-Harem- The Island Collection

Page 20

by Zachariah Dracoulis

  Very close.

  Normally I wouldn’t even have that as a quotations problem ‘problem’, but I wanted Fern to get as much fun out of the experience as the rest of us, and I had a feeling that I wouldn’t have it in me to have another go if I finished with Cassie.

  And then something brilliant happened.

  “Oh fuck,” Cassie moaned between kisses in place of breaths, “oh my God… Oh fuck…”

  “Cum for me,” Fern whimpered back as Cassie grew tighter and started to tremble, “cum for me…”

  Then Cassie broke away from the kiss, her mouth opened wide, unable to make a sound as she pushed down on me one last time.

  Typically, that would’ve signaled the end of the whole thing, but the generous Cassie was almost too happy to climb off of me and make room for Fern, even if it did come with a few involuntary shudders from the both of us.

  “I-is it okay if I…” Fern breathed out between moans as Cassie collapsed in a thoroughly pleased heap beside me.

  “Are you kidding?” I chuckled, pulling my hand away as I did, allowing her to start working on getting them off.

  Fern, unsurprisingly, decided not to waste any time with talking and climbed on top of me, positioned herself, made a quizzical face, then a curiously elated one, before finally turning around and getting into the reverse cowgirl position.

  Holy fuck did she have an ass on her.

  Seriously, it was just so…

  Anyway, after she’d done her first little ‘buck’ and was confident that she was comfortable with the position, Fern beckoned for Cassie to come over.

  Unsurprisingly, Cassie was slightly reticent about leaving the comfort of lying down at first, but, after apparently deciding that it was unfair of her to leave Fern out in the cold, she sat up, shuffled over, climbed onto my legs, and started making out with Fern again.

  I wasn’t getting as much of a girl-on-girl show, granted, although I have to say that, as previously mentioned, Fern had one Hell of an ass.

  Words cannot accurately do it justice.

  Unfortunately I wasn’t given a whole lot of time to appreciate the view as, with a crescendo in speed and trembling, Fern started to get close to finishing.

  At first I was surprised, if not outright impressed with myself, and then I realized it wasn’t like she’d just jumped on and started riding me.

  Luckily, I too was starting to reach my breaking point and, before long, I’d grabbed a handful of her ass with both my hands, if only to ease her trembling somewhat and help keep her steady and fast as we both drew closer.

  And closer.

  And closer.

  Then, with a moan that was almost perfectly echoed with Red’s, we both came, me shooting up into a seated position as I involuntarily pumped into Fern, Fern pulling away from Cassie and arching her back as she pushed down as hard as she could against me.

  Needless to say, it took me some time to catch my breath, time I used to lightly kiss the shuddering Fern’s neck as we stayed locked together, Cassie having climbed off my legs to sit beside me and smile with a mix of pleasure and pride.

  “Well,” Red chuckled, practically panting as she did so, and effectively drew our attention to her, “that was certainly… fun.”

  “Next time you should join us on the bed,” Cassie suggested, “it’s a whole lot more fun.”

  “Heh, one step at a time.” Red said before focusing on me and apparently deciding to say nothing.

  “So,” I murmured, moving my hands from Fern’s ass around so I was hugging her around her hips, “did we pass your little test?”

  Red didn’t respond straight away, undoubtedly because she wanted to see us squirm for a bit, but when it became clear that none of us were falling for her ‘charms’ she simply sighed, “You know what? It’s a start.”

  “A start?” I half-laughed.

  “Mmhm,” Red replied with a weak nod that appeared to make her somewhat dizzy, “a start to something quite enjoyable.”

  And that was it.

  That was the conversation.

  I know it doesn’t seem like much, but after all that I was certainly far too tired to go pulling long monologues out of our resident succubus, much less a clear admission that she was going to be a part of the harem.

  However, like she said, it was a start, a start on the journey that would lead me around the big wide world outside the confines of my little isla-

  “So,” Red said, pulling me out of the little mental vacation I’d decided to take, “you ready to go again?”

  My jaw dropped, my stomach plummeted, and I could almost feel my dick and balls go up inside me at the thought of going for round two.

  “I’m just joshin’ you,” Red chuckled as she got up off her stool, vaporizing it with a snap of her fingers as soon as she was clear of it, “now, let’s get to work, both you and this little setup of yours is going to need some tweaking before I let myself be seen with you.”

  I looked between the girls, a droopiness building around my eyes as I did so, and let out a prolonged sigh, “Five more minutes?” I asked with more desperation than I’d intended.

  Red smiled at that, put her hands on her hips, and shook her head, “No.”


  I’m not sure whether it was the sheer exertion of having recently had a threesome or the thoroughly exhausting idea of following through with Red’s plans to ‘tinker’ with me and the harem, but after a few seconds of silence between all three of the girls and myself, I sort of drifted off.

  It wasn’t my greatest moment, granted, and it kind of made me feel like an old man, but there was definitely some part of me that knew that a good few hours’ rest would have me ready to seize the day and get some work done.

  So, you can imagine my irritation and surprise when I awoke to discover I was being dragged by my ankles up and out of the comfort of my bed by what felt like a snake.

  “Sweet Jesus!” I yelped as I was ripped up through the canopy and high into the noonday sky.

  “Good morning, Dax,” Red said in a sing-song voice, “have a good sleep?”

  “What in the bloody Hell are you doing!?” I barked after spotting that her tail was coiled around my lower legs, “You’re going to get me killed!”

  “Only if I drop you,” Red replied, maintaining her almost mocking sing-song voice as we reached the height she was apparently happy with, “now, settle down, you got a full fifteen seconds of sleep.”

  “Fifteen seconds!?” I snapped, “Why would you think fifteen seconds would be enough for me?”

  “Because I know how much sleep a Creator needs,” Red said with a smile before using her tail to toss me up between her legs and just barely grabbing one of my wrists with her surprisingly soft red hands, “I’ve been around the block a bit, you know?”

  It was interesting to discover that at least one member of my harem had some firsthand experience with a Creator. I probably would’ve had a few questions for her if I wasn’t being held a good couple hundred feet in the air.

  “Alright, so what’s all this?” I asked, trying my best to stay calm and not look down, “Succubus alarm clock?”

  “Something like that,” Red chuckled, “however, this has more to do with the fact that you decided it would be appropriate to doze off mid-conversation. Didn’t your mother tell you how rude that is?”

  “Maybe you can try being a bit more engaging next time,” I replied, realizing only after I let the words out how stupid it was to antagonize the person who literally held my life in their hands, “but sure, I’ll work on it.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” Red said with a grin, revealing that she had more or less normal teeth with the exception of her slightly longer canines.

  I didn’t have much of a chance to focus on her dental health though as, without saying a word, she dropped me.

  Now, I don’t know about you, but my immediate go-to when I’m falling from a definitely lethal height is to start screaming my head o
ff, which I think is a completely normal and acceptable response.

  Thing is, I didn’t.

  I didn’t scream.

  I didn’t shout.

  I just let myself fall.

  Don’t get me wrong, I was scared shitless, but a part of me knew that there wasn’t a chance in Hell that Red was going to just kill me, especially not after all the numerous chances she had to do so.

  What did that add up to though?

  Where did all my expectations get me?

  Caught mere feet from the trees that, despite what cartoons and comedies have taught you, definitely would have killed me either through impalement or good old fashioned broken bones and punctured organs.

  “You’re either very brave or very trusting,” Red remarked as she held me once again by the ankles with her tail, “I’m not sure how that makes me feel about going into any sort of long-term arrangement with you.”

  “Eh, I’m fine either way,” I replied as coolly as I could manage, “mind getting me on the ground now?”

  Red didn’t say anything, instead she simply sighed, flipped me over so she was holding my wrists with her tail, and lowered me safely to the welcoming earth.

  Now, I expected the girls to run over and start checking me for injuries and whatnot, but neither Cassie nor Fern, who had put their underwear back on at some point, did anything of the sort.

  “Have fun?” Cassie asked with a smirk as Red landed beside me.

  “Wasn’t bad,” I replied before noticing a pair of bunched up pants at the foot of the bed, “are those mine?”

  “Yep,” Fern said, “Red got them off before she took you for your little flight.”

  “And neither of you thought to stop her?” I asked, making no attempt to hide the fact that I was slightly offended.

  “Dax, I’ve seen all of two people fall asleep while sitting up,” Cassie chuckled, “and the other guy was hundreds of years old, and he turned out to be dead.”

  “And that justifies me being treated like a demon’s kite because..?”

  “Because we all agreed that it wasn’t very nice of you,” Red said matter-of-factly as she walked over and sat down on the bed with the girls, “besides, I guaranteed your safety.”

  “So, what, just because she’s in the harem you guys are going to let her do what she wants?” I asked somewhat disappointedly.

  “Okay, two things,” Red interjected before either of the girls could open their mouths, “first, I am not in your… ‘harem’, if you can call it that with only three people and a lizard. Yet. Two, don’t act like it’s their fault, you fell asleep and left these two precious flowers unprotected from the big bad demon that is me.”

  “Exactly,” Cassie added, “except for the thing with leaving us unprotected, we don’t need him to take care of us.”

  “Yes, yes,” Red sighed with an exaggerated eye roll, “I’m sure you’re both strong, independent wome-”

  “No, don’t be all sarcastic,” Fern half-snapped, “Dax has done a lot for us, yes, and he definitely does his part to help us feel a bit safer, but we certainly aren’t using him as some kind of bodyguard.”

  “I’m sorry, when did I become the focus here?” Red scoffed, “I thought we all agreed that he was the one who was being rude.”

  “Yeah, but then you implied we couldn’t hold our own,” Cassie replied, her change in tone indicating to me that she wasn’t exactly happy, “sure, you’re tough, but there’s two of us.”

  I’m not going to lie, I was kind of relieved to have the spotlight taken off of me, especially because it gave me the opportunity to go ahead and generate a new pair of pants right onto my legs, instantly killing the quasi-argument the girls were having and bringing their attention back to me.

  “Where did you get them?” Fern asked, pointing at my pants.

  “What do you mea-” I started then stopped as I discovered that I hadn’t created another pair of ratty shorts and had instead adorned myself with a pair of puffy cotton pirate trousers.

  Heh, say that five times fast.

  “Must’ve come from the ship he went ahead and absorbed,” Red suggested before seeing that I was somewhat confused by her knowledge of that, “yes, I was watching you, I have been for quite some time. Can we get past it?”

  “Sure,” I huffed amusedly before turning my attention back to Fern and Cassie, “do you want a pair?”

  “Uh, yeah,” Cassie replied as she finally got off the bed, “are they as comfy as they look?”

  “I think so…” I trailed off after realizing I hadn’t really thought about it, “sort of… airy.”

  I’m going to skip over the part where Fern tried to convince me that I must’ve had them in some color other than recently blood-stained and just get right to where both of the girls were in new, flowy clothes and had dumped their old ones in the fire pit after I’d gone ahead scanned them.

  “Happy?” I asked somewhat tiredly.

  “Mmhm,” Fern let out with a big smile as both she and Cassie enjoyed the freedom of being braless and in fresh-ish clothes, “thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” I chuckled before turning to face Red who, surprisingly, had been pretty accommodating in letting the girls go nuts with the ten or so minutes it took them to finally get dressed, “so, what is going to get you to join this harem?”

  “Oh, you know, nothing too hard.” Red replied slyly before looking me up and down, “Just a few adjustments, like we were talking about before you so rudely fell asleep.”

  “Yes, yes, can we get past that?” I sighed, “C’mon, give me something tangible, something I can work with.”

  Red clearly wasn’t altogether happy with having the opportunity to give me a ribbing taken away, but she went ahead and jumped off the bed anyway, “Well, first things first, it wouldn’t hurt if you were a bit more… worldly.”

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked, ignoring the fact that Cassie was tearing most of the legs off her new pants, effectively converting them into flowy short-shorts.

  “You’ve not exactly gotten around, have you?” Red finally said after spending a few seconds eyeing off the girls, “I mean, you’ve had sexual encounters with all of… what, three races?”

  It took me a second to remember the handjob she’d given me, though it did come to me, “Alright, yeah, so? There aren’t exactly a whole lot of options here.”

  “I suppose that’s fair,” Red replied, “how about we call it an even five? I know for a fact that there are more races than that on this island, so getting two more should be a piece of cake.”

  “Like what?” I asked as I tried to get the image of sleeping with one of the giant bees out of my head.

  “Well, there’re the dark wood elves,” Fern chimed in, “and you’ve already got an inroad there.”

  I nearly asked ‘Isn’t your race and theirs practically the same?’ but went ahead and decided against it when I saw Cassie subtly but urgently shaking her head at me.

  “Right, let’s go see them then.” Red suggested.

  “But they want… something,” I said, remembering that I wasn’t actually sure what they specifically wanted, “and besides, they won’t even talk to me.”

  “Don’t worry,” Red said with a wink, “I’m sure I can get them to open up.”

  There was a part of me that was worried she meant literally disemboweling them, but before I could clarify that that wasn’t what she meant she’d already started moving towards the jungle.

  “Are you guys going to be alright for a few minutes?” I asked, watching after Red to make sure I didn’t lose her in the trees.

  “Yeah, I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Cassie replied before using her head to gesture towards the beach, “figured we’d go ahead and enjoy the water for a bit.”

  “Dax, darling,” Red called from the jungle, “are you coming or not?”

  “Two seconds,” I shouted back before turning back to the girls, “you’re positive?”

ive,” Fern said with a nod, “unless you need us to come with you?”

  “Heh, I’ll be right,” I replied, silently cursing myself out for not snatching the opportunity for company with the undoubtedly highly dangerous succubus, “guess I’ll see you two in a while then.”

  “See you.” the girls said almost in unison before turning away and walking towards the beach.

  “Dax?” Red beckoned with more irritation than the first time.

  “Jesu-I’m coming!” I practically barked as I finally started going in Red’s direction before quietly muttering “Couldn’t give me three damn seconds, could you?” to myself.

  I think that’s about the time when I realized I was drifting away from knowing what I wanted and being a confident man towards being more like a whiny teenager who was begrudgingly doing what he was told.

  Granted, getting woken up the way I had definitely put me in a kind of shitty mood, but as I got into the jungle and saw the mildly annoyed but still incredibly sexy Red standing there with her hands on her hips I decided that it was important to work on balancing my mood.

  “Took your time.” Red remarked as I came to stand a few feet in front of her.

  “Yeah, well, I’m worth the wait.” I replied with a sly grin, to which Red started looking me up and down.

  “I think I’ll be the judge of that,” the succubus jovially jabbed, “now, let’s go see some dark wood elves.”

  “Yes,” I said as I walked past her and started leading the way, “let’s.”


  Yes, leading the way was supposed to be a sort of power move in the hopes of reasserting myself as a guy that didn’t bitch and moan when someone told him to get the lead out.

  No, it didn’t work.

  “We’re lost, aren’t we?” Red asked amusedly.

  “No, we’re not lost,” I lied, “we’re just taking a more… scenic route.”

  “And why are we doing that?”

  “Because…” I trailed off as I tried to think of a good response before giving up with a sigh and stopping our trek, “okay, fuck it. Yes, we’re lost.”

  Red didn’t respond for a second, but eventually let out a little laugh, “Takes a big man to admit when they’re lost.”


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