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Path of Kings

Page 19

by James Dale

  "In recognition of service to the House of Th'nar," he continued touching Braedan's left shoulder with the flat of the blade, "I hereby knight thee Sir Jack Braedan, Swordsman of the Order of the Dragon, Defender of the Realm, and Shield of the Whesguard. In the name of Yh the Creator, Yh’Adan His Holy Son, and the Spirit of Truth which resides over all creation." Theros briefly touched his right shoulder, then his left, then his bowed head. After letting it rest there for a heartbeat, he lifted the blade to his lips to seal the oath. He returned Bin’et Ardendel to the prince and motioned to a waiting knight. The man stepped forward and presented the king with a sheathed sword. It was simple in design, without ornate detail on hilt or pommel, but when he drew the blade and held aloft, words carved along sword glowed with an inner fire.

  “This is the Highsword Dragonslayer,” the king announced. “Forged by the Word of Yh’Adan and given to the world of men to defeat evil. For eight hundred years, its touch has brought death to the wicked of heart and to all things foul. But to those pure of heart and of high purpose, its touch is a blessing that endows strength, and the courage to stand against the dark in this world. Do you consent to its touch, Sir Jack Braedan?”

  Jack raised his eyes and looked at the king. If he truly was the Heir of Ljmarn Bra’Adan, he had nothing to fear from the touch of a Highsword, right? If…if he was not? If he was not, Braedan suddenly decided, it was probably just as well he put and end this foolishness now and called it a day. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I do,” he replied, somewhat amazed there was no trace of fear in his voice.

  Theros Th’nar repeated what he’d done with Bin’et Ardendel, touching Braedan on his left, should, then his right, and then rested the blade briefly on Braedan’s bared head. Once again, he kissed the blade, to seal its oath. “You have been touched by the power of a Highsword and found worthy, Jack Braedan. Will you now swear to defend the weak, to protect the innocent and speak only the truth though it cost you your life? To hold honor above glory, fidelity above riches, and duty above personal safety? Speak this oath, Jack Braedan, and arise a Defender of the Realm.”

  Braedan opened his eyes to see Theros smiling down at him. If he was relieved he hadn’t been struck dead by Dragonslayer, there was no trace of it on the king’s face. Whether being touched by a Highsword proved his worth, he could not say, but at least it hadn’t burned him to a crisp like a vampire exposed to the sun. Having be coached by Gweneveare in preparation for this moment, he flawlessly repeated the oath that made him a knight.

  “Arise, Sir Jack Braedan,” Theros commanded. “Defender of the Realm.”

  To a thunderous ovation, Jack stood and faced the king, who motioned for the newly knighted man to turn and present himself to the cheering throng. Gweneveare's eyes were bright with pride as she applauded her pupil. If she had known being touched by Dragonslayer was to be a part of this ceremony, she’d certainly made no mention of it. If she had, well, he was glad she’d kept the knowledge to herself. Jack recognized but two other familiar faces in the crowd, Count Thain Arthol and Ambassador Thongril. The count smiled and gave him an approving nod, while Thongril gave him a wink, then pretended to wipe sweat from his brow in exaggerated relief. King Theros allowed the applause to continue for several seconds, then raised his hands for quite once more.

  "We aren’t finished yet, Sir Jack,” Theros smiled. “Chief Steward, if you please?”

  Valarius Th'lann stepped to the king’s side. In his hand was a rolled parchment, sealed with wax embossed by the royal signet. The steward handed the parchment to the king with a slight bow. "Let it be further known," Theros announced, breaking the seal and beginning to read, “the title Duke of Thonbor, vacant these last three months since the tragic death of Duke Lyonnel Th'nar and all his heirs, is henceforth bestowed upon by Sir Jack Braedan. Let it be known the House of Braedan shall have charge over all lands, principles and holdings therewith. He is hereby charged with executing all responsibility and duties due this station. Thonbor shall remain under his care and in possession of his house so long as his line shall last upon the earthe,” Theros rolled the parchment, and handed it back to the Chief Steward. “Nobles of Brydium. Honored guests. I present to you, Sir Jack Braedan, Duke of Thonbor!"

  Deafening cheers erupted once more, for the new duke as well as for the abounding generosity of the king. Theros allowed it to continue for only a moment then commanded his subjects to silence. "Be seated please!" he commanded. When the crowd was settled again, Theros regained the dais and took his seat upon the Dragon Throne, motioning for Jack to stand before him.

  "Kneel Lord Thonbor, and swear allegiance to the King of Brydium and the Dragon Throne," Theros commanded. "To obey the commands of your king, in times of war and peace; to defend Brydium and the Realm with heart and life and blood, so long as you shall live.”

  Braedan had been touched by a Highsword and lived. What fear should he have of speaking another oath? He was reasonably certain if the day ever came he drew Yhswyndyr and was recognized as Ljmarn’s heir, it would trump all oaths he had spoken regardless of their weight and to whom he had sworn them. "I swear allegiance to Theros Th'nar of Brydium,” he replied, kneeling once more. “To him and no other. To obey his commands in time of war and peace. To defend Brydium and the Realm with heart and life and blood, so long as I shall live."

  Theros presented his hand to Jack, and he bent to kiss the king's signet ring. "You hid it well your grace, but from the look you gave me, I take it no one warned you I might touch you with Dragonslayer?” the king asked with a smile.

  “Are you sure it works, sire?” Braedan asked, managing a smile of his own as he stood.

  “Oh, it assuredly does,” Theros laughed quietly. “That is why I rarely use it. You are but the second to be honored with its touch in twenty years. I would have settled for a less…dramatic display, but Thessa insisted. She had no doubt to the quality of your character, did you my dear?” he asked turning to his pregnant daughter-in-law.

  “None whatsoever sire,” she replied, smiling happily.

  “Now, neither do the citizens of Brydium,” the king remarked. “Since all now know your worth beyond a doubt, shall we finish with the pomp and circumstance?”

  “Most definitely,” Jack agreed.

  “Very well, then,” the king said, standing once more. “Nobles of Brydium. Honored guests. You have borne witness today to the pardon, knighthood, and the ennobling of Jack Braedan. The Highsword Dragonslayer has attested to the worthiness of this man. Not to his blamelessness or purity, to be sure, for all men harbor some measure of imperfection. But of the goodness of his heart, his courage and his selflessness, let no one doubt. Your princess sits before you now, a living testimony to his selflessness and noble character. Your prince once again carries a sword lost to House Th’nar for eight hundred years due to this man’s amazing courage and strength. Perhaps there are some great heroes remaining in Aralon who could have accomplished these feats, but I doubt they would have done so with such humility.”

  “Last evening at Count Arthol's home,” the king continued, “I inquired if there was something Sir Jack desired in return for all he had done for Brydium. Some of you heard with your own ears when he answered only another sword and a plate of hot roast beef."

  Several of the gathered nobles, having attending the dinner, laughed politely and nodded in agreement, turning to whisper to those beside this was indeed so.

  "What say you now since you have had a night to reconsider Lord Thonbor?" the king asked Jack. "Even the offer of half my treasury still stands."

  The gathered crowd gasped in wonder at this generous pronouncement, even though several of them had heard the king make the same offer the night before.

  "You have given me a full pardon, lands, and the freedom to live peacefully in your kingdom my Lord," Jack replied with a bow. This time the bow of a nobleman. After a quick glance and an imperceptible smile at Gweneveare to show his tutor he had truly been listening
, he continued. "More than a man in my recent position had any right to expect. What more could I possibly desire?"

  "Will you take nothing more for the return of two such great treasures?" Theros inquired, "I would not have it said he who sits upon the Dragon Throne is without gratitude."

  "I ask for nothing more my Lord," Jack repeated. " command it."

  "Then I do. My first command as your liege lord is you name three bounties as payment for your service to the crown,” Theros said.

  "I relent," Jack sighed. "I have been told sire, you have a certain volume in your library. One written long ago."

  "My library has many such tomes," Theros replied, taking a seat once more on the Dragon Throne. "Of which do you speak?"

  "The Prophecies of Aaracus."

  "A strange request," the king replied, looking at Jack curiously, "Are you a scholar as well as a pirate?"

  "Former pirate sire," Jack corrected him with a lopsided grin. “Yet whatever I may have been, I stand before you now simply as a man in need of the guidance of the Prophet."

  "Wise council for all men," Theros nodded. "Very well, you shall have it. Full access to that volume and to any other you may wish to examine. Do you...perchance read Brydianic script Sir Jack?"

  "," he admitted. Had Jon Kailmax mentioned that to him? If he had, he could not recall.

  "Then an interpreter must be appointed to you," Theros smiled, "Prince Thonicil will personally see to this task. As his duties allow of course."

  The king's son acknowledged the command with a single nod of his head. Jack wondered briefly if he was the only one in the room who happened to notice the almost imperceptible look of resentment the young price quickly threw his way.

  "Thank you sire," Jack replied.

  "Name thy second bounty."

  "A suit of armor," Jack said without hesitation, picturing in his mind's eye the suit of blue lacquered steel from his third vision during the Elohara. "With a shield and heraldry of my choice."

  "Done," said the king. "My personal armorer will forge it for you."

  Jack nodded, already seeing the small, wiry man who would hammer it out for him.

  "Name your last bounty," commanded Theros.

  "For my last bounty sire," Jack said thoughtfully. "I... seemed to have overslept this morning and missed breakfast entirely. Though the blame is mine entirely, would it be permissible to ask the crown for a bite of lunch?"

  The room erupted with hearty laughter.

  "You are in luck," King Theros smiled, joining them. "As it so happens, a feast has been pre-pared in your honor in the main dining hall. Yh’s Truth Jack Braedan, if all my subjects were so easily pleased, life around here would be much simpler indeed! Valarius! Lead us to the feast!"

  As the chamber exploded with cheers, King Theros took the hand of his queen and stepped down from the dais, following the chief steward from the hall. Falling in behind the royal couple came Prince Thonicil and a laughing Princess Thessa, who motioned for Jack and Gweneveare to join them. The young woman took the new Duke of Thonbor's arm proudly, and the three couples made their way through the cheering crowd.

  Chapter Twelve

  Duke of Thonbor

  If Jack thought he would be taken immediately to a large quantity of food, he was sadly mistaken. The king stopped just inside the doorway to the dining hall where the Steward Valarius quickly arranged the group into a receiving line, the new Duke of Thonbor first, then King Theros assuming the next place in line, then Elaynor his queen, Prince Thonicil, Princess Thessa, the visiting Annothian Prince Kirstaen, and finally a thoroughly overwhelmed Gweneveare de’Aabran. Jack was quickly swimming in a sea of smiling faces and unfamiliar names, all remarking on his great courage, congratulating him on his knighthood and wishing him well as the new Duke of Thonbor. Only Count Arthol and Ambassador Thongril deviated from the sycophantic display of flattery.

  "Duke of Thonbor?" the ambassador smiled wryly. "You don't know what you've gotten yourself into lad."

  "Not now Ian," the king rebuked him.

  "Come find me later if you find yourself in need of another hasty escape," Thongril whispered, then the ambassador moved on, replaced by an endless parade of well-wishers.

  Hours later it seemed, as the last nobleman, an Earl Faulken de'something-or-other, had shaken his hand and offered to introduce him to his oldest daughter Ioephegina, Braedan was allowed by a chuckling King Theros to take his turn at the serving table. Though over three hundred hungry guests had already filled their plates and taken seats at the half dozen, long rectangular tables dominating the center of the hall, the food was still plentiful and hot. There were plates of roast venison, beef, pheasant and wild boar, along with steaming bowls of various vegetables, yellow corn and sweet yams, baked potatoes smothered in butter and spices, squash, beets, and enough fresh bread and rolls to feed an army.

  To Jack's further delight, waiting at the end of the serving table stood several kegs of dark, chilled ale. He heartily thanked the smiling servant who handed him a frothing ceramic mug of the brew and allowed himself to lead away by another and seated near the head of the center table. He was soon joined by Queen Elaynor and Princess Thessa and he scrambled back to his feet as the two women were guided to seats on either side of him.

  "Queen Mother," Thessa smiled, moving to his side. "May I present Jack Braedan, a nobleman long before this day."

  "Majesty," Jack bowed, accepting the queen's hand and briefly touching it to his lips. "I am honored."

  The queen of Brydium was a striking woman, as tall as Jack, with the same raven black hair of her people, only just showing a few strands of gray. There were crow’s feet at the corners of her sky-blue eyes, laugh lines most people called them, which she made no effort to hide with cosmetics, which only added to her beauty. Jack imagined when the young Prince Theros had been courting this woman she must have been the most sought-after maiden in all of Brydium, perhaps in all of Aralon.

  "Dear boy," the queen smiled, releasing his hand and giving him a familiar hug more befitting a beloved nephew than a man she had only just met. "We own you so much. More than the simple gifts we have given today can ever repay."

  "Your generosity overwhelms me my Lady," replied Jack when then queen released him. "All I ever hoped for was to be allowed to continue on as Thessa's champion."

  "We have only given title to the nobility the Creator graced you with at birth," she smiled. "I only pray the crown’s small gifts will aid you in your quest."

  "My quest, highness?" Jack inquired curiously as he seated the queen, then her expectant daughter-in-law.

  "I told her about Annawyn," Thessa smiled.

  “Thessa! It was supposed to be our secret,” Jack sighed, taking his seat.

  “I have told no one else, Jack,” she assured him. “If there is anyone on this earthe who can advise you on this…issue, it is Queen Elaynor.”

  "Now that I have met you," Elaynor added, "I heartily approve. Kiathan was ever a brash and arrogant man. Not a suitable match for such a treasure as Annawyn."

  Brash and arrogant? Jack struggled unsuccessfully to mask the rage instantly filling in him at the mention of Duke of Raashan. Brash and arrogant? ‘Kiathan is murder and tool of the Sa’tan,’ He wanted to shout. ‘I should have taken the advice of Hamman ad’Jhen and ridden straight to Dorshev and slit his miserable throat.’

  “Forgive my thoughtless words, Lord Thonbor,” Elaynor said, taking his hand when she saw the anger on his face. “I understand your…ire? He tried to crucify you after all. We shall speak of some-thing else, yes?”

  "Something else?" asked King Theros, placing his overflowing plate on the table and taking his seat at its head. "What are you discussing? My new duke looks ready to do murder.”

  "We were discussing…love," Elaynor sighed, releasing Braedan’s hand to caress his cheek sadly.

  “He’s fallen for you already, has he?” Theros laughed, “You should have asked for Elaynor’
s hand when you had the chance Lord Thonbor. It would have caused a stir certainly, but I would…”

  "You would have what?” the queen interrupted. “Choose what you say next carefully Dragon-slayer or I…shall be sleeping alone in our bed tonight.”

  “I would have been forced to fight Lord Thonbor for your love, my queen,” Theros smiled mischievously.

  “Well then,” Elaynor replied. “You may rest easy then my husband. You shall not have to battle Ser Jack for my hand. If you must know, we were speaking of his affection for a certain young Horse-maiden."

  "Ah yes, Annawyn." Theros nodded. He knew as well! "The Horsemaidens of Doridan are wild and exotic, and that fire maned beauty is the best of the lot. Or the worst I suppose, depending on how you look at it. Yet for a pirate..."

  "Former pirate," the queen corrected an instant before Thessa.

  The King of Brydium shrugged. "Pirate or Duke of Thonbor, methinks Jack will need to be a little of both if his heart is set on that filly. But perhaps we should indeed speak of something else, yes?" he asked, inclining his head towards Jack, whose anger and turned to embarrassment.

  "Forgive me," the queen apologized again, patting Jack's hand. "We certainly shall."

  “Something simple, Lord Thonbor?” asked the king. “Like how is you arrived in my kingdom wearing the royal signet ring of the House of ad’Jhen? I will have to consult with Valarius, but I am almost certain you are the first Kadinar prince to grace these halls since…well, in living memory at least. I am positive you are the first to be ennobled by Dragonslayer.”

  “It’s only an honorary title your majesty,” Jack replied, covering the ring. “I’m almost certain. I was traveling through Kadin…after, well after riding in the south, and chanced upon a young boy who had foolishly decided to hunt a Ghomari.” Jack briefly recounted how he’d saved the lad only to discover he was in fact, Manar ad’Jhen, son of the Great Khan. He explained how Prince Manar had granted him Ahala bid for saving him.


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