Book Read Free

The Falls City Five

Page 4

by Sarah Markel

  The girl blushed a bit as she stood. Max wondered if the girl was going to relieve herself of the bulky sweatshirt she wore. She was starting to sweat just looking at the kid.

  “I’m Melissa Rosenbaum,” the girl said, fidgeting with the sleeves of her shirt.

  Max put a check mark by the girl’s name. “Tell me, Melissa, what’s your favorite book?” Max had discovered, years earlier, that you could tell a lot about someone by the books they favored.

  Melissa’s eyes brightened. “Misery by Stephen King,” she blurted, eliciting a sarcastic snicker from many of her classmates.

  “A classic,” Max said, scowling at the class, “why is that your favorite?”

  Melissa cast her eyes toward the floor and shifted nervously as she answered. Max studied the girl closely, masking her scrutiny with a kind, encouraging smile.

  “The psychopathy of the book’s antagonist. That she was so delusional in her obsession with a writer that she was willing to hold him hostage in her home and torture him, simply because she didn’t like that he killed off a character that she adored. The idea that there are real people suffering from mental disorders like that astounds me, and is the reason I want to be a psychologist.”

  Max thanked the young girl and glanced at Dani, who was tapping away on her phone. A short, chubby Hispanic boy stood and introduced himself, followed by the other two students in that row. Moving on, Max pointed to the boy that followed Dani into the classroom.

  Zeke stood, his posture slightly slumped as he shifted his weight. “Ezekiel Fisk, Ma’am.”

  Max’s eyes narrowed, and she tilted her head in question. “Weren’t you in this class last period?”

  Zeke chuckled and shook his head. “No, Ma’am. That was my brother, Elijah. We’re identical twins.”

  Max shrugged and checked off the boy’s name. “What’s your favorite book, Ezekiel?”

  “Ma’am,” he said, his face suddenly fearful, “May I answer that question in private?”

  Max nodded and motioned the boy forward. Zeke leaned close to Max’s ear and whispered. When he righted himself, she asked if he was willing to explain, out loud, his reasoning. Zeke nodded and walked back to his desk.

  “That’s my favorite book, because it makes me happy to see that his family became stronger, despite his death. I’m appalled by the things mankind is willing to do to each other, and knowing that some people can persevere in the wake of such a horrible loss, gives me hope for the human race.”

  “Thank you, Ezekiel,” Max said gently, moving on to the three students behind him.

  With only ten students in the class, Max skipped Dani and listened attentively as an average looking boy described the Bible as his favorite work of fiction.

  “Alright, Daniela, your turn,” Max said, motioning for Dani to stand.

  Dani joined Max at the front of the classroom and stood facing her peers. She made sure to make eye contact with each student as she introduced herself.

  “I’m Daniela Willows. Ms. Willows is my mother. My favorite book is The DaVinci Code, because it requires actual thought to fully grasp everything Brown is trying to imply. The use of science to solve, and prove, a mystery steeped in religious history is also intriguing, because of the conflicting ideals between science and religion.”

  Max patted Dani on the shoulder and addressed the class. “Are there any questions for either of us?”

  Several hands shot into the air. Max chuckled and called on Pedro, the boy who sat behind Dani.

  “How come your daughter doesn’t look like you?” he asked, not the least bit shy about his bluntness.

  Max glanced at Dani and her hand flitted to the wedding band hanging from her neck. She smiled sadly and turned her attention back to the class.

  “My late wife was Daniela’s biological mother,” she explained, reciting the fictitious backstory she’d been supplied with. Max’s only stipulation had been that she not be forced to hide her sexuality, were the issue addressed.

  Condolences were murmured by several of the students, including Zeke and Melissa, who raised their hands to ask the next question.

  “Daniela, will you go out with me on Friday night?” blurted Cooper Purvis, the pimply-faced boy with a wild mop of auburn curls seated behind Zeke.

  Dani’s face flamed and she took an unconscious step closer to Max. “Sorry, Cooper,” Max supplied, saving Dani, “but we’ve just moved here, and I’ve asked Daniela not to accept any dates, until she gets to know everyone a bit better.”

  The others laughed as Cooper blushed, and Dani squeezed Max’s arm in thanks before returning to her desk.


  “What a day,” Max groaned as she and Dani entered the house. While the first four classes of the day had been pleasant, the final three had been a nightmare. Where the Juniors and Seniors had been polite and respectful, the Freshman and Sophomores had been rude and vulgar.

  Max had sent two boys to the office for their language and reprimanded three girls for not paying attention. By the time the final bell rang, Max was clinging to her last patient nerve.

  “What are you complaining about, Mom?” Dani sniped, plopping onto the couch, “At least you didn’t have to run up and down a million stairs to get to your classes. Why does a school with less than seventy students have such an expansive campus?”

  Max kicked off her heels and joined Dani on the couch, pulling the shorter woman into a deep kiss.

  “Man, I’ve waited all day to do that,” she said against Dani’s lips, “this cover is going to test every ounce of my resolve.”

  Dani hummed her agreement and moved to straddle Max’s hips. “At least we don’t have to maintain it when we’re alone,” she breathed, tipping her head to give Max access to the soft skin of her neck.

  “You’re not alone yet,” Agent Young chuckled in Dani’s ear.

  “Fuck!” Dani cried, startled by the man’s voice.

  “I’m trying,” Max replied, oblivious to the reason for her wife’s exclamation.

  “You can take out the bug, Dani. Just flip the little switch on the back and it will shut down. You can turn off the phone, too. Unless you want a recording of what you two are doing, that is.”

  Dani pulled away from Max and leaned back to grab the phone off the table. She shut down both devices and tossed them on the couch beside Max. Stripping off her shirt, she turned back to her wife and smiled seductively.

  “Now that I’m the only one in my head, where were we?” she asked, her voice thick with need.

  Max sucked in a breath and splayed her hands over Dani’s back, her fingers moving swiftly to relieve the woman of her bra.

  “I believe we were right about here,” she said, sucking a perky nipple into her mouth.

  Dani moaned loudly and arched her back, offering her breasts more fully to Max’s eager mouth. Max growled softly, her tongue flicking and teasing Dani’s nipple into a straining peak.

  “Wait!” Dani panted, suddenly remembering that the living room was being recorded, “Bedroom, now.”

  Max lifted her head and narrowed her eyes in confusion. Dani bent to grab her shirt, covering her nudity as she stood from Max’s lap.

  “I don’t want to have to explain to Cross why there is lesbian porn on the tapes,” she explained, pointing to the decorative clock on the wall behind her.

  Max’s eyes widened with realization and she ran a hand through her hair. “Sorry, honey,” she muttered.

  Dani waved off the apology and grabbed Max’s hand, tugging her roughly toward the stairs.

  While Dani’s “bedroom” had been set up on the main floor of the house, Max’s was upstairs. The couple’s marital activities were less likely to be observed on the second floor.

  With a chuckle, Max scooped Dani up and carried her up the stairs. When she reached the bedroom, Max laid Dani on the bed and crawled on top of her.

  “You ready to earn some extra credit?” she asked, feathering kisses down Dani’s body.
  “Gross,” Dani chuckled, smacking Max’s shoulder, “Don’t do that. This whole thing is creepy enough.”

  Max grinned and kissed Dani passionately. “Sorry,” she said, meeting Dani’s lust-filled eyes. Dani’s teeth found her lower lip and Max growled at the sight.

  “Do you have any idea how sexy that is?” she asked, rolling her hips between Dani’s legs.

  Dani smirked and nodded. “I also know how effective it is,” she replied, arching her own hips to meet Max’s.

  “I love you,” Max said, slipping her hand down Dani’s stomach to unbutton her jeans.

  “I love you, too,” Dani moaned, “now shut up and show me.”

  Chapter 5

  “Hi, Daniela,” Melissa greeted the next morning, “Can I ask you a question?”

  Dani slowed her pace and hitched her backpack higher on her shoulder. “Sure, what’s up?”

  Melissa glanced around at the other kids milling about the hallway. School didn’t officially start for another twenty minutes, but the halls were already full of students visiting with each other.

  “What’s it like, being raised by a lesbian?” Melissa asked, leaning closer to Dani’s unencumbered ear as she whispered.

  Dani winced and pulled away. “Sorry,” she said, rubbing her ear, “because I can’t hear out of the other one, that ear is really sensitive.”

  The latter part of her statement was true, and Dani was beginning to wonder how much damage her delicate ears were going to be exposed to.

  Melissa apologized and moved out of Dani’s bubble. “I just didn’t want everyone else to hear me.”

  “It’s okay,” Dani replied, “My mom doesn’t hide who she is. I’m sure everyone will know, sooner or later. It’s no different from being raised by straight parents, I assume. The only thing that might be different is that she’s always been one-hundred-percent accepting of everything about me. She never judges my choices, and I can talk to her about literally anything.”

  Melissa nodded and stuffed her hands inside the pockets of her hoodie. “What was your other mom like?”

  Dani hesitated. They hadn’t discussed this part of the cover, and she made sure her phone was recording.

  “Make something up, Dani,” Young directed in her ear, “We’ll have it on tape and send it to Max so she’s on the same page.”

  Dani’s mind worked quickly, and she settled on a bit of honesty. “My other mom was great. She was warm and affectionate, and loved to take me places. We went everywhere together and had great adventures in the park. She’d jump right in with whatever game I made up and play with me for hours.”

  Dani smiled as she thought back over the time she had with her real mother. Melissa noticed the sentimental smile on the redhead’s face and offered Dani a compassionate pat on the back.

  “How long ago did she pass?” she asked, her voice full of sympathy.

  Dani swiped at her misty eyes. “She died when I was ten,” she replied, her voice threatening to crack, “She was diagnosed with breast cancer after I was born. She beat it twice when I was little, but it came back shortly after I turned eight. They tried everything, but the cancer was aggressive. Her body couldn’t fight it off any longer.”

  In the van, Agent Young’s heart broke for his colleague. Although he couldn’t stand her wife, Young liked Dani. They’d had many conversations about their lives, but she’d never told him about her mother’s death before.

  “I’m so sorry, Daniela,” Melissa said somberly, “We’re kind of in the same boat, you and me. My dad took off before I was born, and my mom died when I was five. She OD’d on heroin.”

  “Wow,” Dani replied, leaning against her locker as Melissa opened the one next to her, “Who do you live with, then?”

  Melissa’s face darkened and she hesitated before she answered. “I live with my mom’s brother, Ezra Fisk. Zeke is my cousin.”

  Dani glanced down at her phone, pretending to read the transcription of their conversation. She quickly tapped a note on the screen and waited quietly while Melissa stowed her things. When the girl failed to rid herself of the bulky sweatshirt, Dani couldn’t hold back her curiosity any longer.

  “Why do you wear that shirt?” she asked, “It’s the middle of September.”

  Melissa self-consciously tugged the sleeves over her hands and shrugged. “I’m very modest,” she replied, avoiding Dani’s inquisitive gaze. “I don’t like being exposed. I always wear long sleeves, even when it’s hot. I don’t wear shorts either; just pants and long skirts.”

  Dani couldn’t imagine living like Melissa. As a redhead, she tended to overheat rather easily. She’d never be able to survive being constantly covered in the hot weather.

  “Good morning, ladies,” Max sang, pausing to kiss Dani’s forehead as she passed. “Daniela, your aunt and uncles are coming for dinner on Friday. They’re bringing a guest, so please hurry home after school to help me get dinner ready.”

  “God, Mom,” Dani grumbled, “Just have Uncle Pete bring a pizza. Less prep and less cleanup.” She understood Max’s coded message; Progress meeting on Friday, but played it off.

  Max scowled and shook her head. “Please don’t argue with me, sweetheart. Your Uncles haven’t had a home-cooked meal in a long time. I’ll let you have extra dessert,” she added sweetly.

  Dani smiled, but rolled her eyes again. “Fine,” she finally huffed, “now go away, you’re embarrassing me.”

  Melissa snorted, and Max laughed. “I’ll see you ladies in class,” Max said, waving as she turned the corner to go up the stairs.

  “I like your mom,” Melissa complimented as the first bell began to ring, “I’ll see you later.”

  Dani waved to her friend and headed off toward her first class. As she walked, she tapped out a note on the phone. Melissa was lying to her again, and she was growing more and more curious each time they spoke.


  “Cordelia Weston, meet Agents Max and Dani Prescott,” Frost introduced on Friday evening, “Ladies, this is Lieutenant Weston, FCPD.”

  Max and Dani shook hands with the redheaded woman and led the way toward the dining room. The ladies joined Agents Young and Harrison at the table, helping themselves to the variety of available pizza and beer.

  “Now, now, Daniela,” Agent Young teased, “You’re not old enough for that yet.”

  “Eat me, Uncle Pete,” Dani said, twisting the cap off a beer and tossing it at the man.

  Max snorted and took a seat beside Harrison. She pulled Dani into her lap and took the woman’s beer, tossing back a generous swallow.

  “What are your impressions, so far?” Frost asked the two women.

  “Melissa Rosenbaum and Ezekiel Fisk are hiding something,” Dani said, “Zeke’s voice changes when he’s around her, and he seems both antagonistic and uncomfortable around her. It could be because they are cousins and living in the same home, but I think it’s something else. His father is the pastor at one of the churches.”

  “Melissa always wears a hoodie, despite the heat. When I asked about it, she gave me a bullshit story about not liking her skin being exposed. She says her mother overdosed when she was five, so it could be she’s hiding evidence of drug use. She doesn’t strike me as a junkie, but that doesn’t really mean she’s not.”

  “Anyone else you are suspicious of?” Frost asked, jotting down notes on her laptop.

  “Just the Principal,” Dani said, wrinkling her nose, “Raymond Glick. He pretends to be monitoring the kids in the halls, but he tends to mutter to himself. I don’t know if it’s because he thinks I’m hard of hearing or if it’s subconscious, but he mumbles comments about nearly every female his eyes land on.”

  “I had to work hard to keep from punching him in the balls when he muttered his appreciation of Max’s breasts. With the din in the halls, I don’t think anyone else hears him, but I can. And he should be thankful that Max didn’t hear the comment he made about my ass in the shorts I wore yesterday.”
r />   Max stiffened, and her eyes flashed. “What did he say?”

  Dani shrugged and took another pull from her beer. “He said if I was eighteen, he’d be happy to take my ass for a ride I’d never forget.”

  “What!” Max shouted in disbelief, “What the hell is he doing in a school?”

  Dani turned in Max’s lap and draped her arms over the jealous woman’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” she said, batting her lashes, “the only person taking my ass for any kind of ride is you.”

  Young and Harrison snorted loudly, and Frost was forced to wipe Young’s beer from the front of her blouse.

  Cordy laughed outright and shook her head. “Shit, Max,” she chuckled, “You’ve got your own compact version of my wife!”

  Dani’s face flushed and she stuck her tongue out at the rest of the team. “Oh, shush.”

  Once the table had been cleaned of Young’s nose-beer-eruption, it was Max’s turn to give her impressions.

  “The girls’ gym teacher, Rhonda Carlton, raises a few flags for me. We share the same free period, and we’ve had coffee in the lounge a few times. She asked if I was worried about Dani, what with all the girls around town disappearing. She doesn’t seem like she’s too upset about the disappearances, either.”

  “She does have a photo of Bailey Chambers tucked inside a book she’s reading. I caught a flash of it when she opened the book.”

  “There are a few students in my early classes that I think warrant a deeper look, too. Elijah Fisk; identical twin brother of Ezekiel Fisk. He’s very quiet and always seems preoccupied. He startles easily and seems intent on avoiding eye contact with any of the girls in the class. When he speaks to me, he keeps his eyes trained above my head and he mumbles when he talks.”

  Max paused to grab another slice of pizza and a fresh beer. The others followed suit, each taking notes on her observations.

  “Amber Stevens is another one that has me suspicious. I’ve heard her make several comments to other girls in the class about Frankie Sousa. She seems happy the girl is gone, and I overheard her tell another student that she knew for certain that Sousa is dead.”


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