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Rose in Bloom

Page 14

by Louisa May Alcott



  Steve's engagement made a great stir in the family: a pleasant onethis time; for nobody objected, every thing seemed felicitous, and thecourse of true love ran very smoothly for the young couple, whopromised to remove the only obstacle to their union by growing old andwise as soon as possible. If he had not been so genuinely happy, thelittle lover's airs would have been unbearable; for he patronized allmankind in general, his brother and elder cousins in particular.

  "Now that is the way to manage matters," he declared, standing beforethe fire in Aunt Clara's billiard room a day or two after the ball,with his hands behind his back,--"no nonsense, no delay, no domesticrows or tragic separations. Just choose with taste and judgment, makeyourself agreeable through thick and thin; and, when it is perfectlyevident that the dear creature adores the ground you walk on, say theword like a man, and there you are."

  "All very easy to do that with a girl like Kitty, who has noconfounded notions to spoil her and trip you up every time you don'texactly toe the mark," muttered Charlie, knocking the balls about asif it were a relief to hit something; for he was in a gloriously badhumor that evening, because time hung heavy on his hands since he hadforsworn the company he could not keep without danger to himself.

  "You should humor those little notions; for all women have them, andit needs tact to steer clear of them. Kitty's got dozens; but I treatthem with respect, have my own way when I can, give in withoutgrowling when I can't, and we get on like a couple of--"

  "Spoons," put in Charlie, who felt that he had _not_ steered clear,and so suffered shipwreck in sight of land.

  Steve meant to have said "doves," but his cousin's levity caused himto add with calm dignity, "reasonable beings," and then revengedhimself by making a good shot which won him the game.

  "You always were a lucky little dog, Steve. I don't begrudge you aparticle of your happiness, but it does seem as if things weren'tquite fair sometimes," said Archie, suppressing an envious sigh; for,though he seldom complained, it was impossible to contrast his own andhis cousin's prospects with perfect equanimity.

  "'His worth shines forth the brightest who in hope Always confides: the abject soul despairs,'"

  observed Mac, quoting Euripides in a conversational tone, as he layupon a divan reposing after a hard day's work.

  "Thank you," said Archie, brightening a little; for a hopeful wordfrom any source was very comfortable.

  "That's your favorite Rip, isn't it? He was a wise old boy, but youcould find advice as good as that nearer home," put in Steve, who justthen felt equal to slapping Plato on the shoulder; so elated was he atbeing engaged "first of all the lot," as he gracefully expressed it.

  "Don't halloo till you are out of the wood, Dandy: Mrs. Kit has jiltedtwo men, and may a third; so you'd better not brag of your wisdom toosoon; for she may make a fool of you yet," said Charlie, cynically,his views of life being very gloomy about this time.

  "No, she won't, Steve, if you do your part honestly. There's themaking of a good little woman in Kitty, and she has proved it bytaking you instead of those other fellows. You are not a Solomon, butyou're not spoilt yet; and she had the sense to see it," said Mac,encouragingly from his corner; for he and his brother were betterfriends than ever since the little scene at the Van Tassels.

  "Hear! hear!" cried Steve, looking more than ever like a cheerfulyoung cockerel trying to crow, as he stood upon the hearth-rug withhis hands under his coat-tails, rising and falling alternately uponthe toes and heels of his neat little boots.

  "Come, you've given them each a pat on the head: haven't you got onefor me? I need it enough; for if ever there was a poor devil bornunder an evil star, it is C. C. Campbell," exclaimed Charlie, leaninghis chin on his cue with a discontented expression of countenance; fortrying to be good is often very hard work till one gets used to it.

  "Oh, yes! I can accommodate you;" and, as if his words suggested theselection, Mac, still lying flat upon his back, repeated one of hisfavorite bits from Beaumont and Fletcher; for he had a wonderfulmemory, and could reel off poetry by the hour together.

  "'Man is his own star: and the soul that can Render an honest and a perfect man Commands all light, all influence, all fate; Nothing to him falls early or too late. Our acts our angels are; or good or ill, Our fatal shadows that walk by us still.'"

  "Confoundedly bad angels they are too," muttered Charlie, ruefully;remembering the one that undid him.

  His cousins never knew exactly what occurred on New-Year's night, butsuspected that something was amiss; for Charlie had the blues, andRose, though as kind as ever, expressed no surprise at his longabsences. They had all observed and wondered at this state of things,yet discreetly made no remark, till Steve, who was as inquisitive as amagpie, seized this opportunity to say in a friendly tone, whichshowed that he bore no malice for the dark prophecy regarding hisKitty's faithfulness,--

  "What's the trouble, Prince? You are so seldom in a bad humor that wedon't know what to make of it, and all feel out of spirits when youhave the blues. Had a tiff with Rose?"

  "Never you mind, little boy; but this I will say,--the better womenare, the more unreasonable they are. They don't require us to besaints like themselves, which is lucky; but they do expect us torender 'an honest and a perfect man' sometimes, and that is askingrather too much in a fallen world like this," said Charlie, glad toget a little sympathy, though he had no intention of confessing histransgressions.

  "No, it isn't," said Mac, decidedly.

  "Much you know about it," began Charlie, ill pleased to be so flatlycontradicted.

  "Well, I know this much," added Mac, suddenly sitting up with his hairin a highly dishevelled condition. "It is very unreasonable in us toask women to be saints, and then expect them to feel honored when weoffer them our damaged hearts, or, at best, ones not half as good astheirs. If they weren't blinded by love, they'd see what a meanadvantage we take of them, and not make such bad bargains."

  "Upon my word, the philosopher is coming out strong upon the subject!We shall have him preaching 'Women's Rights' directly," cried Steve,much amazed at this outburst.

  "I've begun you see, and much good may it do you," answered Mac,laying himself placidly down again.

  "Well, but look here, man: you are arguing on the wrong side," put inArchie, quite agreeing with him, but feeling that he must stand by hisorder at all costs.

  "Never mind sides, uphold the right wherever you find it. You needn'tstare, Steve: I told you I was going to look into this matter, and Iam. You think I'm wrapt up in books: but I see a great deal more ofwhat is going on round me than you imagine; and I'm getting on in thisnew branch, let me tell you; quite as fast as is good for me, I daresay."

  "Going in for perfection, are you?" asked Charlie, both amused andinterested; for he respected Mac more than he owned even to himself,and though he had never alluded to the timely warning, neither forgot.

  "Yes, I think of it."

  "How will you begin?"

  "Do my best all round: keep good company, read good books, love goodthings, and cultivate soul and body as faithfully and wisely as Ican."

  "And you expect to succeed, do you?"

  "Please God, I will."

  The quiet energy of Mac's last words produced a momentary silence.Charlie thoughtfully studied the carpet; Archie, who had been absentlypoking the fire, looked over at Mac as if he thanked him again; andSteve, forgetting his self-conceit, began to wonder if it was notpossible to improve himself a little for Kitty's sake. Only a minute;for young men do not give much time to thoughts of this kind, evenwhen love stirs up the noblest impulses within them. To act ratherthan to talk is more natural to most of them, as Charlie's nextquestion showed; for, having the matter much at heart, he ventured toask in an offhand way, as he laughed and twirled his cue,--

  "Do you intend to reach the highest point of perfection before youaddress one of the fair saints, or shall you ask her to lend a han
dsomewhere short of that?"

  "As it takes a long lifetime to do what I plan, I think I shall asksome good woman 'to lend a hand' when I've got any thing worthoffering her. Not a saint, for I never shall be one myself, but agentle creature who will help me, as I shall try to help her; so thatwe can go on together, and finish our work hereafter, if we haven'ttime to do it here."

  If Mac had been a lover, he would not have discussed the subject inthis simple and sincere fashion, though he might have felt it far moredeeply; but being quite heart-free he frankly showed his interest,and, curiously enough, out of his wise young head unconsciously gavethe three lovers before him counsel which they valued, because hepractised what he preached.

  "Well, I hope you'll find her!" said Charlie, heartily, as he wentback to his game.

  "I think I shall," and, while the others played, Mac lay staring atthe window-curtain, as contentedly as if, through it, he beheld "adream of fair women," from which to choose his future mate.

  A few days after this talk in the billiard-room, Kitty went to callupon Rose; for, as she was about to enter the family, she felt it herduty to become acquainted with all its branches. This branch, however,she cultivated more assiduously than any other, and was continuallyrunning in to confer with "Cousin Rose," whom she considered thewisest, dearest, kindest girl ever created. And Rose, finding that, inspite of her flighty head, Kitty had a good heart of her own, did herbest to encourage all the new hopes and aspirations springing up in itunder the warmth of the first genuine affection she had ever known.

  "My dear, I want to have some serious conversation with you upon asubject in which I take an interest for the first time in my life,"began Miss Kitty, seating herself and pulling off her gloves, as ifthe subject was one which needed a firm grasp.

  "Tell away, and don't mind if I go on working, as I want to finishthis job to-day," answered Rose, with a long-handled paint-brush inher hand, and a great pair of shears at her side.

  "You are always so busy! What is it now? Let me help: I can talkfaster when I'm doing something," which seemed hardly possible; forKitty's tongue went like a mill-clapper at all hours.

  "Making picture-books for my sick babies at the hospital. Pretty work,isn't it? You cut out, and I'll paste them on these squares of gaycambric: then we just tie up a few pages with a ribbon; and there is anice, light, durable book for the poor dears to look at as they lie intheir little beds."

  "A capital idea. Do you go there often? How ever do you find the timefor such things?" asked Kitty, busily cutting from a big sheet thetouching picture of a parent bird with a red head and a blue tail,offering what looked like a small boa-constrictor to one of itsnestlings; a fat young squab with a green head, yellow body, and notail at all.

  "I have plenty of time now I don't go out so much; for a party uses uptwo days generally,--one to prepare for it, and one to get over it,you know."

  "People think it is so odd of you to give up society all of a sudden.They say you have 'turned pious,' and it is owing to your peculiarbringing up. I always take your part, and say it is a pity other girlshaven't as sensible an education; for I don't know one who is assatisfactory on the whole as you are."

  "Much obliged. You may also tell people I gave up gayety because Ivalued health more. But I haven't forsworn every thing of the kind,Kit. I go to concerts and lectures, and all sorts of early things, andhave nice times at home, as you know. I like fun as well as ever: butI'm getting on, you see, and must be preparing a little for theserious part of life; one never knows when it may come," said Rose,thoughtfully, as she pasted a squirrel upside-down on the pink cottonpage before her.

  "That reminds me of what I wanted to say. If you'll believe me, mydear, Steve has got that very idea into his head! Did you or Mac putit there?" asked Kitty, industriously clashing her shears.

  "No, I've given up lecturing the boys lately: they are so big now theydon't like it, and I fancy I'd got into a way that was rathertiresome."

  "Well, then, _he_ is 'turning pious' too. And what is very singular, Ilike it. Now don't smile: I really do; and I want to be getting readyfor the 'serious part of life,' as you call it. That is, I want togrow better as fast as I can; for Steve says he isn't half good enoughfor me. Just think of that!"

  Kitty looked so surprised and pleased and proud, that Rose felt nodesire to laugh at her sudden fancy for sobriety, but said in her mostsympathetic tone,--

  "I'm very glad to hear it; for it shows that he loves you in the rightway."

  "Is there more than one way?"

  "Yes, I fancy so; because some people improve so much after they fallin love, and others do not at all. Have you never observed that?"

  "I never learned how to observe. Of course, I know that some matchesturn out well and some don't; but I never thought much about it."

  "Well, I have; for I was rather interested in the subject lately, andhad a talk with Aunt Jessie and uncle about it."

  "Gracious! you don't talk to them about such things, do you?"

  "Yes, indeed; I ask any question I like, and always get a good answer.It is such a nice way to learn, Kitty; for you don't have to poke overbooks, but as things come along you talk about them, and remember; andwhen they are spoken of afterward you understand and are interested,though you don't say a word," explained Rose.

  "It must be nice; but I haven't any one to do so for me. Papa is toobusy, and mamma always says when I ask questions, 'Don't trouble yourhead with such things, child;' so I don't. What did you learn aboutmatches turning out well? I'm interested in that, because I want mineto be quite perfect in all respects."

  "After thinking it over, I came to the conclusion that uncle _was_right, and it is _not_ always safe to marry a person just because youlove him," began Rose, trying to enlighten Kitty without betrayingherself.

  "Of course not: if they haven't money or are bad. But otherwise Idon't see what more is needed," said Kitty, wonderingly.

  "One should stop and see if it is a wise love, likely to help bothparties, and wear well; for you know it ought to last all one'slifetime, and it is very sad if it doesn't."

  "I declare it quite scares me to think of it; for I don't usually gobeyond my wedding-day in making plans. I remember, though, that when Iwas engaged the first time (you don't know the man: it was just afteryou went away, and I was only sixteen), some one very ill-naturedlysaid I should 'marry in haste and repent at leisure;' and that made metry to imagine how it would seem to go on year after year withGustavus (who had a dreadful temper, by the way), and it worried me soto think of it that I broke the engagement, and was so glad everafterward."

  "You were a wise girl; and I hope you'll do it again, if you find,after a time, that you and Steve do not truly trust and respect aswell as love one another. If you don't, you'll be miserable when it istoo late, as so many people are who do marry in haste and have alifetime to repent in. Aunt Jessie says so, and she knows."

  "Don't be solemn, Rose. It fidgets me to think about lifetimes, andrespecting, and all those responsible things. I'm not used to it, andI don't know how to do it."

  "But you _must_ think, and you must learn how before you take theresponsibility upon yourself. That is what your life is for; and youmustn't spoil it by doing a very solemn thing without seeing if youare ready for it."

  "Do you think about all this?" asked Kitty, shrugging up her shouldersas if responsibility of any sort did not sit comfortably on them.

  "One has to sometimes, you know. But is that all you wanted to tellme?" added Rose, anxious to turn the conversation from herself.

  "Oh, dear, no! The most serious thing of all is this. Steve is puttinghimself in order generally, and so I want to do my part; and I mustbegin right away before my thoughts get distracted with clothes, andall sorts of dear, delightful, frivolous things that I can't helpliking. Now I wish you'd tell me where to begin. Shouldn't I improvemy mind by reading something solid?" and Kitty looked over at thewell-filled book-case, as if to see if it contained any thing largeand dry enough
to be considered "solid."

  "It would be an excellent plan, and we'll look up something. What doyou feel as if you needed most?"

  "A little of every thing I should say; for when I look into my mindthere really doesn't seem to be much there but odds and ends, and yetI'm sure I've read a great deal more than some girls do. I supposenovels don't count, though, and are of no use; for, goodness knows,the people and things they describe aren't a bit like the real ones."

  "Some novels are very useful and do as much good as sermons, I'veheard uncle say; because they not only describe truly, but teach sopleasantly that people like to learn in that way," said Rose, who knewthe sort of books Kitty had read, and did not wonder that she feltrather astray when she tried to guide herself by their teaching.

  "You pick me out some of the right kind, and I'll apply my mind tothem. Then I ought to have some 'serious views' and 'methods' and'principles;' Steve said 'principles,' good firm ones, you know," andKitty gave a little pull at the bit of cambric she was cutting, ashousewives pull cotton or calico when they want "a good firm article."

  Rose could not help laughing now, though much pleased; for Kitty wasso prettily in earnest, and yet so perfectly ignorant how to begin onthe self-improvement she very much needed, that it was pathetic aswell as comical to see and hear her.

  "You certainly want some of those, and must begin at once to get them:but Aunt Jessie can help you there better than I can; or Aunt Jane,for she has very 'firm' ones, I assure you," said Rose, sobering downas quickly as possible.

  "Mercy on us! I should never dare to say a word about it to Mrs. Mac:for I'm dreadfully afraid of her, she is so stern; and how I'm ever toget on when she is my mother-in-law I don't know!" cried Kitty,clasping her hands in dismay at the idea.

  "She isn't half as stern as she looks; and if you go to her withoutfear, you've no idea how sensible and helpful she is. I used to befrightened out of my wits with her, but now I'm not a bit, and we geton nicely: indeed I'm fond of her, she is so reliable and upright inall things."

  "She certainly is the straightest woman I ever saw, and the mostprecise. I never shall forget how scared I was when Steve took me upto see her that first time. I put on all my plainest things, did myhair in a meek knob, and tried to act like a sober, sedate youngwoman. Steve would laugh at me, and say I looked like a pretty nun, soI couldn't be as proper as I wished. Mrs. Mac was very kind, ofcourse; but her eye was so sharp I felt as if she saw right throughme, and knew that I'd pinned on my bonnet-strings, lost a button offmy boot, and didn't brush my hair for ten minutes every night," saidKitty, in an awe-stricken tone.

  "She likes you, though, and so does uncle, and he's set his heart onhaving you live with them by and by; so don't mind her eyes, but lookstraight up at her, and you'll see how kind they can grow."

  "Mac likes me too, and that did please me; for he doesn't like girlsgenerally. Steve told me he said I had the 'making of a capital littlewoman in me.' Wasn't it nice of him? Steve was _so_ proud, though hedoes laugh at Mac sometimes."

  "Don't disappoint them, dear. Encourage Steve in all the good thingshe likes or wants, make friends with Mac, love Aunt Jane, and be adaughter to uncle, and you'll find yourself a very happy girl."

  "I truly will, and thank you very much for not making fun of me. Iknow I'm a little goose; but lately I've felt as if I might come tosomething if I had the right sort of help. I'll go up and see AuntJessie to-morrow; I'm not a bit afraid of her: and then if you'll justquietly find out from Uncle Doctor what I must read, I'll work as hardas I can. Don't tell any one, please; they'll think it odd andaffected, and I can't bear to be laughed at, though I dare say it isgood discipline."

  Rose promised, and both worked in silence for a moment; then Kittyasked rather timidly,--

  "Are you and Charlie trying this plan too? Since you've left off goingout so much, he keeps away also; and we don't know what to make ofit."

  "He has had what he calls an 'artistic fit' lately, set up a studio,and is doing some crayon sketches of us all. If he'd only finish histhings, they would be excellent; but he likes to try a great varietyat once. I'll take you in sometime, and perhaps he will do a portraitof you for Steve. He likes girls' faces, and gets the likenesseswonderfully well."

  "People say you are engaged: but I contradict it; because, of course,_I_ should know if you were."

  "We are not."

  "I'm glad of it; for really, Rose, I'm afraid Charlie hasn't got 'firmprinciples,' though he is a fascinating fellow and one can't scoldhim. You don't mind my saying so, do you, dear?" added Kitty; for Rosedid not answer at once.

  "Not in the least: for you are one of us now, and I can speak frankly,and I will; for I think in one way you _can_ help Steve very much. Youare right about Charlie, both as to the principles and thefascination: Steve admires him exceedingly, and always from a boyliked to imitate his pleasant ways. Some of them are very harmless anddo Steve good, but some are not. I needn't talk about it, only youmust show your boy that you depend on him to keep out of harm, andhelp him do it."

  "I will, I will! and then perhaps, when he is a perfect model, Charliewill imitate him. I really begin to feel as if I had a great deal todo," and Kitty looked as if she was beginning to like it also.

  "We all have; and the sooner we go to work the better for us and thosewe love. You wouldn't think now that Phebe was doing any thing forArchie, but she is; and writes such splendid letters, they stir him upwonderfully, and make us all love and admire her more than ever."

  "How is she getting on?" asked Kitty, who, though she called herself a"little goose," had tact enough to see that Rose did not care to talkabout Charlie.

  "Nicely; for you know she used to sing in our choir, so that was agood recommendation for another. She got a fine place in the newchurch at L----; and that gives her a comfortable salary, though shehas something put away. She was always a saving creature and kept herwages carefully; uncle invested them, and she begins to feel quiteindependent already. No fear but my Phebe will get on: she has suchenergy, and manages so well. I sometimes wish I could run away andwork with her."

  "Ah, my dear! we rich girls have our trials as well as poor ones,though we don't get as much pity as they do," sighed Kitty. "Nobodyknows what I suffer sometimes from worries that I can't talk about,and I shouldn't get much sympathy if I did; just because I live in abig house, wear good gowns, and have lots of lovers. Annabel used tosay she envied me above all created beings; but she doesn't now, andis perfectly absorbed in her dear little Chinaman. Do you see how sheever could like him?"

  So they began to gossip, and the sober talk was over for that time;but when Kitty departed, after criticising all her dear friends andtheir respective sweethearts, she had a helpful little book in hermuff, a resolute expression on her bright face, and so many excellentplans for self-improvement in her busy brain, that she and Steve bidfair to turn out the model couple of the century.


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