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Page 3

by G J Moses

  “Captain Henry, you and the crew of the Jackal, have the hardest and most important part of this plan.”

  “We understand and accept the dangers. We will do whatever you need us to do. Want is it you require of us, take point?” replied Lance.

  “Lance, my friend, I am afraid you misunderstand. You must reverse course and return to sector command. They must be warned; I cannot stress that enough. Get them to reach out to the Sorath high command to get all the information they have on the Chohish. Warn them that this is not to be taken lightly. I am sure we have only met the advance fleet, the next may be much larger and more than one.”

  The voice over the speakers could be heard to raise a notch when Lance replied quickly to Zeke’s order. “Sir, we would do better to stick together. By combining our point defense, we may be able to handle the fleet in this system. I, and my crew agree unanimously, want to stay. We know the risks and are ready to take our chances by your side.”

  It was with a heavy heart that Zeke looked at the people no more than a few feet away when he replied to Lance.

  “I do not believe that the ships we see are the only ships in the system. I believe they are just one of several fleets and placed in their current position as that is the most logical path to the main planet from the slipstream we came through. I would bet that there are at least two other fleets of equal size, if not larger, that were placed in an identical path of other slipstreams.”

  Moving to stand next to Zeke, Hawke shook his head in agreement. “I agree. If they have as many ships in this system as you think, we would not last long in a fight if another fleet shows up, if we can even survive against this group, which I have serious doubts on.”

  With a sigh, Zeke stood straight up and looked around. With a heavy heart, Zeke laid out his thoughts.

  “We are responsible for the people on the two planets in this system. They are counting on us even if they do not know we are here. If they have been attacked, any survivors, if there are any, will be scared, injured, have little hope. They are praying for us to arrive in time.”

  Walking around the bridge looking at each individual intently, he spoke to them with conviction in his eyes and voice.

  “They are looking for the one thing that has been constant for over a thousand years, the Royal Galactic Navy. System conflicts, galactic storms, sun flares and anything that threatens the homes and livelihood of the people of our great Galactic empire, the RGN has been there. No matter what, regardless of the danger to themselves. The list of RGN dead is long and massive. And not once, not once mind you, over all these many centuries, has the RGN not lived up to its stellar reputation. That is what the Royal Galactic Navy is all about. Death is never far away. But death has never been one to deter us from our duty.”

  Standing even straighter, at attention and in his command voice, he continued. “I will take this ship to Death’s door and beyond if necessary. I plan to do our duty. We are going to try and fight our way to the planets and rescue any we can. We will take who we can onto the Lucky Strike and assist the rest of the survivors with whatever we can spare, so they are able to fight for their lives. Give them hope, let them know they are not alone, they have not been abandoned, the RGN is here. Then we, you and I, will make the Chohish regret the day they attacked us. I plan to find out how good the Chohish technology and personnel are. How they fight, and most importantly, how they die!”

  While raising his hands high, Zeke yelled “Are you with me?”

  The place went wild. Fist pumps, banging the consoles, there was no doubt they were with him. Many jumped up from their consoles to raise their right palm to their chest over their heart and started singing the Royal Galactic Naval anthem. “Here we are, here we come, we are the Royal Galactic Navy. Do not despair, we are here, we are the Royal Galactic Navy…”

  “Then”, Zeke signaling quiet before continuing, “let’s get ready because I plan to give them something to worry about while the Jackal lives up to its name and reputation. The Jackal will fly with the speed suggested in their name and give warning to the rest of the Galaxy. And Lance, please, do not forget, we will be here waiting for you. We need our sister ship and her crew so we can show the Chohish what true bravery and teamwork is like. Flee, my friend, fly as fast as you can and get home safe. We are depending on you.”

  The noise coming over the intercom from the Jackal was the same as had been coming from the Lucky Strike.

  In a somber tone, Lance overrode the noise to tell the crew of the Lucky Strike “You hang in there my friends, we will make haste as never before. You can count on us; we will be back soon. Then we, two brother ships, will as one glorious force show these Chohish what happens when you screw with the wrong people, the RGN. They die! Good luck and happy hunting. Zeke, my friend, you stay alive. We will see you soon, real soon.” With that, the connection broke.

  Pinging Zeke, Isolde notified him that the Jackal had started to slow down. It would take a few minutes for the Jackal to slow enough to be able to swing around back towards the slipstream.

  Everyone resumed their seats and got back to their tasks with the knowledge their future did not look promising. But most had been there several times already, they were ready to go there again.

  With a sigh, Zeke settled into his chair. Well, he thought “let’s just hope I can make my words come true.” Zeke opened up the communications to the whole ship one last time where he asked “Are we ready to buy some time for the Jackal? Are we ready to see what these Chohish are like? I do not know about you, but I am not in a playful mood. Time to go hunting!”

  With that the Lucky Strike, which had slowed down to maintain some distance between them and the Chohish force in front of them, made ready to go to war.


  Requesting Isolde to set up a meeting with selected individuals in the small conference room located next to the bridge, Zeke made his way in first to watch the dispositions of each as they entered.

  Lieutenant Commander Jax Andrews, chief of engineering, strolled in with dark smudges showing on his uniform. It was common knowledge that Jax could be found working or inspecting the engines when on duty and most times, when not on duty. Following on his heels was Lieutenant Commander Jamie Chandler and Major Khaleesi Richards.

  Jamie, who managed the bays that housed the fighters and shuttles, was dressed in her work coveralls, as she had been working on repairing some leftover damage in the fighter bay from their last action. And it was obvious, from the way she sauntered in whipping her hands on her coveralls, that she was more comfortable in her current outfit than the more formal uniform.

  But the last one in the room left no doubt that not true for her. Major Khaleesi Richards was all business. The sound of her heavy marine boots as she marched in echoed around the room.

  After all were seated around the table in the conference room, Hawke started the conversation by asking Zeke what his plans, if any, were.

  Familiar with Hawke’s impatience, Zeke tapped the table to quiet the room before he brought the holographic display of the system up on the tabletop. The display showed the known Chohish ships’ positions marked with red dots and the planets just beyond in blue.

  Bringing up a 3D image of the whole system to hang over the table, Zeke made some updates that were soon reflected in the image. The image now showed five medium sized dots, one green and four yellow. Two of the four were flashing. All present knew that the four yellow dots indicated the locations of slipstreams other than the one they had come through, that being the green one. From the two that were flashing, a half circle line of red dashes ran to meet the known Chohish position. Using a laser pointer, he marked mark each of the two flashing yellow dots.

  “I know this may sound crazy without any supporting data, but not taking the consideration of additional fleets into consideration, would amount to suicide. Working off this assumption, this is where I believe there may be two additional Chohish fleets. I do not believe there are more as the
one of the other potential entry points is not conducive to travel to this system from one of ours. Rarely, if ever used. One other good location has an asteroid field in the area which makes it too dangerous for normal use. I am sure they did some reconnaissance before sending in a force this big.”

  “Once these other fleets heard our signal to the planets, they should have started to meet the blocking fleet. I wish we had sent some probes there when we had arrived, a mistake on my part, but one that Isolde is having her team correct as we speak. Their main job will probably be to cut off any attempt to leave. This would explain why the fleet we have been contacted by, have not made any moves nor any attempt to attack us. Their goal is to block us until their other fleets get here and eliminate us.”

  After pausing to get a drink of water, Zeke took a moment to look around the room to get an idea on how they were taking his hypothesis. Most were nodding their head in agreement. So far, so good.

  “With that in mind, my plan is as follows. We cannot go back as we need to draw them away from the Jackal. We cannot go to the sides, up or down or we will be moving away from our goal of reaching the planets. I have always believed that, if it is possible, keep it simple and straight forward. Less room for something to go wrong. We will do what I hope the Chohish will least expect. Charge straight at them. At the same time, that will draw the other two fleets away from the Jackal. We will not stay and fight, but try to punch through.”

  Watching their expressions carefully, Zeke continued. “Hopefully this will come as a surprise and the momentum will be on our side. If, and it is a big if, we can punch through, we may get some time uncontested at the planets unless there is an occupation fleet which is a good possibility. I am hoping that they positioned their fleets out here while landing an occupation force. That would make more sense and something I would have done. Once planet side, we can then make plans depending on the situation in the air and on the ground. Your thoughts?”

  Isolde ran her finger around the track that Zeke believed the other two fleets would go. “You know… we could try sending out some probes mimicking conversations to other ships to pull these fleets further out away from Jackal and extend the time we would have at the planets. At your command, I have launched probes to the two other slipstream points so we should be getting scans back at any time. We can then use that data to guide the other fleets away from the Jackal and us. The other two slipstreams are too far away for our probes to do us any good. I am checking on other options to get some eyes out there.”

  Shaking his head in agreement, Zeke told her to make it so and asked if anyone had another good idea?

  Silence reigned for a few moments before Jamie spoke up. “With the number and size of the enemy ships present, I would be surprised if they did not have fighters. Do we know?”


  Nodding his head positively. “The Chohish had them last time we met. Numbers I cannot tell you, but they will be numerous.’

  “I would like to hold off on using our fighters as we cannot afford to risk them. We will need them when we reach the planet. But Gunner does need to make sure his fighter group is ready just in case.”

  Laughing, Jamie responded. “You know Gunner, he is briefing his group as we speak. But I will speak with him.”

  As Zeke looked around to see if anyone else had something to add, Jax stood up and leaned over the table until he was just a foot or so from the 3D image hanging in the air. With his hands as a guide, he followed Zeke’s trail to the blocking fleet in front. Everyone was quiet as they knew Jax was envisioning the path in his mind. “They are not moving yet, correct? Think they will stay that way until we meet?”

  At a positive nod from Zeke, Jax turned towards him and simply said “Jericho”.

  Moving closer to the table, Zeke followed the path just like Jax. Cupping and stroking his chin with his hand while he thought, he retraced the path one more time with his other hand before he turned towards Jax.

  Looking at Jax’s calm exterior, Zeke paused to contemplate what he said. “Hmm… you know, it just might work. And if our engines will hold up. Having them stall… well, I do not need to tell you… but if the Chohish do not start moving. Could be disastrous if they are not standing still but if they stay as they are now…” mused Zeke.

  As if he could hear Zeke’s thoughts, Jax spoke with confidence in his voice. “Captain, I am sure the engines will not fail us. We ran a full checkout on them before we left.”

  “It is risky, Jax, very risky, but I like it. Do you still have the flight program? That program was banned and supposed to be removed from all ships, but if I know you, you have it squirreled away somewhere.”

  Based on the wide grin Jax had, Zeke asked Jax to run some additional tests first to verify the condition of the engines.

  “You better run now and run your tests; we do not have much time. Same for you Isolde, you get moving while we finish up here. Both of you keep Will and Hawke updated on status. Especially you Jax, you will have to let them know how to execute the program. You will be too busy to do it yourself.” ordered Zeke.

  As Jax and Isolde left to get their ideas in motion, Zeke, Hawke, Jamie, Khaleesi and Will circled the conference table.

  Playing with the controls on the table, Zeke modified the display to show the six enemy ships in roughly the same formation they saw earlier. It was being updated with the latest scans, but it was clear they had not moved.

  Lifting an eyebrow in question at Will and Hawke, Zeke waited for an answer.

  Circling the three-dimensional hologram, Will and Hawke, quietly whispering strategy to each other. One or the other would then confer with Jamie to get her opinion. To Zeke, it was like watching a soccer match with Jamie as the goalie keeping the team on target and grounded.

  Being used to this and studying the hologram in a different fashion, Zeke concentrated on the planets and what little information they had from their long-range scans. Where best to start and end as he knew he would be running fast as he could trying to evade the combined fleets. They could not go toe to toe with them having just one ship. It would be over before it even began.

  It was Hawke, who came to Zeke while Will continued to stare at the hologram. “I believe, based on my notes, that the Chohish have not advanced their technology much from what we experienced those many centuries ago.”

  Looking around at everyone for a second, then centering his gaze on Zeke he continued. “You know that Humans have invented more in the last several hundred years than we did in the prior twenty millennia if not more. None of the other races are much different than mine. We do not have that ‘inventive gene’ per se like the humans do.”

  Walking back to where he could point to the hologram, Hawke stopped to stand ramrod straight with his wings bristling so they fluffed out a few feet on each side, visibly displaying his revulsion having to speak about the Chohish.

  Barely audible, he continued. “My belief is that the Chohish have made some ship and weapons improvements, but not much. They are equivalent or just a bit more than when we first met. I base this on the missiles. It took me a while to find it, but they match pretty much match with what is in my records from our races first meeting.”

  Suddenly, Hawke’s wings flared out to full extension. Both Will and Jamie had to jump back a few feet not to be hit when they extended so quickly. In barely controlled anger, Hawke continued. “But do not get me wrong, they will be very formidable. The Chohish main advantage is their total lack of fear and stubbornness. They will stubbornly drive home an attack even when losing and often win because they are not afraid to take losses their opponents are not willing to accept. They create victories out of defeat.”

  “What is their main weakness? Their weakness is their total lack of fear and stubbornness. When they should retreat, they will continue stubbornly even in the face of certain defeat. Their losses when they fought us were staggering, yet they did not seem to mind. They did not seem to understand, that when we
retreated, it was not because we were frightened, which we were as any sane individual would be, but to minimize losses so we could still have something to fight with later.”

  Relaxing so his shoulders slumped, and his wings retracted, it was obvious that Hawke was still affected by the deep-seated hatred he felt towards the Chohish.

  “When the fight finally ended the last time around, we had less than a hundred ships of the line left and most of those were badly damaged. We started with close to four hundred and built several thousand during the war. We were at the end of our strength when the Chohish disappeared as fast as they had arrived. If we had recklessly thrown our lives and ships without regard to losses like they did, you would never have met the Sorath, but would have found the Chohish instead.”

  “That explains the massive fleets, extensive defensive buildup on your moons and those huge moveable battle stations that you maintain around your dozens of planets.” remarked Zeke in wonder. “I never knew that. How come it was kept so secret?”

  “We were afraid that Humans would think less of us, that we were weak.” quietly replied Hawke.

  “Never that, my friend, never that. The Sorath’s fighting prowess and courage, especially in the sky, is legendary and awe inspiring to humans. It is marvelous and terrifying to watch at the same time. But enough of that, what have you three thought up” said Zeke.

  Stepping forward, Will responded. “We are only one ship so very limited to what damage we can do. We believe we should concentrate our firepower on the lesser of the ships. The destroyers first, then we may be able to gain some time. A fleet, as big as this, does not want to go into battle without their main defensive weapons, destroyers, present.”

  Looking at the enemy ship icons with deep emotion written all over his face and in his clenched fists, Hawke picked up where Will had left off. “And that would give us more time when we reach the planets. The destroyer’s offensive firepower is minimal in comparison to the cruisers and the battleship, but if we can do enough damage, it may force them to wait on their other fleets for replacements and give us more time. Where if we concentrated on the larger ships, we may damage them, but like us, most damage can be repaired to some degree and be able to get back in the fight almost immediately.”


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