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Page 17

by G J Moses

  “Does this shuttle have any overrides to limit speed?” Zeke asked Masson.

  Laughing, Masson replied. “No, we did away with them a long time ago. Since everyone just turned them off anyway, why waste the credits to put them in.”

  “Good, let’s see what this thing can do.” remarked Zeke as he thrust the control stick to a maximum.

  “Ahhh… Isolde, you darling, you were ahead of me. You have already loaded Gunner’s location.” exclaimed Zeke.

  “Hi Zeke, once they let me know what shuttle you would be taking, I loaded the coordinates. While you were in the lift, I was informed that Lieutenant Dieu-Le-Veut of Masson had already docked and topped off in preparation for your expected departure.” Isolde said though the speakers.

  Shocked, Zeke looked over at Masson, who had his feet propped up while wearing a big grin.

  “Well, let’s just say, you have a guardian angel. That brunette-haired angel, ordered me to hold back a shuttle and take it over to the Lucky Strike when Gunner’s transmission stopped.”

  “How did Jeanne know I would need a shuttle? We have more than the Fox.” asked Zeke, who was getting used to the controls which were very similar to the RGN shuttle configurations.

  “And where are they all? All out picking up pilots, recovering fighters or some other task. Jeanne recognizes your compassion for your crew, or should I say the combined crew, as it is a trait that she shares with you. She knew you would have planned for them to be all out as you would not want to lose anyone to inattention.”

  Straightening up, Masson then continued in a serious tone. “But after the main battle was over, you would remember Gunner, as he is someone very special to you. Like Jan is for Jeanne. She knew you would be crushed if you arrived at the shuttle bay only to realize that you did not have one available. Thusly, she sent me with the shuttle under strict orders to wait for you. Hmm… did she guess, right?” replied Morrison with a hint of humor.

  “Yeah, she did, she most surely did. How well do you know her?” queried Zeke while he played with the controls to see if he could get any more speed out of the shuttle.

  “Oh, a little more than most I guess, I am married to her sister.” At which Masson started laughing hard at the startled expression on Zeke’s face. “You may want to know, most of the crew that came with her knows Jeanne personally, either by relations, or through lifelong friendships. Jeanne’s family is very large and well liked.”

  After checking to see how long before he reached Gunners last known location, he turned to look at Masson with a serious expression. “What about the people on the destroyers that were destroyed?”

  The laughter that had been ringing through the shuttle, died immediately. Staring into Zeke’s eyes with a gaze hard as steel he replied. “Yes, all were friends or family to both Jeanne, me and the surviving crew. Captain, understand one thing, there will be no mercy from us whenever we meet the Chohish, none. Death in battle is one thing… what happened to them is another.”

  Rubbing his left hand, Masson stared at the location his wedding ring would be under his flight. “My wife’s cousin, my best friend, and the best man at my wedding, was killed when his escape pod was blown out of space. As they said in ancient France, ‘pas de pitié, pas de compassion, la mort du tout.”

  “Captain, I understand your skepticism, being raiders and all. But you must believe me, we were fighting for our very survival. It is not something we ever wanted to do.”

  Gazing out the window with a faraway look, Masson continued.

  “Irracans only started raiding because the inner systems major corporations had a strangle hold on our trade. We would not bow to their demands that we would ship all our trade goods on their ships and pay heavy tariffs for the ‘privilege’ of doing do. Once we refused, they cut off all trade to any system they were in, which is the vast majority. We were forced to take severe action to survive. Our raiding activities were restricted to only those same corporations that enforced the trade blockade on our four systems. Never did we fire on anyone that surrendered nor treated any prisoner badly. All prisoners were released on a neutral planet without any ransom demands.” explained Masson.

  “You had to know you would have to fight the RGN at some time. What did you expect to gain?” a puzzled Zeke asked.

  “Oh, we knew we would lose and that we would pay dearly in property and lives. The war was necessary to break the trade blockade. You must understand; we were slowly being financially strangled. But we hoped that after the war, the RGN would not allow the cooperation’s to continue their blockade and allow us to trade in peace. We had to take the risk if we wanted to survive. It happened as we hoped, but the price was high, very high.” a sorrowful Masson finished.

  “So that is why the peace treaty insisted on the RGN stationing a small squadron in the New Providence system. You knew that we would not allow the corporations to meddle with your trade.” a respectful Zeke said quietly.

  “Yes, that was a major part of Jeanne’s plan. Along with being the leader of the group of warships that would leave their home, possibly forever, so they could return if the RGN did not live up to their agreement. Hence why so many family and friends were on the ships.” Masson said while looking closely at the flight control monitors.

  “Well, that looks like a small ship, Gunner’s?” Masson asked.

  The screen showed the remains of some type of craft. It was hard to tell what from this far away as it was almost unrecognizable due to the damage it had received.

  As they got closer, Zeke could make out enough to identify it as an RGN fighter. It was obvious it had been hit by multiple weapons. The rear section was melted into one big slab. The middle section had ragged areas open to space, more than likely from a near missile hit. The cockpit was still there, but the window was cracked and dark.

  Moving closer to the monitor, Zeke, peered intently at the image that was getting larger the closer they came. “Yes, that is his ship.” Zooming the image to show the side of the cockpit. “See the four small shiny bumps on the skin just behind the cockpit? Those are tiny suns made from yellow diamonds. They were paid to be put on there by grateful citizens. Each diamond represents a different star system that he gave assistance to in time of need. Twice being seriously injured. Conflict is not the only thing the RGN does. Gunner is a hero to many, not just me.”

  It was not long before they eased next to the shell of a fighter. “Controls are yours. I am going over.” And without delay, Zeke stepped into the airlock after grabbing a jet pack.

  Taking control, Masson maneuvered next to the fighter. After a slight bump, he energized the tractor beam to keep the two ships connected. “Now, we can only pray.” Masson thought to himself.

  After looking at the damage, Zeke knew he would not get inside through the center or rear sections. Using the jet pack, Zeke quickly made his way to the fighter cockpit.

  “Come on Gunner, be alive my friend, damn you, be alive” a worried Zeke said as he tried to peer in the broken canopy.

  “Captain, stand back please. I will pull the canopy faceplate off with a tractor beam.” warned Masson.

  Pushing off to float a dozen feet away from the cockpit, he swung his magnetic shoes against the shuttle. “All clear, Masson, go for it.”

  Watching closely, afraid for his friend, he saw the cockpit faceplate slowly being pulled away from the bow of the fighter.

  It was only seconds before Zeke heard “All yours’ Captain.”

  It only took seconds for Zeke to enter the cockpit. The insides showed severe burn marks throughout. Glancing around widely, it took only a few seconds for Zeke to identify a shape slumped over the controls. As he got closer, he was able to see that the shape was a pilot suit blackened by searing heat.

  Sliding into the small space beside Gunner, Zeke lifted him into an upright sitting position to check the suits status lights. The lights on Gunners suit were still working, but blinking red. Reaching around Gunner to unbuckle the safety
straps crisscrossing him, Zeke pulled the figure to his chest.

  “Masson, I have Gunner but not sure his status. The suit is indicating red status, but blinking. On my way, back to you. Does your shuttle have a medical chamber? If yes, get it ready to receive a package.” ordered Zeke.

  “We do and it will be ready.” answered Masson.

  Pulling the body close with one hand, Zeke carefully made his way out of the fighter. If not for the weightlessness of space, Zeke knew he would never have been able to manage moving Gunner who was a good bit larger and heavier than himself. Pushing off, he used the jet pack again to make his way back to the side of the shuttle.

  Placing Gunner tenderly onto the floor of the airlock, he watched as it cycled and opened through the small window. Rolling Gunner onto a small grav sled, Masson moved Gunner out of sight. Anxiously, Zeke waited for the airlock to cycle. Finally, the door opened. Stepping into the airlock, he waited impatiently while it went through its process.

  Stepping out, he was just in time to see Masson closing the lid on the medical chamber and heard the hissing of the seal being completed.

  “Any readings?” asked a concerned Zeke ripping off his helmet.

  “No, the suit is too damaged. I hooked his suit up to the chamber controls. Hopefully it will help. Best we can do now. If he is alive, removing him from the suit would more than likely kill him. Any chance he has, will require a proper medical bay and a doctor.” answered Masson.

  “Good job on the tractor beams.” responded Zeke as he jumped into the pilot’s seat. Without waiting for Masson to get seated, he pushed the throttles to maximum and headed back to the Lucky Strike.

  “Masson, would you happen to have the destruct signal for the fighter? I do not want to leave it here intact if possible.” asked Zeke.

  “Yes, Isolde sent those along with the fighter’s coordinates. She guessed you would want the fighter to self-destruct if the mechanism had not been compromised.”

  Watching Gunner’s fighter in his rear camera’s, Zeke watched when Masson executed the remote commands for self-destruct. Again, and again to no avail.

  “Oh well, it was a long shot anyway, the ship was severely damaged. I was hoping to minimize any trace of our technology.”

  “Oh, I may be able to help out there if that is what you want.” an amused Masson replied. “But you need to let me get in the pilot’s seat first.”

  Moving to the copilot seat, Zeke watched as Masson, once he settled into the pilot’s seat, turned the shuttle so it was headed back towards the damaged fighter.

  When they were close to the fighter once more, Masson, flipped a switch on the far-right panel before pressing a button on the backside of the joystick.

  Immediately, a missile flew from out of the front of the shuttle heading directly toward the fighter where it exploded. They were so close that pieces of the fighter pinged off the shuttle. Again, Masson pressed the switch and another missile flew out and exploded when it reached the remains of the shuttle.

  Turning the shuttle around to head back to where they were to meet the Lucky Strike, Masson jumped out of his seat. “All yours again, Captain.”

  “You have armed shuttles? Is this a Marine shuttle?”

  “No, we just do not like sending out personnel with no firepower to defend themselves. Every New Providence shuttle has a pair of missiles. A ‘just in case’ provision.”

  Glancing at the timer he had set up to track the sixty minutes he had before the ships left the area, he was dejected to see he was going to be several minutes too late to make the rendezvous. Zeke knew he would not be able to catch up. Shuttles just did not have the speed. A fighter would, of course, but a shuttle just did not have the engines.

  Shaking his head, Zeke looked again once more at the timer, hoping he had calculated wrong. He hadn’t, they had burned up too much time. “It looks like we will be stuck out here together my friend. I would not have it any other way.” whispered Zeke.

  “Masson, it looks like you may have signed your own death warrant when you took this assignment. I am in your debt, but doubt I will ever be able to repay it.”

  Expecting to see dejection, Zeke looked over at Masson and was surprised to see him casually sitting in his seat with a big grin on his face showing through his faceplate.

  “Now Captain, do you really think my sister-in-law would send me out here to die? Oh, you need to be able to read her better than that.” a laughing Masson replied just as a huge bang and violent shaking of the shuttle occurred.

  “What the hell was that?” cried out Zeke barely able to stay in his seat even with the safety harness.

  “Ahoy Zeke, I sure hope you have both Gunner and Masson on board. My sister is very protective of the father of her unborn child. I would never hear the end of it so Masson better be in good shape.” a woman’s voice said over the shuttle speakers.

  “Jeanne, is that you? What the heck just happened?” replied a confused Zeke.

  “Well, let’s just say my sister is not one you want to piss off, so… to save my sanity, I am going to get you all back home safe and sound.” answered a jovial Jeanne.

  Checking the sensors and exterior cameras, Zeke saw that Jeanne’s ship was connected somehow to the rear of the shuttle. It was then that Zeke remembered the odd configuration on the rear of the shuttle when he first saw it.

  “We hardened the rear of some of our shuttles with a hollow cone shape. The fighters, newer versions anyway, have their bow strengthened and engineered to allow them to fit into these cones where they anchor in. The fighters, with their stronger engines, then can get a shuttle moving close to a fighter’s speed. Didn’t Isolde tell you about this? She used this combo to seed some asteroids.” Asked an amused Masson.

  “So, I am your taxi ride home Zeke. We should meet up with the Lucky Strike in around thirty some minutes.” finished Jeanne.

  “There seems to be many things that the RGN could learn from New Providence.” said an astonished Zeke.

  “How is Gunner?”

  “Don’t know, cannot answer that until we get back to Lucky Strike. I did not see any exterior damage to the suit but…” answered Masson.

  “Well, sit back and relax me bucko’s, I am going to get this Clipper moving. Time to weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen.” Jeanne updated the two in the shuttle just before they felt the ship lurch forward with an extended jolt.

  “This situation just gets weirder and weirder. I thought I had seen most everything up to now. What else is in store on this trip into hell?” thought Zeke.

  It was twenty-eight minutes later that Zeke saw the Lucky Strike appear on his sensors. The Fox was still oriented so close the Lucky Strike as not to be detectable. At least, that was Zeke’s hope anyway.

  “Captain, is that you? Did you get Gunner?” asked a choked-up sounding Isolde. Zeke could hear cheering in the background.

  “Gunner is on board, but his condition is still unknown at this time. Have a medical team ready for our arrival. Gunner is still in his flight suit so they will need to have a medical transfer station available. We should be there within ten. Zeke out.”

  “OK, me maties, I am about to slow us down prior to disconnecting. Hang on tight, this is going to be a bit rough.” ordered Jeanne.

  No sooner did Jeanne say that when the shuttle jerked and shook as it started to slow down with Masson assisting Jeanne with the thrusters on the shuttle after pushing Zeke out of his seat. Zeke felt like he was on a roller coaster he was flung around so hard. A few objects, even though they had been strapped down, went flying.

  In only a few moments, their speed was drastically reduced. Just as he was about to relax and hit the safety harness release, Zeke was jolted by the uncoupling. Thankfully he had not finished unbuckling or he would have been thrown to the ground hard. As it was, he was sure he was going to have several large bruises from the harness. Along with bearing the embarrassment as he heard Masson laughing at him.

  “Well, gentlemen
, time for me to get moving.” Jeanne’s cheerful voice came over the speakers. “And with that me bucko’s, you are now on your own. I will let my sister know you will be home within the hour Masson, do not disappoint her. You hear me? With that, Zeke, I will see you on the Bridge. Jeanne out.”

  As he hit the harness release, Zeke asked Masson. “Is she always like that?”

  A smiling Masson, now angling the shuttle into the Lucky Strikes shuttle bay responded. “You have no idea. When I first met my wife, she warned me about Jeanne’s sense of humor. I did not pay attention. I should have. Have you ever put on a flight suit and an hour later realized it had been dusted with itching powder? Old trick, but still effective. I had to wear it for eight hours. When I told my wife how I was going to retaliate, my wife recommended I pass on that and just take it in stride, for my sake. I did not pay attention, I should have, Jeanne is very imaginative. Should you ever end up on the end of one of her jokes, let it go and laugh it off. You will never win; I swear she lives for that!”

  “Thanks, sounds like I may need to keep that in mind.” responded Zeke as he made his way to move over to stand by the medical chamber. “Gunner, you hang in there, you hear me. I will be sorely pissed if you died on me, most sorely.”

  It was less than a minute later that the shuttle was landing in the shuttle bay. Waiting for them was Dr. Javier Preruet along with a medical team and a medical pod.

  Even before their movement ceased, Zeke was opening the main shuttle door to allow the medical team to enter.

  “Hi Doc, Gunner is over there.” an anxious Zeke yelled.

  Dr. Preruet walked hurriedly past Zeke where he hooked up a pad to the shuttle medical pod. Staring at the pad for a moment, he then updated Zeke and Masson. “Hmm… AI can’t tell… Gunner’s suit has taken too much damage… need to get this to the medical bay before opening. Out of my way Captain, once I have an update, I will let you know. Now scoot!”.

  He was pressed back into the co-pilots seat next to Masson by all the techs assisting Dr. Preruet. In less than a minute, they were carting the medical pod away.


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