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Jared (Bachelors And Babies Book 7)

Page 18

by Charlene Raddon

  The door opened and Ma Givens popped inside the bedroom. "Are you ready, child?"

  "Yes, Ma." Healy bent and kissed the dear woman's cheek. "I'm more than ready."

  "Let's go then. Everyone is waiting."

  Healy walked out of her room and into the arms of her waiting father, her mother waiting behind him.

  "Are you happy, sweetheart?" her father asked.

  "Oh, yes, Papa." She reached over and drew her mother into the hug. "I've never been happier and having you all here makes everything all that much more special."

  "We adore Jared. And Gage." Her mother's voice lightened with laughter. "In fact, we love the entire Givens family. The day Cynara took up residence at High Mountain Ranch was a true blessing for our family."

  "I can't argue that, Mama."

  "Jared and Gage are growing impatient," Ma Givens said, peering out the window.

  "Let's go." Healy took the arms of her parents and led them down the stairs.

  Moments later, Ma opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch, joining her daughter-in-law, Cynara. Mother Kimbrough also joined them, after kissing her daughter.

  Barclay turned to signal Geoffrey, who put his bow to the strings of his fiddle, and the wedding march rang out, silencing the onlookers.

  From behind Ma, still hidden in shadow, Healy saw Jared straighten and shush the babbling child he held. Her husband and son-to-be waited for her.

  Healy's father kissed her cheek, gave her hand a squeeze, and led her out onto the porch. Heads turned and eyes strained to see the bride. Voices murmured. Children giggled.

  The moment they'd all been waiting for had finally arrived.

  Ruth Healy Kimbrough, in her splendid gown, swallowed hard as her father placed her hand in Jared's.

  The reverend took his place between them. The fiddle music faded away, leaving silence in its wake.

  In that quiet but poignant moment, Healy knew this was the instant her new life would begin. Never would she be Ruth Kimbrough again. From now until the day she died, she would be known as Mrs. Jared Givens. Healy Givens. The combination of names sounded like heaven to her ears.

  Heinrichs cleared his throat, flipped the pages of his Bible and—in his stentorian voice— began the ceremony. While he spoke of the sanctity of marriage, Healy and Jared held their own private conversation.

  "Are you ready for this?" Jared whispered.

  "Are you?" Healy responded softly.

  "I've never been more ready for anything in my life." Confidence and eagerness flowed with Jared's words.

  "Me either. I can't wait to become your wife," Healy murmured, resolute and slightly giddy.

  Gage reached for her, but Jared clung to him.

  Once again, Heinrichs cleared his throat. "Jared Josephus Givens, do you take this woman, Ruth Healy Kimbrough, as your lawfully wedded wife, to honor, love and cherish till death do you part?"

  "I do."

  "Ruth Healy Kimbrough, do you take this man, Jared Josephus Givens, as your lawfully wedded husband, to honor, love and cherish till death do you part?"

  "I do."

  "Jared, do you give into this woman's care, your son, Gage Robert Givens?"

  "I do." Stepping forward, Jared placed the little boy into Healy's welcoming arms and reclaimed his place by Barclay. Kissing the baby's sweet head, Healy also stepped back.

  "Healy," Reverend Heinrichs said, "do you accept this child as your own, to love, cherish and nurse through mumps, measles, chicken pox and whatever ills might befall him?"

  A single tear escaped down her cheek and her voice wavered as she replied, "I do."

  "With the power vested in me as Justice of the Peace for Cutthroat Township and as a minister of the Church of Everlasting Faith, I pronounce you husband, wife, and son."

  Jared and Healy closed the gap between them and, despite the lively burden in her arms, sealed their marriage vows with the usual kiss, though this one lasted a tad longer than most.

  Hats and hoorahs flew into the sky and a shower of flower petals rained down on every head from the clever device Jared had rigged atop the roof.

  Amidst the hubbub, Jared put his mouth to Healy's ear and asked, "Are you happy, Mrs. Givens? You're finally and truly my wife now."

  "I love you, Jared Josephus Givens, with all my heart and soul. I don't know what could made me happier…except perhaps carrying your babe inside my womb."

  His mouth curved across his handsome face. "I'll see what I can do about that…tonight."

  "Tonight," she repeated, and they kissed once more.

  "Mama," Gage said, patting Healy's cheek.

  They turned then and waved to the cheering crowd. Gazing out on all the delighted faces of people she knew and others she didn't know, Healy swallowed a sudden lump in her throat. Who knew, all those months ago, when she acted on an ill-thought out impulse inspired by fear and desperation, that she'd unknowingly predicted her own fate?

  Who knew, except perhaps Ma Givens, who claimed she knew the moment she set eyes on her that Healy belonged in the Givens clan?


  Charlene Raddon fell in love with the wild west as a child, listening to western music with her dad and sitting in his lap while he read Zane Gray books. She never intended to become a writer. Charlene was an artist. She majored in fine art in college.

  In 1971, she moved to Utah, excited for the opportunity to paint landscapes. Then her sister introduced her to romance novels. She never picked up a paintbrush again. One morning she awoke to a vivid dream she knew must go into a book, so she took out a typewriter and began writing. She’s been writing ever since.

  Instead of painting pictures with a brush, Charlene uses words.

  Thank you for reading Jared, Bachelors and Babies Book 7. If you enjoyed the story, please tell your friends. The kindest thing you can do for an author (other than buying her book) is to leave a kind but honest review on Amazon, Bookbub and Goodreads.



  Book 1 ~ Pam Crooks ~ June 1


  Book 2 ~ Margaret Tanner ~ July 1


  Book 3 ~ Cynthia Woolf ~ August 1


  Book 4 ~ Charlene Raddon ~ September 1


  Book 5 ~ Cyndi Raye ~ October 1


  Book 6 ~ Winnie Griggs ~ November 1


  Book 7 ~ Charlene Raddon ~ December 1


  Book 8 ~ Linda Carroll-Bradd ~ January 1


  Book 9 ~ Zina Abbott ~ February 1


  Book 10 ~ Caroline Clemmons ~ March 1


  Book 11 ~ Charlene Raddon ~ April 1


  Book 12 ~ Hebby Roman ~ May 1


  Book 13 ~ Carra Copelin ~ June 1


  Book 14 ~ Cheryl St.John ~ July 1


  Book 15 ~ Tracy Garrett ~ August 1



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  Forever Mine

  Tender Touch

  Taming Jenna

  To Have and To Hold

  The Scent of Roses


  Maisy's Gamble


  A Ride Through Time

  Sierra's Tumble

  Ride for a Bride

  Priscilla, The Widows of Wildcat Ridge #1

  Thalia, The Widows of Wildcat Ridge #7

  Cadence, The Widows of Wildcat Ridge #13

  Ophelia, The Widows of Wildcat Ridge #16

  Barclay, Bachelors & Babies Book #4

  Jared, Bachelors & Babies Book #7

  Short Stories:

  Christmas Seduction

  The Reckoning (published in The Posse)




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