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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

Page 18

by Ruby Raine

  “Wicked,” Riley chuckled.

  “I don’t know why I did that,” she blurted out, her cheeks blushing. “Haven’t screamed into the quarry since I was a kid.” It was a silly childish thing to do.

  “I don’t think any less of you,” he responded with a chuckle. “Besides, sometimes screaming can be fun.” The look he wore said he had a much different kind of screaming on his mind.

  Melinda cleared her throat, her brain going utterly incoherent for a moment. She swept her gaze away from him, peering back into the quarry. Could he actually think of her like that? Rolls of excitement stemmed from her chest down to her thighs, but each stem met with a sharp jab of doubt. He was just being nice. Or flirty. But nothing more.

  Why couldn’t being with a guy be as easy as it was in her dreams? In her mind, it always worked out so perfectly. So smoothly. Unless prophetic dreams got in the way.

  Real life was a lot more work. And was much more awkward.

  She refocused on the quarry, missing her visits here. Which seemed stupid seeing as it was just a short drive from her home. She hadn’t been here once in the last four years.

  Funny, she could not help but think.

  What an odd thing to have such a sudden desire to be outdoors and free, the thought of being stuck inside her house completely suffocating.

  The quarry resembled a steep granite staircase, leading down to open water below. Except that you could only catch glimpses of the water as drifting fog rolled across the surface where the summer heat hit the damp granite, warming it. The warmed air rose up out of the quarry giving the place an almost sauna-esque feel. Off to the right, a river poured into the quarry, creating a long waterfall that splashed far below.

  Melinda sat down, kicked off her flip-flops, and dangled her feet over the edge of the quarry. Riley joined her, sitting so close he could have easily leaned in and nibbled on her ear. She didn’t know why that picture came into her mind but her cheeks flushed at the thought of him doing so.

  She turned to Riley. “So where are you visiting from?”

  “Portland. Oregon, not Maine.”

  She nodded, letting out a timid breath. She couldn’t think of anything else to say other than, “It’s like a little slice of paradise here. I’d forgotten how beautiful the quarry is in the summer.” Really! Boring ass small talk. He’s going to ditch you here for being so dull. You might as well talk about the weather.

  “I can’t disagree,” Riley responded. “I think the view is stunning.”

  Melinda glanced in his direction and her cheeks turned even rosier when she realized he was looking directly at her when he spoke. Air suddenly seemed impossible to suck into her lungs. She let her bangs hide her face, hoping he could not see her reaction. A flurry of fiery charges ran all over her skin, causing her to shudder.

  “You cold?”

  “No. Fine,” she breathed out. “It’s actually kind of... hot. I don’t know why I shivered.”

  He grinned, wearing a look that said he knew why.

  “This place does have a tropical sort of feel to it.” He leaned onto his back, gazing up into the sky. “A person could come here and completely forget they were stuck on an island off the coast of Maine.”

  “Do you feel stuck, being here on the Isle?”

  “Thought I did.”

  She shoved her bangs behind her ear and twisted her body, tossing him a questioning gaze.

  “I just mean, maybe it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.”

  “So you’re not just visiting?”

  “Nope. Not a tourist. My brother talked me into moving here with him. We just arrived a couple days ago. He’s a few years older than me, been wanting to move here for a couple years now. I wasn’t really into it myself, but now, I think my mind is changing.”

  Melinda leaned back, the sun making an appearance again, warming her skin. It was also an excuse to look away from Riley and find her breath. He wasn’t just a tourist. He was sticking around. She hoped her excitement over that fact wasn’t too obvious.

  It was just before noon she thought, squinting into the sky. Plenty of time to discover more about motorcycle man. And long before the moon rises and Charlie- she stopped herself, pushing the thought deeply into the recesses of her mind.

  “How old are you?” she asked him, distracting herself.

  “Just turned twenty-two a month ago.”

  “Do you and your brother get along?”

  “Sure, for the most part. He’s always on me about this and that, and basically getting my act together and growing up and being more serious, like him.”

  “Sounds familiar,” she replied dryly.

  “You’ve got siblings too then?”

  “Couple older brothers.” Well, maybe tomorrow only one brother that matters, she thought dreadfully. Another uncertainty she pushed out of her mind.

  Riley pulled himself up to his side, facing her, wondering what was really going on in that pretty head of hers. It was a bit like she was having one conversation with him, and another inside her own mind. He didn’t want to push too hard though, and scare her away by prying too deep.

  “So, Melinda, will you bite my head off if I ask how old you are?” This question might not be any safer, he decided. But he wanted to know anyway.

  She turned her head and stared at him as if debating the question. “Nah, I’m too comfortable for biting right now.”

  He pouted, waiting for an answer.

  “If you must know, I’m a mere baby of twenty-one.”

  “That’s hardly a mere baby.” There was a devilish innuendo in his tone.

  “Not what my brothers think.” Her thoughts added, not like I’ve given them reason to think otherwise the last few years.

  “Are you seeing anyone?” he blurted it out as if he’d just gotten up the nerve. His voice held a tinge of apprehension.

  She didn’t answer right away. Her throat clammed up.

  It wasn’t a question she’d been expecting. Or had ever been asked before.

  And did bad dates, steamy dreams, or off limit vampires count?

  No. Definitely not.

  “I’m taking that’s a yes,” he said rather glumly.

  “Oh, sorry. Um. No. Actually that’s a very big no.”

  “Am I bringing up a bad subject?”

  “Not really. It’s just kind of a loaded question. I’ve had a series of very disastrous dates.” She shook her head, unable to explain further. And did three dates in the last two years even count as a series? And surely, he didn’t want to hear about them.

  “Well, I’m sorry they went badly.” Riley didn’t sound sorry. “It’s their loss.” And my gain, Melinda could practically hear him add. At least, that’s what she imagined in her mind. She still didn’t believe it.

  She leaned down onto her back, soaking in the sun, glad it had reappeared. She could not think up any response to what he’d said. Only that she really liked everything he said. Almost as if he knew every perfect thing to say to her. Everything she wanted to hear.

  Hell. He probably says the same thing to every girl.

  Then why am I soaking it up like a sponge? Am I this desperate for male attention?

  God. Maybe I am, but he can’t be any worse than Jerkwad.

  Oh. My. God. Shut the heck up!

  This guy, Riley, is nothing like Jerkwad.

  The ease with which she talked to Riley alone, was ten times better than her attempts to converse with Jerkwad.

  Frustration mounted. Between getting all worked up over the William dreams with nothing to ever become of them, she was now falling way too easily for a complete stranger. She sucked in a restorative breath, letting her cares go with her exhale. You’re hanging out with a hot guy, lying in the sun, just shut up and enjoy it!

  Mists from the quarry lifted, leaving a moist layer on her face and neck. She let out a low, satisfied groan. “I miss the feel of the sun on my skin. I can’t remember the last time I did this.”

  “It’s been a sunny summer so far. You have fair skin though. You probably prefer the shade, huh?”

  “I actually really don’t.” She rolled onto her side to face him again. “I just haven’t seen much sun recently.”

  “You’re an odd girl,” he said, inching closer to her. “I don’t mean in a bad way,” he clarified quickly. “The way you talk, though, it’s like you just got out of prison or something.”

  She laughed. She couldn't help it.

  “Oh, shit. Did you? I didn’t mean,” she put her hand over his mouth.

  “I’ve never been in prison, Riley.” Maybe a prison of my own design.

  He grabbed her hand before she could pull it away and held it in his own hand, stroking her fingers. She was glad right then that he was human and not a vampire like William. Although, as hard as her heart was pounding, she didn’t think he’d need extraordinary hearing to hear, see, or feel the thudding against her chest.

  His strokes were so sweet. Soft. And burning her up from the inside out.

  No one had ever done that to her, such a simple thing. Tracing her hand with his.

  “I didn’t think you looked like the been in prison type. But I’d like to know all your secrets, Melinda, even if you were in prison.”

  She thought about that for a minute. Would he really want to know all her secrets? Being a witch came with a lot of responsibility. It also came with a lot of danger. She looked into Riley’s molasses eyes. She did not think he would mind a little danger.

  “What are you thinking right now?” he asked. “You just got this reckless sparkle in your eyes.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that you read people really well?”

  “Actually, I’ve been told that more than once. And more than once it’s gotten me into a bit of trouble.”

  “Really? Like what?”

  “Well, I’ve never been in prison, either, if that’s what you mean,” he raised his eyebrows humorously, allowing her hand to slide back to her side.

  She bit her lip, trying to contain herself. Her previous bad dates, or Jerkwad, could not hold a candle to Riley. Not in looks or charm. Even if he was just filling her with bullshit. At least he was giving it some effort.

  It took everything she had not to reach out and stroke Riley’s face, or neck, or chest. Melinda let out an exasperated groan and jumped up onto her feet. A burst of, needing to get out of her own skin, making her edgy and riled up.

  Riley might be good to look at and charming, but he was still a total stranger, no matter how comfortable she felt around him.

  “There’s something else I haven’t done in a really long time,” she told him.

  “And what would that be?” he asked, rolling onto his back, gazing up at her.

  Her body blocked the sun from stinging his eyes. It left a golden halo around her head. Fitting, he thought.

  An angel.

  How is it she’s not taken?

  Something dawned on him. ‘Series of bad dates’. Some guy, or guys, must have been a total ass to her.

  How would this even be possible? Every part of her being shouted at him, would it be too much to ask if someone just loved me, for me? And for reasons he did not understand, this was all he wanted to do.

  She stared down at him, a vexing twinkle in her eyes.

  “Do you trust me?” There was menace in her tone. She stepped closer to the edge of the quarry.

  “Trust you? Hmm...” He got to his feet, facing her as if trying to read her thoughts. “I guess this means I do.” His voice inflected maybe, maybe not, but I’m game either way.

  “You’re probably going to want to take your clothes off then.” Melinda proceeded to peel off a sweater and lift her tank top over her head.

  “What are you doing?” he breathed out through puckered cheeks. Oh, wow! So perfectly curvy in all the right places, he didn’t know what she had in mind but he had a few ideas tossing around. Mostly along the lines of tracing all those curves with his hands. Or tongue, yup, definitely with his tongue.

  Melinda swallowed a nervous breath after he licked his lips as if he’d just tasted something delicious. She waved, got him to look at her eyes and shot him a look that said undress already.

  “Okay, okay. Your wish, my command,” he surrendered hastily.

  A nervous pit expanded in her chest. What the heck am I doing? Standing half-naked next to a perfect stranger. Yeah, this isn’t the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. She unbuttoned her jean shorts, slinking out of them, allowing them to slither down her legs to the ground. She swore she heard a hungry groan from Riley’s direction but didn’t dare look his way. If she did, she’d lose her nerve.

  Thank God, she’d at least worn a matching bra and panties set today. Bright pink, making her skin look the color of cream. She worked hard to keep her hands by her sides, rather than letting them enclose around herself. He’d already seen what she looked like. He either liked it, or didn’t.

  Dumb dumb dumb, she repeated to herself. I didn’t even suck in my pooch. Ugh! Dreaming about this is so much easier. And thinking and saying like it or leave it was a thousand times easier than actually believing it.

  Melinda sucked in and thought, Screw it! I’m not doing anything like I would normally today. Her eye caught him staring at her; he was looking right at her stomach, licking his lips again like she looked edible.

  She jerked her head forward, worked-up-level threatening to boil her blood at any second. Except this time, it wasn’t a dream. Motorcycle man was just a few feet away. Undressing. Because she’d asked him to.

  She didn’t know why she felt so comfortable and daring around Riley. Maybe it had nothing to do with him and everything to do with her. Still, she had a gut instinct that she could trust him. But that instinct had led her into the arms of Jerkwad. Screw that douchebag. And that wasn’t her so much as her under-utilized hormone levels that didn’t want to hold the title, virgin, any longer. Maybe she could just pretend Jerkwad didn’t happen. It hardly counted as real sex anyway. He certainly didn’t leave her satisfied.

  Regardless of her past choices, there was something different about Riley. She wondered how many naive women had said that same thing right before a serial killer snuffed out their lives.

  Melinda refused to lose her nerve. She moved to the edge of the quarry, toes dangling precariously over the edge of the granite. She glanced over, unable to see the bottom as steam and fog rolled lazily across the surface.

  Riley stepped up alongside her, just inches away, taking a safe peek over the edge.

  Her gaze wandered to his nearly naked body. He wore just a pair of form fitting knit boxers. She had to stop her hand from reaching out and stroking the artwork that was his chest. He was all lean and muscly under that leather jacket. Tan. Smooth. So magnificently shaped.

  Hands wrapped around her waist.

  She gasped, not because of that, but because she’d nearly lost her balance and toppled over the side of the granite cliff. He steadied her, holding back an amused grin. He graciously said nothing and released her. Melinda sucked in a deep pocket of air, berating herself for ten seconds that went on for a year.

  Riley chuckled.

  She exhaled. Humiliation buried. Determination returned.

  “Take my hand,” she ordered him, retaking her position at the cliff’s edge.

  “Um, why?” he asked, with slight trepidation. “You’re not going to do what I think you’re going to do, are you?” he backed away a few steps.

  “Are you afraid of heights?”

  “Not really, but, you can hardly see the water. How do you know what’s down there?”

  “I could jump anywhere in this quarry with my eyes closed. Do you trust me?” she asked him again.

  Riley eyed her, his look one of uncertainty. Was this some test of bravery? Meant for him, or her? He supposed if this test were something she needed, he’d oblige. He rejoined her, standing so close that their bodies were practically touching.

bsp; Melinda had no idea where this newfound bravery was coming from, but she refused to question it. Adrenaline surged through her body and she didn’t want it to stop. It felt like she had been asleep for a very long time and had just awakened and remembered she had a life to live.

  “Take my hand,” she whispered with a hard swallow.

  He did so.

  Melinda jumped, taking Riley with her.

  She didn’t even know if he screamed on the way down. All she could hear was the rush of air flying by, and the waterfall crashing onto the water’s surface below. Cool water bit at her sun-warmed skin as she hit the surface. She plunged underneath, fully submerged, moments later kicking upward her head popping out of the water.

  She’d lost her grip on her motorcycle man.

  “Riley,” she called out. He didn’t answer and she couldn’t see him.

  Her heart raced, blood pumping through veins that had been sedentary for years, each pulse surging with an intoxicating rush she wanted to repeat. She’d left the old Melinda Howard up on the ledge.

  She spun around in the water, looking for Riley to surface. Her heart thudded hard when she didn’t see him. Had she messed up? Had he been injured during the jump?

  It was difficult to see; the mist was thicker than she had expected.

  She gasped, suddenly grabbed from behind and spun around. Riley’s moist lips charged her own. The sting of the cold water and the rushing of blood through her veins was nothing to the electrifying thrum the touch of his lips shot through each nerve. All thought, all reason, dissolved into lips consuming each other.

  When Riley pulled away, his breath came out in a frantic push. “That was such a rush. I’ve never done anything like it before.”

  “The jump, or the kiss?” she asked, her head in a drunken-like haze.

  He swam closer, looking like he was going to kiss her again.

  Melinda’s willpower sank, and drowned. She wanted a lot more than another kiss.

  His eyes widened in surprised delight when she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. She wiggled out of it, and it floated away with the churning whirlpools created by the waterfall. She left no question as to what she wanted.

  Riley got her message loud and clear.


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