Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 57

by Ruby Raine

  It was time to grow up. To see the bigger picture.

  She sauntered into the study as steadily as possible.

  William smiled warmly upon seeing her enter. “Are you okay?”

  “Fine. Fine,” she let out a breath.

  He let his lungs empty. “I’m sorry, Melinda. It is a conversation I dread. But one I’ve had to have with each Howard I have known since taking up the charge to be your protectors.”

  “It’s not easy for you, is it?” She could not hide her sadness for him.

  “Worst part of my job. But it is truth, no matter how difficult it is to hear.”

  “I’m fine, William. Really. And I understand. I do.”

  He nodded kindly.

  “So,” she sniffled, “what’s this idea of yours, about Dad?”

  He let out a dissatisfied grunt in reply.

  “That promising, is it?” she chuckled, holding back a sniffle.

  “It’s something I have put off for as long as possible. However, I unfortunately see no other alternative.”

  Melinda waited for him to explain.

  “Everything we have tried has failed. We cannot locate any useful information. So... we go to the original source.” He didn’t sound pleased. “Remember what you muttered under your breath earlier?” He winked, with a taught grin.

  “I knew you heard that,” she shook her head. “So you mean to ask the Deanes for help now? I know the timing of this Feyk thing is bad, but I just cannot believe that they have anything to do with it.” Her heart sped up, a bit of the darkness smothering it, lifting. For one, it felt like the air between her and William was finally clear. And two, she was dying to see Riley. He’d make everything better.

  William cast a stern look. “If you want my honest opinion, Melinda, I do not believe the Deane’s were responsible for the possible Feyk sighting.”

  “I’m glad someone’s on my side.”

  “On your side, always, but going to them for help is...”

  “Not easy. I get it, William.”

  “It is not my favorite idea.” And not just for the reasons you’re thinking, his thoughts groaned. He had successfully ignored Lizzy Deane since their lecherous beach encounter a few weeks before. An encounter he did not regret, but did not wish to repeat. And he hoped by ignoring her she’d gotten that message.

  “I’m sorry it’s uncomfortable for you, William. To be around the Deanes. You don’t talk about it, and I can only imagine how terrible a memory it is, to have lost friends at their hands and now have to accept their ancestors at face value.”

  Angelina... his thoughts strayed. A woman he had loved, he thought with all his being. Today his feelings were muddled. At the very least, she had taught him what he was capable of, even as a vampire. And had given him the best gift anyone could offer. A life. A duty to give purpose to his existence.

  He did love her. And yet he knew that what he felt for Melinda was different. Perhaps it wasn’t his feelings that were different, but him. He had changed. He was not the same man, the same vampire, he was, when he’d met and fallen for the lovely Angelina Howard. Maybe she was right all along. He had not allowed himself to love her, fully. Or forgiven himself for past wrongs, or held any semblance of belief that he deserved love. Deserving or not, it was of no matter.

  “I’m sorry.” Melinda shook her head. “I did it again. I don’t mean to bring up terrible subjects. Or say half the things I do... somehow I open my mouth to say something I think is the right thing, and I just make things worse. Apparently, I have gotten a bad case of foot in mouth disease. One that appears is going to stick with me for the rest of my witch-baby-making, production-line life.” She gasped. She hadn’t meant to say that either! God damn my stupid addled brain!

  She heard a deep chuckle and her gaze shot upward. “Are you... laughing at me?”

  He straightened out his face, removing a grin. “No... no.”

  She rolled her eyes, unable to hold back a nervous laugh as William did his best to hide his amusement over the ridiculous summation of her life purpose.

  “I suppose, that’s one way to look at your life, Melinda.” He tried to sound serious, but failed. “I’m sorry. It’s not funny. Truly it’s not.”

  “And yet you’re still laughing,” she chastised heartily. “It’s not really what I think of my life, William. It’s just a little upsetting to realize that when it’s all boiled down, that’s what I’m here for.” She freed another nervous laugh, followed by a rush of breath. She shrugged, trying to tell him silently she was okay with it all.

  “Melinda, please don’t ever think that’s all you are. You’re so much more to me than that.” He couldn’t deny his urge to offer comfort, but realized his mistake too late.

  Unshed tears swam in her eyes.

  Perhaps he too had a sudden onset case of foot in mouth disease. He’d let his guard down. Why did I say, ‘to me’? He’d not meant to say that. Only offer a bit of comfort. But he’d made it personal, after all the progress they’d just made.

  She turned away, a sense of sadness and gloom enveloping her.

  Hastily, he cleared his throat and suggested they warn the Deanes of their imminent arrival. “We wouldn’t want to frighten them by showing up unannounced. It feels only fair to give them some notice.”

  “Okay. I’ll send Riley a text,” she spoke softly. “Give them a heads up.”

  William nodded in agreement.

  What she really wanted was to fall into Riley’s arms and bawl her eyes out.

  Lame, so very lame, she scolded herself.

  William had spoken the truth. It sucked, but he was right. And he clearly had a lot more to say to her than he allowed himself to. It hurt. Everything hurt. The last few weeks had been a sweet reprieve. Still, things between them were better. On the mend.

  And seeing Riley would definitely brighten her mood and she needed that.

  “Shall we?” William motioned for her to lead the way out of the mansion.

  “Do you mind if we stop by the Wicked Muddy on our way, William? I think today requires extra caffeination. And a ton of sugar.” A coffee filled sugar bomb and a dose of Riley sounded like just the right combo to get herself going again. She wasn’t worried about the extra sugar sticking to her waistline today.

  William acknowledged her request. Thinking if he drank the stuff he’d probably agree with her. Although now that he was about to face Lizzy Deane, liquid courage in any form might not be enough to make it through the day.

  CHARLIE DROVE THE JEEP towards the beach in question. The one where the tourist named Thomas Kinney had possibly encountered a Feyk. They were descended from a Faerie line. A rather unsympathetic, uncaring, and unbelievably miserly and shysterly line. Not to be trifled with. If they really were on The Demon Isle, they were up to no good. Charlie hoped their sudden presence on the Isle had nothing to do with the Deanes. He wanted to believe it. If not for moving on from past wrongs, for his sister.

  So help me God if that Riley kid is up to something and drags Melinda down with him, a snarl snagged in his throat and the jeep swerved.

  “What’s this?” He pulled off to the side of the road, where Eva Jordan was traipsing along the gravel and weed covered shoulder. In her bare feet and looking disheveled, with ground debris tangled in her long white locks and wrapped in a bulky sweater two sizes too big for her tiny frame.

  He called out to her but she didn’t reply, or turn to see him. Just kept walking. He pulled up alongside her. “Eva,” he tried again. “Can I give you a ride somewhere?”

  She stopped, turned, and stared with a vacant look in her eye as if she didn’t quite recognize who he was. Or see clearly at all.


  She said nothing, just stared.

  He jumped out and dashed around the jeep and grasped her shoulders gently. “Are you okay?” She didn’t look okay. There were leaves and mud caked in her hair, and the too big for her sweater was pulled tightly around her body. Charlie re
ached out and stroked her hair, digging out some of the leaves.

  Eva jumped, giving a start and retreated from his touch. Charlie let his hand drop and stepped back, unsure how else to react. She blinked, looking at him as if finally seeing him.


  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “God, sorry, I,” she shook her head. “I didn’t really see you. I was... somewhere else I guess.”

  “Are you okay?” he asked again, stepping closer.

  “Um, yeah.” She looked down at herself. “I um, went out for an early morning jog and tripped down a hill...” she did not sound certain, but did sound hopeful that he would accept the explanation and not question further.

  “And you keep insisting you’re not the damsel in distress type,” he joked lightly, relieved she seemed to be coming around.

  She let out a weak chuckle. “You keep coming across me at all the worst times.”

  “You’re okay though?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine. Really. Thanks for stopping, but I’m okay.” She started walking again, towards her house.

  “Let me give you a ride at least.”

  “No need to go out of your way, Charlie.” Eva was confused by her morning, most of it hazy up until just a minute ago, but the last thing she needed was more help from Charlie do-gooder Howard.

  “It’s not a problem,” he insisted, following her. “I’m taking care of some family business, but it can wait a few minutes.”

  She stopped, biting back a wince as her bare foot dropped onto something sharp. With a defeated sigh she turned back to him. “In that case then, I’ll accept.”

  He opened the jeep door, noticing her bare feet again. His eyes followed upwards until they reached the sweater. If he’d had to bet, he’d guess she was not wearing anything underneath that sweater.

  Jogging? Likely story he thought. His brow furrowed in concern but he held his tongue until she was ready to explain. He wouldn’t push.

  He grasped her hand to help her up into the jeep. When their skin touched Eva shuddered, her eyes meeting his, instantly mesmerized by his gaze. Charlie’s fingers buzzed with an electric draw.

  A flash of something buzzed through his mind; he was chasing a glimmer of white across a beach. Was it really a memory? He closed his eyes trying to grasp onto it, hopeful some of his blacked out nights were starting to come back to him.

  He saw his naked self, lunge at the wisp of white, both he and it, falling to the sandy ground. He was aroused. Excited from the chase. And hard for the capture. He reached down and grasped onto a pair of female legs, pulling the bare backside of a woman towards him, hungrily. She wriggled underneath his grip trying to escape.

  However, a voice taunted him. “You caught me. Now what, Charlie?”

  “You will submit like the bitch you are,” his voice growled darkly. He leaned over the thin frame, licking her from ass to neck, teeth threatening to sink into her shoulder.

  The memory started to fade like waking from a dream. He tried to hold onto it, but the rest dissolved as he felt pressure against his lips. He opened his eyes to find Eva kissing him. His mind attempted to hold on to the tendrils of memory, but they left his mind as if sucked away. All that remained was an essence of what he’d been feeling. Hunger. The need to control. To dominate. To mark. And to claim.

  Eva pulled Charlie closer. His hands slid inside her sweater. Bare skin. She was so very naked under the oversized thing draped around her. His mouth came to life, tongue thrusting into hers. He picked up her small frame and swung her around to press her body against the side of the jeep. His fingers digging into her thighs. Eva exhaled frantically, wrapping her legs around him.

  Somewhere deep inside his brain a tiny voice shouted, We’re on the side of the fucking road. But his body didn’t care. It wanted to take. Her thick mane of white kept the sweater from falling over her shoulders.

  Charlie pinned her against the jeep, pressing into her, opening her. Blood pumped with instant and insatiable need. Eva moaned and writhed against him. She reached down and fumbled to find the zipper on his shorts. She wanted him free. And inside her. She suddenly felt empty, so very empty. And only Charlie could fill her back up and make her whole again.

  A vehicle approached, but neither noticed until a group of teenagers slowed, leaning out of the windows hooting, hollering, and honking as they drove by.

  Charlie’s eyes popped open. Silver and piercing. He pulled his lips off hers with a growl. They stared each other with thick breaths. After a minute, she untangled her legs from around him and he let her slide down so her feet were back on the ground. It took another long minute to pry his hands off her body and break free from her completely. Charlie reached around her and grabbed the too big sweater and wrapped it around her body, holding it closed in the front as if not fully willing to let go. Her hair was stuffed in underneath it, puffing out the top a bit.

  Eva held back a wince. Something on her shoulder felt funny. Hurt. But she ignored it and wasn’t about to investigate just now.

  “I don’t even know what to say,” Charlie spoke breathlessly.

  She stared intently, but did not reply.

  “You have a crazy effect on me, Eva. I don’t understand it. It’s not something that’s ever happened to me before.” Charlie let go of the sweater and backed away. She pulled it tightly around her frame, lowering her gaze.

  “Sorry,” he apologized. “Here I am saying that to you again. I feel like that’s all I say to you. And I’ve said that before, too.” He really needed to figure out what the hell was happening to him. He wished the bit of memory he thought was coming back had stuck around. But it was gone now.

  Maybe if he could just remember, he’d know why he kept acting like a wolf in heat every time he was alone with Eva Jordan. She attracted his wolf. This was one thing he could ascertain at this point. She made his wolf want to come out and play. But he didn’t think this had anything to do with what was happening to him when he blacked out at night.

  But maybe it is my wolf, it’s the first time the wolf has ever been fully awake inside me. Maybe it likes to go running at night.

  But why wouldn’t I remember any of it?

  The ring lets the wolf free. Maybe after I fall asleep it takes over or something. He’d need to discuss it with William. He’d only had the ring for close to a month. He still had much to learn about it.

  He heard Eva sigh and caught her gazing at him.

  “Charlie, you don’t need to apologize. I think this one’s on me.” She almost seemed shocked by the words coming out of her mouth. Her pale cheeks getting flush. “I’m a bit confused myself, but I’m not sorry it happened.” She didn’t know why she said that either, and turned and climbed into the jeep. Need to lock these thoughts away, keep it together, Eva.

  Charlie took a moment to catch his breath before hopping back into the driver’s seat. She was being too nice about it. Maybe she didn’t mind and even wanted it, and this time definitely started it, but something felt wrong about it. The need he’d felt when she’d first kissed him. To dominate and claim. Domination could be fun, sure. If done consensually between two conscious parties, and not on the side of the freakin’ road like a couple of teens with raging hormones.

  This was different though. Almost like his wolf was trying to make a play for power. Or had no power or control and just needed, without caring about the consequences.

  And maybe I’m just losing my damn mind and way overthinking all of this. Stupid ass wolf paranoia’s still hanging around.

  These were all things he’d never felt before. But what freaked him out the most was the lack of control. It made his stomach turn. And if the wolf was running loose at night, he might have to start using William’s cell in the mansion’s basement to lock himself up. He wouldn’t let the wolf hurt anyone. Or bite anyone.

  The ring won’t let me do that.

  The ring was gifted by the Guardians.

  It would not let him hurt any

  He had to trust in this.

  His wolf liked Eva. Period. She apparently returned some sort of attraction, but was most likely afraid to let it out because of her fear that he might hurt her. And he might. She had reason to be afraid of him.

  God. Maybe it’s my wolf doing this to her? Maybe I really do need William to look into werewolf mating. Maybe that smell that attracts me to her is something she puts off because of me? Pheromones, right? Charlie remembered only bits and pieces about this subject from a class in school years ago.

  So what are you going to do? Lock yourself up every night until Eva leaves the damn island?

  It would solve two problems. I wouldn’t be free to roam at night. And I won’t have a chance to hurt Eva.

  And what about your job? You can’t do that locked up!

  He growled and started up the jeep.

  Eva let out a low chuckle.

  “What?” he cast a glance her direction.

  “I can practically hear you thinking,” she told him.

  “I was thinking pretty loudly. Sorry. I wouldn’t be Charlie Howard if I wasn’t having some kind of argument with myself.” Or worrying about something, many something’s.

  “We have that in common then.” Eva’s brain was on high alert, but she was holding everything back, keeping a lock on her thoughts. Whatever the hell was happening, she wasn’t releasing the lock until she was home and in her room.

  Charlie pulled off the road’s shoulder and back onto the pavement. He took a glance into the mirror on the passenger side of the jeep and his gaze wandered down to Eva’s bare legs. She caught him and instead of trying to cover herself, crossed her legs and let the sweater crawl up her thighs so even more skin peeked out. Why is my body doing the exact opposite of what my brain is telling me I should do?

  “Jesus, Eva.” The words slipped out of his mouth in a coarse whisper.

  She smirked, batting her eyes as if to say, sweet innocent little me? Almost as soon as she did it she turned away, staring out at the side of the road. What the hell is wrong with me? She squeezed her legs together. There was an ache building there she could barely stand. And if she didn’t get away from Charlie fast, she was going to do more than show a little skin.


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