Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 58

by Ruby Raine

  Charlie sucked in a breath and tried to calm his addled mind. It was best to just get her home and out of his reach. She was putting off a new smell. So enticing it made him want to spread those creamy thighs she was suddenly squeezing together like her life depended on it, and eat. Ravenously just eat. He licked his lips almost as if he could taste her. We’re almost at her house, just hold your damn breath.

  Control was wavering again. If he let the last piece fall away anything could happen.

  Guardian ring or not, he could not trust himself right now. And he could not be around someone that made him lose control so easily. Especially until he figured out what was happening during his nighttime blackouts; the ones where he woke up a little hazy and out of it, in strange places, wandering the streets naked...

  He peered down at Eva, his face creased with thoughts that made no sense. He’d found her walking down the side of the road in a confused state dressed in nothing but a sweater that obviously did not belong to her.

  His wisp of a memory... stark white hair... hadn’t there been someone in the memory with long white hair? He couldn’t remember clearly. He opened his mouth to say something, but words just wouldn’t come out.

  Eva bit her lip and stared straight ahead. It was all she could do to keep her legs closed. Her thoughts locked up securely. And from turning around and begging Charlie to shove his mouth between her thighs. Oh what the... She gasped. Oh God. No. So much fucking no. I’m acting like I have no choice, no control. Like I want to please him. Like he’s my alpha. And I’m his bitch. Like I am submitting... to him!

  Lockdown. She needed to go on complete lockdown.

  She could not let this out, not right now. All thought and all emotions needed to just go away. She felt the lock slip back into place. It had almost shattered. She’d been so close to letting it all out and if she’d done that, she might as well pack up and leave the Isle right now. Her father’s plans would be ruined with no chance of success. And the Howard’s would hunt them down, and kill them.

  Charlie finally pulled into her driveway, their silence now thick with tension. He came to a stop and before he could get out and help her, she hopped out. Without a word to him, she headed toward the front door of her summerhouse. Suddenly she spun around to face Charlie, her face blank.

  “Thanks for the ride.” It held no emotion.

  Eva turned and disappeared inside.

  Charlie let out a breath. Had he actually been holding it? He sucked in some Eva free air and let it out slowly. He didn’t have any answers to what was happening to him. He only knew that for whatever reason, Eva Jordan was driving him and his wolf, into madness.

  He turned the jeep around, heading back to finish the job he’d started out to do, thinking that while there, a dip into the frigid waters of the Atlantic might be just what the doctor ordered.

  EVA CREPT INTO THE house, down the corridor and into her bedroom where she gently shut the door. She didn’t know whether her father was home or not, was up or still in bed, but she didn’t want to face him.

  She needed some time alone with her thoughts.

  Sickening thoughts.

  Ones her father did not need to know.

  She leaned against the door for a minute, puffing out her cheeks, holding her breath. The needy ache in her core started to subside some. The lock on her thoughts started to break open. She released her breath in a heave and headed into her bathroom. Only to freeze when she caught a glimpse of herself in a full length mirror.

  Who is this woman looking back at me? I don’t recognize her.

  Her normally vibrant hair looked dull, almost gray instead of white.

  “It’s just the lighting,” she whispered. “Or the leaves and mud.”

  She couldn’t explain away the dark circles under her eyes as easily, and would have to pile on the makeup to cover them. She hadn’t been sleeping well even though she went to bed each night feeling exhausted and ready to crash.

  But like this morning, and far too many mornings lately, she had not awakened in her bed. But out in the middle of the woods. Alone. Naked. Bruised.

  And of all people to come across her as she wound her way home: Charlie Howard. And why on earth had she kissed him?

  “Kissed? You threw yourself at him like your life depended on it.”

  That had to be the stupidest move she’d ever made. It was something in his eyes, something she saw and suddenly wanted so badly she couldn’t stop herself.

  And in broad daylight on the side of the road.

  And he’d been all too eager to return her attack.

  “I’ve got to get a fucking grip.”

  She was losing control. It was a bit like she’d lost some part of herself she might not get back. And yet she wasn’t afraid while in the moment. She was... hot. On fire. Aroused in a way she’d never felt before. The ache in her center throbbed just thinking about it. Just like in the jeep sitting next to Charlie.

  “It’s making you weak,” she chastised in a harsh whisper. “He is making you weak. Whatever the fuck is going on, it has to stop.” There was no way in hell she was going to submit to the wolf she’d bitten and claimed rightful ownership of.

  It was so many levels of wrong!

  But God damn it! The guy was built. Perfect could-be-painted on abs. Thick arms and thighs. So big and hard, all over. That come hither smile. Lips that tasted like danger. A tongue she could only imagine worked like magic, but mostly, it was that her wolf wanted to come out and play whenever she got too close to him. No other man or wolf had ever made her feel like this.

  “Screw this shit. We’ve got bigger problems and a big day ahead.”

  Until the job was done, or she found some way to make Charlie hers, she needed to avoid him. Determination washed over her. Today’s job required a clear head. She needed to get on with it.

  She let go of the tightly wrapped sweater and let it slip off her body, revealing her bare skin underneath. The oversized sweater was all she could locate from a nearby clothesline.

  “Thank God this place is so behind the times,” she mumbled bitterly. “People still hang their laundry out to dry.” She had a growing pile of borrowed clothes. “Bigger problems,” she mumbled sardonically. “Not bad enough my wolf has the hots for Charlie Howard, but I got to deal with some crazy ass shit like waking up in the middle of the woods or on a beach, instead of in my bedroom. With no memory of the night, and a hell of headache.” Sort of like a nasty hangover.

  She peered into the mirror, a little afraid to lift her hair and check out her shoulder. It hurt a bit still. She dug her hand through her hair and swiped it out of the way. Her eyes widened. “Is that...” her voice faltered. She ran her fingers across what looked to be a bite mark. Almost healed, just the slightest indentations remained.

  At least Charlie hadn’t seen it. How the hell would she have explained a bite mark on her shoulder, which was healing?

  “Charlie! Who gives two shits about that? How about, what the hell bit me?”

  What frightened her was that it meant she had not been alone. That whatever she was out doing during her nighttime memory loss strolls across the Isle, someone else had been with her.

  But who?

  Or what?

  She tried to remember. Tried to delve into her thoughts. But the answer just wasn’t there. Each time it happened, she awakened like she’d been off somewhere unconsciously living out a dream, or something. She’d never been a sleepwalker in her life though.

  Everything was hazy. Her thoughts incoherent for the first little while after waking up.

  She took a damp cloth and wiped off a bit of dried blood.

  Fury raged through her veins.

  “I need to get off this frigging hell hole!”

  Nothing had gone right since she’d gotten here. This place was doing something to her. Turning her into some simpering version of herself.

  She’d failed to make Charlie Howard hers. And therefore in the process, essentially f
ailed at taking over the Howard Witches. And once he had been given that Guardian ring, she’d turned her attention to it, but failed to get the ring from him.

  It did not sit well, or bode well, for the reasons she and her father had really come to the Isle. With everything going wrong, how the hell were they going to succeed?

  “No choice. In too deep. The Howard’s must pay,” she growled.

  Yes, having control over Charlie Howard would have made everything easier. And faster. They’d have probably been done and gone by now. And the Howard Witches would be no more.

  But it hadn’t gone that way.

  “I don’t have time for this shit,” Eva bellowed, rushing to the shower. She let it run until the entire room filled with steam and then got in, scrubbing her skin and washing her hair, over and over until the water ran clear.

  She finished, drying off, glad that the mirrors were still coated in steam so she couldn’t see herself. She didn’t understand what was happening, but she had to leave her room and wasn’t about to get her father involved. She grabbed a shirt that covered the almost gone bite mark so he wouldn’t see or question. It was too easy to see her shoulders while her hair was still wet, stringy and drying.

  “Oh, there you are,” said her father. “Getting a late start today, aren’t we?”

  “Yes.” She shrugged, saying nothing further. Instead, she grabbed a mug of coffee and joined her father at the table.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  “Fine,” she lied grumpily. “Just needed to sleep in a little.”

  “Not pushing, just concerned. You are my daughter. I do worry.”

  “Well, don’t. No reason to.”

  Anthony Jordan’s mouth twitched, as though wanting to press the issue but he let it go, sipping his coffee.

  “Is everything ready for today?” Eva asked him, changing the subject.

  “Yes. It’s already begun. The Howards will find themselves very preoccupied today.”

  “Okay,” she said, grateful she’d have something to keep herself busy with. A strange feeling puddled around her middle. Guilt? Worry? Regret? Need? Anger? She didn’t quite know and wanted it to go away. The job was set and she’d see it through, regardless of anything else.

  “Distractions will abound for the Howard family,” her father saying. “The house will be empty.”

  “And what about the vampire?”

  “It will be an all-hands-on-deck situation. I’ve made sure of it. Alas, timing also seems to be on our side. Have you watched the local news today?”


  “Well let’s just say the Isle’s abuzz and a certain news program is unknowingly helping us keep the Howards extra preoccupied.”

  “I’ll be sure to tune in,” she lied again, not giving a shit about the local news. “As long as they are busy so I can get what we need. Besides, that’s what my disguise is for. Just in case.”

  “We know they don’t have an alarm system, so it should be easy to access the mansion and perform your search.”

  “If they just happened to leave what we need lying around,” retorted Eva.

  “They feel safe there. If it’s anywhere to be found, it will be in the Howard’s personal abode.”

  “Okay. I’m going to get ready.”

  “Good luck. Be careful.”

  “Yeah, thanks Dad,” she said with fake enthusiasm. With the luck she was having, she’d need a lot of it.

  Anthony stopped her before she made it out of the room. “Eva, wait.”

  She stopped, spinning around, hands on her hips with an annoyed look on her face.

  “Are you up for this?”

  “Isn’t it kind of late to turn back, Dad?”

  “I just meant that we could try again another day if you weren’t up to it today.”

  “I’ve already said I’m fine.”

  He nodded. “Okay. I won’t ask again.”

  “Good. I’ll be back as soon as possible. Just keep the Howards busy.” She spun around, her damp white locks flying with her.

  MELINDA AND WILLIAM stepped into the Wicked Muddy Cafe. Upon seeing them enter, Grace’s eyes widened and she grabbed a to-go cup, filled it, and came around the corner handing Melinda the cup. William nodded a hello and Grace returned it, casting her gaze across her cafe to see if there were any tourists within earshot.

  “Figure you ain’t plannin’ on stayin’ today,” she said in her gruff tone.

  “You would be correct,” said Melinda. “Thank you for the coffee.” She paid for it at the counter and proceeded to wander to the sugar and cream bar, adding additional sugar.

  “Did I not get it right?” asked Grace.

  “Oh, no. You did. But today I need extra sugar. A lot of extra sugar.”

  Grace winked, understanding. “Entire town’s a buzzin’. Is this thing that reporter lady’s been talkin’ about real, or just another hoax?”

  Melinda shook her head. “Not sure yet. There haven’t been more sightings, have there?”

  “Just the one, but good golly, what about that Courtney Jessup? Isn’t she a bag a trouble just waiting to drop?”

  “Yeah, we’re not sure what to think about that yet either,” said Melinda.

  “Have you met Ms. Jessup?” asked William.

  “No. Saw her walkin’ by earlier. Almost fell twice catching her heels in the cobblestone. Don’t imagine she’ll wear those two days in a row,” Grace said with a hearty laugh. “Well, you two have a good one now. I won’t keep ya. Be safe out there.”

  “Thanks, Grace.”

  Melinda and William headed back out onto the sidewalk, making their way through the tourists. The only topic of conversation: the D.E.S.I. Report.

  “Are people really this starved for something to talk about?” pondered Melinda in a whisper.

  William smirked. “It would appear they are ravenous.”

  “I don’t get it. What’s so intriguing about it?”

  “Picture yourself unaware,” said William.


  “Not a Howard,” he intimated.

  “Oh. I don’t know a thing about... yeah okay.”

  “It’s new. Exciting. They want it to be real.”

  “God, they really don’t,” Melinda refuted.

  “They don’t see the danger. Only the mystery. They’re curious.”

  “I guess I can understand that. I hope it dies down soon though. Just imagine what this island would do with even more crazy tourists looking for the supernatural,” she muttered, just loud enough for William to hear.

  He lifted a brow in begrudged agreement.

  Before long, they had gotten through town, leaving behind the crowds, starting the slow climb towards the center of the Isle where the Deane Manor was located.

  “Getting my workout in today,” bleated Melinda, sucking in a deep breath between sips of super sweet coffee. She slowed just a little as she didn’t want to show up at Riley’s door out of breath. Before arriving at the Wicked Muddy, she’d texted him to warn of their imminent arrival. Would it relieve the inevitable tension? Probably not.

  Melinda stopped at the end of the long driveway. “Wow! Lizzy’s been keeping those boys busy! You can actually see the brick driveway. It was so overgrown I didn’t know it was there.”

  “It’s a shame really, to see this place in such disrepair. It was once a crowning jewel of the Isle,” said William.

  “If Lizzy has anything to do with it, it will be again.”

  They reached the wooden wrap-around porch and climbed up the stairs, each step dipping and creaking just slightly under their feet. Melinda noticed a few dark shingles lying on the ground next to the steps, along with a few tools. Lucas must be replacing some of the shingles that fell off the house, she thought absentmindedly. The guy was a workhorse. Between him and Lizzy the manor would be good as new in no time.

  Riley met them at the front door. He was nothing like his brother, other than similarly colored hair and ey
es. Repairing a dilapidated house was not his thing and he looked positively dark and broody about it. However, the mere sight of him sucked all the darkness off Melinda’s heart, brightening her own mood.

  Or it might have just been that the pile of sugar and caffeine she’d just finished was pulsing through her veins. Regardless, she flung her arms around him before he could even say hello. She ignored the brief guilt that pinched her gut, over William watching her do this, but she couldn’t help herself.

  She felt heavy, burdened (with all the truth talk), and William was only adding to that heaviness right now.

  Riley returned her embrace. But cautiously, after catching the vampire’s fierce emerald gaze. He cleared his throat and invited them to come inside. Although William did not need inviting. It was a myth that vampires could not enter without being invited. A myth that could come in handy in the right situation.

  Melinda peeled herself off Riley, but kept one of his hands in hers. The way she squeezed it, he knew something was bothering her. He tossed her a quick gaze, which she understood at once and shrugged him a not now, later. This simple act warmed his insides. How easily they communicated, without the need for words even.

  He grinned, although in a tighter manner than normal... the vampire gave him the creeps, and pissed him off. He’d confronted Riley and hadn’t bothered him since, however, he was almost certain the vamp didn’t trust him. And was probably spying on him, and his brother. Plus his little beauty queen was hurting and he didn’t know why.

  “Well if it isn’t the elusive William Wakefield,” a voice called out from behind them. “Still the hottest vampire on the Isle...” It was Lizzy, the newest member of the Deane family. Recent ghast, now human once again, after the Howard and Deane families had worked together to return Lizzy to her body a few weeks prior.

  “Lisbeth,” said William, struggling to maintain a pleasant greeting.

  Melinda swore the vampire was squirming to get away. Of course, she could not disagree with Lizzy’s sentiment, although besides the hottest, he was also the only vampire on the Isle. And here I am in Riley’s arms, and still jealous, she let out a long sigh that had Riley looking at her, concerned. She shook it off with another silent shrug.


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