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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

Page 161

by Ruby Raine

  Mainly, whether she'd be in her right mind while she was transformed. Or if Charlie would have any measure of control over her actions, being that he'd be her Alpha as the wolf who bit her and turned her. Her biggest concern of course, not hurting anyone else.

  In an effort to stave off that worry, they'd turned William's cell in the basement into a secured area for her first shift. And Courtney gladly donated some vampire blood as a backup, just in case Lizzy got out of control and they needed to use the blood to slow her down.

  Charlie was having trouble picturing himself using anything on Lizzy that would cause her pain, but he realized if it was needed to keep innocents safe, he would do it. That, and Lizzy had made him swear to it, because she didn't want to be responsible for a single injury to any innocent. She'd rather die than ever do that.

  She let out a shock of breath a few minutes later, tapping her fingers on the notebook, like, look at what I found!

  "What is it?" Charlie questioned.

  She twisted to catch his gaze and the hunger there almost made Charlie cave against his no sex until after the full moon rule. Again.

  She grinned, because as soon as he read this, he might well turn into an uncontrolled teenage boy again. And it was his turn to groan and shift restlessly.

  Lizzy straddled him and held up the notebook and pointed to what she was reading.

  "We're not fully mated yet."

  His brain stalled for a few seconds.

  "Um. What? I—I—I—I bit you. I marked you."

  "Yes, and therefore you've claimed me as your mate. But to create a true mate bond, both wolves have to mark each other."

  Charlie's jaw went slack for a few seconds. The idea of his mate marking him was a wicked turn on and his mind was already wandering...

  "Careful wolf. You're going to get drool on the bed."

  He growled in annoyance and hunger.

  "Let me read," he pushed out. She handed him the notebook and pulled herself off of him to let him read the passage. And she was right. According to werewolf lore, they were not fully mated yet. The bond was only partial.

  "Once I've shifted," Lizzy said, "I have to bite you. Well, not like that second, just after I'm a full on werewolf." She wore a genuine mix of lust and wonder. "Can you even imagine it?"

  He lifted an eyebrow, like, are you seeing the images in my head?

  She bit her lip and laughed. "I mean the bond. It’s already so strong. But it's not even complete."

  Charlie thought about it for a minute. The bond was already intense. Bringing a level of intimacy he never even imagined possible between two people. The idea that it wasn't full strength yet was almost overwhelming, but not in a bad way. More like eager.

  A harsh clanging brought him out of his dreamy stupor.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  "The Mack line?" assumed Lizzy.

  Charlie peered at his bedroom door. "And this late. That can't be good." He bound out of bed, Lizzy too. Throwing on enough clothes to be presentable outside the bedroom.

  They met Michael in the hall, peeking out his door.

  "Is that the—"

  "Yup!" said Lizzy as she swept by him.

  "Be right down," he replied sleepily.

  Courtney came flying into the kitchen a minute later. She'd been out sitting under the stars contemplating her future, and thinking of her past, when she'd heard the phone.

  Charlie picked up the phone, but it wasn't Mack. He'd given the number to the Deane's as well, as a sure way to reach them if needed.

  "Lucas. What's up?"

  He and Mathew explained the unexplainable bursts of energy at the Power Source, which had Charlie perplexed and sucked right out of mating and bonding, and back into duty, and witch mode.

  "We'll be there as fast as we can. Stay safe. Lay low."

  "What's going on?" Michael was mid making coffee. Charlie explained and they were all perplexed by this turn of events.

  "Maybe it is normal, but because no one was ever hanging out before no one noticed it?" suggested Lizzy with a probably not, shrug.

  "Mathew indicated it was not normal. What he knows that we don't?" Charlie shrugged.

  "Okay then. Let's go get dressed."

  "I'll head out there," Courtney offered.

  "You sure you're good?" Charlie felt the need to ask her.

  "Yeah. Promise. I've just been a bit wigged out. So much change so fast. Just thoughts ganging up me, like they like to do sometimes."

  Charlie was all too familiar with that territory.

  Courtney had almost blurted out about seeing her ex-fiance's ghost, but decided the timing was shit. They had enough on their plate and no way to help her anyway.

  Charlie nodded. "When you get there, tell them we'll be there as fast as we can. And bring some extra blood with you, just in case. Stress can catch you off guard," he expressed gently.

  "Already packed a couple in my jacket," she patted the pocket. "I know you're just doing your job and all, but I promise I'm good. I wouldn't go if I wasn't confident about it."

  Charlie accepted that. "Okay. See you out there."

  "What about Mack? Should we tell her?" asked Michael.

  "Let's not get her panicked yet. It might be nothing."

  "When is it ever nothing?" Michael drilled tiredly.

  Charlie was getting concerned by the fact that it looked like his brother hadn't slept in weeks. Probably because he hadn't, at least not well. Charlie caught onto the thought Lizzy was having, they should get Mathew to knock him out for a few hours, like he had Charlie.

  To which Charlie both agreed, and growled playfully over, seeing Lizzy had used his exhaustion to her advantage that night.

  Charlie made it up the stairs and stopped by Melinda's door. It was open just a crack and she was out cold, with Finn, the wonder Gargoyle keeping watch next to her bed. He opened the door just a little and Finn picked up his head and grinned and snorted.

  "We're leaving," Charlie said, hoping the thing understood him. Melinda didn't stir. He saw no point in waking her too, unless he really needed to. He left her under Finn's watchful eye.

  Ten minutes later, Charlie, Michael, and Lizzy were piled into the Howard's jeep and pulling out of the driveway onto the streets of The Demon Isle. It was getting late, and the streets were fairly deserted and quiet.

  Except for Mackenzie Briggs, and Grace, the owner of the Wicked Muddy Cafe. Mack was standing outside on the sidewalk talking to Grace. Neither were in uniform, however. And the way the two of them were staggering, ever so slightly, and laughing, hard, they guessed the two women had probably tossed back a few after a long day.

  Charlie pulled over. Since the sheriff was awake, he might as well fill her in.

  "Late night?" Mack noted, sobering up some. Because it usually meant witchy business.

  Charlie filled her in on the strange bursts at the Power Source.

  "Well that's just dang weird."

  Grace shook her head. "Never ends, does it? You guys wait here. I got a hot pot I just made to sober myself up." She disappeared into the shop and came back out with a to-go package of coffee and all the fixin's.

  "Thanks, Grace," said Charlie. "Appreciate it."

  "I tossed a few sweet things in there too," she winked.

  "Bismarks?" clapped Lizzy excitedly.

  "Just for you, honey."

  "Gimme gimme gimme." She started scrounging around until she'd found it. Charlie had to ignore the delighted sounds escaping her lips. It wasn't so far off the sounds she'd just made when he'd been between her legs.

  His tongue and bismarks being equal pleasure—not on his watch. He needed to do much better than a bismark.

  Michael just groaned in the backseat, because he so enjoyed sensing others' lust filled emotions.

  Mack accepted a refill of her own to-go mug.

  "Wouldn't you know, tomorrow is my day off." She cackled at that idea.

  "You actually get those?" Michael retorted jokingly.

  "It's rare. But since I'm not tired, and only a little whiskey tipsy, why don't I tag along?"

  "Yeah, if you want to. Hop in," said Charlie.

  Grace gave Mack a private wink with some meaning only the two of them got. But seeing as Mack's cheeks went blush, they wondered just what the hell the two women had been talking about. But then Grace, good old can't keep nothing to herself, Grace, let the sweet nugget out of the bag.

  "You let me know how your dinner with Mr. Dante goes."

  "You said yes?" Lizzy needed to know with all seriousness.

  Mack grimaced and mouthed a playful, fuck you... at Grace, who returned it with an amused cackle.

  "With any luck, sheriff, you'll be the one spreadin' your damn legs. Not me, honey." She aimed at the others, "And she didn't so much as say yes, as give the hell in, because the damn man refused to leave her office until she agreed."

  A round of chokes and chortles later, Grace waved them off as they pulled away and sped toward White Pines.

  "This place just keeps getting stranger and stranger."

  She shrugged and grinned, because damn it, if she didn't love it exactly like that. After all, the unpredictable gave her so much to talk about...

  RILEY GRIMACED AND clutched his chest.

  "Everything okay?" Annie asked him as he wandered back down into the basement.

  "Yeah. Feeling—nothing I need to do this second," he explained. "But it keeps coming at me in these bursts. It's never done that before."

  "You sure it's your gift, and not something else?"

  "Yeah, definitely the gift. It's acting odd though. It's like this constant low buzz, but a few times now it's like the buzz gets turned up on high or something. It's already better now."

  "Good. I guess."

  "I'm not so sure. It's um, telling me I need to go home."

  "To The Demon Isle?" she assumed.

  "Yes. I guess once William is better we'll be taking a road trip." His only solace, at least he'd be on his motorcycle and not stuck in a car with William. "Any change?"

  "No. The same. It'll probably be a couple more hours."

  Riley nodded and took a seat. "And once he comes out of this?"

  "He'll basically be finished. This is his body going through the final stage of withdrawal."

  "Okay. I can handle it. Don't feel obligated to stay."

  Annie smiled. "I don't mind. However, I do need to speak with Jean."

  "I can imagine. If William did actually tell her he plans to end himself, that's some pretty heavy shit."

  "I'm guessing that's exactly what happened. Only, William didn't plan on accidentally revealing his intentions to us." Annie got thoughtful. "I was thinking, perhaps for the time being we should honor that he didn't want us to know. But at the same time, I want to figure out some way to help him, or change his mind. Sway him out of this notion that he wants to die, rather than ever accept love into his life." Annie clipped her mouth. "Sorry. Realized I was speaking of the woman you both love."

  "Did love. Do love. Might still love. I'm starting to think it doesn't matter. At least, not right now." He clutched his chest again as the slow buzz ached with the constant reminder that he needed to go to the Isle. "There seems to be more pressing issues than my love life," he joked badly. But Annie heard the inflection behind the blowing it off too.

  "What's really going on, Riley?"

  He glanced at her, knowing she could tell if he was lying, so he answered honestly.

  "Something big is coming, Annie. Not necessarily bad. But it's unlike anything I've ever felt before. And it definitely needs something from me. And it's on the Isle."

  "Makes you wonder if the power rising Aunt May spoke of might be true."

  "There's always that. But according to my brother—he keeps sending me messages even though I'm not brave enough to reply—anyway, he told me a she tried to rise to power, but they foiled it and all was okay."

  William had informed those on the Isle of Aunt May's prophecy but they'd already been dealing with it. At least, so Riley had thought.

  "Perhaps it was shit timing," suggested Annie. "Perhaps that was not the power she was speaking of."

  "I suppose. But shit. Enough with the she-devils on the rise already."

  Annie chuckled. "Does seem to be a rampant problem."

  "I've had my fill. I mean, aren't there bad guys anymore? Oh, wait. Stricker..."

  "Bastard of a Feyk." Annie shook her head. "Magical gifts... they run our lives."

  "Yeah, I imagine knowing when someone is lying to you has to suck sometimes."

  "It has its moments." She got up to leave him. "Holler if you need me."

  He nodded. "Thanks for your help, Annie." He smirked at himself. "It's um—nice to talk to someone who's not giving me shit all the time about my choices."

  "I'd like to think we're friends Riley. The lifelong kind."

  "That's a nice thought." He didn't recall the last time he really had a true friend. Someone trustworthy. Who listened and offered advice, but didn't push their ideals onto you. It was a nice change. "True friends are hard to find. It's probably one of the most priceless possessions someone can own."

  "That's kind of sweet. And I agree. See you later?"

  "Yeah. If William wakes up anyway." He gave her a wave and she vampire-sped out of the cellar.

  She reached the pub and slammed to a stop in front of Jean, planting her hands on her hips.

  "You really thought you could hide such a thing from me?"

  Jean sighed. "Should have known I wouldn't be able to get anything past you."

  "Yes. You should have. William is being talkative during his detox. But don't worry, Riley and I have decided to let him keep his vile secret, for now."

  "That is gracious of you." Jean plunked down onto a stool at the bar in an uncharacteristically spent manner. "I would have told you eventually. But I've been far too furious and depressed about it."

  "Is it really as bad as he makes it sound?"

  "Yes. I fear he's already slid down too deep to draw him back up."

  "And what's the real reason he asked me to come with him?"

  Jean lifted an eyebrow, like, surely, you can guess. "It's completely your choice."

  "What is?"

  "Taking over for him."

  "He wants me to take his place on The Demon Isle?"


  "Wow." Annie plunked down next to Jean. "So, he's um, really serious about this?"

  "Yes. But don't think for a minute that I'm giving up on him. He's not lost yet. But I fear, nearly there."

  "But I'll be there. At least now I understand why. I knew something was up, but this is not what I imagined. He's like a father to me. A better man than my own father ever was to me."

  "Which is why he didn't want to tell you, Annie. He didn't want you to worry. Or feel sad. But he knows you've struggled with having a purpose and he's hoping you'll find one on the Isle. But he'd be pleased even if it's not the one he has in mind for you."

  Annie nodded. This was a delicate situation that was going to take some serious thinking and sorting out.

  "I won't give up either. Not until his dying breath." However long in the future that was.

  A CLOUDY, FORLORN SKY matched the mood.

  A graveyard.

  A funeral.

  It was over, and only one man remained behind—William.

  Two caskets, side by side. His wife and his child. Both lost in childbirth.

  Melinda had never known William had experienced such loss.

  She was no longer playing the part of Sofia—now dead. But herself, the observer.

  Her eyes teared up watching William stare like death itself was trying to claim him too. Something had broken inside of him.

  Had his transition into the William she knew today, started this far back? The man—vampire—who smiled, and meant it, but somehow it never quite reached his eyes. And never in the manner it had on his wedding night.

; When life was young and full of promise. Now, a morose and lonely future.

  Melinda's breath shook and she feared a single loud inhale or exhale might break William even more. He hadn't moved in a long time. Just staring at the caskets like he was looking right through them.

  Two young men were standing off to the side, out of the way, waiting patiently for him to say his final goodbyes so they could bury the caskets.

  William's eyes were sunken in, a clear lack of rest. But in his gaze was a hazy numbness, like part of him had just checked out. The loss was so new, the wound so deep, that he hadn't fully processed it yet.

  "This isn't how it was supposed to be." His voice was flat. Lifeless. "This isn't..." he sank to his knees as if life had given up on him.

  Melinda wiped her eyes.

  Loss was part of life. But when it happened long before it should, the pain and unfairness could eat you alive. She was keenly aware of this because of her parent's deaths.

  And William had been losing people far too soon since before he was a vampire. This unforgiving cycle had begun even before he'd become a vampire. No wonder he had issues about letting people get close to him. It was one thing to think about William's long life and the losses he had endured, but to witness the loss from this position, and know just how many long years ago he'd suffered this first tragic loss... it made a person begin to understand why William had become the William of today.


  The scene changed.

  Moving forward in time, but how long Melinda was not sure. She wiped her eyes dry and tried to sort out where she was now. It couldn't have been too many years forward, and yet the man in front of her was barely recognizable.

  Unkempt. An empty liquor bottle at his side. Passed out on the sidewalk with people stepping around him like he was poisonous. The once respected banker who'd lost everything, and spiraled into a pit of despair.

  Even with the knowledge this was history that could not be changed, Melinda wished desperately she could. And in some ways, it only made her love him even more, for surviving all he suffered, even if it was like this for a time.


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