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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

Page 179

by Ruby Raine

  "You have no power over me. I made you, Vilhelm. I always know where you are."

  That was true enough. If he wanted, he could track Courtney or Annie. He just never did.

  "Why are you here?"

  "It's been so long, Vilhelm. I've missed you." The mock friendliness didn't sway them in the least. "And then I heard it. Whispers. Stirrings of memory. You were in so much pain."

  It must have been during his detox.

  "I expect you enjoyed that part."

  "I warned you never to cross me, dear Vilhelm. That you would regret it the rest of your days. But I see now that I have been lax in reminding you." Her vile gaze slid to Melinda. The warning snarl that pushed through William's fangs only made his sire grin like she'd already won.

  "William, you out here?" Annie's voice called out from the exit of the portal. She exited just in time to see a flash of dark shadow vanish into the woods. "What was that?" Annie swooshed over.

  Melinda released a breath she'd been holding and found her legs had decided to go wobbly. William whisked her into his arms and headed toward the portal.

  "Home. Now." Annie didn't argue. "We need to close this portal." It was done as soon as they were back on Howard property. But even then, William didn't imagine they were safe. He got Melinda steady on her feet.

  "I will never let her near you," he promised in a growl.

  Courtney came flying outside to see what was up and shivered when she witnessed the fear hardening Annie's jaw—it took a lot to give a vampire pause.

  Annie had a terrible feeling about who was just out there. And if that bitch, Mina, was on the Isle...this place wouldn't know what hit them.

  But she and Courtney didn't question because William's focus was on Melinda, so they left the two of them to talk alone.

  And fear of Mina wasn't the dread Melinda carried in her heart. She should be afraid of her. And she was. But she was far more afraid that this foul meeting would take William from her. That he'd break his promise only minutes after making it, in order to protect her. That it would only prove in his mind that he wasn't the safe bet and his commitment wasn't a promise he could keep.

  William read it all in her eyes. The defeat and disappointment she was already giving into.

  Melinda was afraid of him, not Mina, and his reaction to this. And he'd never given Melinda any reason not to doubt, because when things got serious between them, he always ran.

  "I'm still with you," he promised her. "I will admit, my first reaction is to do all the things I'm sure you're imagining. But I'm not going anywhere, Melinda. My answer is now, and forever will be, yes. Whatever comes at us, we will deal with it together from this day forward."

  If those were the last words Melinda Howard ever heard, she'd have died a happy woman who'd gotten everything she'd ever wanted.


  LUCAS PUSHED A CLIPPED laugh aimed at his brother as he and Mathew disappeared into the kitchen. Riley was totally out of his element. Rae was acting like his new best friend, like they'd known each other for years, and he was just—out of his element.

  "Glad to see you're more amused than—" Mathew cut himself off.

  "Pissed. Confused. Ready to run away," Lucas finished for him.

  "Sorry I brought it up."

  "Can't pretend all that shit didn't just go down." Lucas held up his hand to stop Mathew. "And don't apologize for not telling me who I am. I'm done with it all." Mathew drew back, thinking Lucas meant he was done with him. And magic. And—"I meant that I get it. I understand now. Why you were unable to tell me."

  "It was our most important rule, when the rules still mattered."

  "It's a massive secret to have to keep," Lucas returned evenly, imagining it was the hardest thing someone like Mathew had to do. It wouldn't surprise Lucas at all to find out that it was the hardest part of the job.

  "Your world has been spun upside down. Again." Mathew smiled kindly in understanding. "And now Rae has come into all our lives and changed all the rules."

  "So, now what?" asked Lucas. "I mean, when I die, will I be a Guardian?"

  "You'll still be from the Garudian bloodline. And I don't even know if I'll still be a Guardian or how any of this might change. But I hope so. I can't imagine not being one. I love helping people."

  "It suits you." Lucas stroked Mathew's cheek somewhat absentmindedly. "This is why you left me. You were afraid you might get in the way of my choices."

  "I wanted so badly to tell you, Lucas. Because once you leave this human life behind—"

  "I'll join yours." And wasn't that overwhelming to think about.

  Their foreheads joined as they let the revelation wash over them.

  "It's a lot to take in," Lucas admitted. "I'm struggling to believe it all. Or maybe I just need a good night's sleep so I can look at it all with a clearer head."

  "As long as the old cynical Mr. Grumpy Lucas doesn't come with that," teased Mathew gently. But he got quiet and serious after that. "I have no more secrets, Lucas," he promised.

  Lucas nodded and brushed his lips across Mathew's. He didn't want the cynical question everything Lucas to return either, however, he wasn't buried too deep and was sure to surface again at some point. But for tonight, he was content in the knowledge that his brother was home, and safe, and had taken part in magical history. That Mathew wasn't going to just disappear, and there was a possible future to be had—a long lasting future that was surreal to even think of.

  But also, that the in immediate future, Lucas' human life, did have meaning and purpose and his Deane blood was not a curse. And that magic wasn't inherently evil. It really was possible to fight evil, and win. It might not be a quick battle, but it was one worth fighting.

  "You okay?" Mathew asked him.

  "I was just thinking of the vision I saw. Of Alon, and Magic. Something about it just—made me understand the sacrifice and the long journey. That most things in this world are good, or trying to be. That not everything in this life is out to get me."

  "Far, far from it," Mathew insisted.

  "I guess I'm just seeing the world a little differently this morning. But it feels right and I'm not going to fight it. But I can't promise if the ground suddenly vanishes below my feet that I won't stumble and be old cynical Mr. Grumpy, now and then."

  Mathew pulled back and laughed at that. "I'd expect nothing less." He grabbed Lucas's hands in his own. "Even though my job here isn’t done, I will have to return to my Elders for a few days. We have many things to discuss. Rules will most likely change. Especially once we learn more about Rae."

  Lucas opened his mouth to ask something.

  "What?" coaxed Mathew when he didn't.

  "Well, I was just thinking, since the rules are broken anyway, and I know this secret I wasn't supposed is allowed...can I...come with you?"

  Mathew lit up. "You'd want to?"

  "I'd like to see more of your world, Mathew. It will be my world one day too."

  "Oh hell." Mathew couldn't help himself and flung himself around Lucas covering him in adoring kisses and excited hugs.

  "I just have one question before I tag along," Lucas got serious. Mathew pulled back and tried to dampen the ridiculous smile that refused to leave his face. "I know you don't need sleep, but where we're going, do you have bedrooms?"

  Mathew's eyes sparkled, and his skin flashed hot. "Why? Tired, Mr. Grumpy?"

  Lucas shook his head in a purposeful manner that gave Mathew a heated shudder that tingled from the top of his spine down to his toes.

  "Jesus Christ." They gasped and spun around to see Courtney grumbling behind them in the entrance to the kitchen. "Is everyone hooking up tonight?"

  Mathew giggled and blushed, and Lucas thought it was about the sexiest damn thing he'd ever heard and seen. He was so lost to the man it wasn't even funny anymore. Especially now that they had a future together, of some kind.

  "What's up Courtney?" Lucas asked the vampire, through the sudden and seemingly perm
anent grin on his face.

  She eyed the two men. "You want me to answer that honestly?" Her mouth lifted in a fake smile that had Mathew and Lucas laughing. But if she hadn't appeared in the kitchen, Lucas probably would have had Mathew naked on the floor, or bent over the kitchen table.

  "Is everything all right?" Mathew asked with as much seriousness as he could muster.

  Courtney explained the possible new threat, named Mina. "We just thought we'd warn you guys and see how Rae was settling in."

  "She's doing fine, seems to know more about what's going on in the world than the rest of us," noted Mathew.

  "But a new vampire on the loose doesn't sound fun," Lucas added. "But hey, I might leave for a day or two, so I'm—we're going to go pack a bag." He grabbed Mathew who was dragged out of the kitchen all too willingly.

  Courtney waved them off and spun around to see if Annie was coming or staying, but the vampire had snuck up right behind her.

  "Sorry," Annie apologized with a friendly smile. "Figured you heard me."

  "I was preoccupied with yet another couple about to get their sexy on."

  "Is that so bad?" Annie laughed.

  "No. It's all rather sweet, actually. I just—" miss my fiancé...didn't get to question Stricker...still have too much energy to burn even after all the fighting, biting, and tearing things apart. "And I totally said that out loud again, didn't I?" Was she suddenly incapable of inner thoughts and outer thoughts?

  Annie grinned, but didn't rub it in.

  "I could help take the edge off," she offered instead.

  Courtney's eyes widened but before she could clear her throat or turn her down....

  "How about a race?" suggested Annie when Courtney didn't finish her thought. "I'm curious as to how fast a new vampire can run?"

  "Slower than you I'd wager. Is that always the way?" Courtney asked Annie. "An older vampire will always be stronger?"

  "Yes, but not always. Older vamps do tend to be stronger and faster. But it also has to do with diet. We are at a disadvantage because of what we choose to eat, and not eat."

  "So, human blood makes you the fastest and strongest?"

  "Yes. But it's not a huge advantage. Certainly not enough to warrant taking innocent lives. But if you're thinking of Mina—" she paused, and Courtney nodded. "Mina is the worst combination of vampire there is. She's one of the oldest in existence, which does give her great strength, speed, and wisdom. Plus, she only feeds on living humans. But she carries no love for the living or the dead."

  "So, Mina is as bad as they come."

  Annie sighed. "Yes. I hope to God she never comes back. But if you ever cross her path, Courtney, do not let your guard down even for a second. The only thing Mina gives any value to is her own life."

  Courtney pushed out an overwhelmed sigh.

  "You were saying something about a race?"

  Annie grinned. But Courtney was thinking once across the Isle wasn't going to be nearly enough distance to run off this annoyed energy, and wondered if they could race to the moon?


  THE SOFT SWAY OF THE boat pushing away from the dock was all Lizzy Deane needed to let her know she was alone with Charlie. At last.

  He'd carried her onto the boat and gently deposited her into a chair while he got the motor running and prepped for a quick departure. They wanted to get lost out at sea, fast, and for as long as possible.

  But she'd needed to quiet her mind and had let the gentle waves lure her into a feeling of safety and serenity. And seeing as the future wasn't going to get any less chaotic than these last months had been, she wanted to set all of it aside and disappear in the moment.

  Her eyes drifted open to her mate not far away, working one of the sails. But her gaze couldn't move past the tight-fitting tee shirt that might as well have been bare skin as it hid nothing of the ripped muscles working hard, and flexing, and looking so damn kissable, and—

  "You need a tissue to clean the drool," her mate's thoughts teased her.

  "You could just lick it off me."

  That got a growl out of Charlie. He rushed to finish setting everything on autopilot and get them far enough from the dock, and the shoreline, to be safe as they drifted out to sea. All the while, growling and scowling at the images Lizzy was imagining—all the places and ways to make love on the boat.

  Her straddling him in the captain's chair. Charlie stretched over her on the floor of the upper deck. Lizzy bent over the side of the railing. On the stairs leading down into the cabin. Up against the cabin door. On the other side of the cabin door. In the bed.

  Charlie growled, turning every one of her images into spanking scenarios and when he finally determined he was done prepping the boat, and was all hers, his hungry silver gaze had fallen onto Lizzy's electric blue and instantly gotten lost there.

  The early morning fogs were thick around them and the sun was just coming up, and they were just headed to bed and had no plans on resurfacing anytime soon.

  "It's perfect," said Lizzy. "New day, new life."

  Charlie smiled and approached her. There were a few things he wanted to say before they stopped talking and focused much harder on panting and gasping and screaming.

  Lizzy lifted to her feet to meet him, but sensed his need to talk, and waited, patiently. Well—impatiently, but she'd oblige him.

  He chuckled. This whole being in each other's minds thing was taking some getting used to, and yet he found he didn't mind it at all and rather liked it.

  He reached out and pulled her closer, her blue eyes blazing through the fog. And suddenly words were not enough. They refused to form on his tongue. But they burned out of his mind and into hers.

  I love you, Lizzy.

  I am only complete because of you.

  I am yours for every minute of the rest of our days.

  You will never regret choosing this life.

  You will never live in any kind of prison ever again.

  We are mates and equals in this life.

  His silver eyes burned darker.

  But now, tonight, it's your turn to claim me.

  And then I'm not holding back.

  And Lizzy's teeth ached with the need to do just that. And with talking time over, Charlie had Lizzy in his arms where limbs, lips, and thoughts mingled and fought and struggled to get enough air and skin and act fast enough to feed the hunger that had been steadily building for weeks and weeks. Clothes tore off and getting enough skin on skin suddenly became priority number one.

  Charlie heard the silent demand Lizzy was putting in his thoughts and seconds later he'd lifted her body so her legs slid around his waist and he carried her down the stairs—harder to do without falling when you were too busy sucking face to look down at the stairs.

  But they made it down them and into the cabin where Lizzy magicked the door closed, and Charlie slammed them forcefully against it, just like their first time on his boat, only this time, there'd be no damn interruptions, and he was not afraid of giving her everything she needed.

  "Please, Charlie," she begged. Her core was dying to have him filling her, stretching her, hitting that spot so deep inside her—spreading his seed and maybe even making a baby. But she needed him inside of her and he needed to be inside of her. She was wickedly hot and wet and ready and needed him. He was hard and steeled and just as wickedly heated. Both the human side and wolf side in pure total agreement. They needed to be one. They needed to complete the mating.

  He'd wanted to take his time, savor each taste, each stroke, but the hunger was too much and he could only obey Lizzy's demand and give her everything she wanted. Himself. All of himself. No more teasing and waiting. They'd had weeks of that already.

  But even as he steeled himself inside of her, burying himself deep, it only fueled the hunger. A heated sheen covered Lizzy's skin and Charlie's lips sucked if off her like it was a sweet and succulent honey bourbon.

  He stilled deep inside of her, letting her catch her breath and rel
ax at the sudden invasion. Charlie's hips pinned her against the door and he found her hands and locked his with hers, sliding their arms upward over their heads.

  But the need pouring out of Lizzy slammed into Charlie like rapid fire that burned right down to his groin and his hips began to rocket in and out of her in a relentless hammering. Their minds emptied of all else but the two of them in this moment. The rest of the world could have disappeared, or ended, and they'd have not noticed.

  His strokes were deep and deliberate, breaching that deeply buried spot that pushed a weighted, pleading breath out of her each time he slammed into it. A few more deliberate strokes had Lizzy arching her chest and her head banging against the door.

  Charlie's teeth grazed the spot he'd bitten her, his tongue tasting her as she groaned and writhed between him and the door. He released her hands which plowed into his hair hanging on for dear life while his own hands slid down her sides and gripped her waist and ass and he started hammering her into the door.


  My mate.


  He shoved the thoughts into her mind as forcefully as his dick slammed into her. And then all Lizzy could think about was marking him and claiming him and completing their mating, so she could say those words as well.

  As Lizzy's insides quaked and burned and crested her teeth took on a mind of their own. And she knew right where she wanted to bite Charlie. He saw it all unraveling in her mind and bent his neck to the side as he jammed himself into her, sending them both flying over the edge.

  The fire ignited deep in her womb, ricocheting outward across every nerve. Her gasps and cries were lost as her head snapped downward, her jaw latching onto skin, and her teeth punched through with a snarl.

  Charlie freed one of his arms and pounded his palm flat against the door with such force it dented the thick wood. But her bite was like adding gasoline to an already raging fire.

  She'd already picked out the spot the moment she'd learned she needed to bite him to finish the mating. She hadn't even asked Charlie, but she saw clearly in his mind that he fell in love with her even more for even thinking it. Her teeth sank into him even deeper with a jarring punch that throbbed right to her core and his. She shouted against his skin and let her teeth push all the way down to bone.


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