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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

Page 191

by Ruby Raine

  "Where I use my powers to poof us to our bedroom," Mathew finished. He had it done before the words had finished and they were a fury of clothes tearing off. However, Lucas steered them into the shower instead of the bed. Their lips never parted even as the water heated the chilly shower stall and they moved in unison under the rush of hot water that steamed around them like they were in a sauna.

  Hazards of a large manor house—leaving it unlived in for a month had left it unheated as fall hit the Isle and getting the temperature back up to comfortable was taking some time.

  "I know how to make some heat," Lucas groaned against Mathew's lips. The Guardian's reply was a needy whimper.

  The reality of a future ahead for the two of them—make that a potential forever future together—it brought down every thick wall Lucas had ever built. Forever, was a hard thing to imagine but he was imaging it now, with Mathew at his side.

  At the moment, though, they were perfectly contented to live in the here and now. Lucas' hands trailed up and down Mathew's sides until Lucas' hands dug into his hips and spun him so his hands were braced against the slippery shower wall. Lucas nibbled and nipped at his neck and his ears and Mathew groaned and wiggled his ass into Lucas' groin in demand to be filled.

  "Why the hurry?" Lucas teased. "We have forever."

  "I can’t wait one more minute, never mind forever."

  "My insatiable potion maker."

  "I could summon the sexy glasses for you if it would get you in my ass faster," Mathew stammered impatiently.

  Lucas chuckled and twisted Mathew's head to kiss him and gave his Guardian what he wanted—he was helpless to do anything otherwise. He slid his slippery hand around Mathew's belly to work him over from both sides.

  Just the mere idea of having Mathew like this for an eternity was enough to send Lucas over the edge ten times before leaving the shower. Life had shot him down so many times. His past, his Deane blood, had let him down just as many times. And he'd fought anything changing, stubbornly.

  Yes, he'd gotten to the Isle, but that was more out of desperation than anything. And his brother's magical gift. But even their first months here had been fraught with peril and had made him question his own sanity regularly.

  But once he'd stopped fighting and given in to who he was—the rest had fallen into place. Almost too easily. Lucas supposed he was his own worst enemy and the only thing that might ruin this new life, was him, if he chose to fight it. But why fight it? He was happier than he'd ever been. He was looking forward to his future for pretty much the first time ever in his life.

  And that was in a huge part thanks to the Guardian he was slamming mercilessly against the shower wall and who gasped and whimpered and begged for release. Lucas stroked and hammered his hips deep, hitting that spot that turned Mathew's words into mush and his bones into jelly and claimed Lucas' soul for his own.

  They stayed glued together under the steam of the shower for a long, breathless moment. Lucas slid his arms around Mathew and leaned into him as if to stay like that forever. But Mathew squirmed his slippery self around to face Lucas and put the mushy words that would not form into the kiss he laid on Lucas.

  His gentle caress weighed on the side of a tremble which reminded Lucas of how vulnerable they both were at this moment. And although it was like a second language to him to put up walls and protect himself and his heart, he had no urge to hide anything from Mathew.

  "You're so beautiful, Mathew. I love you. I love the life we have, and it hasn't even started yet."

  "It's more than I ever hoped for. I thought I was going to have to wait a really long time for you. And I would have waited." It would have been pure torture, but Mathew would have waited a hundred years if he'd needed to.

  "No more waiting. This is it. This is our life." Lucas' hand shook a little as he stroked Mathew's cheek. His heart might well have been pumping on the outside of his skin for how splayed open and raw he was.

  And then they were kissing and groaning and groping again and the water was starting to go cold. They turned off the shower and hurriedly dried off and kissed and groped their way back to their bed as swirls of steam followed them to cooler air.

  "The shower was just a warmup," Lucas warned as he laid Mathew down on the bed and taunted his way with his tongue and lips and teeth up his legs, over his stomach, and up to his neck, and flushed cheeks, and finally Mathew's whimpering lips. The man's entire body reacted to Lucas' touch in ways that made him believe he might live the rest of his days in a permanent state of horny and hard.

  But it was the stray tear in Mathew's eye that Lucas kissed away that melted over his heart and had their souls uniting right alongside their bodies.

  "I'm so happy, I can't keep it in," Mathew cried.

  "Don't ever keep it in. I love that you wear your emotions out in the open. I wish I could be more like you."

  "But then you wouldn't be you and I'd have no reason to rile you up," Mathew teased.

  "I'm sure we can still come up with reasons," Lucas said. "I haven't made it easy—I know there were obstacles—mainly my own stubbornness. Thank you for not giving up on me."

  "Never going to happen."

  "I've never fit in anywhere, and I know part of that is my own doing and from not trying and fighting my calling. But for the first time in my life, I am excited about the future."

  Mathew smiled up at him, understanding how hard it was for Lucas to admit this. Because every time he had before, it always blew up in his face. This time, it wouldn't. Regardless of anything else, Lucas would be a Guardian, nothing could stop that.

  "I can't wait to be a Guardian, Mathew. But knowing I get to do that with you..." Lucas' eyes watered. "Please tell me it's real. That I won't wake up tomorrow and it's all just a dream."

  Mathew's entire body shuddered underneath Lucas.

  "Not a dream. I'm yours. You're mine. Forever. But I fear I must warn you..." Mathew trailed off teasingly.

  Lucas' eyes opened wide, but he found the playfulness in Mathew's features.

  "What do you need to warn me about?" he played along.

  "I'm not sure we won't get fired from our jobs."

  "Why would you say that?" Lucas took the bait.

  Mathew's legs lifted and hooked together behind Lucas' back.

  "Because my heart is permanently glued to where ever you are, and I might never let us leave this bed."

  "We're not leaving this bed tonight," Lucas warned. "Not until I've made you beg and plead and shout my name so many times it is forever branded in every corner of this earth and throughout all our lifetimes."

  "Oh, is that all," Mathew feigned disinterest with an epic fail of a whimper. And Lucas was well aware he'd be branding Mathew's name inside his own soul too.

  "I just need you to understand, Mathew." Lucas pinned his husky gaze on the man he loved. "I might have wavered in the past, but those days are gone. Whatever our future holds, it's the two of us together facing it. I love you, Mathew Bishop, and forever isn't enough time to spend with you."

  Mathew was pretty certain he'd melted into the bed and didn't imagine a better moment in his long life, ever.

  EARLY THE NEXT MORNING, Lucas found Riley sitting on the front porch of the manor sipping on a steaming mug of coffee—extra steamy, because the air was crisp and damp. It rose from his cup almost like smoke.

  "What are you doing sitting out here? It's freezing."

  Riley pulled his jacket a little tighter and sipped on his hot coffee. "I needed some air, didn't matter how cold."

  Lucas took a seat next to him on the steps and they spent a few silent minutes staring up at the sun peeking up over the trees, illuminating the sky in scarlets and yellows.

  "Anything you want to share?" Lucas asked.

  "Nothing in particular, it's just—everything."

  "Well, that narrows it down."

  Riley chuckled. "I'm fine. I didn't sleep for shit and my mind is kind of stuck on, more than anything. Our month
with the Guardians, mom, being back home, Rae... our time on the Isle before all this went down—it's a lot. Just trying to process it all and hot coffee and a chilly morning seemed to be the trick."

  "Processing—that, I get. So, um, if you're not up to sharing, I need to talk to you about something. Guess I might be adding to your overthinking pile." Lucas frowned in apology.

  Riley gave his brother a side glance and a shrug. "Shoot."

  "The Guardians made me an offer."

  Riley twisted to see his brother better. "What do you mean?"

  "To be a Guardian, now. Rather than wait until after I die—naturally."

  Riley blinked hard a few times, processing his brother's words.

  "Of all the things in my life right now this doesn't actually surprise me," he shocked Lucas by replying. "I had a strong feeling you'd find some way to stay. I've never seen you happier."

  "Will you be okay with it, if I say yes?"

  "Will you be?" Riley put back on him. "You'll still be you, in the most general sense. But things will change. You won't technically be human anymore."

  "I've thought long and hard about it. Wondered if I should wait, but like you said, I've never been happier or felt more at ease with my future. And it's not just Mathew, or Mom... it feels right to me. Like nothing else ever has."

  "Then there's your answer, Lucas. It doesn't matter what I or anyone else thinks about it. If it's right for you, you have to do it. Easy."

  Lucas laughed lightly.

  "I'm glad that's your opinion because I've already said yes. I just hadn't told anyone yet. Hell, I only told Mathew last night."

  "Oh, is that what was going on," Riley rolled his eyes.

  Lucas grimaced, hoping the largeness of the manor had dampened their love making but his brother merely laughed.

  "You're doing what's right for you, Lucas, and that makes me happy. And it's what I'm trying to decide for myself." He paused for a moment. "Rae thinks once this battle is over, or stopped, that she's going to be heading out on the road."

  "To hunt more demons?" Lucas assumed.

  "Yeah. So, I imagine that'll be me too, because I can't seem to leave her side."

  "Do you want to?"

  "No. It's so—weird, really. We're getting to know each other, and we have this magical calling together, but it's deeper than that. It just feels right."

  "I guess we're both finding our path then."

  Riley peered back at the manor. "What'll happen to this place? Lizzy's at the mansion with Charlie now."

  "Don't know. It's been here for ages as it is, I guess it can sit here a bit longer. No reason to let it go. After all, we'll still need a place to call home on the Isle at some point, I'm sure," Lucas reasoned.

  "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's not like we won't ever see each other again. You're not dying—well, okay. Technically, your human side dies. You know what I mean." He rolled his eyes amused and befuddled all at once because their life was anything but normal anymore. "And we won't be hunting demons forever—I hope."

  "And eventually, we'll both be back together again."

  "True," agreed Riley. He huffed. "What a weird world we're living in."

  "No shit. And cold. Dang, it really dropped temp last night. But since I'm still not getting behind the wheel, I'm gonna grab my coat and gloves and walk into town for a coffee. Want to join me?"

  "Nah. Got enough in my cup right here. But I could give you a ride if you want?"

  "All good. A walk sounds nice this morning and it's not far. Just need to drag out the warmer clothes and accept that summer is over."

  They chuckled at that. They were living in a world where nothing and everything made sense. And even this sentiment didn't make a damn bit of sense, and yet perfectly did. But both their hearts were lighter than they had been in more years than either could count.

  There was something comforting about knowing one's future path—even if that path might have many unknowns along the way. But it was a soul settling thing to know with such certainty that they'd found their purpose and were heading in the right direction and this one thing no longer had to be questioned.

  It had been a rocky journey to reach this point, but now that it was here, neither would give up what they'd found.


  MORNING SLID IN WITH an icy frost. The first real frost of the season. It settled over the Isle like one giant glittering and sparkly blanket. Melinda found herself on the steps of the Wicked Muddy again, this time, too early. So early that Grace wasn't even open yet. She hadn't gotten much sleep and her body ached and protested as she meandered through the sleepy town. This time of year, before Halloween, things got quiet and empty, the town deserted of tourists.

  It was pleasant this morning, though, the quiet. The empty streets that belonged just to her for a short while. The other businesses wouldn't open for a couple more hours yet, and some had shut down for the season, not even bothering to stay open for the Halloween celebration. It didn't look like the sun was going to make an appearance today, but she'd needed some fresh air regardless, to help clear her mind and wake her up as she was severely sleep deprived.

  She'd been up most of the night thinking about her blood being stolen and wondering why. She was sure the why of it all was vital and it was driving her mad that she could not figure out the reason for it—other than it was not good, which only led to more worry.

  "Oh, hey," a familiar voice startled her. Lucas had just arrived, and she'd been so inwardly focused she'd not even heard him arrive.

  "Oh, hey there. Sorry, didn’t see you coming."

  He eyed her as if to warn, isn't that dangerous, all things considered?

  She waved him off with an eyeroll. "Evil prefers to sleep in," she claimed. Before Lucas could argue she added, "Something apparently neither of us is doing. Grace isn't open yet if this is where you're headed."

  "Oh, right. Fall hours, she opens an hour later now."

  "Yeah, I'd forgotten too. Only another fifteen minutes until I can get some sugar and caffeine heaven in my veins."

  "The woman does have a magical knack for making coffee," Lucas agreed.

  "I'd never thought of it like that, but you're right."

  "How'd you manage to get here alone?" Lucas asked. He wasn't ready to give up the topic of being safe, no matter the time of day.

  "You came alone," she responded hotly. "Is this a man-woman thing, or just a weak Melinda thing?"

  "I'm not insinuating anything," Lucas insisted. "You're not weak. I've never thought that. But you were specifically attacked, Melinda. I am honestly shocked William let you out of his sight after what happened."

  "Well, my vampire appendage is busy interrogating Stricker. And I might have snuck out of the mansion," she admitted under her breath. "I needed some space. The mansion might be big but sometimes it's suffocating and feels like it's going to crush me." She pulled her gloved hand out of her jacket pocket showing Lucas three potion vials. "Feel better? I did come prepared."

  "I'm really not trying to give you a hard time, I'd just hate for anything to happen to you, daylight safety net or not. Evil may prefer to attack at night, but it's not set in stone. And we should probably all make a deal not to head out alone at this point."

  "Actually, that is a good point," Melinda conceded with a sigh. "We should bring it up at the next family meeting. And I don't mind my vampire's company. I love it. But he was busy, and I didn't want to bother him."

  "More like, you didn't want to need him to come with you?" Lucas returned in gentle question.

  She grumbled under her breath. "A little, I guess. I want to trust myself. I want to feel safe being on my own. I don't ever want to go back to being that frightened girl who can't leave her room and face the scary outside world. I can't go back to that place, Lucas."

  The heart of the matter at last. He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

  "And dammit, Lucas. You are going to be a really great Guardian someday."
  She huffed and then groaned and then smiled and shook her head.

  It brought a wide smile to his face and he wondered if he should tell her someday was coming much sooner than later. He opted to wait until he was ready to tell everyone.

  "Melinda," he said with genuine reverence. "It's okay to feel a little lost and out of sorts. You fought so hard to find your inner power—I'm not talking about magic. I saw how hard you fought to come out of that dark place you'd been living in, and you did. The demon attack is bound to make you question that strength, and that's okay. Normal, even. But I have zero doubt you will come out of this even stronger, Melinda. You are not going to fail and become that person ever again. But if I can also add a bit of personal advice—tell William how you're feeling. Don't be embarrassed by your true feelings. He values them like a great treasure."

  Lucas was right, and Melinda found herself feeling the part of the idiot. Instead of facing her problems head on, she'd decided to run right out, and in a way, run away—falling into old habits of avoiding humiliating conversations. If she and William were really going to be a couple, she needed to give it her all, and she wasn't. She wasn't even giving him a chance. But she'd also needed to prove to herself that she wasn’t afraid.

  "I don't know how to trust myself, and keep that confidence, and still be dependent on others to help when I need it."

  "The hard parts already done," Lucas told her. She eyed him in question. "You surround yourself with people who will only ever lift you up, and don't cut you down. Putting your trust in others does not mean you don't trust yourself, too. And part of trusting yourself is knowing your limits and when you need help. You are surrounded by people who've seen you struggle and seen you climb out of the darkness, Melinda. They trust you to know how to stay out of that place."

  Melinda leaned in and gave Lucas the deepest hug.

  "You really are made for being a Guardian," she sniffled. "Thank you, Lucas. It was pretty dumb of me to come here alone. It was definitely not the right way to regain my power." She pulled back and wiped her eyes.


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