The Medici Queen
Page 13
She spoke to Aegis, "Calm down now, all of you. I’m fine. There’s no danger here." The three creatures lost their aggressive posture and lay calmly at her feet, not ready to leave her unprotected yet, but following her command.
Shade watched as she calmed her beast and he was impressed. The animals relaxed as she talked to them, but they were not about to leave her. "That’s my bel rosso. I dare not move, mi amore. You will have to come to me for them to understand there is no danger, and you accept my presence. We are learning this gift together, Kate. Move slowly until they understand I’m no threat to you. Come to me.”
Kate walked to him and was swallowed in his embrace. The three animals stayed where she’d left them but remained watchful. "Lover, I didn’t call them. I got angry, and when my beast appeared, I ran outside and they all came to me."
"Shh, mi amore, it’s fine. Everything is fine. You did nothing wrong. We just need to figure out how to make them realize when you are in real danger and when you are just pissed off. Hell, this is going to take some doing. But I am pleased, you handled this well, handled them well too. A mountain lion? Cazzo, Kate! I would hate to see what comes crawling out of the woods if you were truly threatened."
Shade felt something brush against his leg and he looked down to see Aegis rubbing against him. Reaching down slowly, he held out his hand and Aegis nuzzled into his palm. "Bel, look down. You need to find out who these other two creatures are if you can. If they are permanent, I think it might be a good idea to know."
Kate looked down as Aegis was nuzzling against Shade, seeking his affection and approval. Kate looked at Aegis who locked eyes with her, and Kate nodded. "She says the black wolf is her mate, Night Stalker. And the mountain lion is named Riparo. It means shelter...or protection. She says they will all be here." Kate giggled. "She says there are others. I’ll meet them in time."
Shade rolled his eyes and sighed. "Others? Great. Thank you, Aegis, Night Stalker, and Riparo. I am master here. I am her protector and mate."
As he emphasized the word mate, he looked to the black wolf that stood and approached. "Cazzo. If he attacks me, bel, please make him stop."
Shade chuckled softly as the wolf sniffed him, circling them both, then went to Aegis and nuzzled her neck. "Ah yes, one master to another, I got you, warrior."
Shade nuzzled into Bel's neck and then licked her face softly as she went into a fit of giggles.
"They know who you are. They are acknowledging your... What?" Kate looked down at Aegis, and laughed. "Okay, your dominance over me. Her words, not mine."
"Nice, Aegis. Not how I would describe it, for, you see, my queen has a mind of her own and apparently, a brigade of her own warriors. Now come, mi amore, let’s go into the house. The sun is almost here, and if I cook in the sun, your warriors will have breakfast."
Lifting her into his arms, carrying her inside, he sat on the couch. "Start talking, now. I want to know what the hell this is all about, and don’t leave out one detail."
As Kate recounted her conversation with Rissa, she felt her anger return and she didn’t know where to start. "I called Rissa to see if everything was all right, if there’d been a problem in Florence and she practically attacks me over the phone... Something about me taking her house in Paris."
Cazzo, never fails, the bitch strikes again! "I should have known this was about Rissa. One of these days I am going to rip her damn tongue out." Shade slid his hands through his hair. "Anything else?"
Kate sat up straight, her back rigid. "Yes, as a matter of fact. That protector... That woman you brought here to our home. The one I welcomed here? She slept with him. She had sex with Alec. In their home! With Rissa in the next room. I try so hard to hear your words, to be re-assured about the female warriors, and I convince myself it’s just me. But then I hear this. I told Rissa to get her out of her house. And I know I told Jacks she’d always be welcome here, but I’m telling you, I never want to see her again. I don't want you working with her again."
Shade felt his own anger rising. He understood her insecurities about the female warriors, but he bristled when she began to tell him what she expected him to do. Standing up, he growled loud and paced the floor. "You will not dictate to me who I work with and who I do not. Let me make that perfectly clear! Alec hired Jacks, I was only a source. I had nothing to do with what happened there. And if I need to conduct business, it will be done. You do not want her in this house, that I can comply with, but you will not tell me who I do business with. I am not Alec, bel. How he conducts his life is none of my business. I referred her. I cannot be responsible for what grown vampires do on their own time. Do you understand?"
Kate reeled at his response, his anger. They could never have this discussion without evoking his anger. She felt her beast flare again and she struggled, panting, getting up from the sofa and walking away from him, clenching and un-clenching her fist. She didn’t want to fight him. That would resolve nothing. So, what was he saying? He wouldn’t bring her here to their home, but if he wanted to work with her he would?
She took deep breath before answering, "I understand you aren’t responsible for his actions, or hers. But I trusted her...because you asked me to trust her. And now you’re saying you’ll work with her in the future, and I’m supposed to... You want me to just turn a blind eye? Ignore what I feel?"
She knew that stubborn streak when she saw it. He had his heels dug in. Aegis was right...dominance. "Fine. Whatever you want, Shade."
He saw her beast rise up and it didn’t take much, but this time, she was going to learn he was the fucking master when it came to business, and he was damn tired of her jealously every time there was another female involved. Stalking toward her, he walked her across the floor backward until her body hit the wall and he threw his hands on either side of her face, pinning her.
"You better settle down because I will not put up with this every time a female comes on this property. I’m your mate for eternity. I love you! Fuck, Kate, what the hell do I have to do to prove this to you? And why the hell are you so damn angry for Rissa? Since when did you become her confidant? Rissa is a bitch, a cold hard bitch, and the sooner you figure that out the better. Now, if you want to take that attitude with me, be prepared for the consequences because now you will feel it all, my queen. That beast crawling up and taking hold is not pretty now, is it? And if you think those creatures outside will protect you from me, watch your warrior show you how wrong you can be. Look at me!"
Clenching her chin, he kissed her hard, pushing his body into her and grinding her against the wall. Damn, she got his beast riled out of his mind!
"I love you, bel, I love only you!" Pushing himself off the wall, he turned and walked to the door and then stopped. His voice was calm. "I cannot keep going through this, Kate. It’s killing me how you cannot feel how much I love you."
Kate pleaded with him. "Don't walk away. Please, don't walk away. It kills me as well. I hate this conversation. And I'm trying! I keep trying. Every time I think I have it worked out in my head that it’s something I can deal with, something rips through my confidence. I hate this struggle. I hate my feelings of jealousy. Please, just don't walk away!"
Shade was slammed with the hurt and pain that rolled through her. He could barely breathe, as his own pain from her doubt of him almost crippled him. Taking a deep breath, he turned around and looked at her, held her with his eyes.
”Feel that, mi amore? It is my pain. I am not angry, just hurt. I can feel your pain too. I cannot live like this with you and I cannot live without you. Trust, love, protection needs to get us through. Do you love me?”
"Shade, I love you more than life. I would die without you in my life. You know that. And you’re right. Love is not enough. I have to trust. There will always be women who will throw themselves at you. And I know you don’t respond to them. I know that. But that doesn’t make me hate them any less. I don't want to fight over this. I’m tired of fighting over this. Please..."
bsp; Kate held out her hand to him, waiting for him to walk back to her and for once, not walk away.
He stood there, dead still, even as she held out her hand to him. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. Slowly walking to her, he picked her up in his arms, cradling her to his chest. "Ti amo, mi amore."
"I'm sorry. What happens between Rissa and Alec has nothing to do with us. I let her get under my skin. I love you, Shade."
He set her down and she stepped back, taking him in, his beast now gone. "Lover, we had an argument and didn't destroy the house! That has to be some kind of progress, right?"
He smiled at her words. "Si. Let us resume this tomorrow. I wish to speak to you more about the deed to the Paris house, and other things concerning Rissa and Alec. But right now, your ass is going to bed, and I have no energy left to argue. I just want to sleep in my own bed, wrapped around you, letting the death slumber take us away together, si?"
Kate slid her arms around his waist, glad to have an end to this discussion and more than happy to put off any further talk until after they’d slept. She couldn’t imagine having him angry with her for their first death slumber here at home. "Come. Theresa has fresh linens on the bed. I can't wait to sleep next to you."
Picking her up, he took the stairs two at a time. He hit the door with his booted foot and flopped them both on the bed. "Get undressed, woman, and fast, I need to love some sense into your jealous brain!"
As they both tangled to undress each other, their laughter rang out through the house. The king and his queen had come home to stay.
Shade was in his study at Bel Rosso, opening the large window. The cool breeze moved the curtains as he sat at the large desk, staring out into the evening. The sun had not yet completely set behind the mountain range, and the sky was a brilliant burst of orange and pinks. He slumped back in his chair and looked down at the notes he was scribbling. There were so many thoughts in his head, duties that needed to be fulfilled, his new life with bel, the new warrior camp in the States, and the changes to be made at the Dead House. The thought of her ran through his mind. Closing his eyes, he could feel her in the house. She was with Theresa, working together upstairs, and he felt her happiness.
He heard a familiar laugh echo across the yard and in the open window. It was Raven, and he listened as the laughter and voices of his other warriors began to stream through the window. They were all up and about, waiting for the moon to rise before going into the Dead House and beginning their assignments. Shade needed to speak with Raven, one on one, and in private. The Dead House was not the place he wanted this conversation to take place, and he decided now was as good a time as any to get this done. Shade telepathically sent him a message and sat back and waited for the always dramatic arrival of his young warrior.
It wasn’t long before he heard the patio door open. Shade went to the bar, pulled out two glass tumblers and filled them with a generous amount of Midnight. He knew he’d need one to get through this and make his final decision because nothing was easy with Raven. As Shade turned around, there he stood, his long black locks down to his ass, hanging loose, but clean and gleaming.
The first thing Shade noticed was his leathers. They were unique and stylish, more fit for the runway than a battlefield, and it looked like someone had sewn them onto his skinny ass. There were pockets and straps in places he’d never seen before, handy for the numerous weapons a warrior must carry. It was obvious this set of leathers was one of Cory’s designs and Shade was impressed. Raven looked a bit nervous, and that amused him. Raven was never serious about much in life, except when he was facing the enemy, and then, he became deadly serious.
Raven watched as his master poured two large drinks and his heart began to race. This sure as fuck can’t be good! He took a deep breath as Shade gave him the once over. “You wanted to see me, boss-man?”
Shade nodded to the chair opposite his desk, reminding himself to give Raven a chance to show him the changes Marcello told him had taken place. Shade set the glasses down on his desk and dropped comfortably into his chair. “Raven, take a seat. Just a few things I want to discuss with you, privately.”
Shade pushed one of the crystal glasses across the desk in front of Raven and picked up the other for himself, his eyes never leaving Raven as he took a sip of Midnight. “Have a drink. Relax.”
Raven took the chair opposite his master. Relax? Was this some kind of joke? His master’s welcoming words and tone of voice didn’t match his expression or the intense gaze he was giving him. He got a whiff of the Midnight and his mouth watered. That stuff the boss-man brewed was strong medicine and filled your veins with sweet harmony, but he’d sworn off drinking it before going on duty. Holding up his hand, he rejected the offer, wanting to get this the hell over with.
“Grazie, but no. I have duty tonight at the Dead House. Those are your rules, no drinking before or during duty.” Damn I could use a smoke bad, but no smoking in the big house.
Shade set down his Midnight and kept his stoic look. “Did you give up all vampire vices or just the Midnight?” Shade needed to keep him on edge, he rarely had this warrior under the gun and he could feel his nerves.
Raven smiled that cocky ass grin. “Not all vices. I’m no saint, I’m Medici after all! Reputation to maintain and all that.”
Shade chuckled and pushed the ashtray to him. “You can smoke in here, Raven. The queen has given me permission to smoke in the house, but I usually take it outside, since Luca and I are the only smokers in the house.” Shade watched, with amused silence, to see if Raven would keep up this charade, or if he’d truly changed some of his antics.
“If my queen says no smoking in the big house, then no smoking. Pass. I respect her wishes.” Is he fucking trying to kill me here?
Shade marveled at a Raven who followed the rules. “So, I see you have some unique leathers. I take it those are Cory’s design.” Picking up his Midnight again, Shade let the deep red liquid slide down his throat.
Raven swallowed hard. Small talk, when master does this ring around the rosy bullshit, he’s going to slam my ass with something bad. Cazzo! What the hell did I do?
“Yeah, I like Cory. He has mad skills with leather. And he makes them fast. I give him design ideas and he tells me if it can be done, usually has some adjustments and ideas of his own. From there, we can come up with something unique. This is a new design. Accommodates my weapons, light-weight, and easy to move in. We get along really good, a lot in common.”
Raven looked down and shuffled his booted feet under his chair then looked up to see master with his fingers steepled in front of his face, his elbows on the desk. What the fuck did I do? Please don’t send me back to Florence!
Shade drained his Midnight and listened to Raven go on about the leathers. He used hand gestures once in a while, but the warrior he knew would have been flaunting his ass all over the room showing off his new leathers. This Raven was sitting still, and Shade did everything he could not to laugh out loud. This little meeting had him nervous.
“You do have a lot in common with him. Found both of you homeless and destitute in the worst parts of town, and basically, in the same situation as well. Except for my ceremonial leathers during the coronation, I have yet to have the honor of wearing anything Cory has made, but now he is back at Bel Rosso, all that will change. I appreciate your befriending Cory, I expected no less from you, Raven. You have pleased me.”
Standing up, Shade grabbed his glass and filled it again with Midnight. “I asked you to come here because there are some major changes happening at Bel Rosso, at the Dead House and the new camp opening shortly. I have decided to change a few things with the warriors as well. I take it you have chosen to stay in the States and not return to Florence?”
Raven sat up straighter. He could only hope some of those changes included him. “Si, I’m staying.”
Shade sat back down with his fresh glass of Midnight and smiled. “That is what I wanted to hear. What we�
�re going to talk about remains between us, understood?”
As Raven nodded his agreement, Shade decided to let the warrior off the hook, give him the news of his decision and see what reaction he got.
“Once the camp opens here and we begin operations, Marcello will be my SIC in the camp. Along with Fiamma, they will help me organize and train the new recruits. I need you to be my SIC at the Dead House.”
Shade paused and watched his face. “But there are some rules I expect to be followed. I’m giving you a chance here, Raven, to show me what you have in leadership skills. I’m bringing in some new warriors from Florence to fill in the gaps from all the mercenaries that left us. This will give you a complete battalion to run the Dead House. You’ll need to get them familiar with D.C. and the grids, immediately. The Dead House will be under your immediate command. I’ll be too busy here and I wish to spend as much of my time at the camp as possible. It will need much to be successful. If you can do this to my satisfaction, you are well on your way to bigger and better duties here at Medici. If you fail to comply and play games, waste my time and money, or let anything happen, you will be returning to Florence. This is vital, Raven, the Canton wedding is coming up, and that place needs to be locked down tight. His campaign is going to take off. We can’t have a single episode. Think before you jump to answer, this is one hellish big step, but Marcello has recommended you, and I feel you can handle it. You have proven yourself in the time you have been in the States and earned this opportunity. But I want honesty, above all, so if you don’t believe you can do this, perform to my standards, then decline this position. Understand?”
Raven’s heart was slamming against his chest. Holy fucking hell! He wants me to be the SIC of the Dead House! Raven had to settle his mind to listen to the words coming out of the boss-man’s mouth. He stood and walked to the window, his mind in a whirlwind. This was his chance to move up. If he could do this, and he knew he could, it would open the door to bigger and better things with his master. This was the break he needed, and it landed right in his lap. He tried to regulate his breathing and let his mind relax, staring out at the night sky. This was where he was meant to be, this time and this place, and he’d give it all he had. He never wanted to see the streets of Italy again.