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The Medici Queen

Page 40

by Emily Bex

  "I didn’t know. I did not know. Please, I beg you, forgive me. I cannot bear the hell I have put you both through. Please, believe me when I tell you this is not the man I am inside."

  Kissing her hands softly, he reached up and slid a stray lock of graying hair from her face. "Rachael, I am mated, expecting my first son. But Cory is a part of my familia, more now than ever before. He is accepted here, and he will be accepted in my life as my son. He cannot be given the legacy of my throne because he is a half-breed. I am royalty, a king. But he will have all I can provide for him. I will never abandon him, never. I accept him. I accept my mistakes and if I could take back your pain and agony, I would. But I would never change the time I spent with you, or his birth. Please, please Rachael, forgive me!"

  Shade begged of her, and he must make retribution for all he’d done. Never did he once think he might already have a child on this earth. Laying his head on her hands, he made one last plea, "If you have a heart, I beg you to forgive me. Let me make amends for all the suffering I have laid at your feet."

  Silent tears ran down Rachael's face, as he knelt before her and begged her forgiveness. As he laid his head down, she reached one hand into his hair, the memories of him, of them together, hit her like a lightning bolt as she stroked his hair. There were other men after him, but none like him. She remembered every detail of their time together.

  "You couldn’t have known. It was my mistake too, not just yours. I’m just so thankful for what you’ve given him, the opportunity for a life here. He’s a different person now. He’s never known happiness, Shade, until you took him in."

  Upstairs, Kate was sitting on the bed, "resting" as Shade had insisted, her laptop opened as she researched some information on lavender. The climate was right here in Virginia, and she was thinking about planting several acres. The retail applications for lavender were seemingly un-ending. The plants would not only look beautiful, they could be profitable. She was scratching some notes about the average return on investment for the sale of the lavender in its various forms when his feelings slammed into her. Her fingers stopped on the keyboard as Shade's emotional pain washed over her, overwhelmed her. “Lover?”

  Kate pushed the laptop aside and slid off the bed, not bothering to put on her sandals, but running barefoot down the stairs. She entered the living room to see him kneeling on the floor, his head bowed into the lap of a woman she didn’t recognize, her hand slowly stroking his hair as her tears dropped. Kate was confused by what she saw.

  "Lover? What's wrong?"

  Shade knew Rachael would forgive him, but he was fearful now of bel’s response. He stood and walked to her, taking her in his arms, kissing her neck and holding her tight. Speaking softly in her ear, he prayed to all the fires in hell she understood this because their life could be made or broken in this moment.

  "Listen to me, mi amore. Please hear all I have to say before you respond, si?" Kissing her softly, he led her into the living room. "Kate, this is Cory's madre, Rachael. She has come for her visit with Cory, but we have discovered something you need to know."

  Shade looked to Rachael. "This is my mate, my queen, Kate."

  Rachael smiled back at her, looking nervous, as Kate greeted her, welcoming her to their home.

  Taking Kate’s hand, he led her to the sofa. "I knew Rachael a long time ago. I did not recognize her, but she recognized me. I don’t know how to say this..." He took her face in his hands and stared into her eyes, reaching his heart and soul out to her, letting her feel his love and undying devotion to her. "Cory is my son."

  Kate felt his anguish mixed with the love he was sending to her. She heard the words he spoke, and it took a moment for them to register. "Your... Cory? Cory is your son?"

  Kate remained silent, blinking her eyes, as she recalled the first time she saw Cory in the club in California. He’d looked so thin, so pale and fragile. She recalled how gentle Shade was with him, and how she’d encouraged him to reach out, to help him. "You knew? When you saw him in California? Is that why you helped him?"

  Shade shook his head. "No, bel. I had no idea. I didn’t recognize Rachael. And she had no idea Cory was living with me. He never told her my name, just called me master. Please, mi amore, I need to know you can accept this, accept him. He’s my son, and I can’t send him away. Tell me you understand."

  Kate nodded her head, still feeling dazed. “Of course, I accept him. I could never ask you to turn your back on your son.”

  Shade stood and paced the floor, running his hands through his hair. "Cazzo! Cory is outside. Should I bring him back in? Talk to him alone. I do not like feeling out of control and I feel like everything is spinning out of control."

  Kate put her hand on the swell that held their child. This woman carried his child once too. Kate looked at Rachael, and saw a woman worn down by the years, who was closely watching their reactions. A woman who’d been young and pretty once, full of life's promise, only to have it all stolen away. She stood and went to Rachael, kneeling before her. She was a mother in pain, and Kate knew that pain.

  "Rachael, we love Cory. He’s blossomed here. He’s happy here. I think he has an opportunity to really make something of himself. And I know this man. I know his heart. Shade would never have left this child to try to make it on his own in this world had he been aware. Cory is his blood. Half-breed or not, I promise you, it makes no difference to him. I was a mortal girl too, and we had a child...or...lost a child. He still wears that scar on his heart. I don't want to replace you or push you aside. I’m begging you to let us share him. Let us love him. The three of us together, maybe we can make up for all those lost years."

  Rachael gripped Kate's hands tightly, trying to stop her own hands from shaking, as her tears flowed freely. "I’d never take him away from his father. I don't think he’d leave, regardless. I recognized Shade as soon as I saw him. I feared he’d send me away. Send Cory away. I’ve spent years researching. I know half-breeds are rare, and completely rejected. That you’d still want him..." Rachael broke down into sobs and Kate held her close, feeling her tears on her shoulders.

  Kate looked up at Shade. "He needs to know, Shade. We need to tell him. Let him know he’s loved."

  Shade’s voice was shaky. The level of emotion filled this room and his love for Kate had never been greater. Shade walked outside, composing himself as he saw Cory slumped in a chair. Cory swung his head in his direction. Shade walked to him, laying his hand on his shoulder.

  "Cory, I need you to come back inside now. We have some things to discuss. Nothing is wrong, just a lot of information to absorb. Come."

  As Cory stood, it took everything Shade had not to grab him into his arms and hold him. His son! His son! The words kept repeating in his mind.

  "Am I in some kind of trouble, master? I thought it was fine to bring my mom here. Did I do something wrong?"

  Shade shook his head. "No, Cory, you did nothing wrong. Just come inside, your madre and I have some things to tell you."

  As they walked back inside, Cory went to his mother and hugged her, sitting down beside her, his eyes huge in his head and Shade knew he was scared out of his mind that he was going to be told bad news. Shade wasn’t sure of the reaction he was going to receive from Cory when he heard what they had to say. Shade sat down across from Cory and his mother and pulled Kate next to him.

  "I don’t know where to begin. I am still trying to comprehend it all myself.” Shade looked at Cory and locked eyes with him. "The first thing you need to know, Cory, is everyone here loves you, everyone in this room loves you. And that is never going to change, si?"

  Cory nodded his head in acknowledgement, and Shade never took his eyes from him. "I lost my parents when I was young, and I had to learn to rebuild my life without their guidance. So, I understand why your life was hard and I completely understand why you were doing what you were doing when I found you in the clubs. I think that is one of the reasons I was drawn to you from the very beginning, but I have come to
find out, today, it is not the only reason. I used to haunt these clubs for feeding and sex. One night, I met a beautiful young female, she was friendly, and she could dance. She enchanted me with her wit, her personality, and her offer to let me feed and all that comes with it.

  "She knew me only by the name of Shade, and she knew I was vampire. She willingly accepted my advances. We danced the night away, we drank as well, and we went to her place. I fed, and we made love until the sunrise. She was kind to me, gave me a place to stay while I was there. I didn’t know much about her, and I didn’t care. I didn’t have much care for anything back then other than managing my coven and my warriors, and I was only there for a few weeks. Every night, I would haunt the same club and she was there, so I just stayed with her. When my venture was over, I left town, said goodbye, and left her some money. Her name was Rachael."

  Cory listened, his mom reaching over to hold his hand. Shade held him in his gaze. Cory wasn’t sure he heard him correctly. Shade knew his mom? Shade got his mom... "Are you saying what I think you’re saying?" Cory looked at his mom and then back at Shade.

  Shade nodded at him, "She had a tattoo on her neck, it read, 'We Are Not Angels' and I will never forget that, ever. When I saw your madre today, I did not recognize her, but time has not changed for me, so she did recognize me. Cory, I am your padre...your father."

  Cory was stunned, he couldn’t move, but he glared at Shade as he felt the rage growing inside him. He was conflicted, his emotions all over the place. First rage and then relief, but then the memories of the hell he’d been through his whole life ripped across his heart. Standing, his face was contorted with emotions he couldn’t seem to control.

  "You made me a bastard! You left her alone, pregnant, and then went out whoring and fucking your way back to your rich life. You left us alone. I was born a bastard, and a half-breed. I hate you! Look at what you did to us. Why? Why?"

  Rachael grabbed him, held tight to him. "Cory, no! He never knew. He never knew about you."

  Kate leapt from Shade's side and went to him. "Not a bastard. Never a bastard! You’re his son. Our son. All of us, you belong to all of us. We can't change the past, the mistakes that were made, none of us can do that. But we can change the future...your future. You know this man, Cory. You know him! You know what’s in his heart. He was drawn to you from the beginning and you to him. I could see it myself, and I was still mortal then. I understand your pain and your anger. But don't throw this away. You’re loved here."

  Shade stood. He knew the rage Cory had inside him. He recognized that with clarity. "Enough!" He walked towards his son and opened his arms. "Cory, come to me!”

  Cory stared him down. Shade watched as Kate and Rachael clung to each other for support, Rachael in tears. Shade lowered his voice. "Cory, please come to me." Shade watched Cory come to him slowly, his anger still bottled inside.

  Shade embraced him. "Come to me, son. Come to me."

  Cory nearly fell into his arms and Shade held him tightly. "Let go of your anger. I have taken your blood, si? You knew then it was different. I love you, Cory. I want you in my life. You are my son. Cory Medici. Your life starts now, filled with love. Don’t leave me, figlio. I need you. We need each other." Shade felt Cory sob and shake in his arms, and Shade's own blood tears flowed.

  Kate watched them embrace as they both shed tears. She felt Shade's love for this child, and his guilt. She knew he’d move Heaven and Earth in his attempt to make up for the lost years with him. She saw Cory let go of his anger, an anger he’d carried like a chip on his shoulder all his life. It would take time, for both of them, to heal all the wounds, but they’d taken the first step. Kate went to them and wrapped her arms around them both.

  Kate stroked her hand through Cory’s hair, "You’re his son, his blood. You’re Medici, Cory. He’ll never let you stray very far from him. Open your heart to him. Forgive him. He has only love for you. Even I can feel it. He’d never have let you grow up alone if he’d known about you. And forgive your mother. She faced hard choices and had few options. So many mistakes, and you had to bear the burden of all of them. But that’s behind you now. You belong here."

  Shade let go of Cory and watched him go to his mother. Shade took bel into his arms, holding her close and kissing her, he whispered against her lips, "I love you, mi amore. I know this is more than you expected, but I am going to make this right. I don’t know how, but I will do this for him and Rachael."

  Shade summoned Gi, who brought refreshments for everyone. Shade downed two glasses of Midnight quickly and got his mind back to the present situation.

  "I have a few things I need to do. First and foremost, I will let Council know Cory is my legitimate son. I will deal with them in my way, but Cory may have to come with me back to Florence. They will need to see proof. This is the highest honor I can bestow on you, Cory, to have it recorded in the ancestral books that you are my son, I claim you as my blood. Secondly, everyone else within my coven, all of my warriors need to know as well. I cannot leave you my legacy as king, I regret that immensely, but it is what it is. You will have every other opportunity as if you are my legitimate first born, but as a half-breed, that is something I cannot change."

  Shade looked at Rachael. "I can never make up to you the loss of your youth, the hardships you bore. But I never regretted being with you. It was something that brought forth a gift to us both. But I will tell you this, I will make sure you never struggle another day in your life. I want you to be comfortable for the remainder of your years. You will be welcome here in our home whenever you wish to visit. But I am asking you to let Cory stay with me. He needs to be here among us, where he is accepted and protected. I give you my dying oath, I will protect him. Please, Rachael, I ask only this from you, and I know it is a lot, I have already taken so much from you, but I ask you to let him stay here with us."

  Rachael wiped away her tears. "Of course, he can stay. I feared you’d send him away, reject him like all the others have rejected him. I don't fit in his world, as much as I’ve tried. You can help him. Only you can make a difference in his life. As long as I can still see him that’s all I ask."

  Kate turned to Shade. "He needs to live here, in this house, not the barracks. He’ll have his own room here."

  Kate turned to Cory. "You’re still free to come and go on your own schedule, but the son of Medici won’t be living in the barracks. You have your shop inside the camp where you can work and be close to Shade and the other warriors, but you’ll live here."

  Shade smiled at bel, already planning. "Of course, can’t have a Medici living in the barracks. Are you all right with all of this, Cory?"

  Cory shrugged. "I guess so. I just want my mom to be okay, I don’t want her to worry anymore. I’m going to live in the big house? Wow!"

  Kate turned to Rachael. "Do you have luggage? We need to get you settled in the guest room. And you must be starving. I was never much of a cook, but the kitchen is fully stocked. I’ll fix you something to eat. You must be exhausted after your travel, and all this emotional drama."

  Shade laughed. "We get rid of Reynaldo, and within the damn week, I have two mortal women in this house who need food! Mi amore, make sure you arrange a bedroom for Cory in Castello, and make room for him in the Paris house as well."

  "I’ll talk with Gi and we’ll find the perfect room for Cory at Castello. There’s no shortage of space there. And I’ll make sure he has a room in the Paris house." Kate stood and headed to the kitchen. "Just give me a few minutes, Rachael, I'll fix something for you, and then we'll get you settled in. You'd probably like a long hot bath."

  Shade watched as Kate took control and rushed off to the kitchen, then he looked at Rachael. He took her hands and lifted her from her chair, hugging her to his chest.

  "Rachael, grazie for all the things you did for me long ago. But thank you most for giving me the gift of his life. I only wish I had been there to experience it all with you both. I can never repay you for that, but I
am going to make life much easier for you. You may visit Cory as often as you wish." Shade kissed her cheek softly, and then leaned in and kissed the tattoo that he’d kissed many times years ago. Looking in her eyes, he smiled. "Yes, you are an angel."

  Rachael laid her head against his chest, his scent so familiar to her. This man she’d searched for after she was pregnant, and for years after Cory was born. She’d loved him and hated him at the same time. Wishing he was back in her life, taking care of her and their son, but hating him when she struggled for so long with Cory, feeling she’d lost him to the streets for good. It was clear Shade loved another, was bound to her. But at least she had this. At last, she had acceptance for their child, and security for his future. And it was enough.

  "I’m hardly an angel, either one of us. But I thank you for accepting him, and yes, I do want to visit my son, our son. I'm sorry. I'm not intruding in your life. It’s clear to me how much you love her, and our time is long past. But you should know I never stopped loving you."

  Shade heard her declaration of love for him. "She is my soul mate, Rachael. I spent my whole life looking for her. And it’s okay to have feelings for me. Because Cory is the son we created together, and it came from a mutual consent to give each other what we needed at the time. I cannot say I ever loved you, that would be a lie, and you’d know that. I was a warrior and a true son of a bitch, many times. But I worked hard to become who I am now. I would die for Kate. I can’t turn back the clock, and I do not wish to, but I am trying to make amends for those things I did in the past that hurt others. I will take care of him. He is our son."

  Gi came in to announce he’d lead Miss Rachael to the kitchen, as my lady had tried to prepare something edible. Shade threw back his head and roared laughing. "She was mortal once, Gi! Cazzo, old man, she had to be able to fend for herself at some point."


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