The Medici Queen
Page 71
Throwing his arm around the back of her chair, he nuzzled into her neck. "I am going to begin feeling neglected if you keep worrying about our son more than me!"
"Then you’ll be happy to know that next week, Theresa and Nita take over all the feeding, and Lorenzo moves into the nursery. And I can have you all to myself again."
Kate stroked his cheek, his hair pulled back in a loose ponytail at the nape of his neck, exactly as it was the first night she had seen him. "Have I told you how incredibly sexy you look in this tuxedo?"
Shade smiled back at her. "Why do I get the feeling that even though you say I will have you all to myself, there will be a small bambino who can easily distract you?”
Impatiently, Shade looked around the room. “Cazzo, how long does it take for people to take damn pictures? I know we will be here a while tonight, but I am already tired of this business. I will be glad when our life gets back to normal."
Kate laughed as she sipped at the Midnight. "Normal? When exactly was our life ever normal?"
She saw a very tall man approaching, handsome in a very rugged way. His hair was long, and he wore a well-trimmed beard. He was clearly a vampire, and Kate was surprised she was able to recognize a vampire among mortals now. On his arm was a striking Asian beauty. He walked right up to their table and extended his hand to Shade.
"Shade Medici. It’s been a long time. And this must be your beautiful mate, Katherine. I’d heard you were mated."
Shade had followed her eyes and saw Maximus. He wasn’t on the damn guest list. What the fucking hell was he doing here? Shade stood as Max extended his hand and seemed in a friendly mood, but Shade was questioning the intentions of an uninvited master.
"It has been a long time, Maximus. This is my mate and queen, Katherine Medici. Kate, please meet Master Maximus. I do believe you know him by name but have never met him before."
Shade looked at the beauty by his side, recognizing her immediately and he couldn’t believe he’d escorted her here. The whole fucking world just did a one hundred and eighty degree turn.
Kate nodded as Max extended his hand, palm up, to her. She placed her hand in his as he bowed his head and lightly kissed her hand. Kate responded with, "I’ve heard much about you. I’m pleased to finally meet you."
Max bowed his head to her. "And I you. It’s a pleasure to meet the woman who finally captured the Medici. Most said it would never happen. But then, some said the same about me. May I introduce my mate? This is Lein. I’m sure you know her father, Shade. Fan Shen. He is Master of China, Thailand, and Malaysia, a very large and powerful territory."
Shade bowed his head slightly to Lein. "We meet again, Lein. I have known your father for centuries. He is a well-respected master. Please, sit and join us."
Shade’s head was swimming, trying to put all the pieces together. Max mated to Lein! Her beauty was world renown and there had been much talk in his younger days he should mate her, and he’d rule half the world. Now Max had just upped his game with this mating, adding her father’s territories and massive army of warriors to his own. Shade poured Midnight for all of them.
"My congratulations, Max, I had not heard of your mating. I have been a bit preoccupied with the birth of my son, Lorenzo. So, tell me, I have provided the security for this charade tonight, and I did not see your name on the guest list. Does Canton know you are here?"
Max sat with his arm draped over the back of Lein's chair as he lifted the glass to his lips. "No, actually. I'm afraid I must admit I’m a wedding crasher. I haven’t been in the States for some time. I came back to check on my Virginia coven and heard the news of Alec and Rissa's wedding. I thought I’d stop in and give my best wishes to the newly married couple." Max chuckled. "I’ve never understood Canton's fascination with this mortal power grab, but to each his own."
Kate knew how carefully Shade guarded his properties. She knew Bel Rosso sat in the middle of Max's territory, and yet, this was the first time she’d seen him. She couldn’t imagine Shade leaving a major territory unguarded for so long.
Kate nodded her head to him. "If I might inquire, what has kept you from Virginia for so long?"
Max sighed and tipped his glass in Kate’s direction. "Ah, my darling, a broken heart. I'm afraid I was betrayed by a beautiful female. She made a fool of me, and I wanted nothing more than to be as far away from her as possible. I had a home in Thailand, so I went there to lick my wounds. I thought I was done with women for good, but I met my beautiful Lein, who showed me the path of true love and devotion. We’ve been living there but I realized I needed to get back in the game. I do have responsibilities to my coven here. So, I brought Lein to see my coven. I take her with me everywhere. I find I can't live without her." He looked at Shade. "And I sense you feel the same, do you not? I hear it in your voice, your pride for her and your new son."
"Si, Maximus. As you said, we both sowed our wild oats and no one could have imagined us here. But as they say, we both have saved the best for last. It is good to have you back in Virginia. I think you and Lein should come out to Bel Rosso, see what we have done with the place."
Shade nodded to Lein. She was raised in the traditional Asian culture, and she wouldn’t speak until spoken to and so far, Max had given her no reason to address them.
Max smiled at Shade. "We’d love to see the property. I’d heard the house had been renovated. I must say, I never understood why Alec ever took that place. He let it sit dormant for years, letting everything fall apart while he played his little games in D.C., not that it mattered to me. But by all means, we accept your invitation." Max turned to Lein and kissed her cheek. "Won't we, my angel?"
Lein smiled demurely at him before casting her eyes downward.
Shade lifted his glass. "Fantastic, we look forward to your visit." Shade looked around the room and spied Rissa and Alec, making their way through the tables, speaking with everyone. He caught Alec's eyes and nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t know he was coming either, brother.” "Well, it looks like the happy couple is close by."
Alec caught Shade's eye, then saw Max at the table. He was a little confused by his presence, but perhaps Rissa had invited him. She’d kept making changes to the guest list. He slipped his hand around her waist and leaned down to whisper in her ear as she chatted happily with the guests at each table.
"Rissa, darling, let's head over to Shade's table, shall we? And don't forget to congratulate them on the new baby... Lawrence or something.” Alec gently guided her in the direction of Shade's table.
Rissa sighed loudly. "Oh, the baby. I believe the yapping thing is named Lorenzo, not Lawrence. But I want Kate to see this dress up close."
Rissa had been in her glory all evening. Her plans had been perfectly executed. She felt like royalty with the press, photographers and guests all mooning over her dress, and the elegance of the whole wedding. She kissed both cheeks of the guests she greeted, and had a smile permanently plastered on her face. She let Alec guide her to their table. This was her day and she couldn’t wait to see Kate's reaction. This wedding had made Kate’s coronation look like a child’s birthday party!
Shade stood as Alec and Rissa approached their table, extending his hand to Alec. "Congratulations, brother, on your marriage."
Kate smiled at Rissa. "You make a beautiful bride, Rissa. That gown is epic. You’ll be on the front page of every newspaper and everyone will want that gown, not to mention your handsome catch."
"Thank you, Kate. It’s a one of a kind piece of art, and my Alec looks so handsome. I’m so glad you could join us for this wonderful night."
She smiled at Kate and Shade and wrapped her arm through Alec's, leaning against his shoulder.
Max stood to extend his congratulations. Rissa had been so wrapped up in herself she hadn’t even noticed him sitting there. Why should he be surprised? He’d learned the hard way the only person Rissa was in love with was Rissa.
"And please allow me to extend my congratulations as well. It’s been a long
time, Alec. I hope you don't mind that I decided to join the festivities when I heard."
Alec shook his hand. "No, of course not. What's one more in a crowd this size?"
Max smiled. "Well, two more, actually. I, too, have a mate. Allow me to introduce Lein. Angel? This is Senator Canton and his wife, Larissa."
Rissa felt her knees buckle. Maximus! What in the hell is he doing here? He could never get away with touching her here. Her heart raced and her mind was spinning. It was just like him to show up at her wedding! And then everything stopped as she heard him introducing his mate. Rissa felt her throat tighten as she unconsciously clutched at her neck. Well, it didn’t take him long to forget me and nail some foreign bitch. She almost gasped as he called her 'angel'. How dare he do this right in front of me!
She felt her anger build as Max spoke to them. Did he just call me Alec's wife? Oh, no you don’t! Her temper flared. "Correction, make that mate, not wife."
Max chuckled and bowed in her direction. "My apologies, Mrs. Canton. I thought we were playing mortal games here. Mate, of course. You’re his loyal and faithful mate. Who’d ever doubt it?"
Rissa felt his eyes bore into her, his laugh cold. She wasn’t going to let him get the upper hand. She gripped Alec's arm tightly and smiled, coyly cocking her head to the side.
"Apology accepted, Maximus. Yes, I’m his loyal and faithful Rissa for all eternity. Never forget it. Thank you for coming, and I’m sure Alec is quite honored to have you and your mate join us."
Alec felt her grip on his arm tighten and he wondered what had her so riled. The mortals had been referring to her as his wife all evening and Max was just playing the part. Alec nodded. “It's been a long time, Max, but I can see you've been busy. Your mate, she’s the daughter of Fan Shen, is she not?" Alec looked at the demure Asian beauty on his arm.
Max nodded. "She is indeed. Her father has no sons and Lein is his only child. I met her in Bangkok last year after an unfortunate breakup with a cold-hearted bitch who played me. I left the country to mend and found my true mate. Her father was most pleased at our union, as it gave him someone to assume their dynasty and help take over his massive army of warriors."
Rissa was seething inside. He had no right to waltz in here, but she knew she couldn’t do a thing about it without causing a scene, and so did he! She looked away so she could compose her face, pretending to look at the guests before returning her attention to him and responding, turning on the charm.
"Oh Max, I’m so sorry to hear that! What a hurtful thing for you to go through, but it looks as though you’ve recovered well. I’m glad you now have someone to look after you. I’m sure it’s a dream come true, and it won’t be long before you’re announcing the arrival of little ones. How endearing!"
Shade sat watching the exchange, feeling the tension grow. Max had some balls walking in on this affair unannounced and now he seemed to have everyone on edge.
Max’s power was now greater than Shade's, surpassing the size of his territory and the number of his warriors. If Max wanted to take over, he was well positioned to pull it off. Shade sat with his elbows on the table, his thumb and forefinger rubbing his chin slightly, his eyes focused in on Alec as they exchanged the look. They both knew this could mean serious trouble, especially with Shade's ass sitting dead center of Max's territory.
Rissa turned to Kate and smiled. "And you look much too beautiful to have just given birth weeks ago. Congratulations. I have a gift for Lorenzo, but the wedding has made it impossible for me to deliver it. I’ll bring it along the next time I go riding."
Turning to Alec, she kissed him on the cheek and purred, "Please excuse me, my darling, but I must use the ladies’ room."
She spun and looked at Kate. "Kate, would you join me? I need help with my dress." Reaching out, she grabbed Kate from her chair and pulled her through the crowd to the ladies’ room.
Kate was surprised by the sudden gesture as she followed along behind Rissa, glancing over her shoulder at Shade who was engaged in a conversation with Max and Alec. She could feel the tension at the table. It was so thick you could cut it with a knife, and she had no idea what was going on.
They entered the ladies’ room and Rissa was fuming as she fussed with her hair in the mirror. Kate was about to ask her what was going on when the door opened and Lein walked in. The quiet beauty who’d hardly spoken a word leveled a stare at Rissa that was deadly.
"I know all about you, Larissa. Max told me everything about the affair. How you tricked him, played with his heart. What kind of mate betrays her master, anyway? He’s my mate now, and don't think for one minute I’d not set the forces of my father's army against you.” Lein took a step forward. “If you go near him again, I’ll kill you."
Kate backed against the wall, looking from Lein to Rissa. What is she talking about? Rissa with Max? Rissa betrayed Alec?
Rissa spun on her heels to face Lein. "Let me advise you of one thing—you can have him. He’s useless to me, I have my mate well in hand and if you ever threaten me again, the fires of hell will rain down on you. And another thing, you know nothing about me. Max lies and fucks his way to whatever he wants, and if you think for one second you can hold on to his cock, think again! He mated you for one reason…the power your money and warriors bring to him. Nothing more. So be careful and watch your own back, you don’t scare me. Master Canton is my mate and he taught me well how to hold onto what’s mine. I suggest you do the same damn thing! Excuse us, I have wedding guests to attend to before you so rudely interrupted. So, waltz your ass back to Maximus, shut your mouth, and head on back to your shack on the slimy edges of wherever you crawled from. This is my master’s territory, not yours!"
Grabbing Kate by the hand, Rissa stormed out the door. Speaking through her gritted teeth, she spat out her words to Kate. "Say nothing and smile. Act like you’re my best friend and this is the best fucking day of your life. Nothing is ruining my plans tonight, not you or that backwater bitch in the bathroom."
Kate allowed herself to be dragged across the floor back to their table, too stunned to speak. On their way, Rissa was stopped by several people and no one would know by her gracious smile she’d just had a face-off in the bathroom. Kate broke free of the vice-like grip Rissa had on her hand and made her way back to Shade.
She slipped back into her chair, lacing her arm through Shade's and tried to control her shaking. What the fuck did I just witness in there? Her heart was pounding. She’d never seen a war between masters, but she’d heard the warriors speak of tales of past battles, and it was usually a fight to the death. Is that why Max was here? To challenge Alec?
Shade could feel her fear as she clung to him like he was her anchor. He wasn’t sure what had gone down, but was certain Rissa was at the center of it. She had some damn balls, that one. "Mi amore, are you all right? We can leave if you wish?"
“I’m not feeling well. Maybe I’m just tired. I guess I didn't realize how much of my energy Lorenzo drains. Perhaps we should go."
"Of course, mi amore." Standing, he helped her from the chair. "Alec, we are heading home. Kate does not feel herself yet and she needs to attend to our son. Everything is in hand here. The warriors will remain on duty until the last guest leaves. Enjoy your night, brother. Call me if you need me."
Turning to Max, he nodded. "Good to see you again, Maximus. Let me know when you and Lein wish to visit."
He called telepathically for Dante to bring the car immediately and they exited the building. "Take us the hell home Dante, I am damn tired of this nonsense. Glad as fuck this is finally over with."
Alec excused himself from Max. "It was good to see you again, Max, and congratulations on finding your mate. But if you'll excuse me, I really need to mingle. We have a lot of guests here this evening."
Max nodded. "Of course. Please don't let me hold you up."
Lein returned to the table just as Alec was leaving. Alec nodded to her as he weaved his way through the crowd, reuniting with Rissa
as they smiled and shook hands through the crowd. Rissa cast a final glance over her shoulder, just in time to see Max leave with Lein.
Kate sat in the back seat of the car next to Shade as Dante expertly navigated the D.C. traffic and got them on the highway heading back into Virginia. She’d been looking out the window, processing the information she’d heard exchanged between the two women in the bathroom. Shade had made mention, on a number of occasions, that Rissa and Alec had a 'different' kind of relationship, with implications of rough sex and the occasional extra partner for a three-way. Kate shuddered at the thought of it. She couldn’t imagine sharing Shade, or him wanting to share her with someone else while he watched. If Rissa had a secret affair with Max while she was mated to Alec, she was certain that went beyond any boundaries of a 'different' relationship.
"Shade, while I was in the ladies’ room with Rissa, Lein came in. She made some...accusations."
Taking her hand, he squeezed it. "I wondered what had you so worked up. What kind of accusations?"
Kate turned from the window and looked at him. "Lein implied Rissa and Max had been together. I don't mean before she was mated to Alec. I know Rissa was seeing Max back when we were all in college together. I didn't know he was a vampire then. This was more recent. And the remarks Max was making? The remarks he made about leaving the States because some bitch had played him? I think he was referring to Rissa. Lein was accusing her of being unfaithful to her mate, of being with Max while she was mated to Alec."
Shade stared at her and shook his head. "Bel, are you sure that’s what she was implying? What was Rissa's reaction? You know there are a lot of…variations in Rissa and Alec’s sex life." He turned his head, looking out the window. "As you found out at Castello."
"Oh, I'm sure. Lein said Max told her everything, how Rissa had played him. She asked Rissa how she could betray her mate. She said if Rissa ever came after him again, she’d send every warrior from her father's army after her. And Rissa didn’t deny it. She practically threw it in Lein's face. She told Lein she could never...uh...hold onto Max's…uh..."