The Hinchey Report: CIA Activities in Chile (18 September 2000)—Hinchey. (Located at, accessed 25 November 2000.)
Office of Policy Coordination, 1948–1952 (CIA Official History)—OPC/CIA
Central Intelligence Group, Review of the World Situation as it Relates to the Security of the United States, 26 September 1946.
Department of Defense Directive 3600.1, Information Operations, October 2001.
Executive Order 11905, United States Foreign Intelligence Activities, 18 February 1976, 41 FR 7703.
Executive Order 12036, United States Foreign Intelligence Activities, 24 January 1978, 43 CFR 3674 (revoked by Executive Order 12333).
Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities, 4 December 1981, 3 CFR 200 (1981, 46 FR 59955 (as amended by Executive Order 12701, 14 February 1990, 55 FR 5933).
Hughes-Ryan Amendment to the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act, Pub. L. No. 187-195, para. 662 (1974) codified as amended at 22 USC 2422 (1998), section 662.
Intelligence Authorization Act of 1991, Pub. L. 102–88, 105 Stat, 429 (1991), Section 503[c][4][e].
Intelligence Oversight Act of 1980, adopted as part of the Intelligence Authorization Act of 1991, as amended by the Intelligence Authorization Act of 1991, at Title V of the National Security Act, 50 USC 413.
National Security Act of 1947, 50 USC 403.
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NSC-1/2, The Position of the United States with Respect to Italy, 12 March 1948.
NSC-1/3, Position of the United States with Respect to Italy in the Light of the Possibility of Communist Participation in the Government by Legal Means, 12 March 1948.
NSC-4, Coordination of Foreign Intelligence Information Measures, 14 December 1947.
NSC-4A, Annex to NSC-4, 17 December 1947.
NSC-10/5, Scope and Pace of Covert Operations, 23 October 1951.
NSC-20/4, U.S. Objectives with Respect to the USSR to Counter Soviet Threats to U.S. Security, 24 November 1948.
NSC-162/2, Basic National Security Policy, 30 October 1953.
NSC-5412, National Security Council Directive on Covert Operations, 15 March 1954.
NSC-5412/1, Note by the Executive Secretary to the National Security Council on Covert Actions, 15 March 1954.
NSC-5412/2, Directive on Covert Operations, 28 December 1955.
National Security Decision Directive-2, National Security Council Structure, 12 January 1982.
National Security Decision Directive-32, U.S. National Security Strategy, 12 November 1982.
National Security Decision Directive-54, United States Policy Toward Eastern Europe, 2 September 1982.
National Security Decision Directive-75, U.S. Relations with the USSR, 17 January 1983.
National Security Decision Directive-159, Covert Action Policy Approval and Coordination Procedures, 18 January 1985.
National Security Decision Directive-286, Approval and Review of Special Activities, 15 October 1987.
National Security Decision Memorandum-40, Responsibility for the Conduct, Supervision, and Coordination of Covert Action Operations, 17 February 1970.
National Security Directive-1, Organization of the National Security Council System, 30 January 1989.
National Security Presidential Directive-1, Organization of the National Security System, 13 February 2001.
National Security Review-29, Intelligence Capabilities 1992–2005, of 15 November 1991.
Presidential Decision Directive-2, Organization of the National Security Council, 20 January 1993.
Presidential Decision Directive-35, Intelligence Requirements / National Needs Process, 2 March 1995.
Presidential Decision Directive-39, Counterterrorism Policy, 21 June 1995.
Special Operations Forces Command Authority, 10 USC 167.
Testimony of Warren Marik Before The Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism, and Government Information, Senate Judiciary Committee.
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United States House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Acts of September 11, 2001, December 2002, 107th Congress, S. Rept. No. 107-351 and H. Rept. 107-792. [Joint Report]
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