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The Natural Selection Retaliation

Page 7

by Kyle Robertson

  “Okay, I’ll be elsewhere before he comes,” she said.

  “Hold on. Why are you leaving? It’s just Steve.”

  “Because I cut off his lower arm twice and I don’t think his attitude towards me would be favorable,” she began. “Before Chip added his new cybernetic arm, I had to cut off two more centimeters without cauterization, so Chip could mesh the dioptric wiring with his nerves synaptically.”

  “Was he awake through all of that?”

  “No, we anesthetized him. He’s tough, but a lucid surgery is even too barbaric for him,” she said.

  “So that means he doesn't know about the second cut then,” he said. “This really isn’t about him. You’re beating yourself up because you cut off his hand in battle.

  This is a war. Wars are never pretty. That’s why soldiers get PTSD. It was called getting ‘Shell-shocked’ in ancient times. If Steve is alright, I’m coming to you next because you don’t realize it, but you’re ‘Shell-shocked’. When it comes down to making the final decision, you can lose it if I don’t treat you.”

  Steve came into the helm’s room.

  “Hi, Di. What’s up, Fly Boy? What do you need?”

  “We made is past Florida, but we still need to refuel. McCain Naval Base is about half an hour away. How are you feeling about another base refueling after the Seal fiasco?”

  “If it means getting to our destination, I’m ready to roll out.”

  “Even after losing your lower left arm and hand, you’re fine with another field mission?”

  “I guess you’re right about me not feeling complete, Fly Boy. Then I thought about it. I shoot with my ‘right’ hand. I’m fine, Di saved my life in the field. If she hesitated, I’d be Pacific Ocean fish food right about now. Thanks again, Di.”

  Alikira was so used to everyone not liking her for no reason but appearance. She thought Steve would be standoffish because of her deliberate field amputation.

  “I had to cut off more of your arm before surgery. A field cauterization was too crude for a proper prosthetic fit,” she confessed.

  “Wow, war is very uncomfortable for you, isn’t it?” Steve asked. “You do what you have to do to save your teammate. Even if you think it’s gruesome or sick. Hardcore doesn’t greet you with a warm welcome. It punches you in the face for initiation. Get through the hazing and you’re in. So it bloodied your nose, big deal. It’ll heal, Di. Once you’re in, you’re in. Wear your initiation with honor.”

  She was feeling bad for cutting off his hand, but ultimately, she did save him. He wasn’t upset, so why should she be?

  “This ‘hardcore’ thing isn’t a very nice place for me, but if it helps me save my friends, I can visit there for a little while.”

  “If you don’t like living in the roach motel of hardcore, let’s beat the Program so you can move out,” Steve said.

  “I don’t think we need to talk, Di,” Carlos said. “Doctor Steve looks like he cured your PTSD.”

  “Gather your team, Steve,” Alikira said. “I don’t care if we have to deal with mutant Honey Badgers, let’s get the fuel so I can destroy the Program.”


  Sledge and Katherine walked into the training facility. They saw Kayleigh and Jenny working out.

  “He’s afraid to work with ladies, Major,” Kayleigh said. “For some strange chauvinistic reason, he thinks we’ll break.”

  “You don’t think you’ll break me, do you?” Katherine asked.

  “Come on, Kat. Kayleigh’s sixty-one kilos. What are you? Let’s just say you’re a little more than sixty-one.”

  “I’m one sixty-two pounds and it’s all muscle, not flab.”

  “That’s around seventy-three kilos. You won’t break.”

  “I can curl one fifty, twenty times for eight reps unassisted. How much is that in kilos?”

  “Sixty-eight kilos. Are you sure you want to start that heavy? You can work your way up. It has been a while.”

  “Told ya, Major. He thinks ladies are made of crystal. Show him your extruded iron-like make-up.”

  “You’r trying to molly-coddle a Seal trainer, thant’s cute. What can you curl, Terrance?” Katherine asked.

  “Why did you call me Terrance?”

  “Because I know you hate it. You think your name is weak and I’ll use it to say you’re full of ‘weak sauce’ right now.”

  “I can curl ninety kilos, Kat. I’m not full of weak sauce.”

  “I’m not talking about physical strength, Genius, I’m talking mental. You think I’m not strong enough because I’m a woman. I trained an elite team of deadly effective Navy Seals. If I couldn’t match them, I couldn’t train them. The first hurdle in training troops is you have to gain their respect. Put on ninety kilos and let’s go.”

  “You’re seventy-three kilos, Kat and you’re going to curl ninety?! Do you think you have bear-like strength?”

  She tapped her elbows.

  “I call it ant-like,” she said. “I think I got the conversion right. Put on a hundred forty-six. Can you hang?”

  “That’s twice your bodyweight. You can’t curl that much.”

  “Do it, Terrence, and just witness what I ‘can’t’ do.”

  “He thought her lesson would blow-up in her face, so he loaded the bar.

  “It’s all yours, Iron Maiden. Do the impossible.”

  Kayleigh and Jenny came over to watch.

  “That’s three hundred twenty-four pounds, Sledge. Even Steve can’t curl that much.”

  “You and I know that, Kayleigh. It’s just about time Boss Lady finds that out.”

  Katherine picked up the bar with ease and began to curl it. She kept her reps going with no problem.

  “Are you sure that’s one forty-six? Did you add correctly?”

  “What the… You aren’t supposed to be able to do that!”

  “Nineteen, twenty.” She dropped the bar on the mat with a cacophonous boom. “Your turn, Terrance. Do five and I’ll call it even.”

  Sledge was surprised, but he wasn’t going to get beaten by a girl, no sir! He positioned himself in a deadlift stance to get more leverage. He took a deep breath and tried to lift 324 pounds.

  “Men don’t think when machismo takes over,” Katherine whispered to Kayleigh. “Let him strain just a little bit longer, then I’ll tell him of my advantage.”

  Kayleigh was anxious to see her ace while watching Sledge almost pop a blood vessel. Katherine knelt to Sledge.

  “You’re going to beak something yourself without your complete intel. Stop trying. Even I alone can’t lift twice my body weight. Especially twenty reps worth.”

  Sledge released the bar, sat back on the mat, and looked at her in amazement.

  “You just did it!”

  “Not by myself.” She showed her elbows with dimly lit blue lights under the skin. “This is what is called a mechanized syntha-muscle and carbon nylon mesh tendon accelerant surgery. It was a highly classified experiment all Navy Seals went through. Why do you think Seals being called superhuman was their unofficial moniker for a decade?”

  Sledge was dumbfounded.

  “Do you think I could best young, spry Seals a hundred pounds heavier than me? I may sound tough but think about physics. Affirmations can get you only so far.”

  “So, you cheated.”

  “No, I used my advantage to win. You just didn’t know about it and it’s not my responsibility to tell my opponent of my advantage.

  You’ve been leading teenagers for a while. You’re doing fine, but Circumscriber isn’t a human teenager. It has strategies and dark complexities you’ll never know of. You have to stay on your toes every day. That limberness will help you make it to the next sunrise.”

  “So, you had me blowing out my back just to teach me a lesson?”

  “That’s the only way the pridefully arrogant learn.”

  “I’m not pridefully arrogant. I would’ve just listened,” he defended himself.

when did you tell him women don’t break and to treat you like a workout partner?”

  “About a week ago, Major.”

  “I’ve been training for years, Sledge. Nobody listens the first time. When you get embarrassed or hurt, your ears finally open. I bet you won’t forget this lesson.”

  “You know? You have an insidious way of training.”

  “Insidious is an effective way to train in a war. You can’t just say you’re sorry to the next of kin because you were too ‘nice’. We’re in the dirt now. Learn to love playing in the toxic mud. Just think of it as being good for the skin and keep going.”

  “So, I’m just stuck in delusion land, hoping things will get better.” He assumed.

  “After dinner, I’ll train you my way. Get up, our workout is over. You just got a good ‘mental’ pump this time.”

  Sledge got up to go to his quarters. Katherine was much deeper than just a taut body. Her mind was just as attractive. He just had to learn the rules to score on this new playing field. She was scary to him, but a dangerously delicious challenge.


  “Be on-deck in ten!” Steve yelled to his select crew of marksmen. “Loadout with the Devastators! We don’t know what we’ll be up against, but with squad one with the B-14s and squad two with the D-18s, we’ll be ready for anything!”

  Chip was coming out of the laboratory and saw Steve’s marksmen discussing strategies. He went to Steve.

  “What’s going on? Why is your team looking like they’re about to storm the beach?”

  “It’s a refueling mission, Transiton. We’re almost out of juice. McCain Naval Base is right on-shore. We’re getting in and out quickly. My guys are just talking about who’s gonna shoot bats while the backup shoots whatever’s coming down the pike.”

  “You don’t know if there will be bats this time. We’re in South Carolina. You might have to shoot mice, red wolves, and alligators. The Program uses the demographic’s indigenous animals to stay invisible.”

  “You’ve been thinkin’ about this since those bats, haven’t you?” Steve asked.

  “This is the deadly game of survival. The Program made the rules. I’m just following them so we can win. I’m painfully boring, so I like to do this stuff. It’s cathartic for me.”

  “Wanna join us? You like boring stuff. I like action, so just point me and I’ll shoot.”

  “Okay. Just let me tell Gaia I’m going so she doesn’t panic when she doesn’t see me.”

  “So, Transiton’s under Gaia’s thumb,” Steve said.

  Just as he was berating Chip, Linda came on-deck.

  “Did you put on your Kevlex? You never know who’s going to shoot at you at an abandoned naval base when you’re about to siphon their fuel. Oh, hi, Chip. Did I interrupt anything?”

  “Oh, nothing, just Steve’s chiding which you just made ineffective. I have to talk to Gaia. Any problem with that, Steve?”

  “No.” He looked at Linda. “Thanks, Linda.”

  “What did I do?” She was confused.

  Chip said, “Seriously, thank you, Linda. Steve will tell you of your perfect timing a little later, but for now, we have to prep to get some fuel.”

  “Don’t worry, hun. Transiton never gets me, so since he got me this time, I’ll let him have his fun. We'll be back in two hours.”

  As Linda left confused, Chip went closer to Steve.

  “Wait, I think I hear something. Whipicth, rwowr!”

  “I’m not whipped, Transiton! She just looks out for me. Shut up!”

  “Don’t worry. I’m about to get my lash marks from Gaia. I’ll be ready in five.”

  Steve waited for Chip. He knew he needed him if the destroyers were drained. He was the only one able to hack the tank lock. They had to be prepared.

  Chip okayed his excursion with Gaia and went to the helm’s room.

  “Hi, Carlos. I need you, Di.”

  “What now?”

  “You’re the only one with a plasma cutter on-board and we may need to pick a tank lock mechanism. Steve’s marksmen are refueling and we need to cover every base.”

  “Oh, okay, I thought you wanted to give me a new paint job or something.”

  “Is that new memory block working? Can you detect a liar?”

  “Yes, it’s working fine. I’m just nervous about your new part that doesn’t work.”

  Chip was surprised.

  “You’re nervous about my improvements? Hold on.” He left out the room.

  “I think you upset him,” Carlos said.

  “I’m just cautious about my body. It’s the only one we have,” she said.

  “Is this new part working?”

  Alikira’s eyes widened.

  “Did you hear that?” she asked Carlos.

  “Hear what?”

  “This isn’t an audio transmission, so he can’t hear this. Obviously, it’s me, Chip”.

  Chip came back into the room.

  “It’s a synaptic communications device accessory of that memory block. I could’ve just told you to meet me for the mission, but I didn’t want to freak you out.”

  “Well, consider me ‘freaked’ right about now. Why didn’t you tell me? Can you read my mind?”

  “Why? Is there anything saucy in there?” he asked with a smile. “Calm down. This is just a two kilometer renged remote communications add-on. It’s not advanced enough to have a ‘mind reading’ feature. My reputation must precede me if you think I’m that good.”

  And you didn’t tell me, why?”

  “I wanted to surprise you. I'll make you the ‘Uber-Cyborg’ in time.”

  “You weren’t kidding when you said I was a transiton’s dream.”

  “Yo, ask permission if you want to ‘trick out’ my girl some more,” Carlos said.

  “Carlos gets kinda funny with you playing with his new toy. Just ask next time.” Alikira was nice but firm. “Me if it’s minor, him if it’s major.”

  Chip said to Carlos, “I’m sorry for ‘blocking’ you. Man. It wasn’t my intention, I just want to make her super. It’s the transiton in me.”

  “You didn’t block me. We’re more than fine. I just don’t want wings to pop out from her shoulder-blades surprisingly when I teach her how to skydive,” Carlos said.

  “You guys think I’m a mad genius. I can’t make turbo boots, let alone wings.”

  “Now, since I said it, don’t do it.” Carlos looked serious.

  “I got it, don’t make wings,” Chip confirmed. “You ready, Di?”

  “Let’s go get a refill, Chip. Let’s hope this refill is a boring one.”

  “It’s nice to ‘want’, isn’t it?”


  “That drink tasted like orange juice,“ Marc said.”

  “The null elixir is citrus based for smoother consumption,” Chip said. “You’ll thank me for stopping your undead transformation.”

  “Raheem, take point and scan the area,” Steve directed his team. “Crew, open the barrels. Marc, prep the siphon. We have a fleet of destroyers in-dock. It may just be time for a real workout.”

  “We’re on it. Just cover us. I don’t want to get bit by those nanite bats.”

  Steve saw a much different animal than a bat.

  “We’re in South Carolina, Marc. Forget the bats; I think we have to shoot those wolves over there.

  They haven’t seen us yet,” Chip said. “They may be nanite infected wolves, but they're inherently pack animals. The Program can change a mind but it can’t augment an eon of evolution.”

  Steve saw the wolves patrolling in a group.

  “So, they’ll just gang up on us. They’ll be easier to kill in a group.”

  “There you go again. Linda was right about you with that black and white thinking. Wolves also follow their leader. I have something where you won’t lose any ammunition, Di?”

  “What do you want me for, Chip?”

  “I thought about our last entanglement and came up witg a stream-
lined counter. I need you to tap into your logic core access to find the nanite algorithm for the wolves and hijack the control protocol. You’re going to be on the ‘alpha wolf’ covertly. Telepathically tell them there’s food three kilometers away. They’ll listen and follow.”

  “You’re lucky I memorized the route. I’ll be back in three minutes.” She powered down.

  “Do you think she can do it out here?” Steve asked.

  “Leave her alone and without distraction, yes. Tell Raheem not to get too close. Wolves can scent downwind.”

  Steve went to grab Raheem as Marc came to Chip.

  “Are the wolves the only animals we have to worry about?”

  “See those mice with them? Those are your multiple-nanites carriers Di is tricking. All the wolves must’ve died over here from becoming inadvertently domesticated and the lack of base scraps. They’re reanimated the same way those Seals were. It’s just the same book with a different cover.”

  “I hate mice. Those vermin get everywhere and aren’t clean,” Marc said in disgust.

  “Think of them as Remoras.”


  “Escheneidae, shark suckerfish. Where did you go to school?”

  “Not an animal sanctuary, Transiton. Nobody I know knows that except for you. That’s not common knowledge.” Marc said. “You can win the ‘I Bet You Don’t Know’ tournament. I take it they’ll stick to the wolves then.”

  “At least you know the concept. Read a little in your downtime.”

  Steve looked over to Alikira.

  “Hey, Transiton, Di’s eyes are slowing from that REM thing she does. She’s coming out from her trance.”

  Alikira opened her eyes.

  “Okay, I’m on the alpha. Where do you want them?”

  “Doggy snack them into the woods about three kilometers away from here. Steve’s crew needs about an hour uninterrupted. Carrot and stick those mongrels for that long.”

  Alikira closed her eyes and the wolves ran off toward the tree line.

  “They’ll be searching for that pink dragon for hours. Steve’s crew can be slow; you never know.”


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