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Beyond The Wall

Page 10

by Pwyll Duggan

  I chuckle away at that. "So, the nobles are all out for themselves and fight each other?"

  "The king promotes that. If they are fighting each other, they won’t fight him. Ladies or Lords, they are all out for themselves. They hate paying their taxes, but the King's Armies are the best trained. And he recruits from the noble armies by handing out lands and titles, making more lords and ladies that are not noble born. They don't tend to fight much, however when they do, they know how to."

  I stand in a firing position with the bow, flexing the bowstring and practice drawing it back. It takes effort, but it’s not as difficult as I expected. It's as though I had been training for years, with muscle memory kicking in - which I shouldn't have. I keep asking questions while I do this.

  "Let me guess - marriages are all alliances and positioning?" I keep flexing and getting used to the actions.

  "Very true. As the youngest of three I have leeway that my brothers do not. The eldest is married to our largest neighbors second oldest daughter. Important but not the best alliance. Mother is hunting a suitable bride for my second brother. I joined the army and might be overlooked, but I doubt it. Legs a touch further apart, you are tall." I change stance and flex again, this time taking my time to draw. I take up an arrow and pause.

  "Marriages aren't for love?" I nock and aim for the first lantern.

  "Only if you are rich and don't care. Everybody needs a good match. Work, job, family, title, skills. Doesn't matter who's earning the money. Male or female, human or demi. A lot of demi-human females are tough and are great farmers, they own farms and businesses. Same as males, only the nobles push the men-first thinking, in some families that is. You don't survive if you cut out half the population, what with the wall, monsters and Night Ones. Survival first, family second. Bless the Stone and all that."

  I shoot and hit the ground right at the base of the first pole. Right where I aimed. I aim up slightly and shoot again. Hit the pole and do it again. "Are you Sure it's only coffee in that mug."

  "By the Gods and the Stone, I swear, honest."

  I turn and look at him and he raises the mug.

  "Sure" I say.

  Nock, draw, aim, fire and repeat. After 20 arrows I stop to go and collect. At this range I'm not having any problems at all! It's an incredible feeling and scary at the same time. I didn't earn this skill. I’ve never practiced. I haven’t had to learn from my mistakes. I didn't learn at all, it was placed into my brain.

  I walk back and take aim at 100 yards. That's a small target without a scope. Easy with a rifle. I fire, and it goes wide. Few more shots and I am hitting it, 3 out of every 5. The misses are close.

  "That's your killing field there, that range. In a skirmish or large encounter, our troops are taught to engage Mages at that range. Out of almost all spell ranges, by a large margin. A small group of troops would shoot at the mage and have cavalry cut them down. Not many mages are out on the battlefields these days. Well this side of the wall anyway." Chen is guiding my training and teaching me at the same time. I'm starting to feel like a little fish in a very large pond, who just happens to be very tasty.

  Sixty shots later I walk out to retrieve my arrows. Shooting into a wet field means I haven't broken any yet. Lucky, I guess. On the walk back an overdressed man is talking to Chen, waving hands and making him stand up. He's not in uniform, but very well-tailored suit maybe, old English outfit. Our trader may have arrived.

  As I walk closer, I can see a family resemblance to Rika. He's young, so perhaps a cousin or her brother? Stern face, one of those pencil mustaches. Screams vain and well groomed. He's talking to Chen, thinking I cannot understand as I walk closer.

  "This Shielder will trade with us." He states.

  "Don't assume he'll bow to you, young lord, he has his own way of doing so, as those poles should show you." Chen points to the poles surrounded by birds over by the road. The poles with the four bodies tied to them.

  "Humph. He'll deal with his betters or he gets no deal." Chen shakes his head and chuckles and is ignored by the noble.

  "You. You have the item here?"

  I stop in my tracks and slowly look him up and down, much to his annoyance. He's no older than 25. Time to push some buttons. You should have been polite and acted like a businessman, arsehole.

  "When's the businessman arriving boy? I need to do business, not deal with little messengers." I turn away and consider the 150 yards target. Like I have much of a chance. But a hit within 5 feet will end up a kill, if I want it to. I'm guessing little lord is fuming behind me. Chen is smiling.

  "I am Lord Julius Tanaka."

  "That's nice. What does that mean when you are at home?"

  "I am a noble! How dare a little commoner like you address me like that!"

  "So, you're not a business man then, you are a noble? Begone then, I'm waiting for someone to arrive to do business. Multiple Magic items and all that." Still not looking at him I wave my hand dismissively.

  "Shoo then little lordling. Adults are busy." Chen is standing upright now, teeth grimaced, trying not to laugh. Julius bites hook, line and sinker.


  "Bullshit. Businessmen are polite. They're polite because that is how you do business." I turn to face him now, face blank with anger in my voice.

  "GO find someone who can do business and bring them back this evening. GOT THAT BOY! NOW BEGONE!"

  "How dare you..." Twang and the arrow cuts the gap in his pants, just below his crotch, digging into the dirt behind him. He goes white, shock and fear on his face. I'm sure his pants darken a little.

  "Go Lordling, or I'll lose my temper and add you to those poles." He's running before I even finish my sentence.

  "I'll go request more troops. I don't think anything beyond the wall will have time to kill you."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Surprisingly I can hit human sized targets at 300 yards most times. Fractionally better than a Middle Ages English Longbowman, who skewered the French easily at the 200 to 240-yard mark. That will work out at this stage, flaming arrows and all that. Chen walks back with me, having sent a runner for more troops.

  "You're playing a dangerous game Shielder. These Lords aren't like my father. They don't like having their power threatened."

  "I know. I figured if I didn't want to be another puppet, I would have to do something. Even if I have to kill a few of them to get my point across."

  "They may decide it's easier to kill you. Or steal those items."

  "I'm guessing they will try that. Probably tonight after they send one of the Uncles over to confirm the items are real. You're going to have a busy night."

  "Father said there would be days like this. Excuse me Shielder, I now have more work to do." He salutes and leaves me at the gate.

  Rika is waiting inside the gate. I think I'm in trouble.

  "Did you really shoot at my brother?" I keep walking.

  "I shot between his legs. It's a small target. I’m sure I wasn't going to hit it. He's lucky he didn't slip in all the...water, after it happened." She gasps, hand going to her mouth.

  "You didn't? YOU DID." She jumps a little in joy, then looks around ashamed, checking to see who might have seen her.

  "Was he scared?".

  "He turned white and fled before we could talk more." She stares at me and shivers.

  "You are a bad man and I wish I had time to... I now have a lot of work to do before they arrive." She waves to the house, running off

  "Aysun, Molly. We have a lot of work to do. Paul has really done it this time." I walk up into the house, the girls all scurrying off to do things. Bunny is standing to the side, in a simple robe, waiting for me to notice her.

  "If my Lord would place his gear over here, I will accompany him to the baths."

  "Of course, my lady." I take off my gear, stacking it and follow her into the bathing area.

  Tension hangs in the air as I feel her nervousness again. A little more relaxed than las
t time, but not by much. Before she can even begin to disrobe, I strip and fill a bucket. She twirls to see me already starting to wash.

  "I... I... I was going to do that." She stammers out.

  "Fine. Strip and come wash me. Or strip and I can wash you. Either is good for me. In fact, I'll wash you first."

  "No. Don't." She shrinks back.

  "Bunny. Tell me what’s wrong. Please. Do you really want kids? If you are being forced, I can leave."

  "No. It's that not. I’m just not like the others. I don't have great… assets. I'm flat."

  "Oh, flat chested. That's fine, you are an amazon after all." She perks up.


  "A warrior woman culture from my world. Big strong women that fought. Because they trained so hard and got so strong their muscles got big. Breasts are over a muscle, and they tend not to develop if you work out a lot. It'll change if you get pregnant. Your body changes a great deal in order to give birth." I'm staring off at the ceiling trying to recall various things.

  "Your body changes so you can care for your child. Your hips widen so you can give birth. Cravings for strange foods so you get the right nourishment for the baby to grow. Mood swings as your body changes happen as well. What else off the top of my head...umph." I'm tackled from behind in a big hug, skin impacting my back.

  She's kissing my neck, her tusks scraping my skin and ears.

  "Careful, careful. I'm delicate." She comes up for air.

  "Bullshit." And bites my neck.

  "Ouch. That's it. This means war." I drop down to escape her hug, twist around to face her and try and grab her arms. She slides back and then tackles me, forcing me to the floor. Arms wrap around bodies and we kiss, hard. She has less room in her mouth because of the tusks, but a very dedicated tongue. She pins both my arms down while we squirm back and forth, kissing away.

  "What are you doing? Is that your hand?" I feel her position me.

  "Not letting you go away without doing... ummm......ahhh this. Ahh." She throws her head back and grinds down on me.

  "So much better than fingers... oh gods yes." She's in total control, even if she doesn't know it. She bounces up and down and then grinds on my pelvic bone. The pressure is enormous as her muscles squeeze me. I slowly try and move my arms, but she leans down on them.

  "You’re... not... getting... away." She's panting and talking.

  "Sooo close. Need baby. Make me baby." Still panting her head finally comes down and we keep kissing.

  I'm moaning as she keeps grinding away.

  "Yes... make me pregnant. I want kids, so you'll have to do this more, later." She slows and looks into my eyes. Fuck, that's it and I come inside her. She slows down as she sees me shake and lays on me, kissing away. My arms are now free, and I can finally hug her. I stroke her long hair.

  "Wash and get clean remember?" She giggles, and we get clean together.

  Before dinner I make sure the weapons we are 'selling' are on display in the room overlooking the water garden. Rika and Aysun seem to be plotting together in a corner. No idea what they are planning but it seems serious. I see Molly setting the table and go to help.

  "You sit. This Is my job."

  "Can I help please? And ask questions as I go?" She pauses.

  "Okay. Ask away, pick up that."

  "The village, is it a mix of cultures and languages?"

  "Yes, it is, we take what works from the people that come. Sometimes we are based on one thing - Japanese, here I thought you said - as that is what all the ancestors were. English from a few people, other demi-human things, like coffee. By the sea to the far east is the Vy King people, all fighting for xp all the time. Before the Vy King arrived, the people there were huge traders, but he promoted strength thru xp. Soon people fought people and trade suffered, villages fell, crops failed. It's chaos there now, with little trade.” She pauses wishfully.

  “I miss the seashells." The table's almost set by now.

  "So different groups will take on certain traits from other worlders?"

  "Sure. Look at the trade guild. Puffy shirts and pants. Those suits they are trying to push. Too hard to work in. Different foods, drinks, weapons, clothes... anything that works for us. Anything that helps us survive." So, I'm in a world of contrasts, taking whatever works to survive. And xp rules, feeding the stones, I guess.

  "Nice. So, does the village trade?"

  "Rice from the fields. Coffee from the Dark Elves. Bunko's family used to trade weapons. Up and down the river mainly - safer travel."

  "Thanks Molly."

  "Thank you for your help Paul."

  I sit down at the head of the table again. Aysun's graceful form glides to my right side, swaying as she does so, catching my eye. A hand appears on my left knee under the table. Rika is already seated. Damn, got faked out.

  "What was the plan you two cooked up?"

  "Nothing for now. That was night time planning. Nothing for your little head to worry about, spymistress business." Smirks Rika.

  "Spymistress is it now?"

  "Yes, it is my lord. Better get used to it." Rika smiles and Aysun snuggles my arm.

  Molly has the meal ready as Bunko enters the room, armored up and ready. Mari arrives as well and Rika leaves the table to meet her. They have a quick whispered conversation, serious in nature from the frowns. Mari opens her satchel and withdraws a quill, some scrolls and a small silver ring. She waves me over. As I arrive, she says. "Trader's ring. It will teach you to speak the language slowly while allowing you to understand it immediately. Swap." I take off the necklace and put on the ring.

  "Now what?"

  "Now we can still understand you and I can perform my Priestess duties. Be off, seems Lady Tanaka has plans in motion." I head back and sit, disturbing the conversation between Rika and Aysun. Silence awaits me as I sit.

  "Any ideas on what I should do?" I ask Rika.

  "Ask for 1000 imperials per weapon. They will refuse and offer something in trade. They need the weapons to settle some debts and buy more favor with some... others. Ask for the Land Titles for this side of the river, and all the farm titles they have. The weapons are worth twice that. They'll haggle and threaten subtly. Ask them plainly, as if you do not understand. After a while they will 'consider' it and go back to my father. Then you get some rest while I get to work. Aysun will take care of you, won't you my love."

  "Of course. my dearest. I can keep him entertained before the next guests arrive." Aysun answers.

  "Why do I feel like I'm the one in the dark." Rika hugs my arm and leans her head in, looking at me with those cute eyes. "Because, you are, my killer." She smiles up at me. A smile that makes my spine shiver.

  Tea is served while we wait for the traders to arrive. Aysun is carefully serving everyone, with style and grace. "Your parents own a tea house Aysun?"

  "They run what you would call a cafe, a coffee house, by the river bridge. Light food and drinks during the day, meals at night. All my family works there, making food or growing what we need on the family farm. The younger ones serve, and the older ones cook or farm, depending on their skills. Most of what we make pays rent, for us and others."

  I sigh. Money or the Land. Money works for short term. Land so they have a future. Either way I will make enemies. Enemies in the short term, allies in the long term? Not if they have kept the village like this for so long. Coup? Keep the power in the family, but the good family? I look at Rika. She and Aysun are chatting away over the tea, with her shooting glances outside, at something near the wall. I look over there, but nothing stands out. It's all new to me anyway. Oh well, too many wheels turning in my head.

  I spot a lantern bob past that spot on the wall and Rika's body stiffens, if only for a second. She's got the guards helping her? Spymistress indeed. Her vocal tone changes dropping a little and slowing as Aysun sits up straight. She looks at Bunko who stands and goes to the 'Water' room, standing at attention next to the four weapons on display. Rika then squeezes my kne
e and looks to me. A small smile spreads on her face as she knows I was watching.

  "Relax Killer. You've got your part to play. Be good."

  The gate opens, and Officer Chen leads two men along the path. Our small lordling and an older well-dressed man in what appears to be a pin stripe suit carrying a briefcase. He has Greying dark hair, spectacles and a pencil mustache.

  "Uncle Yuji. He's the sharp one. Julius is all booze, girls and bullying." Rika whispers to me. "Use your customs to throw them off, then show them the wares. Watch his rings when you do."

  I feel like a puppet, or an actor in a bad play as I get up to greet my guests.

  "Lord Yuji I presume?" I put my hand out to shake.

  "Shielder Walsh isn't it? Pleasure sir." He responds in a crisp clear English accent. Textbook English, trade, whatever it is. Simple clear language, firm grip.

  "Can I get you anything? Molly? Can you arrange a chair for his manservant to sit while we all do business?" I get a flicker across Yuji face and some red across Julius'.

  "No thank you. Riverboat docked less than an hour ago. Up from Daisen. If we can do business, I might be able to get the cargo moving when they cast off in the morning."

  "Of course. Makes perfect sense. This way Lord Yuji." I gesture to the water room and walk beside him, blocking Julius in the process. I can sense his annoyance growing.

  Rika and Aysun are standing to one side of the display. Bunko, hand on sword, at the other side, ready to act.

  "The ladies of the house do not need to be here Shielder Walsh."

  "Ladies of the House go where they please Lord Yuji. It is their house and I serve at their leisure. To Protect and Serve." I bow my head as I say it, palm across my heart.

  "Ah yes. To Protect and Serve." Yuji mirrors my saying and actions.

  "Not the whore Unc..." I twist and swing with my left, putting the force of my hips into the punch. It smashes Julius' nose across his face and throws him backwards on the mats. Blood streams down his face, shock and fear in his eyes. I step back and grab a spear, spinning it over my head as I stride forward. I raise the spear to strike and Lord Yuji is yelling "Stop, stop" and steps in front of the spear.


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