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Beyond The Wall

Page 17

by Pwyll Duggan

11 Boons Granted

  1 Special Granted

  300 Spirita Aqua Refined.

  Leveling in 3...2...1

  I feel the power flow thru my tired and sore body, rejuvenating as it goes. Cuts and wounds close, pain fades and strength returns to my limbs. I feel... tougher, I don't know - denser maybe. No longer as weak.

  Shielder Container #57824 XP at 5570xp

  Level 7 reached - one power point

  Level 8 reached - one power point

  Level 9 reached - one power point one Special point

  Level 10 reached - two power points one utility point, Specialization Option

  Level 11 reached - one power point

  Eleven boon tables generated for after power selection. Or for conversion.

  Level 7 - Ability Increase or Power Choice?

  "Ability, Constitution."

  Constitution increased by one.

  Level 8 - Ability Increase or Power Choice?

  "Ability, Strength."

  Strength increased by one

  Level 9 - Ability Increase or Power Choice?

  "Ability, Spirita."

  Spirita increased by one

  Level 9 - Special?

  This again. I need to think about it, even plan, but the stone gives me no time for that. I got anti-magicked today, so maybe some skill or something passive. Something that can't be done by items or preparation. Spell storing? Increase a stat long term, or maybe a short-term boost. Sight increase or ability? Something with enchanting? I'll have access to two enchanters. Boosted enchanting effects? Better enchantments? I also need better fighting ability. That's partially teachable. Think, think. Enchanting's good. But if I lose the items I’m screwed. Enchanted tattoos! Wait, people can see those. Remove the skin with them on, maybe. Wolverine's bone claws? I got Princess, who travels at least 20 yards to me. Bone. Adamantium bones. But then they fall off as I don't have super tendons holding them in place. But bones. Enchantable bones.

  "Special, Make my bones be able to withstand and harness enchantments done to them, separate from normal spells and buffs done to my person. They still behave and act as normal, not inhibiting my body's functions."

  Special Ability added, Enchantable Skeletal structure.

  Shielder Container to be updated at end of readjustment.

  Level 10 - Ability Increase or Power Choice (x2)? Specialization Choice? Utility Point?


  Choose? Fighter(S), Ranger, Paladin, Cavalier, Ronin, Monster Hunter, Defender, Spirita Fighter, Spirita Knight, Captain, Warden, Slaver, Warlord, Gladiator, Martial Artist, Peace Keeper, Battle Mage(S), Soul Reaver, Soul Keeper, Soul Caller.

  A few more than before. Doesn't really help with my choices thou. Same as before really. Not touching anything named soul. That's asking for me to lose my mind, ethics, morals and/or all of the above. Souls are in that philosophical area that you won’t get me touching with a 10-foot barge pole. A fighting type would be good. Yet I try and strike from surprise, that whole alpha strike idea. Fine, stick with what I know.

  "Battle Mage again."

  Increase Ability: Add 5 to Spirita

  New Ability: Increased Foci ability, Increased Scroll ability.

  Select Two Spirita Powers: Firebolt, Boost, Mageshot, Chaotic Globe, Find Familiar, Summon Servant, Summon Lesser Undead, Summon Lesser Monster, Summon Lesser Daemon, Summon Minor Elemental, Lightning Bolt, Invisibility, Unseen Sight, Armor, Shield, Magic Weapon, Elemental Weapons, Flame Fan, Fog, Hidden Script, Lock, Blur, Levitate, Dragon's Breath, Mimic, Web, Fly, Fog form, Remove Curse, Elemental cloud, Elemental Wall, Vampire's touch, Tongue, Icebolt, Icy sphere, Wave of Lightning, Frozen Touch.

  Play to my strengths I guess. "Invisibility and Icebolt."

  Invisibility (20) and Icebolt (10) powers added.

  Level 10 - Ability Increase or Power Choice (x2)? Utility Point?

  "Power Choice."

  Powers available.

  Spirita: Firebolt, Boost, Mageshot, Chaotic Globe, Find Familiar, Summon Servant, Summon Lesser Undead, Summon Lesser Monster, Summon Lesser Daemon, Summon Minor Elemental, Lightning Bolt, Invisibility, Unseen Sight, Armor, Shield, Magic Weapon, Elemental Weapons, Enhance Companion, Flame Fan, Fog, Hidden Script, Lock, Blur, Levitate, Dragon's Breath, Mimic, Web, Fly, Fogform, Remove Curse, Elemental cloud, Elemental Wall, Vampire's touch, Tongues, Icespear, Icy sphere, Wave of Lightning, Frozen Touch.

  Fighter: Power Strike, Cleave, Overpowering Strike, Shield Bash, Charge, Leap attack, Reinforced Block, Defensive Fighter, Duelist, Two Weapons, Two Handed Specialist, Weapon Specialist, Eagle Eye.

  Mage: Wand Specialist, Staff Specialist, Rod Specialist, Silent Casting, Ritualism, Scroll Scribe, Potion Brewer, Item Creator, Reusable Foci, Enchanter.

  "Icy Sphere and Tongues." Ice is good, unexpected and harder to get rid of. Tongues may solve my communication problems, if it lasts like the others, means I can leave the Detection Magic on.

  Icy Sphere (40) and Tongue (30) powers added

  Level 10 - Utility Point?

  My last choice when I did this last time really broke the system. Storage would be good. Enchanting should cover that. Sight? Enchanting again. Ground speed? Leaping? Pass without tracks? An out of combat ability. Blessings? Consecration! Protection circles. Or Protection from. But against what, with what? The gods they all swear to? Or the Stone? Well the Stone rules all it seems.

  "Utility. Grant Stones Blessings on an object or ground up to 30 feet radius or a certain power level, 3 times per day."

  Ability Added: Stones Blessing. 3/day, limited based on object size or amount or a 10 foot radius.

  Level 11 - - Ability Increase or Power Choice?

  "Power choice, Power Strike." Knew what I wanted there.

  Levels chosen, adjusting Shielder Container and resetting.

  Pain and heat flows thru my body. My teeth sting and my brain... expands. I feel the flow of air around me, the Spirita in the earth, mats and Mari behind me. I feel the pull of it, and the stillness that flows from the stone. My bones seem to twist and reform, muscles rippling along my limbs as they change. I am no longer human and for some reason that really doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would.

  Boon List Complied. 11 Boons available. Convert or use or store?

  That's new. "Convert?"

  Covert to: 1 boon = 100 Refined Spirita Aqua

  5 Boons = 1 Forced Level advancement on non-shield container.

  5 Boons = Power or ability choice.

  10 Boons = Special point.

  What do I have to lose. "Ability, Fighting and Level Advancement."

  Fighting increased by one

  Ability: Level Advancement on non-shield container gained, charges 1.

  Boon List Complied. 1 Boon available. Convert or use or store?


  1 boon stored.


  What to do? What to take? Play it safe or try something new? Since I am a target... "Increase healing ability to 6 times a day."

  Healing Ability Added. 6 Daily use, recharges midnight. Power increased to 15% of Shielder container’s health.

  Boons added.

  Special Added.

  Operational Power Now at 01:139:23:52:12

  #57824 now at: Level 11, Battle Mage: specialist, Fighter

  Fighting 6 Strength 5 Agility 4 Constitution 4

  Intellect 3 Reason 3 Spirita 12 Leadership 4

  Abilities: Wilderness Survival


  Speed +5%

  Regeneration 0.1% per minute

  Archer (Fighting +1)

  Healing, 15% total Shielder health, 6/day

  Shatter (x11 power), touch, 1/day

  Arcana Spirita

  Increased Foci Use

  Increased Scroll Use

  Staff Specialist. (Fighting +1)

  Enchantable Skeletal structure.

  Stones Blessing. 3/day, limited based on object size or amount or a 10 foot radius.

/>   Power Strike, 12 second cooldown.

  Spirita: Icy Sphere (40)

  Fireball (30)

  Tongue (20)

  Enhancement (20)

  Delay (20)

  Invisibility (20)

  Icebolt (10)

  Special: Level Advancement on non-shield container, charges 1.

  1 Boon(s) Stored

  300 Refined Spirita Aqua.

  One year and four months on the clock now. Thirty days in my bag. I may have out leveled the zone. Not sure if that's good.

  Or bad.

  Probably bad.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  "What did you kill over there?" Mari is looking at me, then the operational power then back, doing little jumps and claps.

  "Small army and a Night One." She instantly stops.

  "You killed a Night One?"

  "Yeah. In an Anti-magic area, naked. It hurt." She's stunned and grabs me.

  "Really? Truly?" I push her arms away and get up from kneeling on the ground.

  "I did. Now I need a bath and to check on the Ladies Walsh. Coming or staying."

  "I almost came just then." I ignore her and head out.

  "Come on Lewd Priestess, time to go." I remove the language ring and cast tongue. "Need to head to the wall, grab my bundle and head home."

  Chen answers from the door. "No need, have it here for you."

  "Many thanks Chen." I continue walking out, four soldiers forming a square around the three of us as we head to the house.

  "Thank you for putting those guards down. Didn't really want to engage them and lose a lot of men doing it. Pigeon already off to the camp, so my Captain's going to be 'pissed' to put it lightly. And who ever the duke sends our way will be interesting."

  "The Duke will get involved?"

  "And the Trader's Guild. May I remind you bribes work really well on nobles."


  We walk in silence for a few minutes, the top level of my house coming into view.

  "What else do I need to know?"

  "Lady Rika is taking care of it all from here. I'll leave you to her. I seem to have a new house guard to form."

  "Gee thanks."

  The gate has a little hut next to it now, four soldiers around it. Each corner of the property has its own guard station, with four soldiers. The gate is opened, with a few demi-human villagers passing thru carrying tools, sacks and baskets. Working would be my guess. A Tanaka House Guard is kneeling in front of Rika. She's standing on the porch, all done up, bundled glossy hair, smart kimono. Aysun is similarly attired next to her, sitting on a small chair, notebook / scroll book in hand.

  Aysun’s face lights up at seeing me and the Guard looks back, sees me and his head goes down and straight, not moving at all. I think he's trembling. Rika is reading a note, her face a mask, which gives me no indication of her thoughts. She raises one hand at me to stop me where I am. I lower the bundle, take off my bow and quiver and lower my pack. I notice Bunny by the doorway, decked and ready for combat, hand resting on her hilt. Unbuckled belt with daggers joins the pile and I remove the cuirass and reach to remove my silk gambeson, noting the cut on the right forearm. Must ask Nyssa to repair that.

  "Please don't husband. It's distracting all the women." Rika is smiling at me. Husband? Fine, I’ll play along.

  "Sorry, but I wrestled too many orcs and goblins today. Went hand to hand with a night one and spent too much time in cold water. I need a bath." Rika's face remains impassive, but Aysun, Bunny and the kneeling guard all look at me.

  "What? She had it coming, evil black tendrils all over the place." I take of my shirt, the split down the back reveals that the sword is still attached to me.

  Bunny walks forward. "How is that sword still on your back?"

  "The Heartwood is holding it there for me. Like the sword? It's a Soul Eater they called it. She answers to Princess."

  Bunny is staring at it, slowly walking over. "A Soul Eater." She sort of mumbles while moving. "Called Princess?" as she says its name, Princess' eye opens in the pommel to look around. Bunny steps back gasping.

  Say Hello

  "She says Hello."

  "Wha wha what?"

  "Be a nice Bunny and say Hello."

  "Um Hello?" Princess blinks rapidly and seems happy.

  "She's happy. Bunko, my Bunny, this is Princess - Soul Eater. Princess, this is Bunko. She's one of my friends, just like you.”

  Friend. Now friends? Like wooden princess, doll?

  "Yes Princess, like Doll. The other two are Rika, the lady standing. And Aysun, the one sitting with the notebook."

  "Hello Princess." Rika bows.

  "Pleasure to meet you Princess." Aysun rises and bows as well. The guard is still kneeling, unsure of what to do.

  "Tell my Father no. If he needs to 'discuss' things again, he can come and see Clan Walsh himself." Rika looks down at him and dismisses him with a wave.

  I watch the guard run off out the gate and put my hands on my hips.

  "Was the show acceptable?" Aysun smiles, Bunny looks bewildered and Rika comes and hugs me. She looks up from my chest.

  "Well done indeed. Why can I feel wood in your back?"

  "Have a look. It's the heartwood of an ancient oak Dryad's tree." Rika stops and squints at me.

  "Nothing happened, well not that anyway. I need a bath and can tell you later. Lots of hot water for me. I disentangle and move off. Rika pouts at me.

  "You've all got work to do. Oh no, do I get a bath all to myself." The back of my hand goes to my forehead and I tilt my head back.

  "Heavens forbid. What ever will I do?" I drop my hand down and look at all three. "Maybe actually have a bath." All three blush.

  Hot, gods-damned nice, water is so soothing. Tension drifting off into the water. All the small cuts healing. No scars on my thighs, even on the spot Nyssa sewed up. Thoughts drift off then comeback to things I need. Training with weapons. Stone given skills are great, yet without practice and muscle memory I make, I am just a gifted amateur. Those four guards showed I need to get better. Well, I think Chen and Garrot can help there.

  Need to work out how Nyssa gets her wand to appear and disappear. See what I can enchant my bones with. Get better armor. Start a trade route between the two settlements (so very Fallout 4). Wonder if there is holy water for Night Ones. Get weaponized scrolls like they have hanging out at night on the buildings?

  Coffee would be nice. And donuts. Internet, reddit and YouTube. My tablet with the kindle books. Netflix, watch some Young Justice again for the hundredth time. Sadness seeps in and my mood drops like a stone. Won't see the parentals at Christmas. Playing with my brother’s brats, nerfing his wife and friends by the pool. BBQ break for lunch while we roleplay at Nate's, him with a beer, me with a soft drink and all our mates laughing. Pressure builds in my eyes and I close them tight, fighting those tears back. Why me, why take me. Sure, I'm an old nobody. I had a life though.

  No spare tire now, looking at my stomach. Blood pressure doesn't matter anymore. Eyesight is good. No taxes, no debts. More sex in three days than the last three years. People generally happy to see me. Lots of new friends. A real goal to achieve. Leveling up, getting shit DONE, having an effect on the world. People depending on me. Two whole villages worth. I am making a difference.

  I hear Mum's voice - "Whatever you choose young man, do it well, with all your heart. That's all I ask." And the decision is made, if there ever was a decision. I'm here now, probably forever. Make here better. Make friends and influence people. Or to quote the late great Rowdy Roddy Piper - 'I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.' If I'm here to stay... own it.

  Out, dried and new boxers on, I leave the bath area, grabbing Princess from by the door. Bunny's waiting for me with cleaned clothes and armor. Smiling I don my gear, testing each piece as she passes it to me. She looks a little anxious.

  "Spit it out Bunny. What's bothering you." She looks sheepish, unsure.<
br />
  "You're getting so powerful. Will you want us anymore? Want me?"

  "Here I thought I had no choice?" the joke falls flat, shock on her face. "Sorry, joking, not what I meant - the whole presented to me when I arrived, like I had no choice thing. Bunny, please see it from my view. I've known you all for three days, been sent off to die and came back. I care for all three of you, not because I have to, but because I choose to. I choose that you get the land and titles. I chose to sleep with you. I chose to spend my time with you. Like I am choosing now to go to the coffee house and meet families. My choice. For me." I pause and grab both of her hands in mine, pulling her close so she's looking up at my face.

  "Like I am choosing to let you come with me. Aren't I a generous Lord?" she rips her hands from mine and punches me while I laugh.

  "You, you, you are not nice." She's pouting now, which is funny as her tusks stick up and ruin half the image.

  "Stop laughing." And she hits me again.

  "Okay, stop. I'm stopping." She grumps and follows me into the main room.

  I find my bundle and unwrap it on the small table. Rika and Aysun are still on the patio, talking to a few new people now. I separate the two daggers and lift the broadsword.

  "This is yours Bunny." She grabs it from my hand, sliding it out of its plain sheath. She looks it over, tests the edge, balance and makes a few swings. She flourishes her wrist, spinning the sword. She's so engrossed with her new toy she doesn't notice Aysun and Rika enter, watching her. I pass a dagger to each of them.

  "For protection, for show and for selling if we all ever need to flee. A multifaceted present. Don't say anything. It's for my own peace-of-mind."

  Aysun secretes hers away before I notice. Rika pushes it thru her sash, visible to all.


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