Book Read Free

Beyond The Wall

Page 27

by Pwyll Duggan

  "Small Arms, Heraldry. Ability, Spirita. Ability, Spirita."

  Small Arms Skill Added

  Heraldry Skill Added

  Spirita increased by two.


  The three times a day stuff time. Time to try something different? None of my armor is lasting more than a few combats. Repair would be good. "Repair objects, weapons and armor. Three times a day?"

  Repair Items ability added, 3/day resets at midnight.

  Level 16 - Ability Increase or Power Choice?


  Powers available.

  Spirita: Firebolt, Boost, Mageshot, Chaotic Globe, Find Familiar, Summon Servant, Summon Lesser Undead, Summon Lesser Monster, Summon Lesser Daemon, Summon Minor Elemental, Lightning Bolt, Invisibility, Unseen Sight, Armor, Shield, Magic Weapon, Elemental Weapons, Enhance Companion, Flame Fan, Fog, Hidden Script, Lock, Blur, Levitate, Dragon's Breath, Mimic, Web, Fly, Fog form, Remove Curse, Elemental cloud, Elemental Wall, Vampire's touch, Tongue, Icespear, Wave of Lightning, Frozen Touch.

  Fighter: Power Strike II, Cleave, Overpowering Strike, Shield Bash, Charge, Leap attack, Reinforced Block, Defensive Fighter, Duelist, Two Weapons, Two Handed Specialist, Weapon Specialist, Eagle Eye.

  Mage: Wand Specialist, Staff Specialist, Rod Specialist, Silent Casting, Ritualism, Scroll Scribe, Potion Brewer, Item Creator, Reusable Foci, Enchanter.


  Charge power added.

  Level 17 - Ability Increase or Power Choice?

  "Power, Enhance Companion"

  Enhance Companion (20) power added.

  Level 18 - Ability Increase or Power Choice? Special?

  "Ability, Spirita."

  Spirita increased by one


  I need more protection or more healing. Protection could be good, or just up my healing. Damage absorption shield? Field mayhap? Targetable? Yup, more than one use then.

  "Targetable Forcefield projection shield, can be Refined Spirtia boosted, 10-foot half sphere." That might get more power out of it, being only a half sphere.

  Force Shield power added, 3/day half sphere, boosted by Spirita, 10 Damage absorbed per Spirita, base 100. Resets midnight.

  Boon List Complied. 16 Boons available, 1 from storage. Convert or use or store?

  "Convert to three charges for Level Advancement. Store remainder"

  Forced Level Advancement, 3 charges.


  "Permanent Ability, like Tongues, to speak and understand languages and writing."

  Permanent Tongues and Tongues(hidden) power added.

  Boons added.

  Special Added.

  Operational Power at 02:172:19:37:21

  #57824 now at: Level 18, Battle Mage; specialist

  Fighter; specialist

  Fighting 9 Strength 7 Agility 6 Constitution 6

  Intellect 3 Reason 3 Spirita 15 Leadership 4

  Abilities: Wilderness Survival


  Speed +5%

  Regeneration 0.1% per minute

  Archer (Fighting +1)

  Healing, 15% total health, 6/day

  Shatter(x6 power), touch, 1/day

  Arcana Spirita

  Increased Foci Use

  Increased Scroll Use

  Small Arms


  Staff Specialist. (Fighting +1)

  Enchantable Skeletal structure.

  Stones Blessing. 3/day, limited based on object size or amount or a 10 foot radius.

  Power Strike, 12 second cooldown.

  Force Shield, 3/day half sphere, boosted by Spirita, 10 Damage absorbed per Spirita, base 100. Resets midnight.

  Repair Items, 3/day resets at midnight.

  Spirita: Icy Sphere (40)

  Fireball (30)

  Tongue (20)

  Enhancement (20)

  Enhance Companion (20)

  Delay (20)

  Invisibility (20)

  Icebolt (10)

  Special: Level Advancement on non-shield container, charges 3.

  Permanent Tongues and Tongues(hidden) power

  Convert refined Spirita to Forced Level advancement on non-shield container. Now 0.2% chance per Refined Spirita Aqua.

  1 Boon(s) Stored

  3620 Refined Spirita Aqua.

  Reclamation Event Begins! Item dispensed.

  A small piece of the Stone rolls off the top and onto the mats. It's a small black cube. A d6, blank on all sides. No instructions appear on the Stone when I pick up the cube. Nothing happens when I touched it. Shaking it gets me nothing. Fine. I pass it over to Doll. New stats means more power. I recast Enhancement, tighten the half robe and move out the destroyed door into the noisy crowds outside.

  People are cheering and crying still. Others are waiting, to see if their loved ones will pass through the wall. Mari is all smiles and tears, hugging Reiji, not letting go. Amaya is at the bottom of the steps, nodding that she has done what I asked. Chen and Rose stand next to the Duke's men, expectantly waiting for me to speak. The smaller man is still dusting himself off from my arrival. The other is still making notes. Searching, I can't see Rika, Bunny or Aysun in the crowds at all.

  "Chen. Be careful guarding the house. The rescued other worlders are not fully... trustworthy." I put my hand on his shoulder and push the refine Spirita out.

  "What are you doing?" he screams, my fingers digging into his shoulders, so he cannot escape, body lighting up. Rose looks on in awe as Chen glows then fades back.

  "Figure this will help you out." I pat the shoulder I just gripped, walking off the steps. The fat guy goes to speak, but I wave over my shoulder.

  "Maybe tomorrow. Haven't had sleep in two days. Need food." I raise an arm and sniff. "And a long bath." I take step, bend my legs and leap off down the road.

  I am a fucking super hero now. The two Duke reps are trying to force themselves thru the crowd as I look back. Ah, the joys of the politics to come.

  Maybe I should just go back, Beyond the Wall.

  It's safer there.

  End Book One......


  Hope you enjoyed it!

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  "Remember; no matter where you go, there you are."- Buckaroo Banzai




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