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Onyx Queen

Page 2

by L C Taylor

  “Hold on to me.,”

  Onika’s soft voice whispered through the void, her hand latching onto his. Luca felt as though he was floating through time and space, even though his legs were moving of their own accord. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the darkness lifted and they were standing along the edge of the road, just beyond the castle.

  “Onika?” Luca shook the hazy feeling from his head, “What just happened?” He knew she controlled darkness, but that was more than just making it cloudy.

  “I… I’ve recently discovered some new tricks.” Her voice quaked with uncertainty.

  “Ok… does anyone else know about these new gifts?”

  “No. And you’re not telling anyone. Something is changing in me, Luca. Ever since I read that damn journal – it’s like a part of me died. In its place rage and anger reside.”

  Luca ran his hand down her cheek, “You’re angry, Onika. It’s allowed under the circumstances.”

  Onika closed her eyes for a moment, giving in to the sensation of his hand against her skin. She wanted to melt into him… allow him to make her forget – but the gnawing urge to tear everyone apart reminded her she needed to leave.

  “How are we getting to this cabin?”

  “A ride will be here soon.”

  “A ride? Don’t you think it will look bizarre that the Onyx Queen is hitching a ride? What if they notify the Constable or Commander?”

  “Relax. It’s a friend that owes me.”

  “Owes you?” Luca scratched at his head, perplexed at Onika’s erratic behavior.

  “Let’s just say I know something that this person doesn’t want to get out.”

  “Ah… so blackmail.”

  “No,” Onika snapped, “I would never blackmail my friends. They asked me to keep this a secret and in return promised to be there for me if the need arose. Well,” she laughed, “I had a need.”

  Just as Luca opened his mouth to probe further, a dark SUV pulled up. Luca nearly swallowed his tongue when he saw who got out.

  “Your Majesty.”

  “Thank you for coming so quick. A slight change in plans, though. Luca will be accompanying me to the cabin. But don’t worry his lips are sealed about you being my ride,” Onika glared at Luca, “Isn’t that right Luca?”

  “Yes… my lips are sealed.”

  He wanted to ask questions, but the look Onika gave him caused him to snap his mouth shut. Climbing into the back of the SUV, he leaned over to whisper in her ear before they were no longer alone.

  “Why is he picking us up?”

  “We’ll talk at the cabin.”

  Luca stared at the man as he slid behind the wheel, “You ready, Onika?”

  “Yes. I assume Amalee knows I am going to the cabin?”

  “She does. But she promised to keep it quiet. She understands the need for privacy.”

  Luca sat back against the cool leather seat, his mind was reeling with the information Onika just shared. He had so many questions but he knew getting answers now was not going to happen.

  Chapter 4

  After the unusually silent drive, Luca found them pulling into a small cabin on the outskirts of the Amethyst Kingdom.

  Getting out, Luca headed inside. He didn’t know what to think about the situation they found themselves in. Pulling out his cell phone, he decided to call Queen Vermilion.

  “This better be important.”

  “Your Majesty.” Luca spoke.

  “Commander… I wasn’t expecting you to call me. Is

  everything ok?”

  “Yes… I need to talk with you about something.”

  “Ok, what’s up.”

  Luca proceeded to explain the situation. Telling the Ruby Queen he couldn’t leave Onika right now – or ever. Although he felt bad, he resigned his position as her commander, determining it was best if someone who could devote the time as the Kingdom’s commander took over.

  “I am happy for you, Commander. I knew this day

  would come. I’ve already briefed Captain Blake – so he won’t be surprised when I tell him.”

  “I am still here for you, Your Majesty – anything you

  need, you know you will have the Onyx Kingdom at your disposal. Now…” he paused, “I need to go win over Onika.”

  “Good luck. She will see you two are meant to be together. Don’t give up on her… fight for what you want.”

  “You do the same, Queen Vermilion. Love is worth

  the effort.”

  “Who were you talking to?” Onika pulled the door shut, standing cautiously away from Luca.

  “Queen Vermilion. I resigned my position as commander.”

  “Why would you do something like that?”

  Luca stepped in front of her, cupping her face in his hands, “Because the woman I love needs me. I will not put the Ruby Kingdom at risk by falling down on my job. You need me – the Queen promoted Captain Blake. He will protect her, while I,” Luca peppered kisses along her jaw, “protect you.”

  Their mouths met in a fury. Teeth clashing as he kissed her hard. Onika moaned, her tongue slipping into the warmth of his mouth. Luca sucked her tongue, needing to dominate her with his kiss.

  “Luca,” she mumbled against him.

  “Shhh,” he broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against hers, “It was my choice. Now, how about you tell me why in the hell our ride was him.”

  Onika sighed, “I supposed you deserve to know how I could conjure up someone like him to pick us up.”

  “You could say that.” Luca chuckled, “Onika, whatever you tell me will stay between us, you have my word.”

  “I know. Let’s just say I caught him and Amalee in an awkward position. And it’s something they don’t want to get out.”

  “Why? Is there something wrong with them being together?”

  “Have you ever met Queen Alexis and King Charles?”

  “Maybe once or twice in passing. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “They’re set in their ways. Amalee knows if it ever came out that they were involved, it would devastate her parents.”

  “That’s absurd. Is it the age difference? I get he’s a bit older than her, but if they’re in love…” Luca waved his arm, “it shouldn’t matter.”

  “It’s the age difference, among other things.”

  Luca’s eyebrows shot up, “You can’t be serious? Are they that narrow minded? They’d risk losing their daughter over something that has no place in today’s modern times.”

  “Yep. But let’s not talk about Amalee anymore. I’m worn out.”

  Onika kicked off her shoes and plopped into the chair. Stretching her feet out onto the coffee table, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

  “Onika,” Lucas hands came down on her shoulders, “you need to eat something. I’ll go fix us some food.”

  Onika nodded, her body giving in to the exhaustion she’d tried to keep at bay for the last few days. Closing her eyes, her mind drifted off, allowing her body to get the rest it so craved.

  Chapter 5

  “Onika,” Lucas voice drifted through her mind, “Baby, wake up. You need to eat something.”

  “What?” Onika blinked the sleep from her eyes, “How long was I asleep?”

  “About an hour…I debated on whether or not to wake you. But I figured you’d be hungry.”

  Onika stretched, the smooth skin of her belly showing drew a growl from Lucas. His eyes stayed on her as she stood. “What are you staring at?” Onika blinked, confused at his current state.

  “You’re beautiful. Come, lets get you some food before I lose my mind.”

  They sat down, eating the pasta Luca had thrown together. Onika didn’t say much, she just watched Luca as he ate. The muscles in his neck tensed as he swallowed. Onika squeezed her legs together, trying to fend off the sudden desire she was feeling.

  “Are you ok?” Luca paused, confusion riddling his expression.

  “Yes,” Onika
replied a little too quickly, “why wouldn’t I be. This is delicious, Luca. Thank you.”

  Luca gathered her dish and carried them to the sink. Tossing the used dishes in, he turned and leaned on the counter.

  “You ready to talk about it?”

  “No… Luca, please,” she stood, the chairs legs scrapping across the wooden floor and practically ran into the tiny living room.

  The cabin was small, divided into three spaces. The kitchen, a bathroom, and a large open floor plan. A seating area surrounded the fireplace, while a king sized bed filled the opposite wall.

  Grabbing the bag off the floor, Onika tossed it onto the bed. She pulled the zipper back and emptied the contents into the drawers nearby.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you, Onika. I’ll let you tell me when you’re ready, but eventually,” he sighed.

  “I know, Luca! Eventually I’ll have to face the truth.” Spinning to face him, “Now… did you come here to ride me about this or are you going to help me forget for a little while?”

  Luca stalked closer, his chest nearly bumping into her. Luca was a tall man, well over six feet. Onika was barely over five feet, making him tower over her.

  Onika grunted from the nearness of his body, “Luca…”

  “Let me make you feel good, Onika. Take your mind off everything. ”

  She slipped her hands beneath his shirt while biting her lip, “I’m not sure you can do that.”

  “We will see about that,” Luca lifted her from the floor and tossed her to the bed. “Take your clothes off, Onika.”

  As she unfastened her pants and pushed them down, she couldn’t help marvel in the view. Luca was a sight to behold as he stripped his shirt off. His defined chest muscles blending into strong shoulders. A dusting of hair covered his chest, a trail covering his chiseled abs, disappearing beneath the waistband of his pants.

  Luca flicked the button and pushed his pants down, kicking them off with his boxers. His swollen cock sprung free, bouncing off his pelvis. The head was engorged and red, dripping with precum.

  Fisting his dick, “You’re beautiful, but you need to lose the panties.”

  Onika slipped them down and kicked them to the floor. Spreading her legs, she reached down, slipping a finger between her dripping wet lips.

  “Make me forget, Luca… Please.”

  Chapter 6

  Luca nearly came on the spot, “Fuck, Onika.”

  He gripped her ankles and slid her to the edge of the bed. “I’m going to make you think of nothing but us. You won’t know where you start and I end.”

  Luca dropped to his knees and buried his face between her center. His tongue delved between her moist pink flesh. Onika moaned and cried out, driving Luca madder with need. Slipping a finger in, Luca nibbled at her clit. The sky darkened bathing them in complete black. Luca eased up, glancing out the window.

  “Is this you?”

  “Yes… please, Luca. Don’t stop.”

  Luca’s chuckle sent shivers down her body. He resumed fucking her hole with his mouth. Just when she couldn’t hold out any longer, she arched her back and let out a scream. He pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, nipping and biting as he trailed his warm lips across her flesh suckling her nipples in his mouth as he made his way upward. When their lips met, Lucas plunged into her moist cavern, tangling their tongues together.

  Fisting her hair, he jerked her head back, exposing the delicious curve of her neck. His mouth latched on, devouring her as though his last breath depended on it.

  Onika wrapped her legs around his waist as she ground her aching center against his shaft. Her moist lips glided along his girth, begging to be speared.

  “Fuck,” Lucas grunted when she wrapped her fingers around his throbbing member.

  Guiding him to her center, Onika pressed the tip between her folds. Gripping her wrists in his hands, he pressed her arms above her head as he slowly pushed inside her. Her walls surrounded his cock like a glove. Taking a moment to enjoy the tightness surrounding his member, Luca took several steadying breaths. He didn’t want to end this before they began.

  “Please… I need you to move.”

  Onika’s body was lit with a blaze so hot, she didn’t think she could contain the fireworks waiting to explode. Every nerve ending in her body was awakened by his touch. Every cell came alive when he pushed his glorious cock inside her womb.

  Luca breathed out, his hips gently rocking back. Onika dug her heels in his backside, forcing him to thrust forward. His movements became steady. In and out. In and out. His balls slapping against her ass as he found a rhythm that would surely set them both on fire. Onika’s cries brought out the animal in him. He released her hands and braced his hand against the wall. Holding her against the bed, he pounded into her with a fury that rivaled a hurricanes power.

  Onika dug her nails into his flesh, her body completely at his mercy. His fucking was relentless, sending her down a spiral of pleasure. Her legs tensed, the familiar sensation creeping through her loins. Arching her back, her pussy clamped down on his steel shaft as she completely lost control.

  Never slowing his pace, Luca rode out her orgasm, his brain completely fried as his cock swelled inside her. When her orgasm stopped, Luca flipped them over, placing her on top.

  “Ride me, baby. Take what you need.”

  Onika’s thighs squeezed against his sides as she shifted, finding the exact angle to drive him deeper. Rising, she dropped back down, spearing herself along his dick. Her pussy was slick with desire, as she lifted up and down on his cock. Luca grabbed her hips, he stilled her body for only a moment before rocking her back and forth against his pelvis. His cock slid against her pelvic bone as he sank deeper and deeper inside her.

  Onika leaned back, her hands gripping his ankles as she rocked her body into his. Luca’s fingers trailed down, his touch sending shock waves down her spine. The pad of his thumb pressed into the swollen nub of her desire, causing her to jerk forward. He knew she was close, as was he, to the desire they chased.

  “I’m going to come,” Onika said breathlessly.

  Luca bucked his hips, his cock spearing her harder as he twirled his thumb across her clit. The telltale sign of his release started to build, starting in his toes. He didn’t think he could get harder, but that’s exactly what happened. His dick swelled, causing her pussy to mold around his shaft. As she let go, her body began to constrict around him, milking every ounce of need from his soul. When the tremors finally stopped, Onika’s naked body was covered in a sheen of sweat that glistened in the low light.

  Tugging her off him, Luca pulled her into his arms. His mouth covered hers in a searing kiss as he held her close.

  “Lay with me,” he held her body next to him, his heart beating wildly against her cheek as they both succumbed to exhaustion from their heated love making.

  Chapter 7

  Onika awoke to the light filtering through the window. She and Luca had spent the rest of the day, and well into the night, exploring each other. Stretching, she found the bed was empty.

  “Luca?” she called out, uncertainty filling her gut. Everyone she loved lied to her, perhaps Luca had changed his mind and left, making him no different from them.

  “In here,” his voice called out from the kitchen, making Onika feel guilty for questioning his loyalty. Hell, he’d given up his job to be with her.

  Sliding off the bed, Onika wrapped the cool sheet around her bare flesh. Toeing her way into the kitchen, she leaned against the doorframe and watched Luca. He was at the stove, wearing only a pair of tight boxers, cooking breakfast.

  “You hungry,” he shot her a grin over his shoulder.


  “I figured as much. Did you sleep well?”

  “When I was asleep, yes. But someone kept me awake most of the night.”

  “Oh… I’m sorry, I’ll try to behave myself from here on out.” Luca set two plates of food on the table and tugged her into his arms. Pressing a kiss to
her lips, “Eat up, you worked up an appetite.”

  Onika sat down at the table, pulling the sheet tightly around her, and dug in.

  “Oh. My. God,” she said over a mouthful, “this tastes amazing.”

  “Glad you like it. Now,” he took a bite and swallowed, “What would you like to do today?”

  “I don’t know.” Onika shrugged her shoulders, “A part of me wonders if I’ve made a mistake coming here.”

  “No… I think you needed to clear your head and having everyone in your face at the castle made that difficult. Maybe here you can figure things out. You ready to talk about it?”

  “Yes… no… I don’t know.” She laughed, “I sound stupid, I know. It’s just hard. Every time I think about that fucking journal, I fill with such anger. It scares me, Luca.”

  Luca propped his elbow on the table, “Why does it scare you to be mad? It’s a normal emotion.”

  Onika kept quiet.

  How could she explain to him the changes she was feeling inside herself?

  “You’re right. I’m just struggling with the truth.”

  “Let’s go for a walk,” Luca gathered the dishes, “Maybe the air will help you think more clearly.”

  Luca’s cell phone rang, the shrill noise piercing the space inside the isolated cabin.

  “Aren’t you going to get that?”

  “Nope. You said you wanted to be off grid. Whoever it is calling, has more than enough people to rely on, they don’t need me.”

  “It could be my parents.”

  “True… but I suspect they aren’t going to tell anyone why you left. Not unless they want to expose the truth.”

  Onika glanced out the window at the beautiful blue sky. Everything was so peaceful here, but her gut warned her not to get too comfortable. Blowing out a breath, Onika pushed back from the table. The sheet hung loosely against her skin, barely hiding her bare body beneath it. Watching Lucas’s heated gaze on her, his eyes scorching her veins with a look of pure lust.

  “A walk would be nice, after a shower.”


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