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Onyx Queen

Page 4

by L C Taylor

“You’re bored… do you regret leaving the Ruby Kingdom?”

  “Onika,” he pulled her against his chest, “Sure, I’m feeling a little bored… but that doesn’t mean I regret being here with you.”

  “Ok. If you’re sure. I don’t want you to resent me, Luca.”

  “That’s not possible. Now… how about we head down to the pool and take a swim.”

  Onika smiled, her stomach rolling with disgust. Her magic had changed, it was something more sinister. The dead carcass on her patio proved that.

  As they were headed out to enjoy the pool, Commander Fritz stopped them.

  “Your Majesty,” his face beaded with sweat, “there’s been an explosion in the Sapphire Kingdom.”

  Onika covered her gasp, “Was anyone hurt?”

  “There were a few casualties, but the Emerald Queen and Sapphire Queen were able to contain the damage. They have requested a conference call with all the kingdoms.”

  “Yes…Luca,” Onika laced her hand in his, “the pool will have to wait I’m afraid.”

  Luca leaned against the wall and listened as Onika spoke to the other kingdoms. This treachery was getting out of hand and they were no closer to finding Dimitra or the reason behind all the secrets.

  For the next several hours, the six kingdoms discussed what they’d learned. Onika still refused to discuss the journal’s contents, it was no longer in her possession and had since turned up in the Amethyst Kingdom. Amalee also refused to discuss the journal. She only said she would read it when she felt it was the right time.

  Commander Critcher, of the Diamond Kingdom, informed everyone that they had some leads on where Dimitra may be being held, and that he’d sent several search teams out to investigate.

  “Sarifena, Emersyn,” Onika spoke, “I’d like to meet with you two. We need to discuss some things.”

  “Is this about the journal, Onika?” Emersyn asked.

  “Yes…” She huffed, “I’d rather have this discussion in person if possible.”

  “How about we meet next week? That gives us time to get some security established in the kingdoms. Protecting the people needs to be top priority.” Sarifena responded, her eyes full of compassion and confusion.

  “That works. I can come to Sapphire Kingdom… would that work for you, Emersyn?”

  “Yes. I’ll be there.”

  Onika disconnected the call and laid her head on the wooden table, “When is this going to end?” she mumbled against the surface.

  Strong hands pressed into her shoulders, “I wish I knew. Come, lets go take that swim we talked about.”

  Onika let Lucas lead her from the office and outside. She was grateful she had his support, without it, she knew the alternative was likely dangerous.

  Chapter 13

  “Your Majesty.”

  Onika glanced up from the desk she was sitting at. She’d been in the library doing research on her lineage, trying to find something about the magic she held.

  “Yes, Commander.”

  “Constable James called. He has some concerns and frankly,” he sighed, “I do too.”

  “Alright, talk to me.”

  “They are confident the explosion in the Amethyst Kingdom was merely a diversion. He is deeply disturbed about what motivated the Diamond Queen’s kidnapping.”

  “This is about the journal.” Onika sighed, she’d known the secrets it held were far too dangerous and eventually she’d have to share what she’d learned.

  “Yes. I know you said you needed a week, but perhaps…” his voice trailed off.

  “No. I’ll meet with Sarifena and Emersyn today. Can you arrange it?”

  “Yes, I’ll go call them now.”

  “I’ll prepare for the ride there. Have you seen Luca?”

  “Last I saw him he was speaking with Captain Hanson.”

  “Oh… is everything alright?”

  “As far as I know. He is just trying to be useful. He cares a great deal about you.”

  Onika tucked the books she’d been reading into the desk drawer. She hadn’t learned anything yet, other than her mother, grandmother, and great-great grandmother all controlled darkness – which was nothing she didn’t already know.

  Luca met her at the foyer, “Heard we’re taking a trip.”

  “You don’t have to come. I just figured it was time to talk to Sarifena and Emersyn.”

  “You're right. I don’t have to come, but I want to. You know your safety is important, so where you go, I go.”

  She shook her dark hair, the loose tendrils moving against her cheeks, “Fine. Thank you.”

  Tapping her foot, as her nerves got to her, they rode in silence in the car. Luca placed his hand on her knee, attempting to quell the restless energy.

  “It will be ok, take a breath, sweetheart.”

  Onika forced a smile, “I know.”

  Emersyn was just getting out of her car when they pulled into the drive. She rushed to the car to greet them, Drake not too far behind her.

  “Onika!” Emersyn pulled the Onyx Queen into a hug, “Thank you for meeting with us sooner. Sarifena is out by the water. Shall we go down to see her?”

  “Sure, Luca,” she turned, looking him in the eye, “Why don’t you and Drake catch up.”

  “Absolutely not. You will be vulnerable down by the ocean alone.”

  “Um,” Emersyn stammered, “I’ll just meet you down there while you figure this out.”

  Onika watched as Drake escorted his wife into the castle. Once they were alone on the sidewalk, “I am capable of taking care of myself. Besides, we are inside the castle walls.”

  “Onika,” Luca ran his fingers through her hair, holding her head still as he gazed into her eyes, “If something happened to you, I would cease to exist.”

  “Luca… nothing will happen. How about if you wait on the balcony? That way you’ll be close enough to help but far enough away to give us a moment.”

  His lips found hers in a searing kiss, pulling back, “Fine. Let’s go. I really want you alone.”

  Chapter 14

  Onika headed down the path towards Sarifena and Emersyn who were near the waters edge. Sarifena, being a water elemental, felt her best near the ocean or a body of water. It was fitting that her castle was built at the ocean’s edge.

  “Onika,” Emersyn turned, “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “You may not be when I tell you what I’ve learned.” Onika growled, eyes pinning Emersyn in a deadly stare.

  “Well… I didn’t figure you were coming to announce your nuptials.” Emersyn snapped.

  “Crap, I'm sorry. I told myself I wasn’t going to handle this poorly, yet here I am biting your head off. Can we sit down?” Onika pointed toward the sandy beach, “I think you’ll want to be sitting for this.”

  The women plopped down into the warm sand, “Onika, whatever it is, you can tell us.” Sarifena smiled, “Hell… what could be worse than me finding out my father wasn’t the man I’d believed to be all these years? Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled that Emersyn is my sister, but it sucked to learn about it now.”

  “So, you’re not angry you have a half-sister?” Onika questioned Sarifena, “What about you, Emersyn? Are you mad that your dad fathered other children?”

  “I’m mad I didn’t have the chance to grow up with her. But,” she paused, “My mother seemed to love him regardless of his affair, and with them gone I can’t ask. Holding on to that anger doesn’t do me any good. Besides, with them gone I thought I had no family left.” She pulled Sarifena’s hand into hers, “now I know that’s not true. I have Sarifena.”

  Onika glanced toward the ocean, “When the journal showed up, I didn’t know what to think. I knew it didn’t hold anything good, but I wasn’t prepared for…” her voice trailed off.

  “Onika, you can tell us,” Sarifena gripped her hand in hers, “what did the journal say?”

  “Much like you, Sarifena, it held truths I would have never learned without it. My mother,”
she sighed, “met my father after she learned she was pregnant with me. You know how this works as an elemental. When we find our compliment, nothing or no one else matters. Besides, my biological father had met the woman he complimented as well. My mom struggled with keeping the secret. Funny thing is my dad, I mean Dane, knew I wasn’t his all along. He couldn’t have his own children, so he looked at this as a blessing. It wasn’t the dark hair that gave it away, no, he knew. I always wondered where I got the black hair, he is blonde like my mother after all.”

  “Wait, what are you saying, Onika?” Emersyn leaned forward, glancing between Sarifena and Onika.

  “My mother and your father were together. I’m assuming because Sarifena and I are the same age, he was sleeping with our moms around the same time.”

  “Holy shit,” Sarifena’s mouth dropped, “Are you trying to tell me that your father was Dax, Emersyn’s father and my father, the Emerald King?”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.”

  “Ohmygod, ohmygod,” Emersyn stood, pacing the beach. The ocean thundered behind her, the waves growing in size as they rolled toward the beach. The ivy planted along the path began creeping toward the water’s edge.

  “Emersyn, calm down, please. Your magic is out of control. You too, Sarifena, take a breath.” Onika stood, wrapping her arms around her waist. The darkness swirled at her fingertips begging to be released. She fisted her hands, keeping them buried against her body.

  Strong arms lifted Sarifena off the ground, “Take a breath, baby. Please. The ocean is feeling your anger.” Heath whispered into Sarifena’s ear.

  Sarifena drew in a long breath and glanced around. She noticed the newly grown ivy and the turbulent waters stirring off the sandy earth. Emersyn was being calmed by Drake while Onika stood off with her arms folded across her chest.

  “I’m fine,” Sarifena pulled out of his embrace, “Onika,” she reached out tugging Onika in her arms.

  Emersyn joined them in their awkward embrace, “We’re sisters,” Emersyn spoke, “Holy shit… we’re sisters!” she screamed.

  Chapter 15

  “Let me get this straight,” Heath paced the room, “You’re telling me that Dax, the Emerald King, was a playboy and had been sleeping with two women before he met Emmalyn?”

  “Pretty much sums it up.” Onika sighed, “Hell, he could have been sleeping with others. I’ll never know because the journal is missing again.”

  “No. It’s not.” Emersyn smiled, “Amalee has it now, she told me she hasn’t read it yet, but will let me know when she finds something. She has her hands full right now – something she said was more important than a book filled with hate.”

  “What could be more important than that journal?” Sarifena threw herself onto the couch, “We need answers. The longer we go without finding Dimitra,” she paused.

  “Don’t say it. She’s alive and we will find her.”

  “I want to believe that, I do. But you know as well as I do, Onika, the longer it takes to find her, the less likely she’ll be alive.”

  “We can’t give up.” Luca pressed his hand against Onika’s back.

  Sarifena smiled at the two of them standing together, “Why’d you run off like that? You could have come to us when you found out.”

  “I know. I should have, but I needed some time to figure things out.”

  “Figure things out, huh?” Emersyn smiled at Luca who was casually rubbing Onika’s back.

  “Hush. Just because we’re sisters doesn’t mean you can nose into my personal life.”

  “Does that mean there is a personal life to nose in to?” Sarifena chuckled.

  “Maybe… what about you?” Onika cocked an eyebrow at Sarifena.

  Sarifena stiffened, “What about me?”

  “Do you have a personal life to share with us?” she smirked, her eyes holding mischief.

  “It’s complicated.” Sarifena glanced down at her hands, afraid to make eye contact with Heath.

  “Complicated?” Onika sat down on the couch next to her, “Complicated is the love triangle our parents were in. Complicated is finding Dimitra, but Sarifena,” she laced her hand in Sarifena’s, “finding someone who loves you shouldn’t be complicated.”

  Sarifena watched as Onika looked back toward Luca, who was leaned against the wall, “When you find that person, hold on to him. He can be your shelter during this storm.”

  “I take you’ve found your shelter?”

  Glancing at him one more time, “You could say that.”

  “Well, it’s not as simple for me.”

  “Why not?” Onika probed, “Do you love him?”

  Sarifena could feel Heath’s eyes boring a hole in the back of her head. She refused to look at him, knowing what she’d see when she did.

  “Yes,” she heard the intake of his breath, “More than I could possibly show or tell him. But it’s that love that makes me hesitate.”

  “That’s the silliest thing I’ve heard of. Why on earth would you hesitate?”

  “He wants children…” she sucked in a breath, “and I may not be able to have them.” She let the air out of her lungs, forcing her eyes closed to keep the tears from spilling.

  “Oh, Sarifena.” Onika watched as Emersyn slipped in front of her, coming to sit on the table. “You think he wouldn’t want to be with you if you can’t give him children? If that’s true he doesn’t deserve you.”

  Emersyn glanced toward Heath whose jaw was set in a tight frown. Onika could see the tension coiling like a venomous snake ready to strike.

  “I could care less if she gives me children.” He broke the silence, Onika looked to him, mouth agape.

  “I was right,” Onika smiled. “I had my suspicion it was you. Do you hear him? Sarifena, he doesn’t care about whether or not you can have babies.”

  “It matters to me. Heath,” she stood, pushing passed Onika and Emersyn, “You’ve always wanted kids. I can’t take that from you. I won’t.”

  “Sari,” he grabbed her hand, pulling her close, “you can’t make that decision for me. I told you, and I meant it, I want you. Sure, I want children. But if we must adopt, we will. The only thing I’m certain of is that I can’t go on living without you.”

  “Awe,” Emersyn stood, “I think you two need to talk this out. Drake and I are going to go, Onika,” she turned to her, “I’m sorry your life was a lie, but I’m not sorry I have another sister. We’ll talk more later, ok?”

  Onika hugged Emersyn goodbye and turned to Sarifena, “Stop running, Sarifena. I did that and it nearly broke me. The love of a good man is worth more than any treasure in the world.”

  Smiling, she nodded toward the open door, signaling for Luca to follow.

  “Did you mean that?”

  “Mean what?”

  “That I am worth more than any treasure?”

  “Luca,” Onika pressed her bosom against his hard chest, “you are the only treasure I need. I would never do anything to hurt you – I will only love you unconditionally until my last breath.”

  He stilled, trying to gain composure of his body, “We need to go home before I embarrass you by taking you right here on the floor.”

  Chapter 16

  They barely made it into her quarters before clothes were ripped off. Her body was on fire with need, her core quaking with an electricity that hummed through her veins. Luca’s hard body rubbed against her tender flesh, causing her nipples to pebble.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

  He dropped his head, taking her hard bud into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the pink flesh, drawing a moan out of Onika. Lifting her body, he tossed her to the bed and quickly covered her body with his. He couldn’t get enough of her kisses, his body demanded her touch.

  Onika’s fingers laced through his short hair, griping the locks with a force that bordered on pain. Luca grunted, his cock teasing her entrance. His dick was so hard, he could hammer a nail if he tried.

  Dipping his finger
between her legs, he traced her sweet lips. Her pussy was dripping with desire. Pushing inside her, her walls clamped down on his digit, causing her to buck beneath him.

  “Oh god,” she cried out.

  Luca pumped his hand as he pressed his thumb down on her clit. It was swollen and angry, demanding attention. Onika’s pussy began gyrating against his palm as her orgasm slammed into her. Her nails dug into his back, branding him as hers.

  Pulling his finger from her moist center, he took his cock in his hand. “I’m going to fuck you now. Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes… please…” she begged, her pussy dripping with anticipation.

  Luca pressed the tip in, pausing to enjoy the sensation of her lips wrapping around his head. Once he had control of himself, he eased inside her, sheathing his cock in one swift move.

  Onika cried out, her legs wrapping around his waist and urging him to move. Every nerve was alive inside him, dancing against his skin as he began to pump into her. He didn’t know where he began or she ended, they were one, connected in a haze of absolute desire.

  “I’m going to come,” Onika’s whispered breath tickled his ear as she breathed warning.

  “Give it to me, baby girl. Don’t hold back.”

  Onika’s body tensed, her limbs becoming rigid as she let her release take control. Luca nearly lost it as her cunt sucked him in and spasmed against his erection. He pushed hard, slamming into her until her body relaxed against him.

  “We’re not done,” Luca flipped her to her stomach and jerked her hips upward.

  In one smooth motion he was buried to the hilt inside her. Onika cried out, pushing her ass back against him. Luca slapped the globe of her rear end and then rubbed his palm over the flesh.

  He held on to her curves as he slid out and drove himself back inside her womb. He fucked her hard, breathing in every moan she made. Onika propped herself on her elbow, slipping her fingers between her legs. Her fingers grazed his cock as she strummed her lips.

  “You’re going to come with me now…”

  Onika swirled her finger around her clit, her cunt dripping wet as Luca’s cock drove into her. She could feel the signs of her orgasm building. Her breath caught as her legs began to tingle. Luca moved harder, pounding her pussy into submission. His back arched and he groaned. Onika clamped down on his dick, just as it swelled and exploded. His come filled her, spilling out and dripping down her thighs. She saw stars as their release came together, her body becoming languid as she fell to her stomach.


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