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Onyx Queen

Page 7

by L C Taylor

  “How much longer am I going to be held captive, Jason?” Dimitra folded her arms across her chest as her eyes raked over the man standing in front of her.

  Jason’s gaze burned through her body, as if he could see her soul hidden beneath the layers of clothes and skin. His jaw grew taught as he ground his teeth, looking for the words to answer.

  “Did you hear me?” Dimitra stepped forward, “How long?”

  She lurched forward, her hand striking out to hit him, but he caught it just before it landed on his face. He jerked her body forward, causing her to collide with his muscular frame.

  “Stop it, Dimitra.” He held her tight, “I don’t have answers.”

  Her resistance broke, and for the first time since being in captivity, she allowed her emotions to show. Her chest heaved as the tears she’d held at bay came streaming out.

  “I can’t do this anymore… please. Just let him kill me.”

  The barrier Jason had built around him crumbled to the ground. He’d sworn he wouldn’t allow his emotions to get involved, but hearing her tears did something to him. He snaked his arms around her, pressing her tiny frame against his. Dimitra sobbed into his shirt, the moisture of her cries wetting his shirt.

  “Please don’t say that,” he whispered into her hair as he swayed with her in his arms.

  “Why… I’ve been here for months, Jason. Months. I miss my family… my….my,” she stuttered, “my kingdom. I’m a Queen – and look at me!”

  Jason cupped her chin and tilted her face to his, “I am looking at you, Dimitra. And if it’s the last thing I do, I will get you out of here.”

  “You keep saying that…” she pulled from his hold, his body already aching from the absence of her touch.

  “It’s not as simple as you think… I need to make sure,”

  She cut him off, “Yeah… your sister. I remember. If you could just get these fucking things off,” she fingered the delicate metal around her wrists. The day she’d been taken, someone had slapped the slim bracelets on her hands. Her magic simply vanished. She realized they were suppressors of some kind. Without her abilities, she had no defense against the monster who took her.

  Jason tugged her hand into his. His thumb traced the metal encircling the delicate flesh, “I don’t know how.”

  Without thinking, he pulled her hand to his face and pressed a kiss to the place where her hand and wrist met. Dimitra inhaled, his touch catching her off guard.

  “I wish things were different, and maybe soon they will be, but for now, just trust me.” He wiped a tear trailing its way down her cheek.

  “God help me… but I do trust you.”

  Jason released her hand and took a step back, placing distance between them. He turned his back to her, walking toward the door locking them in.

  “He has something big planned. I don’t know what, but I know it’s not going to work like he thinks.”

  “Who, Jason… Why can’t you tell me his name?”

  “It’s better if you don’t know, Dimitra. I wish I never knew him – he’s brought nothing but destruction and death since I met him. Know this… I won’t let him hurt anyone I love.”

  Dimitra gasped at his words. Jason pushed through the door, leaving Dimitra alone in the silence again. Her arms wrapped around her body as her shoulders slumped in defeat. She trusted him, even though a part of her still questioned her sanity.

  Chapter 25

  Her mother sat, her pensive gaze never leaving her face, as Onika told them what she’d been dealing with. Luca’s hand rested against her leg, the slight pressure keeping her grounded. Even speaking the words of rage caused the darkness to rise inside her chest.

  “Onika,” her mother moved to sit beside her, “Why didn’t you come to me sooner – this could have all been avoided.”

  “What,” Onika blinked, not understanding what her mother was saying, “handled how?”

  “What you’re feeling is normal, sweetheart. You’re the Queen of Darkness. Did you really think it only applied to the light?”

  Onika shifted causing Luca’s hand to slip off her leg, “Well, yeah.” She shrugged, “I’ve had my magic for several years now – the light or darkness rather, is the only thing I’ve ever been able to control. What’s changed?”

  “I’m guessing the stress you’ve been under awakened the part of you that you’d been out of touch with. Look,” She placed her palm against Onika’s cheek, “Each Elemental has magic inside them. For some, it’s controlling one element. For others, their magic runs deeper.”

  “Deeper?” she furrowed her brow, “I don’t understand.”

  “Take for example, Emersyn, she is the Emerald Queen. She controls the earth, right?” Onika nodded, “ But she also controls life in nature. She can take life to give life.”

  “I… I didn’t know.”

  “And then you have Dimitra, the Diamond Queen. She controls light, opposite of you, but also controls time. I suspect she hasn’t figured that out yet, but when she does – well it will be a sight to behold.”

  “Wait… what do you mean she controls time?”

  “When she uses her magic to its full force, Dimitra will be able to pause time, essentially suspending things – freezing them in a moment.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Onika slid from her seat and began to pace. “Sarefina? Rory? Even Amalee?”

  “Her power is enough on its own, however like Emersyn, she can give life or take it using her manipulation of water. Now Rory is a special one. She has control of fire. But it’s more than that…her ability to use telekinesis on fire extends beyond that. If Rory really pushed herself, she could control a person with ease.”

  Onika closed her eyes, “And Amalee?”

  “Ah yes, Amalee, the Amethyst Queen. Wielder of Lightening. She doesn’t just call lightening and make it strike at will… no, Amalee has the ability to harness it’s power and use it.”

  “You mean like electrokinesis?”

  “Exactly like that.”

  “Where does that leave me, Mother?”

  “It leaves you no different than your sisters or cousins, Onika. You are the Onyx Queen, commander of the dark. Your ability gives you the power to strip the light from everything. Onika, do you know what people fear the most?”

  She shrugged, “Death?”

  “No, dear,” she chuckled, “they fear the dark. Do you know why?”

  “I’m sure you’re going to tell me,” Onika plopped down on the couch and rested her head on the cushion.

  “Because in the dark nightmares exist. And you, my dear, can use that fear against them. You said you killed a bird, right?”

  “Yes… and made two men drop to their knees. What does that have to do with nightmares?”

  “When you held the bird, you said you closed your eyes and felt the darkness consume you. In a roundabout way it did, but you were consuming the bird with darkness. My guess is whatever you showed the tiny creature caused it to keel over – it’s heart was small, after all.”

  “Fine… I hear what you’re saying. But what about the ground dying or the fact that two grown men dropped to their knees screaming – they aren’t dead.”

  “Because you stopped before that could happen. Luca, can you tell my daughter what dropped you to your knees and cry out?”

  Onika turned to pin him with her eyes, “Luca? What didn’t you tell me?”

  “Onika,” he swallowed, the nervousness palpitating in the room, “I didn’t want to freak you out.”

  “Go on, Luca, she needs to hear this.”

  Nodding, “When you grabbed me,” his eyes glazed over, causing him to still momentarily, “I saw your death. I could feel the pain of losing you and there was nothing I could do.”

  Onika gasped, lacing her fingers with his and looked to her mother, “Mother?”

  “You see, dear… you are able to draw out their biggest fear and use it against them. If you hadn’t stopped, Luca would have likely died of a broken heart

  Chapter 26

  Luca pulled her against him, “I’ve told you I couldn’t live if something happened to you.”

  “Why do I feel so much anger, though? It’s like a black mist has poisoned my veins, seeking vengeance for those I love.”

  “Have you ever wondered why the six kingdoms are laid out the way they are?”

  Onika thought about the other kingdoms. If you were to look at a map, the six kingdoms all have a portion that touch, almost in the shape of a hexagon.

  “No, I never really gave it any mind.”

  “You each draw strength from each other. And when you are all together, your power is unstoppable. With one of the Elementals missing, you're feeling the loss. You especially, Onika. Darkness cannot exist without the light. Sarifena is probably least effected by her absence as water doesn’t necessarily need light to exist. It does affect her moods, but nothing more. You must figure out who has Dimitra and bring her home. Without their true Queen, the Diamond Kingdom will eventually fall.”

  “Can’t her mother just rule like she once did?”

  “Sure… but when you turn over the crown, the power you once held is weakened. Her mother’s strength is not what it used to be, Onika. That’s why it’s imperative you focus your anger on finding her.”

  Onika stood, “Thank you mother, I need to speak with the others. I think they need to know about the things you’ve told me. It may come in handy when we figure out who is behind these attacks and Dimitra’s kidnapping.”

  “I’m just glad you trusted me enough to come talk to me,” she reached out, placing her hand on Onika’s forearm, “I am sorry about everything that’s happened.”

  “I forgive you, Mother. I can’t say that I’m not still hurting over the lies, but I understand why you did it. I do love you. And can you please tell Father I love him?” She pulled her mother into a hug and bid her farewell.

  Sighing, “Well, that went better than I expected. Luca?” she tilted her head, “Why didn’t you tell me what you felt or saw when I hurt you?”

  “Hey,” he held her close, “We’ve been over this, you didn’t mean to hurt me. And as far as not telling you, I didn’t want to add to your pain.”

  “Well… from here on out no more secrets. Ok? If you really want to be my compliment…my partner in all things, then we can’t have secrets between us.”

  “Yes, my love. No more secrets. Shall we go tell the Constable what’s going on? I think the more people who know your issues, the least likely you are to have incidents.”

  “Fine. I would never want to hurt anyone I care about. We should probably call a meeting – the others need to know what Mother told me.”

  Lacing their fingers, Onika and Luca headed to the Constable’s office. After spending the next thirty minutes explaining everything to him, he agreed a conference call was needed.

  “I guess we should see when everyone’s available…” Onika stretched, her shirt rising gave Luca a peep at the smooth flesh beneath her top.

  Constable Peters cleared his throat, catching Luca off guard. Finding the Constable and Onika staring at him, he couldn’t hide the blush spreading across his cheeks.

  “Sorry…” he coughed, “You were saying?”

  “I’ll call the other Kingdoms. Set something up. Why don’t you two go and speak with Commander Fritz. Bring him up to speed as well and see if his men have located anything yet.”

  “Of course,” Onika stood, causing Luca to jump from his seat, “We’ll touch base later. Come on, Luca,” she motioned toward the door, anxious to get out of the office.

  “That was awkward,” she cocked a brow.

  “Sorry… I lost track there for a minute… what can I say – you’re beautiful and I can’t keep my eyes off you.”

  “Thank you… but can you control yourself while we are in the commander’s office?”

  “Of course, but first,” he grabbed her, shoving her against the wall. His lips captured hers in an urgent need. Moaning into his lips, she ground her center against his knee. The shock waves of his touch filled her body with desire. Releasing her, and stepping back, “Now… we can go speak to the commander.”

  “You don’t play fair, Luca.” She leaned against the wall as he started toward the office. Casting a quick glance over his shoulder, he shot her a smirk that melted her panties.

  Chapter 27

  He couldn’t believe his plans were unraveling at the seam. He’d spent the last decade making plans, plans to take what was rightfully his.

  Women rulers… the thought made him laugh out loud. Even though they’d managed to grow stronger in their bonds, he knew it was a matter of time before one of them fell. The Diamond Queen was out of the way for now, he had no idea what to do with the spoiled Queen. She hadn’t been his target after all – no he wanted the Emerald Queen dead. That way the kingdom could have been taken with ease. He hadn’t counted on her falling in love with the commander.

  The Ruby Queen had surprised him in choosing a difficult love. He’d expected the people of the Ruby Kingdom to revolt… instead they loved all three. Shaking his head in disgust, his gut coiled with the betrayal of Nicholas. He had one job – get rid of the boy. It was a good thing he was already dead, otherwise he would have made his death torturous.

  And Onika… dear, sweet, Onika. The Onyx Queen. He’d had high hopes for her. The darkness she had inside her rivaled his own, yet, once again the love of someone foiled his plan.

  He was growing restless. That damn journal held too many secrets. Secrets that could expose him before he was ready. He needed a plan – something to distract the Amethyst Queen so he could get his hands on that damn book. Perhaps it was time he drove a stake into the heart of her heart – and destroy the one thing she has loved since she was old enough to know what love was.

  Yes… perhaps it was time he focused on planting a seed of doubt, exposing the secret she’s carried for so long, would unravel the Amethyst Kingdom – making them all vulnerable for the taking.

  Then… and only then would he reveal himself.

  And take back what should have been his all along.

  The six kingdoms.

  Chapter 28

  Onika stood beside Emersyn as they toyed with their magic. Sarifena was supposed to join them, but Alex had fallen ill and she did not want to leave him.

  “What do you think about what I told you?”

  “I kind of already knew, Onika. I mean… I did revive a child, remember?”

  “Yes… that’s not what I was talking about, though. How do you think the others took the news about everything?”

  “I’m sure it’ll take some getting used to… I mean look at yourself. You struggled initially, but now you’ve really gotten a handle on it.”

  “I guess so.”

  Onika felt the magic pulsing in her fingertips as she controlled the desire to use her magic. She also learned that anything she damaged, could be corrected by the light. She’d found some ancient texts that explained the history of magic and the balance needed.

  “Soooo…” Emersyn’s voice held mirth as she spoke, “what’s the deal with you and Luca?”

  “I love him and he loves me. If it weren’t for him, I’d probably have been consumed by the darkness.”

  “I know that, dork… I meant, any talk of marriage?”

  “What?” Onika choked, “No…we’re just happy like we are.”

  “You don’t sound so sure, Onika. You know it’s ok to want more. Drake and I eventually want kids, you know a family of our own. Watching Sarifena and Heath with Alex makes my ovaries explode.”

  Onika sighed, the truth was, she wanted a family as well, but she didn’t want to pressure Luca into anything. “Well, I wouldn’t say no if he asked…” Onika smiled, “But I’m ok with how it is now, too.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  A deep voice startled her, causing her to stumble. Emersyn’s eyes grew wide, “Oh… hey, Luca. I’ll just,”
she darted around Onika, mouthing I’m sorry as she passed.

  “Luca,” Onika cleared her throat, “I didn’t know you were there.”

  “Answer the question, Onika. Are you really ok with how things are between us?”

  “Of course, I am…” she took a step toward him, “I love you. I don’t care if we’re married or not. I just want you in my life.”

  “Then if I asked you to marry me, what would you say?”

  “Luca… please. You’re being silly about this.”

  “Maybe you’re misunderstanding me, Onika.” Luca dropped to a knee, “I wasn’t planning on doing this here or even today. But when I heard you talking, I realized I needed to make my intentions clear. I love you. I will always love you. And the thought of not having you, well it’s too painful to bear. So, tell me, sweetheart, will you marry me?”

  Her eyes misted, “Luca… yes – of course, I want to marry you.”

  He slipped the stunning diamond on her left hand. The center stone was surrounded by the most beautiful black onyx stones. She drew her hand to her chest, the tears of happiness running down her cheeks.

  Luca stood, gathering her into his arms, “I love you, Onika.”

  “I love you,” she pressed her mouth to his, their lips melding into perfection. Their tongues danced against one another as they poured their love into each other.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt,” Drake emerged from the castle, “But there has been an incident.”

  Breaking apart, “What? Where?”

  “Another letter has arrived at the Amethyst Kingdom. This time, it was addressed to everyone. She is on video conference waiting for everyone to join her.”

  Onika push passed Drake, storming up the walkway toward the conference room.

  “I’m sorry to spoil the moment,” Drake glanced to Luca, “But congratulations. I couldn’t help but overhear.”

  “Thanks. I didn’t intend to ask her today, but I couldn’t go another day without making her mine forever.”

  Drake clapped him on the back, “I understand, trust me. Now… let’s head up and see what the hell is happening now.”


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