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Her Vampire Suspect (Midnight Doms Book 11)

Page 13

by Brenda Trim

  I had sex with a vampire. And I loved it! In fact, I want more. My eyes close and open slowly as everything becomes sluggish. For the first time in years, a man dominated me, and I submitted. For a while, I suspected I am just a masochist and enjoy more pain with sex than most people, but being with Corbyn enlightens me.

  A wave of dizziness washes over me. I crave his dominance, as well as the promise of pleasurable pain he represents. That fact is as shocking as the existence of shifters.

  Bria parks and climbs out of her car. “I see you also called the local sheriff's office. Why exactly did you call us out here?”

  I smile and wave my hand at the cluster of cars and vans pulling into the lot at that second. “I did. It’s their jurisdiction. I called you out here because Corbyn and I stumbled across what I suspect is the location where the murders occurred. There’s a scrap of cotton I swear matches one of the victim’s shirts. If that’s the case then we need to be here when they collect the evidence.”

  Bria rolls her eyes at me and grabs her bag from the back seat. “They will tell us if they find anything, you know. We don’t have to be here.”

  I clap her on the back and head to the new arrivals. “Have you had your coffee this morning? It’s our case. There’s no way I’m not going to be here. Or would you rather be in the office, scrambling because we have no real leads? C’mon, we can help.”

  Bria adjusts the strap across her shoulder and nods. “All right, but only because you said something might connect to our case. I hate the desert. There are snakes and scorpions out here.” Her shoulders and torso shake for a second before a smile crosses her mouth and she leans closer to me. “So, where’s your hot date? And please tell me you didn’t have sex out here in the middle of this dustbowl.”

  I can’t help but smile at her question. Shoving my phone in the small zipper pocket of my workout shorts, I rock back on the heels of my shoes. “Corbyn had to get to his lab; something about the timing of the next step or something. What do you care if I had sex out here? It’s not like anyone is around to see anything.”

  “Oh my God. You had sex!” Bria squeals loudly enough to draw the attention of the sheriff's officers.

  I narrow my eyes and lower my voice. “Shhh! Damn girl, you don’t need to tell everyone here.”

  Bria’s head swivels around while one corner of her lip lifts. “Ewww. You did it out here?”

  “Hey, don’t knock it until you try it.” I waggle my eyebrows then head to the cars and approach the group. “Hi there. I’m Agent DeLeon. Thanks for coming.”

  One of the cops lifts his head with a smile. “Officer Turner. No problem. I just hope you’ve located a scene that can help us clear up some cases. You mentioned we need a full CSI team?”

  My head bobs up and down. My hands go to my bag, only to realize I don’t have it with me. I couldn’t bring anything with me, or this wouldn’t have worked. “Yes, sir. We need to record and collect evidence. I saw several splotches that look like blood, and some fabric, as well. It’s about a ten-minute walk from here, so bring water if you have any.”

  Bria and I wait while several other officers grab bags, large cases and other implements of the trade, then we head into the desert. I followed the GPS from my phone out to the site a couple hours ago just to make sure I was able to find it again.

  It wasn’t until I set out this morning that I worried the coyotes might have stumbled across the site after Corbyn flew me away. I had no idea if they would care about the scene of a murder, but I couldn’t deny my worry after the possibility entered my mind. Thankfully, the scene seems undisturbed.

  Bria removes her suit jacket and drapes it over the top of the bag hanging on her shoulder. “God, it’s hot out here. You’re lucky you have shorts and a t-shirt on. I am sweating buckets right now.”

  I shrug. “I didn’t wear my suit for my hike this morning. It's mid-summer and over one hundred degrees already.”

  “I still can’t believe he took you on a hiking date and you had sex with him,” Bria hisses under her breath. “Who does that?”

  I flash her a smirk and step around a large rock. “People who like each other and enjoy being outside. What’s your idea of a hot date?” My voice rises at the end to get the attention of the cops around us. It’s impossible not to notice the way one of the forensics guys keeps looking at Bria.

  This guy might actually stand a chance with her. Men outside law enforcement don’t understand our jobs, or our dedication to them. We’re called at all hours, day and night, and have to respond when necessary.

  Cases tend to consume our attention. Not to mention the training we undergo. We can kick a date’s ass, which is something most men don’t care for. We also carry guns and know how to use them.

  Bria looks to the side at the same moment as two cops look over at us. They openly appraise her with interested gazes. She’s an expert at playing it cool, though, and doesn’t address that when she responds.

  She taps one finger against her lips for a second. “Hmmm. A hot date? Well, if it’s a first date, then dinner at Vivace followed by drinks and dancing. That place has the best views. If we’ve been dating a while then take me to Cabo. I could use a good beach to relax on.”

  I gawk at her and what she expects from a guy she dates. I suddenly understand why she’s single. Vivace is a fancy restaurant, and a trip to another country isn’t exactly inexpensive. “At least you have standards,” I tease.

  Bria chuckles and waves a piece of paper in front of her face. “Why not let him know what I want up front? If I don’t then I will never get it. You know how people settle into a routine after they’ve been together. I don’t play like that. No one will get to keep me unless they treat me right. And I will never apologize for what I want.”

  Turner breaks away from the others and walks over to us. “So why is the FBI remaining on scene with us?”

  I shut the cap on my water bottle. “We were called in by Chief Hays to look into some homicides when he suspected a serial killer is responsible. We found cases out of state, so we took over. We quickly confirmed we are dealing with a serial killer. Anyway, the blood caught my eye when I was out here earlier, but what really caught my attention is a scrap of cotton. It matches the shirt worn by one of our victims. I can’t be sure until your team gets a look at it. Either way, I want to be here just in case.”

  Turner nods and scans our surroundings as we go. “Got it. We will make that a priority. If it turns out to be your crime scene, we can hand everything over after that.”

  “Precisely what I was thinking,” I tell him. I debated long and hard this morning about whom to call. Without taking into account that Corbyn smelled our victim’s blood on the scene, there isn’t enough to tie it to our case on the surface. It’s best to let them process the evidence, then make that determination.

  I point to a spot about ten feet away. “It’s just up there at that grouping of cacti.”

  Everyone slows down and starts scouring the area with a fine-tooth comb. Sweat pools in our rubber gloves within seconds of putting them on. Bria hands me a pair or large tweezers and evidence bags. There’s a cigarette butt I collect. I doubt it’s related to the case, but I can’t be sure. And we never overlook even the smallest detail. You never know when something might be what cracks things wide open. Bria stoops near a succulent and takes a picture of a shoe impression.

  Turner lowers his camera and points to a reddish-brown stain. “There’s something over here.”

  A tech crosses to his side and sets down her open case. Using a swab, she wipes it over the specimen then drops phenolphthalein reagent on it. After a couple seconds, she adds hydrogen peroxide to the sample. The tip turns bright pink immediately.

  The tech looks up. “It’s definitely human blood.”

  Turner lifts the camera. “Look alive, people. We are looking at the scene of a possible homicide. There’s too much blood for it to be from an injured hiker.” He snaps several pictures before movi
ng on.

  Everyone continues collecting evidence as we comb the area. The higher the sun rises, the hotter the temperature soars. Sweat drips into my eyes and my skin burns. It’s difficult to stay focused. I find several more drops of what looks like blood on the dirt and plants in the area. When we reach the main scene, I stop and look around to see if there is a pattern.

  Bria approaches me and pulls a bottle of water from her bag. She twists off the cap and takes a sip. “What are you thinking?”

  I run my arm across my brow. “I’m wondering if there is anything here we might be missing. Why come all the way out here to kill a victim, then cart them back to town?”

  Bria turns in a circle. “Good question. I would say the reverse is far more likely. Usually, they kill close to home, and dump the bodies where they won’t be found. If this is where they were killed, he wants his victims found. That doesn’t fit the mold.”

  Turner interrupts us as he comes over and hands me a sealed evidence bag with the piece of shirt inside. “Here’s the cloth. Does it look like a match to your vic? This pattern should be fairly easy to match.”

  I hold it up so Bria can see it, as well. “This definitely looks like the pattern of what she was wearing when she was found. We won’t know for sure until testing is done to confirm the connection.”

  Bria takes out her agency-issued phone and pulls up a picture. Holding it next to the bag, she nods. “I’d say it came from Sarah’s shirt.”

  “Given your certainty, we will process this and leave it in your custody. You know what to do if you discover it’s not your case. But, I’d rather you have the evidence now so you can find the asshole going around killing people in my city,” Turner says before stalking off.

  The tech who tested the blood earlier pauses what she is doing and looks over at us. “The blood stops after about ten feet, and the drops look like they came from greater heights the farther out they go. I’ve never seen anything like it. It doesn’t make any sense.”

  That’s because it was a vampire and he flew her out of here. My blood freezes in my veins and I fight the urge to go to Corbyn’s house—or Lucius—and inform them they definitely have a murderer on their hands. Lucius might find the vamp responsible, but he’ll likely kill him, and then I won’t be able to get justice for the victims. Not to mention, I will be left with an open case I can’t solve.

  Bria puts the empty water bottle in her bag. “So, why is this guy killing out here and taking them to town?”

  “I have no idea, but we are going to find out,” I promise her. I’m not entirely sure what my next steps will be, but somehow, I will get the names of the vampires living in the area and investigate them all until I find the one I’m looking for.



  Unable to stop myself, I lift my nose and scent the air for any hint that Ava has been here in the past few hours. For the first time in a couple weeks, I went to my lab after waking up this evening. Unfortunately, I couldn’t concentrate on the work at hand. I’m too fucking worried about my FBI agent to think about genome mapping, or cellular responses to various solutions.

  So, I’m back at Club Toxic. In a typical week, I only come here two or three times to feed. I don’t need blood daily. Still, this week has been anything but normal. I’ve been here every night for Ava. And now I’m here again for the same damn reason. The hold this woman has on me is unfuckingbelievable. I plan on breaking it as soon as possible. She made her choice, and we both have to live with that.

  Maximus chuckles. “Back again?”

  I flash him a lazy grin. “What can I say? I’m famished.” It takes everything in me to hide the tension riding my gut. Vampires have a keen sense of smell, and I have no doubt Maximus will take me to Lucius if he suspects something. He’s aware of the situation with Ava, and will take every step to ensure the king’s orders are followed.

  He gives me a narrow-eyed look. “What about your cop?”

  “She’s too weak to sate all of my hunger. Besides, I like my women far more submissive.” That isn’t precisely what he’s asking, but it will distract him.

  He chuckles and bobs his head up and down. “Yeah. I don’t see her being willing to bend for anyone. You’ll find a sweetblood to satisfy you in the dungeon.”

  I clap him on the shoulder. “That’s why I came here.” I saunter into the club.

  After scanning the main bar, I walk through the coat closet. “Busy tonight?”

  Armando, the Spanish bouncer who often mans the entrance to the dungeon, lifts one shoulder. “There are plenty of delicious choices tonight.” He’s talking to me but has his eyes on one of the bartenders. I see the appeal. Her corsets accentuate her full breasts. But she can’t hold a candle to Ava.

  Opening the door, I think about the state-of-the-art surveillance equipment in the club that utilizes IR night vision and FLIR thermal camera modes. It’s the only way to pick up the vampires. I consider asking to review the footage to see if the latest victim was with anyone else.

  The dungeon is invite only, meaning humans can’t go down without a vampire accompanying them. My shoulders loosen and I embrace my vampiric side. The light disappears as soon as the door shuts, and my night vision allows me to see the stairs without a problem. I hear the music before I reach the door to the dungeon. For the first time in decades, my blood stirs at the thought of entering the BDSM area.

  There are dozens of people playing. Men and women are cuffed to chains hanging from the ceiling, while others are tied to benches and the cross. There are even several writhing in cages. I take a deep breath and enjoy the scent of sex and blood that surrounds me.

  I wish Ava was with me so I can show her more of my world. It’s not all about murder and mayhem. There’s pleasure and passion. I want to take her to one of the St. Andrew’s Crosses in the large room and secure her to the apparatus. I need to show her who her master is.

  My cock hardens with that thought. I should find a sweetblood to satiate my needs. Many enjoy a little pain with their pleasure. Unfortunately, all I can think of is Ava, and bending her to my will. Giving up on the idea of finding a donor, I focus on the search for a suspect. I promised Ava I would help her.

  The various play stations are occupied, and everything is in full swing. Floggers, paddles and canes strike skin, while butt plugs and dildos are in use. And everywhere I look, I see fangs sinking into flesh. This is not helping. I ache to have Ava on her knees. You still owe her a pair of nipple clamps.

  Nope. My gaze continues around the room. Lucius and Selene’s thrones are empty tonight. There’s no one on the dais in the middle of the room. Malik reaches for a woman in one of the cages. Time to have a chat.

  I blur to his side. “Malik.”

  Oblivious to the growl in my voice, he turns and smiles at me. It’s not uncommon for vampires to share women in the dungeon. “Have you come to join me, Corbyn? I believe we can make her sing with pleasure, don’t you?”

  The woman shudders and leans against the bars surrounding her. Her hands go to her plump breasts and she fondles herself. Malik’s eyes glow with desire as he watches her. His hand slides between the bars then sinks between her legs. She cries out when he runs a finger through her folds. Her arousal surrounds us. It’s enticing and far too easy for me to ignore. Ava is far sweeter, with a sultry note.

  Shaking my head from side to side, I cross my arms over my chest. “I’m not here to share her—or anyone else—with you. We need to talk.”

  He waves me away and turns his back to me. His interest disappeared the second he realized I’m not going to help him with the woman. “Then we have nothing to discuss.”

  I lower my mouth to his ear. “You’re wrong about that. Someone followed you to the park the other evening, and watched you feed from a woman who turned up dead that same night.”

  The woman didn’t hear me, but several of the vampires near us swiveled to watch us closely. We all know the consequences of killing anyone in Lucius’s
territory. Malik pales even more than is normal for a vampire and sucks in a breath he doesn’t need to take. I have his attention now.

  Grabbing my arm, he drags me to a corner, away from as many prying ears as possible. I consider heading to one of the private rooms but have no desire to check whether they are occupied. “We should talk outside.”

  After scanning the room, he runs his hands through his hair and nods. We are upstairs and outside a few seconds later. Maximus moves away from the wall and is in our path. “Everything okay?”

  “I just have a few questions for Malik.” Once we’ve continued on our way, I stop a few feet from Maximus, wanting him to hear what Malik has to say.

  Malik crosses his arms over his chest. “What the fuck are you talking about? I didn’t kill anyone.”

  From the corner of my eye, I notice Maximus standing at attention. Liam saunters to his side at that moment, and I hear Maximus telling him what Malik just said. I’m glad they’re paying attention.

  “That’s not what it looks like. You took a woman with you when you left the club the night before last. Blonde hair, green eyes, wearing a red shirt and black skirt. Instead of going to your house, you took her to a park and fed from her. And, before you deny it, I saw you. An FBI agent followed you and was watching you feed when I approached her. I defended you and forced her to leave. The next day, the woman was discovered dead in a park across town.”

  Malik’s eyes go wide and he shakes his head. “I didn’t kill her. I swear.”

  I scoff. “I don’t believe you. If your only intention was to feed from her, you could have taken her downstairs.”

  “She wanted to be fucked outside. Said she liked the thrill that we could be caught at any second. I didn’t kill her,” Malik insists then heads back to Maximus and Liam. “You can even ask them. I brought her back here after I was done with her. You remember, right?”


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