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Immaculate Spirit c1-242

Page 26

by Newbiel

  "It's a declaration saying that the fight between us and him is completely consented. Both parties are aware of the risk and they waive any legal responsibility. This guy is crazy! He has already signed it! He just gave us the right to beat him up without any repercussion!"

  "Really? It must be a trap, there is nothing that says he will not denounce us to the dean after it." Ethan was immediately suspicious.

  "Take a look at the second document." Nathaniel added.

  Doing just that, he began reading through the document, his mouth hanging open in shock.

  "So?" Asked Ethan impatiently.

  "It's a NDA. If someone talks about what happened here tonight, he will have to pay 1 million dollars to the other party. There is even our name on the back of the document. How do you know our name?" He asked puzzled. He was sure that Ethan never mentioned them by name before.

  "I just typed 'Dickhead Columbia" on Google and lucky for me, you were the first result that popped up." Sliding a pen in their direction, he added. "Now sign so we can start having fun. Don"t worry if you do not know how to sign your name, you can make a cross, it is allowed."

  Being insulted like that, they got so mad that they all signed the two files without even thinking about it. The only thing that they wanted was to beat up that pretentious brat. Only after that would they will feel better about the entire situation.

  Once signed they all rushed at him without a plan beside using force and numbers to swarm him. Sadly, reality did not look like that and one minute later they were all on the ground moaning and gripping their injured bodies. Nathaniel did not even need to show the extent of his combat prowess to deal with them. They could have surrounded him before attacking which would have made the combat more interesting for him but no. They choose to attack him all at the same time and in the same direction, hampering their movement range in the process, making things too easy for him.

  "So why me?" Nathaniel questioned Ethan who was on the ground.

  "Go fu*k yourself!" Ethan yelled.

  Smiling, Nathaniel then starts kicking Ethan on the ground until he talks.

  "Okay okay stop! I was jealous, okay! I heard my girlfriend talk about you so I got jealous! Stop kicking me!"

  "Who is your girlfriend?" Nathaniel was surprised, he did not expect that answer.

  "Emma Parrington."

  "Emma? Brunette 5"7" in a sorority?" Nathaniel answered, realizing whom he was talking about.


  "I barely talked to her and I don't plan to do it in the future so don't worry. But still you should have discussed it with her before taking it out on me." Nathaniel shaked is head.

  Male jealousy, the principal cause of war since humans discovered fire with religious beliefs coming as a close second.

  "Now, I don't want to see you on my path again. If I see you giving me the stinky eyes, I will come back to you but without a contract. Are you understanding what I'm saying?" He asked threateningly. His voice was so cold that they could not help but shiver in fear.

  A chorus of faint yes quickly followed.

  "Good. Now, I have to remind you that we have a NDA. If I hear only a whiff of what happened tonight, I will take everything from you. Do not even talk about it between yourself as it will be considered a breach of contract as well. And trust me that if that happens I will know. Goodnight gentlemen."

  Gathering back the contract and his pen he swiftly put them back in his bag before exiting the Basketball arena, leaving them to their misery.

  Chapter 58: :

  New York, FBI Building. 03/10/2012. 11:20.

  "Sir, we found another one."

  Hearing his subordinate the shoulders of the special agent in charge, Tom Sarland, slumped a little.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes sir, the MO corresponds exactly with the previous crime."

  "Forward me the files then." He sighed.

  "Right away sir." He replied before exiting the office.

  Getting up off his chair, he stared longingly at the board. On the board were a few pieces of evidence stuck there with pins.

  It started almost four weeks ago. At least the first body was found during that time but evidence showed that it was not the first, not by a long shot. All kills were the same. The victims were all kidnapped during the night, then tortured for two days until they would be put to death by cutting their head. Based on forensic evidence the torture had a pattern. It would start with physical beating using fists before continuing with tearing off their fingernails until no fingernails were left, which they would finish by cutting off the toes and fingers.

  The last stage was of course the decapitation. CSI managed to find out that they were cut with a long and very sharp saber. That was the only thing that the CSI managed to find out. The perpetrator or perpetrators were ghosts and no physical evidence could be found despite extensive efforts. This was the first time in his thirty year long career that he was investigating a case like this. His only option at the moment was to wait for the next body and hope for a mistake that he could exploit.

  Despite no evidence or signalement on the perpetrator, the higher ups were constantly demanding for updates. Even if they managed to hide it from the media so far it was a highly political case as every victim was Koreans. Despite deep investigation no correlation could be found between the victims except the time of their abduction and the fact that they were korean. The theory that they had at the moment was a serial killer who was only killing koreans. It was a textbook hate crime. If that story was to hit the media, it would be a PR nightmare and his bosses were trying to actively prevent that.

  "Here sir, the files." His subordinate came back into his office with a folder which he handed to him.


  Looking through it, he shaked is head sadly. There was nothing new there.

  "Sir, did you already encounter something like this in your career?"

  "No, never."

  "When I was studying at Quantico I never even heard of any hate crimes being carried out so perfectly."

  "I'm starting to feel that this is not a hate crime."

  "What do you mean sir?" His subordinate asked, puzzled.

  "Look at what we found so far. Nothing! That level of control and sophistication is not something a racist or political zealot can achieve. No, I believe someone with impressive skills and dedication is looking for something."

  "Something or someone sir?"

  "Exactly Williams. I don't know either at that point."

  "What will happen when they find what they are looking for?" He asked with a dreading voice.

  "Dead bodies Williams. We are going to find a lot of dead bodies." He said with a somber tone.


  "Nathaniel?" Asked Karine, entering his room, followed closely by Mary.

  Any teenager would have yelled seeing his mother entering this bedroom without knocking, but Nathaniel wasn't like that. He had nothing to hide and was doing nothing reprehensible in his room like other teenagers. He was with a book in his hand busy studying. Spying the book, his mother's brow furrowed.

  "Korean?" She asked, surprised.

  "Yes, I'm curious about the language so I'm trying to learn it."

  "Is it hard?"

  "Not really, just different, but it had similarity with mandarin so it's not that hard for me. What is going on?" He questioned. He knew that since they were here they must have something to say.

  "I found this in your jacket." Karine said, moving a piece of paper in front of him with a smile.

  Looking at their smirk and the flyers in the hand of his mother, he knew he was going to be teased.

  "It's an invitation for a welcome party in a sorority." He answered.

  "And who is that Madison who put her phone number on the back of the flyer?" Mary questioned with an even wider smirk.

  "She did that in case I got lost and didn't find her sorority house."

  "I'm sure she hoped you would get lost alright.
" Mary said laughing out loud.

  "Come on sweetie, you are not that clueless."

  "I'm not mom, I was just being nice. I don't plan to go to that party anyway."

  "Why is that?

  "Well, they are sorority girls, I don't plan to become friends with them. These girls are problems." Nathaniel said. Just by talking to three of them, he had to beat up four guys to solve that problem.

  "Oh come on sweetie, this is not that bad, I'm sure." Mary laughed.

  "You know we were both in a sorority in college?"

  "Wait! Really?" Nathaniel was shocked. He never thought that his mothers were like that.

  "Yes really and we loved it. It's in one of those parties that we met each other. The only thing that I want to say is to give them a chance. They could surprise you." Mary said, trying to convince him.

  "Mom, they were talking about taking 'turns' with me before even inviting me to that party." He said, exasperated , making his mothers laugh.

  "Well, they are wild, that's nothing new but they deserve a chance."

  "Ok ok, I will go. At least I can start making a harem, based on the story I read it sounds fun. And grandma would love it if I start making children three by three." He said ironically.

  "Stop goofing around!" Karine asked, tapping his shoulder with a smile.

  "Maybe your grandma would love it but I won't. I don't want my son to live that kind of life." Mary said seriously.

  "Don't worry mom, I don't want to live that kind of life either." He reassured her.

  "Why did they invite you? That kind of party is usually reserved for fraternity and sorority. Did you join one without telling us?"

  "Oh no, believe me, integrating a fraternity is not in any of my plans. Even if some are fun to be around. I played basketball with four of them not too long ago and we laughed so much that they all fell to the ground clutching their stomachs."

  "I'm glad that you are making friends sweetie." Mary said, ruffling his hair.

  "Come on, let's go eat."

  "I'm coming."

  Chapter 59: :

  New York, Columbia university. 04/10/2012. 22:00.

  Nathaniel arrived at the party a little late as the time put on the flyer was 21:30. He had planned to put on a basic t-shirt with jeans to blend in but he was met with the firm opposition of his mothers. They wanted him to look at his best to make a good impression and he finally relented to please them.

  His jeans and tee-shirt was then quickly disposed off and he became the dressing doll of two demanding women until they were pleased with his attire. He ended up with black designer pants and a blue navy shirt which was tighter than what he usually wore. Mary addressed this attire as casually classy which made no sense whatsoever for him but did for them. However he could not argue that he was not looking good in it, the blue shirt complimenting his blue eyes quite nicely.

  Looking at the sorority house in front of him he could already see that there were a lot of people here. The house was three stories high, victorian style with a respectable garden around it based on the New York standard. He could see few people in front of the house chatting happily while drinking while others were dancing to the sound of some electronic music that he had never heard off before.

  Approaching the house he was going to knock when two mountains of men barred his way.

  "From which fraternity are you?" He was asked bluntly by the bigger one. There was a yellow armband on the two shoulders labelled 'security'.

  "I'm not from any fraternity." He answered truthfully.

  "I'm sorry but this is a private event, you need to belong to an affiliated fraternity to enter here. I'm going to ask you to leave now."

  "I was invited by someone living here." He says. It seemed that his mothers were right, this was an event reserved to fraternity and sorority to bond with each other.

  "I'm sure you are but we have strict instructions. So leave now or we will have to move you yourself. Trust me, you will not enjoy the experience." He affirmed with a hint of a threat in his voice.

  He was not at all impressed by the two security personnel despite their impressive appearances as he knew he could dispose of them rather easily, but he did not want to make a scene here. Especially against two people who were simply doing their job. He had better things to do.

  Fishing out his phone, he started dialing the number of Maddison. He just hoped she would manage to hear it with the sound of the music blaring inside. If not, he would have to go back home.

  Luckily, she picked up the call at the second ring.

  "Hello?" She asked questioningly.

  "Madison? This is Nathaniel on the phone."

  "Oh Nathaniel! Nice to hear from you. Where are you? You are still coming right?"

  "I'm calling about that, I'm blocked by the security at the front door because I'm not in a fraternity."

  "Oh! I totally forgot about that, wait for me, I'm coming to get you." She said before hanging up.

  After hanging up and pocketing his phone, he moved away from the door watching the security guards.

  "I'm taking care of gentlemen, you can go back to what you were doing."

  They furrowed their brows at that but since he had moved out of the way, they stopped paying attention to him. A few moments later the door swung open and Maddison appeared in the doorway. She was wearing a red dress which was almost painted on her, accentuating her curves very enticingly. Her long brown hair was tied in a ponytail and she was perched on high heels. She was wearing slight make up which enhanced her already beautiful face enchantingly. Looking at her, the only word that everyone would agree on would be 'hot'.

  "Hey you, wow, you look really handsome tonight." Maddison complimented while moving near to kiss him on the cheek.

  "You look ravishing, Madison!" He exclaimed. Even he who had a pretty decent resistance against pretty women paused for a second upon seeing her.

  "You are too sweet! Come on, let's go to the party."

  Without even asking for his permission she took his hand and dragged him into the house. This time the security did not even attempt to stop him. Now that someone took the responsibility for him it was not their problem anymore. Entering the house, Nathaniel was surprised at the number of people who were gathered. They were almost a hundred, ranging from 18 to 22 years old.

  Although there was a good amount of alcohol circling and 70% of the people here did not have the legal right to drink, nobody was drunk or doing crazy shit. They were busy talking with another or dancing, it was a convivial party contrary to what happened in the movies which displayed a lot of condemning behavior.

  "It was not what I expected." Admitted Nathaniel truthfully.

  "What did you expect? People drunk everywhere with drug and sex in front of everyone?" Maddison asked laughing.

  "Well, kind of." He laughed.

  "I would lie if I were to say that never happens, but tonight is special. It's a ceremony to welcome our younger sisters in our community so a minimum of decorum is expected."

  "I presume the new sisters are the ones wearing pink dresses and a crown?" Nathaniel had quickly noticed that only the younger ones were wearing that strange attire and curiously none of the numerous women here was wearing pink.

  "Yes, it's part of the ceremony. You will notice that the new brothers from other fraternities are wearing pink t-shirts and shorts. Like that the newest members can recognize themselves and get acquantained."

  "Is it also in the ceremony to invite someone from outside of the greek system to offer as a sacrificial limb? Because I warn you, I can run pretty fast." Nathaniel said jokingly, making her laugh. Nathaniel noticed that she had a beautiful laugh.

  "Don't worry about that, if we are going to sacrifice you, we will make sure you enjoy it." She joked right back teasing him.

  "Wow, I just noticed how late it is, I need to go home now." Nathaniel said in false surprise.

  Turning to leave, he was stopped by Maddison who put her arm around his.

  "Not so fast! You are mine for the next few hours! Come on, I'm going to introduce you to some of my sisters."

  Doing just that, she started dragging him everywhere to meet with her sisters. He realized soon that when she said 'some of my sisters' she meant all of them. He was presented to so many girls that even with his good memory he could not remember all of them. He also saw that all of those girls were pretty and were wearing expensive clothes. Maybe it was a requirement to be accepted in this particular sorority.

  He was going to ask about that to Maddison when she started introducing a new girl to him.

  "Nathaniel, I present you Katty. Katty, this is Nathaniel a sophomore."


  "Hi." She said shyly.

  "Katty is our resident track star. She won the ivy league competition last year."

  Looking at her curiously, Nathaniel could not shake off the impression that he knew her.

  "I'm sorry, I swear this is not a pick up line but did we meet before?" He finally asked.

  "I was thinking the same thing! You seem familiar to me."

  Looking at her intently, he was thinking long and hard about why she was that familiar to him until he finally found out.

  "I know! We both run in Central Park every morning!"

  He realized now why he had a hard time recognizing her. She was usually wearing a short and grey sweatshirt and her hair was tied up. But tonight she was wearing a white top with a short skirt and her mid long hair was free. She also wore nice make up.

  "Yes! It's you!" Katty exclaimed.

  "Wait! Are you the hottie that Katty talked about after each of her runs? She always wanted to talk with you but was too shy to take the first step." Maddison almost yelled happily.

  "Madison!" Katty exclaimed horrified, turning almost completely red.

  "What? This is only the truth." She said unapologetically.

  "Maddison be good." Nathaniel rebuked jokingly, pinching her hips lightly making her squeak. "I'm glad to formally meet you. I hope in the future you will come talk to me, I have never eaten anyone before so don't be afraid" He laughed.

  "I will! Are you going to join the track team?"


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