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Immaculate Spirit c1-242

Page 40

by Newbiel

  Robert wanted to talk about what they were going to do but could not as there was still a stranger in the room. Looking at the shy girl in question, his composure softened a little.

  "Miss Campbell, I was wrong about you. Thank you for your good work."

  "Is the dress and shoes that you are wearing from the fifth floor?" Mary asked.

  The fifth floor of the building was a floor dedicated to making video clips. It was like an extremely reduced Hollywood with cameras, scenes and especially a huge wardrobe. That's where Nathaniel had brought Lina to shower, then put on makeup and dressed up by a fashion artist working there.

  "Euh yes madam… I was going to give them back…" She answered shyly.

  "Don't bother, take this as a gift for your hard work. Moreover, the dress suits you quite well." Mary smiled.

  Lina was going to object as the dress and heels that she was wearing right now were worth more than five thousand dollars when Nathaniel put a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

  "Jean, can you please task one of your men to drive back Miss Campbell to her home? She worked all night and needs some sleep."

  "Of course sir, miss Campbell follow me please."

  With a last nod of encouragement, Lina followed Jean out of the office. Once they were alone, Nathaniel finally dropped his smiling expression, his blue eyes turning cold. The truth was that he was by far the angriest person in the room. Ruining a man's life for just ten thousand dollars was way past his bottom line. Nathaniel would always be nice and kind to everybody but doing something against his family or their company and he would become even more implacable than his grandfather.

  "I have an idea on how we can deal with this." Nathaniel said, locking eyes with his grandfather.

  "Alright, what do you need?"

  "Five of our best lawyers, one banalised van and your two personal bodyguards."

  "What do you have in mind?" Mary asked intrigued.

  Nathaniel started to explain what he was going to do.

  Chapter 92: :

  New York,. 31/10/2012. 16:25.

  In a commercial building located on the west side of the city, the elevator opened on the third floor and two persons came out. The first to come out was a tall young man looking around eighteen years old. With his mid long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes he could be considered quite handsome. Following him was a shorter man around 5"8" with brown hair and foreign looks close to forty years old. His face was a mask devoid of any emotion but his dark eyes were restless, scanning everything in his path.

  "Welcome to the office of Wolf Internet Protection, what can I do for you?" A male receptionist asked, sitting behind the front desk.

  "Hello, I'm Nathaniel Lyndon. Mister Sharpp is waiting for us I believe."

  "Let me check sir." The male secretary said, picking up the phone.

  Talking for a few moments on the phone, the man hung up and got up from his chair.

  "Mister Sharpp is going to receive you right now. Please follow me."

  Following the man, Amal and Nathaniel started to observe with attention the number of people working here and the number of offices. So far he had spotted no more than a dozen of employees and three offices. Nathaniel did not see any of the employees being more than twenty years old which was worrisome., it also explained a lot of things.

  They were all lacking that aura of competence and in fact were not energetic in their work at all. It was almost as if they were bored out of their mind. Still, it was not a big enough force for the number of clients this business had. Nathaniel had poked around a little and found out that they had ten clients, three of them huge companies like his own. Twelve noobies were not enough to create, repair and patch anti intrusion programs for all of them.

  The only thing that was encouraging for his plan was that the computers were new and top of the line as far as he could see. Maybe there was something he could salvage here once everything was done.

  Arriving in front of the bigger office here, the male receptionist knocked on the door.

  "Come in." A voice said.

  Opening the door, Amal and Nathaniel were welcomed by a six foot tall man with brown hair. He was wearing a high end black suit and wore a warm smile on his good looking face.

  "Mister Lyndon! Glad that we finally met. I'm Ryan Sharp." He said, getting to his feet to shake his hand.

  Nathaniel shook his hand with a smile on his face but internally he was thinking about something else entirely. They had never met before and it was possible that he had not even heard that Nathaniel existed, yet he still welcomed him like they were long lost brothers. That dubious attitude makes him sick. He still managed to keep the smile on his face though.

  "Hello Ryan, glad to meet you too." He answered.

  "Please have a seat, do you want something to drink? I have a fifteen year old bottle of scotch if you want a taste." Ryan offered.

  "No thanks, I'm good." Nathaniel declined politely.

  "Allright, all work I see." He said, sitting back behind his desk. "I'll bite, you called about something concerning our contract, what do you have in mind?"

  "Yes about that, I drafted something before coming here. Just take a look, I'm sure it will be of interest to you." Nathaniel said, giving him a piece of paper.

  Taking the sheet, Ryan started to read through it. His fake smile quickly disappeared and he made eye contact with Nathaniel again.

  "Is this a fuc**g joke?" He said with anger.

  "No this is serious. It's the best that you will get so I urge you to think carefully about your next words."

  "What is going on here? Me and your grandfather always had a good relationship, this is totally out of line. You want me to give basically everything I own? For what?" He said with chagrin.

  "Please stop the atrocious bad acting, we know what you did in our system. You hid a break in our firewall then tempered with our logs and set up an innocent man as your fall guy." Nathaniel said coldly.

  Hearing that, Ryan indeed stopped the acting and an ugly expression came to his face.

  "You did? That is surprising but not completely unexpected. It's a pity that our working relationship has to change but this is your own fault. You see, when we take charge of a system I always plant a backdoor into the firewall and now I'm afraid we are going straight to the blackmail part. If your company does not pay me five million dollars in the next hour, I will upload all of your data to the internet, making you lose hundreds of millions in confidential information." Ryan sneered.

  Nathaniel did not appear particularly surprised by that and just kept staring down the man in front of him.

  "What happened kid? Cat got your tongue? Now I want my five millions or I will ruin your entire company."

  "Do it." Nathaniel finally talked.

  "Euh, what?" Ryan asked, surprised.

  "Do it." He repeated.

  "You think I will not?" He shouted with anger.

  "No I think you cannot. That backdoor entry was one of the first things that we fixed. It was so poorly done and hidden it was basically a joke. You're an embarrassment to the reputation of hackers."

  "You are bluffing. I will do it now!" He yelled and started typing on his computer. A few seconds later his face paled with fright.

  "It did not work like you expected right?" Nathaniel smiled, getting to his feet and picking up the piece of paper that he gave to Ryan at the start of their conversation. "That was the easy way out. Taking your everything and forcing you out of the country was a little generous on my part but what can I say? I'm nice. Now, you chose the hard way. Let me tell you, it will not be pretty."

  "Arghhhhhhhh" Ryan yelled blinded with anger and jumped onto Nathaniel, wanting to tear him apart.

  He was intercepted mid air by a stone faced Amal who easily had him in an arm lock in a second. He started to struggle wanting to get away and attack Nathaniel again.

  "Stop moving or I will shoot you." Amal warned stoically.

  That seemed to catch h
is attention and Ryan stopped moving while still glaring at Nathaniel.

  "Let him be Amal, I think he gets it. Let's go, we are leaving." He said, opening the door of the office.

  Letting the man go, Amal adjusted his attire and followed Nathaniel out. They did not talk until they were in the elevator.

  "Did you manage to get it?" Nathaniel asked.

  "Yes." Amal answered simply.

  "Good, we have all we wanted." Nathaniel nodded, satisfied.

  They were leaving the elevator and exiting the building when Amal could not hold it in any longer.

  "Sir, are you not afraid that he will run away?"

  "No, it's too late for that. He is done for."


  "Look at your right Amal." Nathaniel advised.

  Looking at his right, Amal did not understand what he was supposed to see until he finally found what Nathaniel was talking about. In the parking lot of the building one banalised car had arrived followed by two NYPD patrol cars. Two detectives had exited the banalised car and were rushing to the building closely followed by the officers.

  "The NYPD is here to save us all Amal, we do not need to worry." Nathaniel smiled silly.

  Chapter 93: :

  New York,. 31/10/2012. 20:00.

  Nathaniel was lounging lasily in the couch, looking at his phone. Right now with his phone in his hands and looking at social media, he was like a normal sixteen year old teenager. Since they were waiting for Karine who was still at work to finally eat, he chose that moment to check on his social media and Youtube. He had a call from Maggie today saying that what he planned to do Friday night had been approved by Taylor's manager and she had congratulated him, albeit begrudgingly, for his new song "Bright". The official music of his movie had already reached ten millions views.

  Thinking about it, Nathaniel could not help but think that this was crazy. It was the first step in accomplishing his lifes dream, becoming a singer. He had had that dream since he was little and watched videos of worldwide known artists on stage and watching his mom sing her music that she was working on. He could stay hours just watching her work on her music without ever getting bored. He learned a lot just observing the way that she worked and he was applying that to his own songs.

  He remembered when he was young why he chose to learn how to sing in secrecy and could only shake his head thinking about it. At that time he wanted to learn all by himself, he thought it would be fun. It wasn't.

  Since he had chosen to do everything alone without asking for help or making research on the subject his progress was painstakingly slow. It was basically trial and error and more often failure than success. It was extremely hard for a ten year old to get so frustrated and stubborn but if Nathaniel proved one thing was that his stubbornness knew no bounds. The simple fact that he was here right now attested to that fact.

  The front door opened and a tired Karine walked by the door, taking her jacket and shoes off. Seeing her son on the couch like that, she went in his direction, putting her purse on the coffee table and flopping down beside him. Passing her hand through his hair she closed her eyes tiredly.

  "Hi mom."

  "Hello sweetie."

  "Hard day?" He asked.

  "Long day." she sighed.

  "Mom, you are messing with my hair."

  "Hush. I changed your diaper when you were little, I can do everything I want." She answered.

  Smiling bitterly, Nathaniel could not argue with that.

  "I had the information that you wanted by the way. Ryan Sharpp payed his caution one hour ago and is forbidden to leave the state. You did an excellent job with the lawsuit. I don't think he will walk out of that. Mary told me that you worked hard with the other lawyers to make it happen."

  "Is this the only thing that she told you?"

  "Of course not, she said that when you entered the room and started giving orders and reviewing the work of lawyers with twenty years of experience, there were a couple of people in the room who wanted to skin you alive." She opened her eyes and smiled.

  "You taught me to always check everything because if the paperwork is flawed, even the strongest case that you have could collapse."

  "I'm starting to think I taught you too well. Sweetie, how confident are you if you were to take the bar right now? Honestly."

  "I would say ninety percent." Nathaniel said after taking a moment to think about it.

  "Why don't you then? You could stop spending money to get knowledge that you already have and instead earn money with it."

  "I like university life to be honest. The people are nice and it's fun sometimes too. Moreover, besides graduating, the principal interest of entering a top law school is to build a network of lawyers. I was thinking about this just now. You know how I always wanted to become a musician when I was young?"

  "Yes, I know very well sweetie. I remember you dancing in front of the TV when you were like five or something." Karine laughed remembering this.

  "I'm sure it was embarrassing." He smiled, not remembering what happened.

  "No, it was funny and cute sweetie but you were not a good dancer back then."

  "I'm still not great. But back to the topic. When I was little I wanted to play piano and sing and between that, practice law. But today? I still love music and I love practicing law. Then there is the curiosity of my life that is being an actor and I have conflicting feelings about that one. What I'm trying to say is as much as I like doing all that, I have something inside of me that is missing. What I want more than anything is to help people mom. I have all this knowledge in my head, I know bad people out there are hurting people, killing people. They need help but no one gives it to them because of money, politics or simple egoism." Nathaniel said emotionally.

  "You know we can't support that sweetie. I know it must be hard to have all that knowledge inside of you but you can't go alone and try to save everyone. If you do, you will die. You have a family that cares for you, you can't throw your life away like that."

  "I know mom, believe me I know. You are right, I can't do it alone. I'm thinking about creating a team. People with skill that had gone unnoticed or had been squandered away by our country. I want to give them the means to live a meaningful life."

  "What skill did you have in mind?" She asked curiously.

  "Everything that could be useful. Computer, engineering, combat, psychology to give only a couple of examples. Coupled with the fact that I can see the very soul of the ones I will be recruiting, I could know whom to trust."

  "I'm still not convinced by this. This is too dangerous for my taste, even with people protecting you I'm not comfortable with that. Why don't you practice law full time and help people?" She tried to convince him.

  "Mom, you know as well as me that the law is a weapon. The one who has more money will always win. It's not a means to protect the poor and innocent, not in its current form at least."

  As much as she wanted to argue against him, she had fought a huge part of her life against big companies and in some cases she was forced to drop because of the lack of means. It was the cruelty of the world. She did not like the conversation and what her son was saying but she could hear his distress. She wanted him to be safe but if that ended up making him feel miserable, it was not a worthy trade at all. Not for her at least.

  "When are you going to start the recruitment?" She finally asked.

  "I already started." He answered.

  "Jean and Amal? Your grandfather will not be happy if you take away his personal bodyguards." She warned.

  "No, not them, even if they would be good recruits. They are not what I have in mind. I want people from different horizons who will be able to bring their own perspective."

  "Than who? Who is the…. The girl, this is the girl." Karine realized.

  "Yes, it is Lina Campbell. She is the first even if she has not realised it yet. She is smart, she knows that I am more than what I appear to be but did not dare to question it so far. I'm going to m
otivate her into becoming more than herself."

  "You have high hope for this girl."

  "She will not disappoint me, I'm sure of it." He answered confidently.

  "When are you going to actively recruit then?" Karine asked.

  "Not right now, I still have a lot of parts to move around before being able to gather this team. Not before next year at the minimum. I will be seventeen then, things will be different. I almost forgot, this is the moment to give Amal the signal." Nathaniel continues, sending a text with his phone.

  "Signal about what?"

  "To put the final nail in the coffin of a really unpleasant human being."

  Chapter 94: :

  New York. 01/11/2012. 12:00.

  Nathaniel was leaving his constitutional law class and exiting the campus walking side by side with Madison that he had met a few minutes ago. Since she was leaving New York for the weekend, they had decided to pass the time with each other before that.

  "When do you leave?" Nathaniel asked.

  "Tonight, my mom is going to pick me up after my last class around 6PM and then I'm off for my older brother's birthday all weekend. I'll be back Sunday night or monday morning, I'm not sure yet."

  "Is it going to be a huge celebration?"

  "Not this time, my brother insists that it will be family only. So all my family is coming to my parents home. My older sister is coming with her boyfriend from Ohio, my uncle on my father's side is coming from Virginia, the rest are living in the state so it will be easier for them. Our family always lived in the state, our roots are deep here." Madison said looking in front of her while deep in thought.

  "I'm going to miss you Madie." Nathaniel said, taking her hand in his to shake her out of her thoughts with a smile on her beautiful face.

  "Yeah right. Tonight you will cheat on me already with Taylor. Men are trash." She huffed playfully.

  "I agree with that, you should break up with me real fast." He answered her in the same manner.


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