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Immaculate Spirit c1-242

Page 42

by Newbiel

  "Hello, I'm Nathaniel Lyndon." He introduced himself as his two hands were taken up by the grocery bags.

  "Dear, this is Victoria Livingston. A good friend of mine." His grandmother introduced him.

  "Glad to meet you, young man. I remember now that we were invited to your welcome back party but were forced to miss it because we were out of the country at that time."

  "It's understandable." Nathaniel answered. That last name of hers sounded really familiar to him. He was sure he was missing something really obvious right now.

  "And you, are you alone?" Diane asked.

  "No, of course not, I'm with my two daughters. They should be around here somewhere." Victoria said, searching behind her until she finally found them. "Girls come here please." She called.

  A few moments later two really beautiful girls around twenty years old appeared giggling behind a stand and made their way over to them. One of them was hidden by Victoria but Nathaniel could clearly see the other. She was around twenty five years old with the same black hair as her mother but with dark eyes. She was extremely pretty and Nathaniel was once again hit by that impression of familiarity that he got previously.

  That's when the second girl finally appeared behind her mother and the two of them locked eyes, freezing in place.

  "Let me introduce you." Victoria started to say before she was quickly interrupted.

  "Nath?" The girl exclaimed in surprise.

  "Madie?" He answered in the same way.

  "Nath?" Diane repeated.

  "Madie?" Victoria and her daughter repeated even more surprised.

  "Wait, you know each other?" Madison's sister asked.

  "Yes, we are in the same college." Madison answered quickly, trying to hide her flustered expression from her sister and mother.

  "Well, it is really a small world sometimes." Victoria said, laughing a little.

  Diane smiled but did not say anything in response. That flustered expression on her grandson and the girl did not escape her scrutinizing eyes and she was sure that there was more to this story. The sister of Madison was not fooled for a second either and started smiling.

  "Hi, I'm Elisabeth Livingston. Glad to meet you." She said.

  "Nathaniel Lyndon, glad to meet you too." He introduced himself right back.

  "So you know my sister right? Can I know how? Even if you are both in Columbia, this is a big place so I'm curious to know. I'm also curious to know why Madison did not kill you when you called her 'Madie'. She hates nicknames, it is well known."

  "Don't answer that Nath! Elisabeth here is as curious as a cat, the more you answer her, the more she will want to know." She warned.

  Understanding what her daughter was implying and the reaction of Madison, Victoria picked up quickly on what was going on and also started smiling.

  "Nathaniel. I'm not sure if you know this but this weekend it's my son's birthday and the family is meeting in our house in the Hampton. You know that kind of event is always more enjoyable when you are with some company. Alas Madison here will be all alone this weekend. Since you seem to be friends, can I ask you to act as an escort for my daughter?"

  "Mom!" Madison exclaimed wrongly.

  "I do this for your own good, Madison." Victoria answered, her eyes flickering to her before coming back to Nathaniel, expectantly.

  "Thank you for the invite but I'm already busy being the escort of my loving grandmother here." Nathaniel answered with a little smile. He had refused because he had noticed the pleading look in Madison eyes and did not want to intrude in her life.

  "Don't worry about me, dear. Since you two are friends, it will not be very gentlemanly if you were to leave Madison all alone this weekend." Diane interjected mischievously.

  Seeing that he would not get any help from his grandmother, he resigned himself to accept.

  "Of course I will come." He finally answered.

  "Glad to hear it. I'm sure Madison will text you our address and the hour to the party later. Now, we need to get going. It was a pleasure Diane." Victoria said before leaving. Elisabeth took Madison's hand and dragged her with her and started to talk to her, eyeing Nathaniel a couple of times.

  Chapter 97: :

  "We need to talk about this Nathaniel." Diane said seriously once the three women left.

  "About the fact that you just threw me under the bus? I agree." Nathaniel said, a little angry.

  "Don't be mad at me dear, please. I had to do it. Is it safe to assume that this young woman was the girl you were talking about earlier? The one whom you are 'hanging out' with?"

  "Yes, it is her." Nathaniel answered in a way calmer voice.

  His grandmother was always a little over the top but she genuinely cared for him. He knew that much by now.

  "Do you have any idea who her father is?" She asked.

  "Yes, she mentioned it a couple of times. He is an elected official if I remember correctly."

  "That is one weird way to put it but it is true. Her father is Senator John Livingston. Their family is like royalty in this state."

  "Well let's not go overboard, he is a senator, not a king grandma." He said, laughing.

  "You do not understand me. I said their family, not him especially. One of their ancestors was one of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence. They wield a huge amount of power here."

  "That explains now why you literally pushed me into her arms. Is power really so important to you that you are willing to use me for it grandma?" Nathaniel asked bitterly.

  "Don't say stupid things like that. You mean the world to me, I would never do something like this to you. I did it only because I could see that the girl cared for you."

  "Well, she was not that happy to learn that I would come over to her brother's anniversary."

  "I don't believe it was about you. She seemed concerned and a little afraid. In an old family like that, I don't think it would be easy for you to make a good impression. In their eyes, you would be only a nouveau riche without background. Let's go, we are done with the grocery, we need to find you something to wear tonight."

  "Grandma, I have a full dressing room at home!"

  "It will not be enough, we need more! I want you to be perfect." She said excitedly.

  Nathaniel just shook his head and followed her to their car.


  Several hours later, two men were meeting in a huge manor.

  "Do you have what I asked for?" Senator John Livingston asked, sitting in his opulent office inside of his manor in the Hampton.

  He was close to fifty years old with black hair showing signs of turning grey. Time could not hide the fact that he was good looking in his youth and did some football. He had dark eyes, the same that ran in his family for generations and the same that he gave to his son and first daughter. Madison was the only one who had inherited the gorgeous green eyes of her mother.

  "Of course brother, why did you ask a complete background check on a sixteen yeard old?" The man asked.

  He was looking a lot like John which was not that surprising considering they were brothers. They had a few differences still. Where John was around 5"10", his brother was 5"7". Where John was still a little muscular, his brother was lean and thin.

  "My wife invited the kid to Jason's birthday tonight. It seems that Madison is quite taken with the boy so I'm curious. What do you have Marcus?"

  "A lot and very little at the same time. I did a lot of background checks in my career but this is the weirdest I found. Nathaniel Abraham Lyndon, born December first 1995 in New York. Son of Michael Dock, a financial analyst who died in a car crash before he was born and Mary Lyndon, daughter of the titan of the music industry Robert Lyndon. He was then adopted by Karine Vidal working as a prosecutor in New York who changed her name later to Lyndon when the two women got married. Surprising turn of events but nothing concerning here."

  "He was a gifted student in middle school until almost five years ago he saved a woman and her baby from a drunk c
ab driver and ended up badly wounded. He almost died on the way to the hospital and fell into a deep coma for four years until he miraculously recovered in February the second of this year. He got out of the coma without long lasting effects which is highly unusual and out of nowhere he met Taylor Swift and won public recognition making a song with her. Singer and talented musician, he can play the piano and the guitar really well even if he does not like the guitar at all."

  "I see, so he is a lucky musician." John said, nodding.

  "Not just that, I'm not done yet. He then passed the LSAT four months after getting out of the coma and aced the test. Not only that, he got public recognition from many lawyers and a couple of judges who congratulated him for his amazing work. Accepted into Columbia as the youngest student in the last century, he started turning into a huge production movie in Hollywood where he was cast at the last second without any acting skills whatsoever. The movie is scheduled to come out in December of this year, I even saw one of those billboards on the road."

  "Do we have an idea of his aptitude or his IQ?" John asked, his interest picked.


  "How is this possible? Teenagers take a lot of tests in their education for this exact purpose."

  "Which he dodged as he was in a coma. He did one year of middle school and did not even go to high school. If I were to guess, I would say he is brilliant. It is also known that he is fluent in french and competent in Korean."

  "Interesting, anything else?" John took the opinion of his brother seriously as he was rarely wrong with his assessment.

  "Yes, this is where things got a little darker. There was an intrusion in his home from a mob lord wanting to kidnap him to pressure his prosecutor mother to force her to drop the case but he was thwarted by a security guard. You know the attack on the hotel in NY almost two months ago by assassins? He was inside that hotel."

  "How is this possible?" John asked.

  "Turns out he is friends with Kim's daughter, they were working on a thesis when the attack happened. He managed to hide just moments before the assassins attack and it's because his bodyguards were there that they managed to reduce the civilian casualties. This is where the plot thickens, he is the one who put us on the trail of the Black Hand. Without him, we would have never figured out who those assassins were and where they came from. Not that fast at least."

  "I see." John said, tapping his chin. "Did you manage to find out if the unknown men in the building who took out these assassins were coming from your agency?"

  "No, we conducted a thorough search to find out where this guy came from but it is not from us. Maybe it is from the DOD, Pentagon or NSA. There are a lot of black ops teams under different administrations and even some without any name. He will come out again soon and we will get him, I'm not that worried."

  "So, no dirt on him? No compromising email or messages with fans or actresses?"

  "None that I could find, he doesn't communicate with many people online and the little messages he exchanged are when people ask questions about law related topics. Same thing with his phone record, he mainly uses it to text with his family, one girl he likes to run to and… Madison." Marcus' answer.

  "Alright, this kid is really interesting, I'm not surprised my daughter got interested in him."

  "I'm also impatient to meet and talk with him." Marcus said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

  "That is surprising, you are not usually interested in young people and never without any idea in mind. Let me warn you that if you go overboard, your niece is not going to pardon you easily. She already asked me to give the kid some slack."

  "Alright, I will behave for her sake." He sighed.

  At that moment, someone knocked on the door of the office and Victoria Livingston put her face in the opening of the door.

  "Everything is ready dear and our guest has arrived."

  "We are coming, Victoria." John answers, getting to his feet, Marcus following along.

  Chapter 98: :

  "You should never have come Nath." Madison said with regret, greeting him at the door.

  "Well, I was expecting something more in the line of 'glad to see you Nath, you look very handsome tonight.' or maybe 'thank you to give your evening away for me'. I'm a little disappointed to be honest." He smiled.

  "You know I'm happy to see you but stop joking, this is a serious matter. You do not understand, I already know what is going to happen. Each time I bring one of my boyfriends to a family event like this one, he runs off. My father and uncle are very protective of me and I'm sure they know everything there is to know about you. Even your biggest secret." She said anxiously.

  "Like you said, they are your father and uncle, it's their job to keep you safe. If they run, it means they have done bad things so it was still worth it in the end."

  "You are not worried they will find something on you?" She asked, concerned.

  "Of course not, I have never done anything bad in my life. They can dig how much and as long as they want. It will not change anything." He shrugged, visibly not concerned by this at all.

  Seeing that he was not worried, Madison finally calmed down. That was one of the many things that she liked about Nathaniel. He was always sure of himself and confident. As if there was nothing in this world that could rattle him.

  "You do in fact look very dashing today." She complimented him at last.

  He was currently wearing black silk pants which fitted him perfectly with a white shirt and dark blue blazer. The outfit has been chosen by his grandmother who called it 'casual classy'. Not that Nathaniel could say what it meant even if his life depended on it.

  "Finally! I was worried for a second that I needed to go back home and change. You look amazing too Madie." He smiled at her.

  She was wearing a flowery white dress which was very conservative, going lower than her knee and hiding her cleavage. Very unlike what she wore when they were going out to her sorority party. Even with her body hidden, she was still extremely beautiful.

  "Thank you Nath but do not look at me like that, you know what it does to me and we can't right now. We are in enemy territory right now, we need to be as chaste as possible so no smile, no kisses, no hugs, no liking hands, nothing." She insisted, pointing a finger at him.

  "I did not say or do anything." He said innocently, still smiling at her.

  "Just stop it! Or I'm going to take drastic measures." She warned.

  "Oh? You want to wrestle Livingston?" Nathaniel said playfully, stepping into her personal space, his face inches from hers.

  The next moment Madison finally succumbed and hungrily kissed him with all that she had. They were going at it with passion when Nathaniel abruptly separated himself from her.

  "What is going on?" She asked, flustered and her cheeks a little pink.

  "I hear footsteps coming." Nathaniel said, looking at the hallway in front of him.

  "Oh. Oh!" Madison reacted in alarm, fixing her dress up and wiping some of her lipstick on Nathaniel's lips. "I told you we need to be good!"

  "You told me the exact same thing when we went to Hayley house and I remember quite well how it ended." He laughs.

  "Don't you dare talk about this here!"

  "Ah here you are, everyone is waiting for you. Glad that you made it Nathaniel." Victoria said, coming to them.

  "Ma'am." Nathaniel said as a greeting.

  "No ma'am, call me Victoria please."

  "Victoria it is then." Nathaniel nodded.

  "Good, follow me then. I have a lot of people who want to meet with you." Victoria said, starting to walk.

  Nathaniel and Madison followed her obediently, not even looking at each other for safety. Before they even got together, they had this inexplicable chemistry and it was growing in intensity the more they were together.

  After walking for a minute they arrived in a huge dining room with approximately fifteen people there. Going from a girl who was ten years old to an old man around seventy years old. It wa
s all the Livingston family. Victoria immediately led Nathaniel among family members to introduce him to everybody. She was a good hostess as she made conversation easily with anyone and kept everything simple. Nathaniel had already seen that quality in Madison and he knew how she got it. They kept going to each of the people here, Madison having separated from him and talking to her grandmother, until he was in front of a young man a little over twenty five years.

  "Hi, I'm Jason. Nice to meet you." He said, thrusting his hand in front of him.

  "Madie brother right? Happy birthday! I'm Nathaniel." He said, accepting the handshake.

  "Thanks. Madie, heh? You know she hates nicknames and has forbidden everyone and even our father to use them, right?" He smiled bitterly.

  "Yes, I heard that before but I always call her that since we are friends and she never said anything about it. Why does she hate nicknames that much?" Nathaniel asked curiously.

  "It's not my place to say just ask her."

  "I will. Sorry, by the way, I didn't get you a present, I didn't know what you like and until a few hours ago, I wasn't even invited."

  "Don't worry about it, look around you, I already received enough, I don't even know what to do with it." Jason said, pointing to a pile of wrapped presents on a table.

  It reminded him of the gifts Nathaniel received when his grandmother organized his welcome back party in the Hampton a few months ago, only bigger. He also remembered that beside a top of the line laptop and a few clothes, he sold everything because he had received jewelry that he would never wear in a million years and quite a few of the other things that were outright weird.

  "Listen, my father and uncle are coming in your direction. Since my sister likes you and you seem like a nice guy, I'm going to give you a piece of advice. Don't try to suck up to them to get them to like you, it will not work. My father is impervious to that and my uncle hates sucking up. Just be yourself and hope it will be enough. If it's not, it means you do not belong with my sister in the first place so no pressure. I'm off now, have fun." Jason said, giving him a smile and leaving him there after tapping him on the shoulder.


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