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Immaculate Spirit c1-242

Page 51

by Newbiel

  Chapter 118: :

  New York. Lyndon Tower. 27/11/2012. 16:45.

  "So you already got all the necessary authorization to start the renovation of the bomb shelter underneath this tower." Robert Lyndon said, looking at his grandson with attention.

  "Seems so, yes." He replied non commitaly. He knew his grandfather was fishing for information and one of Nathaniel favorite pastimes was to not give him what he wanted.

  "How did you achieve that exactly? The paperwork alone could have taken at least six month and without even knowing if that was accepted. Especially when you refused to bribe anyone like you do. It's been only two weeks and you already have the necessary authorization, this is way too fast."

  "What can I say? I can be pretty charming when I want to." Nathaniel said, smiling silly.

  "Why are you always making things difficult for me?" Robert sighed.

  "Because I can and because someone needs to to keep you on your toes. Plus, I'm not obligated to tell you everything grandpa. We already talked about this." Nathaniel sighed back.

  "This is my tower I remind you!" He shouted, outraged.

  "This is our family company tower." Nathaniel corrected. "And this is why I show you the blueprint of the shelter. For the rest, you don't need to know grandpa."

  "You are such a pain in the ass, what did I do to deserve a grandson like that?" He grumbled.

  "Depending on who you ask, I'm sure a lot of people would say that you are a lucky bastard to have a grandson like me." Nathaniel smirk.

  "You know, you should talk to me with more respect. I carry the Lyndon name for much longer than you."

  "I have been wearing the Lyndon name for longer than I have a grandfather." Nathaniel pointed out, no longer smiling.

  That made his grandfather shut his mouth with a clap. Nathaniel was referring to the fact that his grandparents not appreciating the fact that his mother was lesbian and had cut bridge with her and Nathaniel by extension. That had caused some serious heartache to Mary and Nathaniel had watched the sadness in his mother's eyes each time a discussion about his grandparents was occurring.

  "That was a low blow." Robert finally said.

  "One that you had coming. Listen grandpa, we are too much alike to get along great but we are family and I love you. You need to stop pushing because the more you push, the less I will tell you. You should follow grandma exemple, she's way smarter than you after all. She's more sneaky in her approach to get me to trust her."

  "You noticed?" His grandfather asked, surprised. His wife had never been found out by someone before.

  "Of course I did. She was smart and sneaky to the extreme, too bad I'm too. What you did not take into consideration was that I will be very guarded against you two from the beginning. You thought I would be too dazzled with your opulence and gift so that you could gain my trust easily but you were wrong. I don't give my trust easily, especially when I noticed how much grandma was observing me, testing me."

  "Please don't resent your grandmother, you know how much she loves you. She was just…" His grandfather starts to say but Nathaniel chooses to stop him.

  "Listen, I'm maybe sixteen but I'm not stupid alright? I know what is at stake here. You want the company to stay in the family and I'm the only male successor, that much is obvious. It was fair of you two to keep your eyes on me to determine if I have what it takes to handle an enormous company like ours. I did not and will not resent you for that, don't worry."

  "I'm glad to hear that honestly. We were a little afraid you would be pissed off if you were to know." His grandfather said, visibly relieved.

  "I had fun too, I noticed that grandma was noting down which book I was reading so I made a game to use the title of these books to form a message to her. She never picked up on that, she thought I was only picking them randomly." Nathaniel laughed.

  "Wow, this is the first time I see someone pull one over your grandmother, I'm thrilled to tell her about it." He said gleefully.

  "Too bad I would not be here to see the look on her face." Nathaniel smiled. "By the way, I saw Jean on the way up, he told me you were planning a long trip to Europe soon?"

  "Yes, I want to know if we can open stations in the UK, Germany, France, Italia and what I can extract from the local government in terms of incentives. It's a risky venture, yes but I believe a very profitive one."

  "Good to hear, when are you leaving?" Nathaniel asks.

  "In a week, after your birthday of course. No one would pardon me if I were to miss it and like you pointed out early, I missed all of them so far so I can't afford to miss this one. Any suggestions on what you want as a birthday present maybe?"

  "If you have a serious construction business available who do not cut corners on material and who can start the opening of the bomb shelter and the renovation work soon, it would be very useful to me. Even if I have to pay more, it does not matter, I want a quality job more than quantity one." Nathaniel finally said once thinking about it for a moment.

  "I have a few names in mind, I will reduce them down and make the one I choose call you before the week is over." Robert said before being interrupted by the phone.

  Making a hand motion to wait, he picked it up and started talking in it.

  "There is a Scott McCornaig in the lobby. He said you were expecting him. Do you know who he is?" Robert asks with a questioning look.

  "Yes, I do. Finally some good news." Nathaniel said with a smile.

  Chapter 119: :

  "Hi guys." Nathaniel said to Jean and Amal who were in the lobby of the tower.

  "Sir." They answered respectfully.

  "What are you doing in the lobby?" Nathaniel asked curiously.

  "The man who asked to see you, he's dangerous sir. He's a killer." Jean said, the two men's eyes were focused on Scott who was sitting in the lobby, waiting.

  It was at that moment that Nathaniel realized they were five more security agents than usual in the lobby, all some distance away from Scott but close enough to intervene fast in case of danger. All security agents that were employed by the Lyndon company were ex cops or ex FBI and then trained by Jean to make a cohesive force. They were all professionals and it was showing in cases like this.

  "Oh I know that guys, don't worry about it. I'm going to say Hi, want to come along?"

  "It would be preferable, sir." Amal said.

  "Alright, follow me then."

  Walking in Scott direction, Jean and Amal took position on each side of him, two steps behind. Noticing people's coming in his direction and recognizing Nathaniel, Scott got to his feet. Nathaniel could see that his leg was still a little stiff even if Scott's face showed no sign of pain. It did not surprise him.

  "Hello Scott, glad to see you on your feet for a change." Nathaniel smiled.

  "Glad to be on my feet also, sir." Scott said before examining both mens behind Nathaniel.

  "Ah, let me introduce you." Nathaniel said, noticing the exchange of stares between the two groups. "On my right is Jean, ex legionnaires and on my left is Amal, ex Mossad. Both of them are the personal bodyguards of my grandfather, the CEO of the Lyndon label and are in charge of the security here. Guys, this is ex Colonel Scott McCornaig, Delta Force."

  Exchanging handshakes, the tension between the three mens gradually died down.

  "Legionnaires hein?" Scott said with a veteran smile.

  "Is there a joke coming up about French military?" Jean asks with a frown.

  "Not coming from me. I did some joint mission with Legionnaires in Afghanistan, you guys are tough SOB. Not as trained as UK SAS but you have way more balls and you are much more crazy than them. I once saw a Legionnaire taking a bullet in his shoulder and just laughed it out, keeping his position and shooting on taliban. That was one of the most funny and creepy things I ever witnessed in combat." Scott said, shaking his head at the memories, a hint of a smile on his lips.

  Jean had a good laugh hearing that and even the usually stone faced Amal broke into a little bi
t of a smile.

  "I will love to show you where we are going to work but this is not ready yet and actually, that is something you could help me with. Anyway, this is a conversation from another time." Nathaniel nodded to himself before turning in Jean direction. "I hear we have a shooting range in the building. I never had the time to check it out. How about we go there having fun?"

  "It would be my pleasure, sir. Follow me." Jean answered, turning around and leading everyone away from the lobby. Recognizing one of the security agents, Nathaniel called out.

  "Michael, come along please."

  Surprised to be singled out like that, Lina's father hurriedly made his way over Nathaniel and took position on his left. The walking arrangements were Jean in the lead, Nathaniel following him a step back, Michael and Scott on each side and Amal closing the march behind them.

  "So Michael, I hear you are adapting quite well to your new job." Nathaniel said. It was true that he had heard Jean compliment Michael a few times on his work since he had started.

  "I like to think so, sir. It's certainly more tame than my old job but more interesting in more ways than one." Michael answered curtly.

  "Glad to hear it. Do you maybe have some questions for me about the company that you are curious to know?"

  "I have indeed a question and it's concerning you, sir. Of all the Lyndon family, you are the only one who does not have security protection. Even your mother, the prosecutor agreed about having one of our guys to protect her. This does not make any sense for me as in my opinion you are by far the one of the family who are the most at risk. You are a singer and actor well known, you have more than two millions followers on twitter and you are the only descendant of the family. All of that could make you a very valuable target especially considering you have no security around you. And to top it off, you are still a teenager."

  "Very apt of you to notice this Michael." Nathaniel complimented, nodding his head.

  He could notice that Jean and Amal were doing their utmost to not let anything about what they thought showing on their body or face. Scott in his case seemed to be interested by the conversation but did not appear to want to participate in it. That was making sense since he just got there and wanted to know who knew what exactly before talking to avoid making a mistake.

  "Are you a good shot Michael?" Nathaniel asks.

  Surprised by the change of subject, Michael still responded.

  "Yes, I'm pretty good. I was the shooting instructor for the Seattle Police for a few years before going back on the street."

  Entering the room in question, Nathaniel could see there were already three people in here, busy shooting behind bullet proof glass. On the wall, a lot of weapons were there, ranging from handgun to automatic weapon, all behind protected glass and secured by electronic lock. Nathaniel even heard Scott whistling appreciatively watching the row of weapons on the walls.

  "Jean can you please tell your guys to give us the shooting range and start to install the new target I brought the other day at a fifty yard distance? You can tell your guys they can stay here and watch if they want. It would be interesting I believe." Nathaniel smiled.

  "On it, sir." Jean obeyed without losing time.

  Not long after the three security agents secured their gun on the holster on their hips, they exited the shooting range and noticed the number of people in the armory and realized one of them was important.

  "Sir." They said respectfully.

  "At ease guys, in this room I'm only Nathaniel with no last name. Sorry to cut short your shooting activity but this will not take long."

  Turning to Scott, Nathaniel asked him a question..

  "What gun do you want Scott?"

  Chapter 120: :

  "If you don't mind I will go with the HK USP tactical." Scott answered, looking at the gun in question.

  "I don't and I believe it's a good choice." Nathaniel nodded approvingly.

  He was not surprised by the choice of the gun of Scott because it was a weapon greatly appreciated by special forces as you could mount on it a flashlight and a suppressor. Using a 45 caliber bullet and with a load capacity of twelve bullets, it could make a lot of difference in terms of firepower. Even Marc had used this pistol quite often in combat and had always appreciated it.

  "Michael, are you going to stay with your Beretta 92fs or you want something else for target shooting?" Nathaniel asks.

  "I'm quite comfortable with my Beretta, thanks." Michael answered.

  "Suit yourself." Nathaniel said, he did not even bother to ask the question to Amal as he was a professional and would have already changed if it was his choice.

  Walking in the direction of the first cabinet, he unlocked it sliding his pass on the electronic lock, unlocking it in the process. Nathaniel had in his hand one of the only three masterpass used by the company that could give you access to everything in the tower. The other two were in the hands of his grandfather and mother.

  Picking the gun Scott wanted, he chose for himself a Sig Sauer P226. It was the handgun that Navy SEALS used and that was the weapon he was the more comfortable with even if he could shoot very well with virtually any handgun. Proof enough when he used the SA 1911 that he took to an assassin that he had killed and started killing the others with it on the attack against Na-Yung family.

  Puting the guns to the table, Scott came near him and both of them took their own gun and started dismantling it. Cleaning each piece with the material available near them, the two were working with so much dexterity and speed that the others in the room could not help but watch them with awe. Scott in his case could not even believe it as the movement of Nathaniel was even more assured than his and he was a Delta Force with twenty years of experience. Nathaniel had lived for less time than Scott's career in the military.

  "Michael, you can close your mouth now." Nathaniel said with humor.

  "I see that you are quite familiar with guns, sir." He said to put it mildly after closing his mouth with an audible clap. "Can I ask how you acquire that knowledge and dexterity? I can't help being curious." He asked.

  "You can ask Michael, I am not guaranteeing that I would answer however. Here take this Scott." Nathaniel said, giving a holster to Scott.

  "How do you know I'm left handed?" He asked, surprised, taking the holster and putting it on his hips with the gun in it.

  "I read your personnel file, remember?" He said lifting an eyebrow.

  "Ah, right, make sense."

  "Sir, everything is set up." Jean said, coming back into the room.

  "Good. Now we just have to wait for… and there she is." He finished when the door opened and a cute looking girl entered the room.

  "Lina?" Michael asks, surprised.

  "Dad? Nathaniel?"

  "Sorry Lina and Michael for the surprise. I called Lina to get a shooting session and then I ran into you Michael so I invited you along. By the way Lina, pick a gun, no matter which as long as you are comfortable with it and a holster too."

  Accepting the explanation, Lina walked to the rack and Nathaniel was not surprised when she chose the same exact beretta as her father. Looking at her practiced movement when sliding the clip and arming the gun, a couple of eyebrows shot out in the room but nobody chose to ask a question.

  "Let's go guys." Nathaniel said once Lina was ready.

  Going to the shooting range, everyone picks a different line. Nathaniel could see that the three other security agents chose to stay and were looking at them behind the bullet proof glass. Nathaniel put on his protected glasses and waited for the others to do the same before talking.

  "Okay, I'm going to explain to you what is going on. This target was modified by me and so I made a few hundred printed out for training. You would notice that it's the same human target that you are used to by now except for the few circles in addition. You have the usual big circles that are the Head, Torso and Groin. Those are worth 20 points. The circles in the hands are worth 25 points. And now you will notice that t
here are some tiny circles located on the torso, more precisely where the heart is and on the head between the two eyes. Those tiny circles are measuring two inches or five centimetres and are worth 35 points. Touching any part of the body outside of these circles are worth 5 points and of course if you miss it's 0."

  Nathaniel made a pause to make sure that everyone was understanding him and was seeing those two targets. Seeing that everyone was on point, he continued.

  "The format of this little tournament will be simple. When I give the go, you will draw your weapon and shoot at the target and then put it back in your holster. Once your gun is out of the holster, you have two seconds max to shoot or it will not be validated and trust me, I will count. We will shoot five times and the one who has the most points will be the winner. The winner will get five thousand dollars in cash." Nathaniel said the last part with a smile.

  Hearing there will be a cash prize at the end, the whole demeanor of everyone changes and they become even more focused on the target. This was the desired effect that Nathaniel wanted.

  "Okay, everybody ready?" Seeing nooded all around, Nathaniel continued by shouting. "Go!"

  Nathaniel drew his gun, aimed at the target and shot at it following by holstering it again in one fluid movement. A motion that was mirrored by the five other people on the shooting range.

  "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!"

  "Okay put the safety on guys and bring your target in the other room for the counting."

  Picking his target, Nathaniel was followed closely out of the shooting range and back into the armory. He waited until everyone was around the table before speaking.

  "Okay, let's begin with you Amal." Nathaniel said.

  "One in the little circle, three in the circle chest and one body. 100 points for me." Amal said, in his usual deadpan voice, not bother in the slightest to be singled out. Every person around the table was looking at the target, obviously it was not possible to cheat in that case.

  "Very good. Note that down with your name on it." Nathaniel said, giving him a pen he found on one of the tables. "Michael, you are next."


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