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Immaculate Spirit c1-242

Page 72

by Newbiel

  "This is not over Colonel. I will get to the bottom of this." He threatened.

  "I would like to see you try agent Nuttows. Do I need to remind you that the CIA has no jurisdiction in the US? If I were to see you or see the CIA spying the military, I believe it would be akin to treason. I would hate to see you or someone working for you label as an enemy combatant and executed. Oh times flies, I'm going to let you to it agent, goodbye." The colonel said, leaving the office. It was only when he heard something crash and broke in the office that he let a smile make his way on his face. He knew it was going to be fun and it has been.


  Ex recruit Kim was surprised but happy to be back in New York after passing the last month in the middle of Virginia. She was still following the colonel that took her away from the CIA training ground even if by now he had changed into civilian clothes. She had tried a few times to engage a conversation with him on their way here but he had just answered with 'You'll see later.' or 'I'm not the best person to answer this.'.

  "This is our stop." He said, paying the cab driver and making a move to tell her to get out of the car.

  Getting out of the car, she followed the colonel that was walking in the direction of the subway. Descending the stairs and walking in the direction of the tracks, he suddenly stopped.

  "Give me your phone, please." He asked.

  Nodding, she did so, not at all surprised at the demand as she was expecting it. Taking the phone, he dismantled it before putting the piece in a box that he had in his pocket.

  "Thanks, follow me, we are not going into the subway."

  Walking into a service tunnel, she follows him into side tunnel to side tunnel. It was almost a labyrinth and she was convinced that she could never go back to the track even if her life depended on it. There was no sign anywhere and still the colonel looked like he knew the way like the back of his hand.

  Stopping in the middle of a tunnel, he put his hand on a wall. Reacting to the touch there was a sound and then the wall opened, revealing a hidden tunnel going in another direction. Giving her a smile seeing her surprise expression, he led her into it where they finished in front of an armored door where he opened it with his hand once again.

  Passing the door, they were welcome by a cute girl with brown hair. Behind her, another young man was busy dismantling a computer, part everywhere around him.

  "Hey Scott, how was your trip?" She asked looking at the girl behind him with interest.

  "Not too bad, take this, it's her phone. Can you swipe her?"

  "Of course." Taking a device and swiping her from head to toes. "She's good."

  "Can you tell me where the boss is?"

  "In his office." She answers, her hand pointing to the right.

  'Thank you Lina. Leave your suitcase here Kim." Scott asked, before bringing her to one of the doors.

  Knocking, the colonel didn't wait for an answer as he knew he was already expected. Entering the office and seeing who was on the other side, she was so surprised that her jaw almost fell to the floor.

  "Hello Na-Yung." He smiled brightly at her.

  Chapter 174: :

  "Nathaniel!?" She said, not even believing the words that came out of her mouth.

  She had hypothesised about who could have the power to take someone from the CIA and each time her mind did go to the Army. Never even in her wildest dream could she have imagined that. The one who had the power to outrank the CIA and take her away was the same person that she had befriended in law school, the only one in fact.

  "Oh good, you remember my name." He answers with a silly smile of his, bringing back a lot of souvenirs from law school.

  "Stop it! This is some serious matter!" She chastised him.

  "Sir, do you want me to leave you alone? You seem to need to talk alone." Scott asked, preparing to leave the office.

  "Thank you Scott for being sensible but I believe you need to be here and hear what we are going to say." Nathaniel answers to Scott before turning back to Na-Yung. "And I'm being serious. Do you have any idea what I needed to do to get you back?"

  "I never asked for anything! You have no idea what you did and how it's going to impact my life and my family's life! I needed to enter the CIA to keep my family in the US and protected from the assassin that still wanted to harm them! Now that you took me away, there is no reason for them to uphold their part of the bargain! You just condemn my entire family for egoist reasons!" She yelled.

  "That's what they told you?" Nathaniel shakes his head before sliding a piece of newspaper with a title in Korean. "Your family is safe now Na-Yung. Your uncle have been arrested three week ago, conspiracy to commit murder and complicity in the death of all the people who died in the attack against your family that night."

  Taking the piece of paper with trembling hands, she read the article in Korean. She knew that it was possible that it was her uncle behind all this but it still hurt to find out that the same man that was babysitting her when she was little tried to kill her for power.

  "It doesn't mean it's over! The Black Hand never relent after being assigned a target, even if my uncle is behind bars, they will stop at nothing until they kill us!" She had read every piece of information on the Black Hand that the CIA had on hand and memorized everything about them.

  "The Black Hand is all but obliterated right now, the last few of their organization have gone in hiding to avoid being killed. In fact your parents are not under protective custody as of now, that's why I made the move to get you back. You deserve to be back with them and not brainwashed into a life of service. In fact, I found them a nice penthouse apartment two blocks away from here."

  "You talked to my family?" She asked trouble, mixed feelings could be heard in her voice.

  "Yes, they miss you very much. Your father asked me to help him get in touch with you even if I would have done it even if he did not ask for it."

  "Thanks Nathaniel for everything you did but I need to go back to the CIA. I don't know why they hide all of this information from me but I think it was to not disturb my training. I own them too much to just leave like that. Without the intervention of one of their team, my whole family would have died in that hotel, I would have died."

  Hearing that, Nathaniel's eyes got wide before exploding in laughter, surprising the both of them.

  "Stop laughing! I'm serious!" She shouted crossly.

  "Na-Yung. The CIA has over fifteen thousand employees, to cover the whole planet in terms of infiltration and intelligence. Then you count the civilian jobs the CIA has like accountant, analyst and the top brass. Considering that, how likely is it that the CIA had a strike team ready near the Hotel in the US? Think about that the organisation did not keep tabs on the Black Hand before because they never leave Asia?" Nathaniel said, looking at her.

  Frowning, she started to think about it and it was indeed weird. The CIA was not omnipotent and couldn't be everywhere at once. Moreover, they had no authority to act on US territory, just being there was unlawful and they would never recognize it, especially to someone like her.

  "Do you remember that day? Before the attack when we were walking outside of the campus?" He asked.

  "Of course I remember. You had something to do, you left and then you called me to start working on an assignment that we just had." She smiled a little at the memory.

  "I did and the moment we arrived in front of your hotel, do you remember what I told you?" He asked seriously.

  "Yes, you said that you thought you saw someone following us." She remembers, knitting her eyebrows in thought.

  "Which made you warn the head or your security to keep his eyes open in case of danger. After that, I was the one who warned you about the internet and cell network going down without any explanation. And the moment when the power died down, you were forced to leave and I was nowhere to be seen?" He said, trying to point her to the right direction, letting her come to her own conclusion.

  "Yes, Afterward I was so happy that you had
survived that I didn't even think about what you said. These guys were professional killers, there's no way that they would not have checked under the bed and… and there was your bodyguard that came armed to the teeth to save our people in the lobby. We went out a lot the two of us and I never seen them before but on this night they were here. It was y... you, from the start, it was you who killed them. How did I miss that? You were in front of me the whole time." She realized her eyes seeing a new part of him.

  "Very good." He nodded approvingly. "When I left you at the exit of the campus it was to find out who those assassins were after, you or me. When I realized they were after you, I came back to keep you safe after calling the bodyguard of my grandfather to act as back up. After that, I just dropped hints to minimize the damage as I couldn't tell you right away, you would never have believed me. Moreover, I also have a family I need to protect, I could not appear on the radar of an organization of assassins." He explained before taking a zip of water.

  "After that, I made sure that the marshals were going to hide and protect you all. Following that, I put bread crumbs on the road for the feds to know who it was and where to find them. Because of politics, the operation was rushed, handled badly by the DOD and a fiasco happened. An operation was launched against the headquarters of the Black Hand organisation situated in Deaguo, South Korean the twenty sixth of October . A joint operation with Korean black ops and under the command of a very talented delta force Colonel, Scott McCornaig." Nathaniel said, directing a bitter smile in Scott's direction.

  Chapter 175: :

  "This is how you became aware of me. You were the one who put everything into motion behind the scene." Scott said with a nod as though it explained a lot.

  "Yes, I did." Nathaniel answers, not bothering to hide it any longer.

  "But why? Why did you go to such length? Why involve yourself like that!?" Na-Yung asked.

  "Because I never had friends when I was young and now that I had a few, I was not willing to see you died. I did what I have to do in order to protect you. More than that, there were civilians killed in the crossfire, they deserved to be avenged and we needed as a country to send a powerful message to people who wanted to do that ever again that we will come for them, whoever they may be." Nathaniel answers in a powerful voice making them take a double take on him.

  After that outburst, Na-Yung and Scott look at each other for a moment. These two paths would never have crossed if it weren't for the blond man in front of them who would never take no for an answer. A normal person would have quit face to the gigantic task that they wanted to take on but Nathaniel just threw all that away and did it anyway just for loyalty.

  "Can I ask how in the world you manage to find yourself at a place where you can recruit from the CIA without repercussion?" Na-Yung curiously.

  "Well it's easy enough to explain. I was…." He started before being stopped by Scott.

  "Sir." Scott interrupts, shaking his head.

  "I know her Scott." Nathaniel said, directing a frown at him.

  "Sir, there is more than yourself on the line, you should think about that first." He spoke again, not backing down like he always does.

  Thinking about it, Nathaniel realized that Scott was right. Even if Na-Yung was his friend, there were other people that could get hurt if he trusts the wrong person. And even he could see that Na-Yung had changed a little, taking into account where she was coming from, Nathaniel didn't know if he could trust her like he did in the past. In fact, he would have to keep an eye on her to be prudent.

  "Your right, I'm sorry. Na-Yung I would love to say everything but you would need to sign an NDA before I do. Everyone here is subject to that rule, Scott included."

  "Yes, it's quite understandable. Can I know at least what this place is and what is going on with Scott and the two other people I see working outside dismantling everything?" She asked.

  Exchanging a stare with Scott who nodded at the silent questions, Nathaniel started to explain.

  "We called this place the 'Bunker' as it was an anti aerial bunker when the building got constructed. When my grandfather bought the tower, he sealed it as he had no plan for it. I reopened it recently and renovated it to suit our purpose. Scott, Lina and Hans are members of my team who accept to work with me in order to make the world a better place. They are not the only ones who are in it but they are the only ones who are here right now." Nathaniel explained.

  "I see and curiously, it does look like you to create something like that. How did you recruit them and the others?"

  "Well, you know how Scott and I met, the rest is private and you could ask him for the details if you want as they are not mine to give. About Hans, he's second to none in terms of engineering and technical skills, I noticed him when he started going Robin Hood on big companies in Germany. Lina on the other hand appeared on my radar when she hacked my computer in order to have my album before it was released. I was impressed by her hacking skills so I invited her in. The others are all the best in what they do."

  "Can I join?" She asked.

  "Why would you want to do that? Now that your family is not at risk from your uncle anymore, you could go back to South Korea. Your father mentioned this while we talked. You have friends over there as well that you must want to see again." Nathaniel asked with a puzzled expression.

  "This is true, all of it. I'm sure my parents are going to ask me to go back with them but I don't want to. I want to stay here and help you the best that I can. What you are proposing to do is crazy, look undoable but since it's you, I believe you will pull it off." She said, Nathaniel noticed Scott nodding at that in the corner of his eyes. "You also saved me and my family, I can't just leave knowing that you will risk your life to do what your heart tells you is right."

  "And why would I be willing to take you with us? All my people are the best in what they do, I remind you. Did you learn anything of note in your last two month of training with the spies?" He asked with a smile.

  "I believe I did." She smirked back at him, her arm moving so quickly it was a blur, a knife leaving her hand in Nathaniel's direction.

  The smirk quickly fell off her face when with a clank something hit her knife mid air and knocked it to the ground. Looking at the ground, she noticed another knife on the ground that was not hers. Startled, she looked at Nathaniel with wide eyes.

  "How the hell did you do that?" She shouted, lowering herself to pick up the knife that had a weird shape.

  "Not so fast." Scott said, his gun trained on her with a professional confidence that made her stop her movement.

  "I wasn't…" She tried to justify herself when Nathaniel interrupted her.

  "She's telling the truth, you can put away your gun Scott. She was trying to make her point more than she wanted to make a hit on me." Nathaniel said to him before turning back on her. "Sorry, just this desk is new and I wanted to avoid having a knife lodge in it two days after receiving it. You can't believe how much it cost."

  "How did you know that I was aiming at the desk?" She asked, getting back to her feet, the throwing knife of Nathaniel on her hand.

  "Because you would be dead already if you had aimed it at me or Scott." He said casually.

  Chapter 176: :

  New York, The Bunker. 22/12/2012. 18:25.

  "Hello Tobias." Nathaniel smiles, looking at the big screen in front of him.

  Nathaniel was alone in what would be their meeting room. A huge table with ten seats around it and a large screen in front of the table, two smalls one on each side of the room was completing the TV settings. Right now he was using the camera on the room to video call with Tobias.

  "Hello Nathaniel, I see that the place has started to take form." He said, looking at his screen with interest.

  "Yes, it's slow going but I like it that way, less chance to screw up like that. In addition, it helps to get my people to interact and work together as a team, like that they feel invested in the project."

  "Quite smart of you
to do it that way. Why are you calling? I'm sure you are as busy as I am so get to the point." He demanded.

  "Nothing in particular. I just wanted to tell you that the team will be ready to work early february. I want to use January to train them before that. I would like to have more time alas the universe decides against it so I'm left to deal with it the best that I can." He shrugged.

  "Copy that. In fact it could work out fine. You see there is a training session with the best of the FBI, CIA, SWAT, SEALS and Delta Force who start early february. We also are invited to compete against them but we usually don't because our mission is varely different then theirs, we are not an assault team but a protective one. You could go to represent the Secret Service on that training. It could help straighten your team and our reputation." Tobias said.

  "You are right, it could help us a lot and I'm curious to know if we can fight with the best of them. We will go, just send me all the necessary information." Nathaniel nodded in acceptance.

  "Good, I will. Do you have anything else you want to talk about before I need to get back to it?" He asked.

  "In fact I do have another small thing I would like to talk about with you. Do you know what that is?" Nathaniel asked, putting a tiny looking chip on the table.

  Looking at what was on the table, the expression on Tobias face flicker before going back to his usual self. It had flicker for less than a second but Nathaniel was ready for it and so managed to see it.

  "It looks like a chip?" He answers with a leveled voice that was too controlled to be genuine.

  "Yes it is, in fact since I have the chance to have a really talented engineer in my team, he could tell me that this is a DS-X microchip. You know that this thing is way ahead of what the FBI used to infiltrate a system, in fact it is so top of the line that it's not supposed to exist. Impressive, right?"

  "I guess but I still don't know where you are going with this." He answers tentatively.

  "I'm getting there. These bad boys are so advanced that beside keeping track of everything that the system it's implanted in does, it could even lock down that system. We found five of them in the bunker so far. Any ideas how it got there by any chance?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.


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