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Immaculate Spirit c1-242

Page 81

by Newbiel

  "No! You need to wait fifteen more seconds or we will all die!" Nathaniel shouts back, his voice sounding tired.

  Scott and Na-Yung look surprised at each other for a second after hearing the voice of Nathaniel. They were the ones who knew him the longest and they never heard him sound so tired before and they had witnessed him doing things that could put to sleep even the more fit athlete.

  "Now, Camilla!"

  "Fire in the hole!"

  "Everybody down! Take cover!" Scott shouted, taking a knee and bringing his arm to protect his face and eardrum.

  A series of explosions shook the whole fort in that moment followed closely by people screaming and moaning in pain. Getting back to their feet, Scott rallied the team and moved to the towers, passing between burning buildings and dead bodies along the way. The sight was extremely gruesome but Scott had seen worse in his career. For Na-Yung and Lucie, things were not the same as they never saw something like that before and they were doing everything that they could to avoid puking all over themselves.

  "Camilla? Nathaniel? Report please." Scott called on the com.

  Getting no response, the team started to hurry along the way, shooting everyone that was still on their feet. Based on what they could see, the charge had detonated at the time where they were in the street, running to Nathaniel position. The team were especially ruthless with the injured soldier, killing them without mercy. Nathaniel and Scott were seeing eye to eye in that regard, when you are on the side of human trafficking, you are just on the wrong fu**ing side and you deserve only death.

  Once they cleared the streets, they finally arrived near the towers. The numbers of bodies here were just staggering, Scott could count at least twenty dead at this intersection alone. With a hand signal, Scott took the little road to the right side with Lucie while Na-Yung and Jon took the avenue to the left.

  "Camilla!" Scott shouted, seeing her aiming at him.

  Seeing that it was them, Camilla lowered her gun to the ground, relaxing visibly. Slumping to the ground exhausted, she closed her eyes for a moment.

  "Are you okay? Why did you not answer the radio?"

  "Our earpiece died because of the blast and yeah, I'm fine. It was close tho. I was lucky, I did not take the brunt of the attack, Nathaniel did." She said, nodding in Nathaniel's direction.

  "Scott, you need to come here! This is bad!" Na-Yung shouted in the com.

  "I'm coming!" Scott answers back, running to Nathaniel position, followed closely by Lucie and Camilla.

  "What the hell happened here?" Scott shouted upon arriving.

  The place was a mess and pretty much destroyed, there were bullet holes everywhere and even the rock wall where Nathaniel had hid had collapsed. But that was not what Scott was talking about and his focus was on Nathaniel who was slumped against the wall, his eyes closed.

  "I don't know! It does not make any sense!" Jon shouted, his hands checking Nathaniel's body. "He's bleeding from his eyes, noise, ears and mouth. His clothes are torn and soaked with blood but I can't find a single bullet wound or injury on his body, I don't understand!"

  "Scott…" Nathaniel called in a hoarse voice.

  "Yeah, I'm here." Scott answered, taking a knee beside him.

  "How are things going?"

  "The prisoners are secured. We need to comb the fort in case there are a few soldiers who choose to hide but I believe we hold the fort now."

  "Good, go according to the plan, you know what we have to do before leaving." Nathaniel said, his voice trailing at the end.

  "I know what our mission is, don't worry about it." Scott answers in a soft voice.

  "His pulse is through the roof!" Jon shouted, scrambling for his med bag. "If I don't sedate him right now, his heart is going to burst."

  Finding what he was looking for, he took the syringe and plunged it in his neck. A few moments later, Nathaniel was unconscious.

  Chapter 193: :

  When Nathaniel finally came out of it, he had trouble concentrating considering the pain that assaulted him. Not moving, he waits for the worst of it to pass before trying to open his eyes. Enduring another wave of pain from the light, he closed them again, moving his body to a sitting position. Unfortunately, he was stopped from doing that when a hand was put on his chest to prevent him from moving.

  "No! Don't move!" Jon shouted.

  Now that he could focus a little better, he could hear movement around him and he could also tell by the noise that he was hearing that they were in a plane.

  "Okay, okay. Just don't speak so loudly, please." Nathaniel groaned.

  "Headache?" Jon asked.

  "Yeah, like the worst I ever had."

  "Well, you gonna have to bear through it for the time being. I'm going to ask you to open your eyes now."

  Doing what he was told, Nathaniel opened his eyes, doing so extremely slowly. Blinded by the light, he took a few moments to get used to it. Once his sight was finally clear, he could see Jon near him, his team not far from him, leaving him room to work. After being looked at by Jon, he finally nodded.

  "Your pupils are responsive again, this is a good sign. I'm going to ask you some questions to make sure your memories are alright."

  "Ok doc."


  "Nathaniel Lyndon."

  "Full name please." Jon added.

  "Nathaniel Abraham Lyndon."

  "Where were you born and when?"

  "New York, December the first, 1995."

  "Do you remember when we first met?"

  "Of course, it was at the clinic where you were working. You had a doctor white coat, a black pants and white sneakers with a blue spot to the side." Nathaniel answers.

  "So? How is he Jon?" Scott butt in.

  "He seems fine but I'm going to insist that he pass a head scan when we got back."

  "How long was I out?" Nathaniel asks.

  "Thirty four hours, we were starting to think that you were never going to wake up. I kept monitoring you, your heart was back to normal and you had no visible injury but head trauma is tricky to treat. In a perfect world, I would have preferred to not move you at all but we had no other choice. We are going to land in New York in three hours give or take." Jon answers after looking at his watch.

  "Don't worry, I understand. Everyone is okay?" Nathaniel asks, looking at everyone.

  "I took a grazing wound to the arm. I did not even feel it until we were on our way back." Camilla said, showing her bandaged arm.

  "I had two cracked ribs when I took one in the vest. I'm not going to wear a bikini anytime soon but other than that, I'm fine." Lucie said, still sitting.

  "Other than you three, we were all unscathed considering the gap in numbers between us and them, it's already the best outcome that we could have hoped for. We loot everything from the fort and give it to the prisoners, a nearby village accepts to house them so that they could try to rebuild their lives. Sadly, we lost two womens when we detonated the explosives, they were in the house 'entertaining' some of the higher up."

  Nathaniel knew about one but was not surprised to learn that they were more than that. Even if they had lost only two prisoners, Nathaniel was not happy with it. They will need to train even more so that the next time, they do better than that. He already had a lot of points where they could improve and he was sure that Scott also had some points to talk about.

  "Did you find something interesting in their files?" Nathaniel asked, looking at the table where Lucie was sitting.

  "A little but all of it is slow going, these are in burmese and a huge part of it is coded. We will need the help from Lina and Hans to know more." Lucie said.

  "I can help, I have experience with that…" Nathaniel starts before being interrupted.

  "No." Jon stops him categorically.

  "Come on , Jon. I will just look at some..."

  "No." Na-Yung add.

  "What?" Nathaniel asked, surprised to see her agree.

  "No, you need to rest. If you don't
come back healthy, your family is going to have my ass. I'm glad that you wake up before we land by the way, that prevents me from having a very unpleasant conversation. You stay where you are and you rest, that's the end of this discussion." Scott said sternly.

  Seeing that his team was united against him on this issue, he just put his head back and closed his eyes. He was asleep before he knew it.


  "So, you are not dead after all?"

  "You almost sound disappointed to see me, Ivania." Nathaniel answers with an amused smile.

  "I almost am. What are you doing here and what do you want?"

  "I came here to see him." He answers calmly.

  Scrutinizing him closely, Ivania then started looking at the calm street behind him with experienced eyes. She was living in a residential neighborhood in a middle class district, the difference with her neighbor was then where they took a mortgage to buy their house, she paid all of it in cash. She had chosen that place because it was the perfect place to blend in and raise her son and also because people that would not belong here would be spotted more easily. Satisfied by her observation, she nodded in his direction before opening the front door.

  Following her inside, Nathaniel took notice of the high end security system protecting the house and the gun that Ivania had beneath her blouse. Walking to the living room, Nathaniel finally saw the baby lying down on the carpet with a mobile above his head.

  "He looks so much like Marc, the same hair and the same face, that's incredible." Nathaniel said out loud after taking a knee near the baby. "He has your eyes and nose though but outside of that, he looks exactly like Marc when he was a baby.���

  "Yes, he's the more handsome baby in the world and I'm not saying that because I'm his mother." Ivania said with a brilliant smile, looking at him.

  Nathaniel chose to let it slide and hide his amused smile before asking.

  "Did you get Marc things?"

  "Yes, I got them. Thanks for that by the way."

  "No worries." Nathaniel waved it away like it was no big deal, getting to his feet.

  "You look tired, how many of your little team did you lose in that operation?"


  "None?" She asked, surprised.

  "None. A couple of light injuries but no big deal."

  "You were lucky this time, it will not always be the case. Do you have any information about what we did against Saudi Arabia?"

  "I have as a matter of fact and that is one of the reasons that I'm here now. They appear to believe that you are dead and they have backed down from the situation. They understood that they could lose too much if they continue, they can't even ask the US government about this because their little operation could be interpreted as a declaration of war. So far, the State Department is scrambling to get to the bottom of it without exacerbating the diplomatic crisis and they are doing a poor job which is even better for us."

  "Good. What are you going to do now?"

  "Me? It's time for me to get back to my life as a seventeen years old reasonably skilled actor and singer. I have two month of filming that is waiting for me and after that I will go back to university."

  "If that's all, I would like you to leave now and next time call before coming. I get anxious real fast when people knock on my door."

  Not bothered by her disguised thread, Nathaniel simply gives her a little smile before walking to the front door. When his hand touches the doorknob, he stops before turning back to her.

  "Did you pick a godfather for Nicholas yet?"

  "Of course not. Why?"

  "My full name is Nathaniel Abraham Lyndon." He smiled at her one last time before leaving the house.

  Chapter 194: :

  Los Angeles. 14/02/2013. 14:20.

  "Did you get expelled?"

  "No! No, I didn't get expelled, I got community service." Seeing that she was about to leave, Peter quickly added. "Hum, so would you want to, I don't know…."

  "Want to what?" She asked, curious.

  "I don't know, we could… I don't know… or we could do something else or we could if you don't want, we could…" Peter said precipitately.

  "Yeah, yeah! Either one pfffff hahaha." She started to say before losing it.

  "Cut! Come on Emma! That's the fourth time!" Marc Webb, the director of the movie shouted, annoyed.

  "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry but each time he makes this face, I'm losing it!" She said before launching in another fit of giggle.

  "What's wrong with my face?" Nathaniel asks, passing his hand in his hair.

  To play the character of Peter Parker, Nathaniel had to cut his hair and dye them brown. Since it was done, he had developed the habit of touching them subconsciously when he was thinking. There has been talk for him to wear contact lense to change the colors of his eyes too but Nathaniel with Maggie help, shut them down fast. Changing hair color and cut was no big deal but he had drawn the line with his eyes. He liked his eyes and they were the only thing that he inherited from his grandmother.

  "Nothing, you are doing exactly what I want you to project but I have to say that it is indeed funny. Now, it would be perfect if we could tape it when your co-star is not laughing her as* off."

  "Come on Emma, you can do this." Nathaniel says to her.

  "Yeah, Yeah I know! Just let me get my groove back! La la la la la." She started to say, walking around moving her hand up and down.

  Seeing that, Nathaniel had trouble keeping his cool and not laughing like she was a few moments ago. Having an idea, he started repeating what she was saying and influenced her to have a distinct melody.

  "La la la la…"

  "La la la la la la…"

  Once she had the rhythm he wanted, he started singing."

  "Oh Happy Day… Oh Happy Day…"

  Hearing him sing, Emma Stone wiped her face back to him, surprised to hear him sing and sing so well for that matter. Clapping his hands, Nathaniel made a move to encourage the people working on the set to join him. Amused by him, some start to clap along while the rest look at the director of the movie with a worried face. Seeing a part of the set clapping along, Marc just launched his hands in the air before turning his back on them.

  "When Jesus washed…" Nathaniel continues, Emma joining him. "He washed my sins away… La la la la la" Nathaniel starts repeating, making Emma laugh.

  "He taught me how… to watch, to watch… Fight and pray." Nathaniel started really singing, using the verse to use his full voice, at that time Emma could not follow him anymore.

  Nathaniel finished the song and the crew was clapping when Marc made his comeback, looking more than a little annoyed.

  "Firstly, you are way, way, way too white to sing that song. Secondly, you were not even born when that movie aired and thirdly, are we taping the new SpiderMan or the new West Side Story here?"

  "At least, I would be white enough to do West Side Story." Nathaniel answers with humor before adding. "Come on Marc, I did it for the bloopers."

  "At this rate, we are going to have more bloopers than real pictures to show in theater next winter."

  "No, that was a teaser for the next musical comedy that we are going to do with you as director." Nathaniel laughed.

  "And what would be the name of that new musical comedy?" Marc asked, a little interest peeking through.

  "hum, why not La La Land?" Nathaniel said, thinking about what he was just singing.

  Hearing the name, both Marc and Emma explode in laughter.

  "That's the worst name for a movie that I have ever heard." Marc laughed.

  "Yeah, it really is." Emma added.

  "I never say it would be a good name after all, I'm the worst to name things. Can we go back to work please?"

  "Finally someone said something I wanted to hear, we already lost one hour today with this nonsense! Come on people, let's start this thing!"

  After that, it seems that this little break was what everyone needed, they finally closed the scene that they wer
e filming. Following that, they closed two more scenes without having to do them again, Marc was back in a good mood. Two hours later, Nathaniel was on a rooftop in a complete SpiderMan costume except for his head that was missing his mask , talking with the head of the stunt choreography who was explaining to him what he had to do.

  "Okay, we trained for this and I believe you are ready. This is the scene where Peter finds out about his power and does his test run. You are going to slide on that pole, finished with a turn with one arm and then jump on that guardrail with a backflip. Let me remind you, that this guardrail is two and a half inches wide, if you don't land on it with your feet at the middle of it, you will slipped and then you are going to fall from a sixty feet building, If you fall to the other side however, you are going to meet with concrete and it will be a painful experience for you. We put a net to catch you in case you fall but it would be better for everyone if you don't, alright?"

  "Yeah, got it." Nathaniel nodded.

  Once everything was ready, and everyone had evacuated the scene, Nathaniel had been given the go. Centering himself and taking a deep breath, he started expanding his senses outward. Launching himself from the pole, he used the energy of his descend to turn around it before doing a backflip mid air. Nathaniel smiled when he felt his feets landing perfectly on the guardrail.

  That's when the guardrail suddenly broke, projecting Nathaniel to a sixty foot fall to the ground.

  Chapter 195: :

  "Wow! That's high!" Emma Stone said, looking from another rooftop.

  Her and two of her co-stars, Denis Leary who was playing the role of her father in the movie and Martin Sheen who was playing the role of the uncle of Peter Parker also came to watch. They were curious to see their younger co-stars doing his first movie stunt ever. Standing behind Marc Webb, the director of the movie, they had a very good view where Nathaniel was.

  "You know, I used to do my own stunt when I was a youngster." Martin Sheen said offhandedly.

  "Seriously? You did something like that?" Denis asked, pointing at Nathaniel on top of the pole.

  "What!? Are you crazy? No, I'm not a moron. I was doing just little things like jumping or falling to the ground."


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