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Immaculate Spirit c1-242

Page 105

by Newbiel

  He would need to find someone to protect her as he was way too busy to do it himself. Someone who could follow her without gathering attention, a woman preferably considering her lifestyle. Someone who will take no crap from everyone and stay focused on her objective.

  Nathaniel starts to smile before taking his secure phone and dialing a number.


  "Hey Camilla, what's up?" Nathaniel said with a smile, exiting the Campus ground.

  "Oh it's you. What do you want?" She asked in annoyance.

  "It's that a way to talk to your adorable boss? Do I need to remind you that I'm the one who signs your paycheck every week?"

  "You can fire me for all of that care, I least like that I would not have to see your swollen baby face." She laughed.

  "I'm sure you'll miss me. Now that we are done with the pleasantries, I have work for you." Nathaniel said before explaining the situation. When he was done, Camilla had turned completely serious. No trace of her previous playfulness could be found in her voice.

  "Send me her personal information and his, I'll start right away. I swear to god if I saw him just coming in her vaccinity, I'm going to cut his dick off." She said there was a hint of danger and relish in her voice that Nathaniel decided to ignore.

  "As much as I would like that, let's not go there. Beat him up and make sure that he feels the pain but no broken bones, no cutting limbs either and no long lasting physical injuries. We want to teach him a lesson, not crippled him for life."

  Yeah, yeah." She replied non commitaly.

  "Good, I need to go."

  "That's it? You got what you wanted and so you want to hang up? Men really are trash."

  "No, I'm saying that because I'm currently being tailed." He replied, annoyed.


  "Please, give me some credit, these amateurs could not even track me if their lives depend on it. I throw them a bone sometimes, to be left alone mostly but other than that, I tend to dodge them like the plague. No, the person following me is quite skilled, I'm almost impressed."

  Nathaniel's ability to feel and see the frequencies at which people and objects were vibrating meant that he could be aware of his surroundings without turning around. In fact, after much training with it, he could see better with it than with his own eyes. It also meant that it was easy for him to be aware if someone was following him as every humain did not vibrate at the same exact frequencies. If not for his ability, Nathaniel wasn't certain if he could have noticed that he was being followed as the person was exceptionally gifted.

  "Do you want back up?" Camilla offered.

  "Nah, I'm good, you already have your own assignment. I'm going to handle it on my own. I'll call you back when I'm done with this." Nathaniel answered before hanging up and entering a clothing shop.

  Saluting the hostess with a smile, Nathaniel started wandering around the alley in a relaxed manner until he wasn't watching anymore and then he exited through the back door, hijacking the security system on the way to prevent the alarm to ring. Once he was outside, he looked around him to make sure that he was alone and then started climbing the side of the building. When he reached the window ledge of the first floor after making sure that nobody was home, Nathaniel took a sitting position and then he waited.

  A few minutes later, the back door of the clothing shop swung open and a white male exited the shop, looking left and right before swearing in German. Looking at the person with attention, he was around forty years old, fit, bold and wearing sunglasses. He didn't look like a fighter but it didn't mean much, especially considering how good he was in tracking. Taking a cellphone from his pocket, he called a number that he had on speedialed.

  "My Prince, I lost him."

  There was an answer but even Nathaniel hearing could not pick it up.

  "I don't know, maybe it's something that he does often to avoid being followed."

  "At your command my Prince, I will join you to their building." He said before hanging up.

  Hearing that, Nathaniel narrowed because he didn't think they were talking about the Lyndon Tower but the building where his family lived. Making his decision, Nathaniel took one of his knives and let himself drop to the ground.

  His feets touch the ground without making too much noise but it suffices to make the man turn in Nathaniel's direction but he was just too slow. He took a kick in the back of the knee that made him fall to the ground where an arm locked him into place and he felt steel on his throat and he froze completely knowing that he was beat.

  "My knife is currently just on top of your carotid artery, if you move or try anything, you will die by your own making." Nathaniel said coldly in German.

  Satisfied that he got the message across and that his captive stay still, Nathaniel continued.

  "I'm not going to ask you why you are following me or from whom you are working for, the phone call you just made answered those questions for you already. You mentioned a building where your boss is waiting for you, which building were you talking about?" Nathaniel asked, reducing the pressure of the knife on his throat to allow him to speak.

  He answered by giving an address, like he suspected it was Nathaniel's home address. Knowing his family schedule, he knew that his mothers left before he did this morning, and his grandparents were still in LA. His grandfather used the time he stayed in LA with him to get more involved in the label subsidiaries there and his grandmother was having fun with some of her friends. The point was that nobody was home at this instant but he still pissed him off that someone would do that just to get a point across, especially considering who was sending it.

  Taking his knife away from the man's throat, Nathaniel helped him to get back up. Seeing the stupefied look that he had on his face, Nathaniel laughed.

  "What? You thought that I was going to kill you?"

  "Kinda, yeah." He answered, rubbing his throat.

  "The day is still young, that can still happen. For now though, you are more useful to me alive. Let's go, your boss is waiting for us and I hate to be late. No need to keep following me, let's walk together like two civilized people." Nathaniel offered.

  "I guess there is no reason to follow you anymore." He nodded.

  "That's the spirit. You look a lot like Herman, are you two maybe related?" Nathaniel inquired in a light tone.

  "We are in fact, he's my cousin on my mother's side. You are observant." He smiled wryly.

  "It sounds like an interesting story, let's talk about it on the road." Nathaniel said, starting to walk away in the direction of his home, the man following him and walking beside him.

  Chapter 241: :

  Entering the lobby of his apartment building, Nathaniel pushed the double door open like he usually did. As a high end apartment building, the lobby was huge with a front desk, concierge, security and even a bar to the side, all of it richly furnished. He was used to seeing many people in the bar zone, talking and even holding meetings. What was rarer to see was people coming with their own security details and so the two men sitting near the front desk immediately attracted Nathaniel's attention.

  "Your friends?" Nathaniel asked the man beside him who he discovered by their talk on their way here was named Dieter.

  "Yes." He answers, not at all surprised to see them made out so fast. After all their physics were not prone to blend in.

  Seeing Nathaniel pass the doors, the two goons got to their feet, he could see they were quite surprised to see Dieter following him. The two made their way to Nathaniel and Dieter.

  "So you found him." The shorter of the two said in german to Dieter but looking at Nathaniel with a smirk.

  "He found me." Dieter answers.

  "Stay here." Nathaniel orders before making a beeline to the front desk.

  "Who do you think you…" One of the goons said, reaching for Nathaniel before Dieter spoke again.

  "Let him be."

  The goon arm froze mid air and he looked at Dieter in surprise who shook his head. Nat
haniel thanks to his ability saw the interaction and memorized it, he could use everything at this point to learn more about them. The concierge recognizing Nathaniel, greeted him with a professional smile.

  "Mister Lyndon."

  "Hiram, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Nathaniel." He answered in mock annoyance.

  "At least one more time I'm afraid, sir." He gave a more genuine smile. "I watch what happened last night, if you need anything, please feel free to call me and I will make it happen for you, sir."

  Nathaniel knew that those were not empty words. Concierge in high end places like Hiram, their entire job consists of providing service for their client and getting them everything they wanted, even if that was illegal. At the moment, Nathaniel did not need that kind of help but it was still good to always have that offer. One could never know when it would be needed.

  "Thanks Hiram but I'm all set."

  "Are you sure, sir?" Hiram insists, his eyes flickering to the two goons before looking in the bar direction and then ending by looking at Nathaniel.

  "That's what I like about you, Hiram. You are smart, resourceful and observant." Nathaniel smiles appreciatively. "Nothing nefarious, I was just thinking that maybe you and the other personnel working in the lobby could maybe take their break for the next half hour. I would be grateful if you could make it happen and make sure that we are not disturbed." Nathaniel asks, his hands talking from his pocket a wad of hundred dollar bills, putting it on the desk and disappearing as quickly as it appears in Hiram's hand.

  "There will be no issue, sir. Consider it done." Hiram reassure.

  "Good man." Nathaniel nodded.

  Once that was taken care of, Nathaniel made his way to the bar area, completely disregarding the two goons and Dieter who followed him a few steps behind him. To be honest, Nathaniel was not coming here often if ever. To be able to use the power of his soul, he needed his body to be completely healthy and so having an alimentation extremely reglemented. Which means, nothing with sugar in it so no soda, no chocolate, no pizza. Even if the sacrifice was great, he had to recognize that he never felt stronger than he was right now.

  Sitting on one of the tables, Nathaniel saw who he was likely searching for. It was a man around fifty years old but looked a little younger and had a regal around him. He had short gray hair, dark eyes and a protruding chin. He was on the smaller side, around 5"9" but he had a presence that made him look bigger than he was. He glassed over the suit that the man was wearing and who cost at least fifty thousand dollars. He didn't care about shit like this.

  Perusing the other five men who were sitting near him, they look almost the same as the two goons he met in the lobby and had the same build as well. Of course, they were not sitting at the same table as him but close enough to protect him. Nathaniel had no such calm and took a seat before flopping on it. The man who was making a point of not looking in Nathaniel's direction this time looked at him and frowned.

  "I did not invite you to sit at my table, young man." He said in displeasure.

  "I don't really care, old man. Oh sorry! Did you maybe felt like your privacy was invaded? Like you can guess, I can relate to that feeling." He answered in mock surprise before taking his bottle of water on the table and taking a gulp of it.

  The frown on the men deepened and even if he conserved his calm, Nathaniel saw a vein on his forehead that was palpitating. He also heard his bodyguards bristle slightly and felt numerous glare send his way.

  "Do you have any idea who I am?" He asked, his voice had a tinge of anger and threat in it.

  "No, like I just said, I don't care but you are free to say it anyway." Nathaniel remarked.

  "I'm Prince Maximilian Emanuel Ludwig Maria Von Herzog." He exclaimed loudly.

  "Wow! That's a mouthful. Okay Max, what do you want with me?" Nathaniel asked in annoyance.

  "You will address the Prince with his title or you will be beat up kid!" One of the bodyguards of the Prince exclaimed in anger.

  Nathaniel just looked at the man who just shouted with his blue eyes and made a little smile.

  "Oh really? Come at me then." Nathaniel offered and the man would have gone for it if Dieter did not stop him by clearing his throat and shaking his head. Even if he had been ambush, he knew that Nathaniel's combat capability far outmatch his and maybe many of the others bodyguard here.

  "Stop that. I'm here to talk about my daughter, Brunhilde. I want you to stop seeing her." The Prince said, he seems to have calm down a bit.

  "That's why you cross the Atlantic!? Dude, I would love nothing more than to get ridded of her and you to be honest. If your entire family could stop stalking me, things will be better. I don't have the time or the patience for this shit right now." Nathaniel exclaimed.

  "Don't talk about me or my daughter that way! Weren't you taught to talk like a civilized person? Do you have no respect for your elders at all!? Americans really are nothing more than barbarians" The Prince shouted in outrage.

  "I respect a lot of people but not because of their age but because of their character, spirit and intellectual capability. Did you become a Prince by working hard or did you just fall down from a Queen vagina and the midwife called your Prince? Let's be real here, the only thing that separate you from your bodyguards is simply luck."

  "You have no idea about what you are talking about! You know nothing of my family. You have neither the prestige, the history or the capability to belong in our circle. While we were reigning in Europe, your ancestors were dumbly plowing the ground to try and failed to feed their family. You are nothing compared to us! Nothing!" He exploded in fury.

  "You forget to mention centuries of inbreeding in your little exposé. You want respect for fucking your cousins and sisters? Go to Alabama but here in New York we don't cautionned this kind of fucked up behavior. Even if I had feelings for your daughter and let me assure you, I have none, there is no way I will want that chin of yours in my family tree. Now get lost!" Nathaniel heatedly answers.

  "You want war!?" The Prince yelled.

  "No! I want to be left alone! You came here in my home with your goons and their guns and with a sense of entitlement that makes you believe you can do everything and that everyone is beneath you, you piece of shit. Like I told your daughter before, YOU are the aggressor! What would be your reaction if you were to get home and I am in the middle of your living room with seven mens with guns? Would you consider it like an aggression?"

  Nathaniel then makes one of his knives appear in his hand and slam it so hard that it went through the hard wood of the table and close enough of the Prince's hands that it nicked one of his fingernails. To the Prince's credit, he did not scream in fright and just look at Nathaniel in anger and surprised.

  "Make your call right now Prince and I will kill all of you if that's your choice." Nathaniel seethed between clench teeths.

  "You are delusional! We are eight and all of us are armed, you only have a little knife. You will die."

  "No, what you have are guns and the beliefs that you will have the time to take it out from the inside of your jacket, aimed it at me and pressed the trigger before dying. I assure you, that belief could not be more wrong."

  There was a silence once Nathaniel was done and it seemed the room temperature went down a few degrees and some of the bodyguards had to fight a shuddered. Looking at his cold blue eyes right now and the way his body was, it was a lot like looking at death itself that was coming from them. His last words put such a pressure in their soul that there was no doubt that what he was saying was the truth and that it could go through with his threat. The Prince instinct that he learned to trust completely was screaming at him to get the hell away from this place right now. The coldness in the air managed to calm his fury and he took a few calming breaths.

  "I did not come to start a war."

  "Then leave this place and stay the hell away from me and my family. You exhausted my patience, the next time you send someone to follow me, I will kil
l him. I really hope this isn't you, they will send Dieter." Nathaniel said to the man before walking away.

  He had only made a few steps when he stopped but did not turn around.

  "Take the knife with you. You can choose to see it as a promise or as a threat. If you go after me and mine, I'll kill your entire family with it." Nathaniel said coldly, he left them after that, not bothering to look even once behind him.

  Chapter 242: :

  Hamptons. 24/04/2013. 9h55.

  Getting back to his grandparents manor in the Hamptons was always something particular in Nathaniel's mind. His thoughts were always returning to the time when he was getting out of a coma and passed his whole recovery here. Working through his fatigue and his pains everyday to make his body stronger. He had lost count of how much time he exited the gym, too tired to even move that he had to be carried to his bed in order to sleep. In general, it was Amal and Jean who were the one who carried him back to his bedroom.

  Sighing, he looked around him, feeling like someone was missing which was true. He was missing his two lovely furballs. He would feel better if he could bring them here but that wasn't possible at the moment. Even if his mother, Mary was allergic to dogs, there were pills that could offset that and she even said that she was willing to take them but that wasn't the principal issue. No, the first issue was because of Jaydon. Since Sand Cat passed their whole life in the desert, their physiology evolved around surviving in that particular environment.

  The offset was that their pulmonary system was extremely sensitive to humidity in the air and they could easily get and die from disease related to that. So, bringing her to New York was extremely dangerous for her, especially since she was still in infancy. On the contrary, by staying in California, the weather was almost perfect for her and still, they still buy humidity recyclers and outside heaters to be safe. He could still have brought Andy with him but that sounds like a very egoist thing to do. He was not willing to let Jaydon all alone in California to keep one of his furball with him.


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