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Flawed Justice

Page 23

by Tibby Armstrong

  “I’ve got work to do.” Matt made himself push the bucket toward the ring, hoping to hell he didn’t look half as rattled as he felt. “Come back when you actually have something to say.”

  Behind Lawson, Curtis groaned audibly, and Reed’s facepalm accompanied his, “I can’t watch.”

  And he wouldn’t have to, because Lawson stepped inside and shut the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The last thing Lawson wanted to see first thing this morning was Matt anywhere near that goddamn ring. He let the door close behind him, arms crossed over his chest as he regarded the other man. Coming in here to set him straight, before his first cup of coffee, wasn’t conducive to a reasonable conversation—Reed had practically begged him to have at least a few sips—but Lawson wasn’t terribly concerned.

  Matt wanted to keep pushing the fucking issue?

  Lawson hoped his obstinate sub was prepared for what happened when he pushed back.

  “If this is some misguided attempt to get my attention, it was unnecessary. I’d planned to spend a quiet morning with you.” Lawson’s eyes narrowed. “What I’ll be doing instead will be much less pleasant.”

  With an undaunted snort, Matt lifted the mop and rung it out. “Yeah? Are you actually going to do anything or just issue more commands you expect me to obey?”

  Was that the issue? Did Matt not want to be his submissive? Lawson’s brow furrowed. Nothing in his reactions to control being taken from him gave that impression, but perhaps Lawson had read him all wrong. Either that or Matt didn’t want the power exchange to go beyond the bedroom.

  Fair enough, but either way he would obey the rules in The Asylum. Where Lawson was in charge. Even if they weren’t in a relationship, he was a new fighter and this kind of behavior wouldn’t be tolerated.

  “Do you want to remain a member of The Asylum, Matt?” Lawson gritted his teeth as Matt began to mop the floor around the ring. “You fought fucking hard to stay, so I assume so, but the bullshit you’re pulling now makes me wonder.”

  “Well you can stop wondering. I earned my place here.”

  “With two fights? Think again, boy.” Lawson’s temper rose with each wet slap of the mop over the sleek wood, but he wouldn’t let Matt’s blasé attitude get under his skin. He forced his tone to return to the cold, level one he used with any member who stepped out of line. “You’re still on probation. The member who referred you is responsible for you for a minimum of a year. Which means I have to prove you are—”

  Matt let out a dry laugh. “Don’t you mean Curtis?”

  “You sucked his dick once during a scene.” Lawson couldn’t stop his tone from sharpening this time. “Do you intend to continuously throw that in my face?”

  “I’m not.” Matt straightened, leaning slightly against the mop. His gaze was steady, but his face had lost all color. He was nervous. But still kept pushing. “I’m pointing out that Curtis is the one who brought me here, so technically, he’s responsible for me.” He made a dismissive motion with his hand. “No need for you to waste your time anymore. Just send him in.”

  Calling the bluff was fucking tempting. Curtis would have some creative ideas on how to make Matt rethink ever defying either of them again. He’d pretty much volunteered when he’d jutted his thumb toward the gymnasium to indicate where Matt had gone. His unimpressed look told Lawson he should be embarrassed at not having a better handle on his man.

  Embarrassment was the least of Lawson’s worries. And he didn’t need another Dom to discipline his submissive in his stead. If that’s what Matt even wanted to be.

  Was he dealing with Matt as an unruly sub or as an upstart fighter in his club?

  “If you’re here as a fighter ignoring Doc’s orders to take it easy for a few days, I will let Curtis deal with you.” Lawson’s eyes narrowed as the mop dropped back in the bucket. “I don’t have the time or patience for nonsense.” The mop came out and made a wet splat on the floor. “Put the fucking mop down, boy, before I’m tempted to use the handle on your ass.”

  Matt’s lips parted and his cheeks flushed. His throat worked as he swallowed, but then his chin lifted as he put on a brave face. “Why just tempted? Do you ever plan to say or do anything in this whole power exchange or just ice me out?”

  “You should rethink what you’re asking from me very carefully, Matt.” Lawson lowered his hands to his sides, resisting the urge to fist them as he strode across the room. “If you surrender that kind of power to me, I will use it.”

  “Good.” Matt’s grip tightened on the mop. He looked torn between the instinct to run, and the need to follow through with what he’d begun. “At least then I'd know you aren't just a wind-up toy masquerading as a Dom."

  That’s quite enough. Lawson had his answer. He cut the anger that had been building off and let it shift to deep disappointment. His submissive was acting out and demanding Lawson take control. Which he would, but not without making sure Matt understood punishments weren’t something he should be striving for.

  He grabbed Matt’s wrist and leaned close to him, speaking low. “Let it go. That’s an order.”

  “Make me.”

  “That’s not how this works, Matt. If you have no interest in pleasing me, you’re not a good fit as my submissive. If you need boundaries, I will set them.” He tightened his grip on Matt’s wrist. “Show me that’s what you want.”

  Matt’s eyes glistened. He released the mop.

  Then slammed his fist into the center of Lawson’s chest. “That’s what I want. That’s what I’ve been fucking begging for.”

  Catching Matt’s fist before it could hit him again, Lawson turned Matt, both hands restrained at the small of his back, and maneuvered him so he was pinned against the edge of the ring. “When exactly were we supposed to negotiate this? When you were preparing for a challenge you accepted without one fucking word to me?”

  “I was standing up for Reed!” Matt rested his forehead on the bottom rope, panting as Lawson subverted his weak attempt to break free. “There was no way I was letting Ram keep getting in his face.”

  “If you’d waited one goddamn minute I would’ve been there. I would’ve handled him. Or Curtis would have.”

  “How the hell was I supposed to know that?”

  “You couldn’t have, but you were supposed to know better than to take on a man who has almost a hundred and fifty pounds on you. Who’s been doing his best to find anything he can use against me.” Lawson inhaled roughly. Tried to get the pounding in his skull to slow. “You weren’t supposed to give him an opportunity to use you.”

  Matt stilled. Looked over at Lawson, tears glistening on his lashes. “Why didn’t you tell me you were pissed about that? I wasn’t sure you fucking cared.”

  “Of course, I cared! Bloody hell, Matt, do you have any idea…” He pressed his eyes shut and shook his head. “All fucking week I had to keep myself busy and not watch you train. Not face that there was a good chance none of Curtis’s maneuvers or Reed’s tricks would be enough. I knew if I was there you’d see I was fucking terrified you’d lose. I couldn’t do that to you. I couldn’t take away the only chance you had to win.”

  “You told me to win.”

  “And my words don’t have any magic fucking powers. They’re just words unless you believe they mean something. And even then…” He released Matt’s wrists and took a step back, raking his fingers through his hair and staring up at the cage lights. “He could have killed you, Matt. One solid punch. One wrong twist. I’d have lost you because I decided to let you fight.”

  “That’s always a risk, Lawson.” Matt pressed his lips together, hugging himself. “I didn’t know you were worried about that. I thought the biggest issue was him taking me upstairs.”

  Lawson cut an angry glare at Matt. “Did I not have a right to be concerned about that as well?”

  “Were you?”

  “Is that what this is, boy? You actually believe I don’t fucking care? That the idea of the
man I’ve let closer to me than anyone would be dragged into the dungeon I made a part of this sanctuary, forced to submit to that fucking thug, didn’t tear me up inside every goddamn day?” He shook his head and let out a bitter laugh. “I would have been there, Matt. Just like I was there when you were in the ring. I would have watched while he held you down and slammed his dick inside you. While you stared at the wall and willed it to end. While he made you kneel at his feet until he was ready to go again.” Bile rose in Lawson’s throat. “I would have waited for you to look at me. Give me a sign that you couldn’t take anymore. And then I would have ended it.” He gnashed his teeth. “Even if I had to kill the fucker and have every member of this club turn on me, I would have done it. All you had to do was ask.”

  “What if I didn’t ask?” Matt chewed on his bottom lip. “Would you still have wanted me when it was over?”

  “Yes. When I wasn’t fantasizing about killing Ram, I imagined the more realistic outcome. You’d honor the terms of the challenge. You’d tell me you were okay. And then…” Lawson shook his head, blinking fast. “Then I’d bring you home. I’d help you clean his touch off you and hold you until you felt whole again.”

  Matt drew in a rough breath through his parted lips. “Shit.” He shook his head. Stepped up to Lawson and shoved him. “Did you ever think I fucking needed to hear all that? What the fuck, Lawson?”

  Lawson grabbed the front of Matt’s shirt and drew him close. “Now you have. And you’re still testing me. This isn’t a fight you’re going to win, boy.”

  Letting out a soft laugh, Matt’s lips curved at the edges. “I already have.”

  Pushy sub. Lawson released Matt’s shirt and grabbed a handful of his hair, bringing him roughly to him to claim his lips, growling when Matt’s hands flattened against his bare chest. “I don’t fight outside of the ring, Matt. Don’t try to get me angry enough to lash out at you, that will never happen.”

  “The ring is right there, Lawson.”


  Matt smiled against his lips. “Or what?”

  Sweeping Matt’s legs out from under him in a smooth motion, Lawson flipped him up into his arms and rolled him into the ring. He vaulted over the ropes before Matt could scramble to his feet. Hauled him up and set Matt down facing the ropes, bringing his hands up to wrap around them.

  “Don’t fucking move.” Lawson reached down and undid Matt’s jeans, shoving them along with his boxers to bare his ass. “You can accept this punishment or you can fight. Either way, your ass is going to be very sore before you leave this ring.”

  One solid slap drew a shout from Matt. He twisted around and threw a punch.

  Lawson easily sidestepped. Cuffed Matt upside the back of the head, the surprise sending him tripping forward over his jeans and dropping to his hands and knees. “You’re not even trying.”

  “Fuck you, I’m not letting you fucking spank me.”

  “Not letting me?” Lawson chuckled as Matt tried to yank his jeans back up. Landed another slap that echoed through the gymnasium. “I fail to see how you’re going to stop me.”

  Switching tactics, Matt kicked off his shoes and jeans, scrambling across the ring as he fixed his boxers. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it off to the side. “If you want me to surrender, you’ll have to say so. Give me options and I’ll take them.”

  “Understood.” Lawson walked to the center of the ring, spreading his arms wide. “You wanted a fight. I’m right here. Let’s do this.”

  With a jerky nod, Matt rushed him. Lawson evaded, then caught Matt around the waist. The man had him at a disadvantage, since Lawson wouldn’t risk aggravating his injuries. While he handled Matt carefully, flipping him and dropping him lightly to the canvas, Matt lifted his head and set his teeth into his shoulder.

  “Bad boy.” Lawson pinched a nerve at the side of Matt’s neck, smirking at Matt’s gasp. He rolled Matt onto his hands and knees and locked an arm across his throat. He pressed his groin against Matt’s ass. “Give up. This is a fight you want to lose.”

  Matt groaned. “So long as you’re not gonna try spanking me again.”

  Lawson took the edge of Matt’s ear between his lips and sucked lightly. Brought his hand under Matt and cupped his hard dick through his boxers. “You started this, boy. The negotiations are over.”

  “But…” Matt hissed as Lawson tightened his grip. “Oh God…you don’t play fair.”

  “Mmm, you just noticed?” Lawson brought his lips to Matt’s throat. “I will be spanking you, but you can buy yourself some time. Let me use that beautiful fucking mouth. Do well and I’ll find other things to do with your ass before we leave this ring.”

  Shivering, Matt hesitated for a moment. The stiff set to his shoulders told Lawson he was struggling with the idea of accepting the loss before he’d put up a real fight. His pride was battling his submissive side and being in the ring likely didn’t help.

  “Don’t think about where we are, boy. Think about who’s in control.”

  “I want it to be you.” Matt bowed his head. “But I can’t promise I’ll always know what you want. Or give in easily. Sometimes I don’t want a choice. I need the lines to be clear. Need to know what happens if I cross them.”

  Lawson nodded as he released Matt and straightened, enjoying the way Matt rose to his knees and gazed up at him. The struggle between them would be necessary sometimes, even pleasurable, but moments like this were what Lawson craved.

  Complete trust. Surrender. An understanding that he would give Matt exactly what he needed, while taking whatever he wanted from him.

  “I will tell you what I expect, but you have to come to me when you aren’t sure. Not only as my submissive. As my partner. As part of this club.” Lawson traced his fingertips over Matt’s cheek, stopping at the bandage, holding his gaze. “As my submissive, you are never to take another challenge without my permission. I don’t care if it’s Sparkles or the fucking pizza delivery guy who thinks it would be a fun way to spend his tips. I don’t care if you know you can win. You come to me first.”

  “Deal.” Matt turned his head and sucked one of Lawson’s fingers into his mouth. He smirked around it when Lawson groaned. Released it with a flick of his tongue. “Are we done not negotiating?”

  “What was it I said about that mouth of yours?” Lawson undid his jeans and curved his hand around the base of his cock. He pressed the head against Matt’s lips. “Open wide, like you did for Curtis. I suppose it will come in handy that you don’t mind being used like this.” He cupped the back of Matt’s head as he eased his dick in until Matt jerked and fought his gag reflex. Drew back slightly, then pressed forward again. “I may give Curtis permission to do so whenever your mouth might be getting you in trouble.”

  Eyes wide, Matt stared up at him. He looked both frightened and turned on.

  Perfect. “Consider carefully before you test him though. He may use that right anywhere. Including in the ring, in the bar. I will do the same. And I know you’re not fond of humiliation.”

  In and out, a little faster now as Matt adjusted to the length and girth of him fucking into his mouth. Saliva slicked his lips and his tongue pressed against the underside of Lawson’s dick. He moaned around him and his hand moved between his thighs.

  “No, don’t touch yourself. That dick is all mine, boy. Hands behind your back.” Lawson stroked his hand over Matt’s hair when his shoulders bowed back as he complied. “Very nice. Relax your throat and swallow when you feel me there. It will make it easier for you to take all of me.”

  Closing his eyes, Matt did as Lawson commanded, shuddering as Lawson hit the back of his throat. He inhaled quickly, holding still as Lawson did it again. The peaceful expression, his cheeks flush with pleasure, was the most beautiful, erotic thing Lawson had ever seen. He wanted to keep going, watch Matt’s face as he swallowed while Lawson came, but not this time.

  He’d have plenty of opportunities for that when he got Matt back into his bed where
he belonged.

  Refusing to test his own restraint any longer, Lawson let his dick slip from Matt’s lips. Pulled a condom and a small packet of lube from his wallet.

  “Against the ropes. Hold on to them tight.” Lawson rolled on the condom, gaze trailing over the gorgeous curves and angles of his man’s back as he took his position. He ran his hand down the center of Matt’s spine, then up to latch on to the back of his neck. “You’re always stunning when you climb into this ring, but like this…you’re fucking perfect.”

  “Please…” Matt hissed in a breath through his teeth. “I’ve been waiting all week for you to touch me again. Please just—”

  Slipping Matt’s boxer briefs over his ass, Lawson squeezed one cheek, already red with his handprint. “Please what, pet? What do you want from me?”

  “Fuck me.” Matt lowered his head between his arms. “Fuck me like I belong to you.”

  Opening the packet of lube, Lawson slicked some over his dick, then trailed the rest over Matt’s exposed hole. He pressed against Matt, stretching him open slowly. Then driving into him with a long, deep thrust.

  “You do.” Lawson gripped tight to Matt’s hips, pistoning into him as Matt cried out, grinding back when Lawson’s pelvis slammed against his ass. “Belong to me.”

  Angling to hit Matt’s prostate with every stroke, Lawson rocked his hips and let the pure ecstasy of the tight grip around him take over. He lost himself to the sound of their fucking echoing around the gymnasium, Matt’s moans almost as loud, though he tried to stifle them with his fist.

  Slapping his thigh, Lawson leaned over him, lowering his tone as he curved his hand around Matt’s throat. “Hands on the ropes. Don’t worry about how loud you are. Everyone knows exactly what I’m doing to you in here.”

  “Oh fuck.” Matt brought his hands back to the ropes. “If they know, then I don’t have to be loud.”

  Lawson chuckled, dragging his teeth along Matt’s shoulder. “You can either let them hear you or see you. Should I call them in here? Maybe they’ve earned the visual after all the trouble you’ve caused.”


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