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Bear: A Dark Shifter Romance

Page 9

by Delta James

  “You can cook?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I can even cook over a campfire. Of course, I can’t cook anything tied to your bed.”

  He walked toward her. “True, but you also can’t run away and get yourself into trouble when you are. Would you like me to untie you?”

  She held out her bound wrists. “Yes.”

  “If you would give me your word of honor that you will obey me when I tell you to do something, I might be willing to trust you. Will you do that?”

  Halley thought for a moment and then slowly shook her head. “I’m not going to lie to you, Cade. I have a life and I need to get back to it. I’m willing to overlook all that’s happened because you saved my life, but I’m not looking to play house with you.”

  “Then I will need to leave you bound when I cannot keep my eyes on you. Why don’t you make breakfast and then get dressed? I have some things I need to do and will have to take you with me.”

  Within the hour they had eaten, cleaned up from breakfast, and were both ready to go. Cade offered her his hand and Halley took it. Carefully they picked their way down the side of the mountain until they were on the valley floor.

  * * *

  Halley looked toward his home. “I’ve gone swimming at the base of that waterfall. I never knew that cavern existed or that you were there.”

  Cade grinned at her. “I know. I saw you several times.”

  She turned to him. “You saw me?”

  He nodded. “And a very enticing sight you were. I was always surprised you hadn’t been claimed by a man. I have to say when you would sun yourself on the rocks after swimming, it was all I could do not to take you myself. I had many a restless night and cold shower because of you and your antics.”

  “Have you been awake since you saved me from the cougar?”

  He nodded.

  “And before that?” she asked, genuinely curious. “What happened? How did this start?”

  He shook his head. “I have no answers although I have asked myself the same questions. I was returning home from checking and emptying my traps and found my wife, Emilia, dying. We’d fallen in love at the Rendezvous the year before and married against her father’s wishes. Once the deed was done, he wanted me to become a company man. I refused. I’d been an indentured servant as a boy. Once my debt was paid, I came west and didn’t want to be beholden to anyone. Some of her father’s men, or at least some from the same company, came looking to persuade me to change my mind and join up.

  “When they found Emilia alone, they decided to use her against me. They’d planned to kill her... much like those men did the other night with you. They left her for dead. But Emilia clung to life until I got there. They had raped her and used their knives on her repeatedly. I held her in my arms until she died. She was already mostly cold when I found her. It was winter and the ground was frozen. I covered her up on the harvest table where they’d used her and built a funeral pyre under it. I burned Emilia, the cabin, and our life to the ground.”

  She reached out to touch him. “Oh, Cade, I’m so sorry.”

  “When there was nothing left but ashes, I began tracking down the men who had done it. One night when I was close, I found a tree that had a big hollow in it. It was snowing and the temperature was a killing cold. I curled up and went to sleep, never expecting to wake. But I did. Only I wasn’t a man anymore. I was a great bear. My last thought before I had closed my eyes was to pray that if I woke, I would have the strength to avenge her death.”

  “That must have been a bit disconcerting to say the least,” she said sympathetically.

  He nodded. “It was, but it was also like a rebirth. I wasn’t cold or stiff and could move far more quickly. With my heightened senses, I could track those men more easily. I caught up with them and tore them apart... again like the men who wanted to kill you. I left the teenage boy they had with them alive. I made him confess and tell me why. I marked his face and told him to spread the tale that I was declaring this valley and the mountains that surround it as mine. I pledged to protect those who needed it. I found that cave and went to sleep. The next time I woke up, fifty years had gone by and I was needed. There was a group of slaves, who had escaped to the west; I taught them what they needed to know to survive. That same pattern has repeated itself over and over. The years that pass are never the same, but I go to sleep not knowing if I will wake the next day or many years later. When I woke to save you from the cougar, I expected to go back to sleep. But I’ve been awake ever since.”

  “All alone all those years... death might have been kinder.”

  He nodded. “At first, but little by little I saw that whatever gods ruled this place needed me and I felt as though by protecting others, I atoned for my sins.”

  “Those men deserved to die,” she whispered.

  “They did. My sin was in failing to keep Emilia safe. Since I’ve been awake so long this time, I started making the cave more comfortable as I kept watch over you.”

  “You were in the woods the morning after I came back, weren’t you?”

  Again, he nodded. “The night before too when you walked out on that deck naked in the moonlight. Never has the sight of a woman filled me with the kind of lust and longing that you do.”

  “That’s why you’ve been so adamant about keeping me safe, isn’t it? Because you think you somehow didn’t do right by Emilia.”

  “I’ve reconciled my guilt over that for the most part. I just figured whoever or whatever it is that keeps me alive, wants me to guard you. And then five years ago, when your grandmother knew she was dying, she asked me to watch over you. She felt like trouble was coming and rightly assumed you’d be at the heart of it.”

  “I doubt she thought you’d spank me or have your way with me,” she said, smiling.

  “You’d be surprised. In trying to dissuade her, I admitted that I wanted you underneath me calling my name as I made you mine. I also told her I’d make you mind me even though you were the least submissive female I’d ever seen. She took it all in stride and wished me well.”

  “It’s a good thing she’s dead; otherwise I’d kill her,” Halley said, grinning. Somehow knowing her grandmother had known Cade and wouldn’t be ashamed of her helped. “Did she know who you were?”

  “She did. She knew I was Cade Devereaux. She’d done quite a bit of research of the legends and old records and had pretty much pieced it all together. It didn’t seem to faze her one bit.”


  He stopped and turned.

  “Thanks for telling me. It helps to understand where you’re coming from, but I can’t just ride off into the sunset with you and live happily ever after.”

  He smiled. “So that idea has some appeal, does it?”

  “It isn’t practical.”

  “What if it was? What if there was a way for us to be together?”

  “I have a life... a job.”

  “That’s details, Halley. Answer me. Once we’ve got this whole fight with the developers done, would you want me to leave you?”

  Halley was only slightly surprised at the tears that threatened to fall and the way her heart seized at the thought of never seeing him again. She shook her head slowly. “No.”

  Cade took her into his arms and held her close. “The idea of opening my eyes again and not finding you beside me isn’t one I’m willing to even consider. I think I’ve known since that first night I claimed you that I would never let you go.”

  She reached up to stroke his face. “We’re going to have to come to an agreement about the whole spanking, ginger, and anal thing.”

  His grin was wicked and lascivious, yet somehow beguiling.

  “I mean to take that bottom hole of yours and use it for both punishment and pleasure. You don’t want to be spanked or have me put ginger up your ass? Then you obey me and it won’t happen.”

  “That’s not my idea of a negotiation,” she said, trying to be angry.

  Cade ran his hand down her
spine to her backside and pulled her close. “It isn’t a negotiation, Halley... it’s the way it is. I’m going to expect you to behave and when you don’t, you can expect to get punished.” He patted her rump. “We’ve got a long way to go. Will it bother you to be back there?”

  “What, because of the dead men buried in the back yard?” she said, laughing.

  “I won’t think ill of you if it does.”

  “There must be something very wrong with me. I doubt I’d ever think of it as the place I was almost raped and murdered. I’ll always think of it as where I met you. And sick bitch that I am, the first place we fucked.”

  “Watch your language,” he admonished.

  “Yes, Cade,” she said meekly with a mischievous grin on her face.

  “As I recall, Halley, there’s soap at your house as well and I have no trouble washing your mouth out and spanking you before I leave you there.”

  “Leave me?”

  “It isn’t safe, Halley. My plan is to leave you at the house. Either you’ll promise to stay put, or I’ll make it so you don’t have a choice.”

  “You really are a jerk.”

  He nodded. “Maybe from your point of view, but I won’t risk your safety. And the next time you choose to disobey me, after I spank you, I’ll leave that wet pussy of yours to stew in its own juices and ease my ache for you in your bottom hole.”

  “You are the most irritating, infuriating, and annoying human being I’ve ever met.”

  “And you will mind me or your ass will pay the price for your disobedience.”

  She sighed. “Impossible. Did I mention you were impossible?”

  Cade offered her his hand. This time, Halley took it because she wanted to not because he was insisting. They talked about their lives and shared their thoughts on a variety of subjects. Halley was surprised and happy to hear that even though his feelings about women in general, and her in particular, were antiquated, they held very similar views on most other social and political issues. She was impressed by both his general knowledge as well as the all the reading he had done. She realized she was actually considering how they might make a life together.

  When they finally reached the house, both were happy to see that the ground over the grave remained undisturbed.

  “If you take me with you, we can buy what we need...”

  “I have money,” he said defensively.

  “I never doubted it. I just figured mine was easier to get to. And we can make better time if I drive my truck. Besides, if I’m seen around town, people won’t get suspicious. If anyone asks, I can say I know you from my hobby of reenactments. I can get some more things including proper undergarments...”

  “I see nothing wrong with those you have.”

  She laughed. “Of course you don’t and I will admit they’re comfortable and I would be willing to wear them most of the time. But I can get my gear to do my job and be doing that...”

  “You will not be allowed to wander around the woods and get into trouble.”

  “What’s the matter? Afraid I’ll take my clothes off when you aren’t around to see?” she teased.

  “Not unless you’ve developed a keen interest in having me take a switch to the backs of your legs all the way home.”

  “Jerk! But I do need to do this work. It’s important. If we can stop the developers, I’m no threat.”

  “That isn’t how it works, Halley, and you know it. You might no longer be a threat, but your death would serve as a warning to others not to oppose them. But I agree, they need to be stopped.”

  “I’d be safe if you were with me. I’d be willing to let you come.”

  He laughed. “You would, would you? First, little girl, my coming is a given. Second, you aren’t the one who would decide whether or not I accompanied you.”

  Halley blushed; he wasn’t wrong. What was worse was she came even easier and more times than he did.

  “I could get it done more quickly if you helped,” she agreed. “I’d need my laptop and I have several backup batteries including a solar recharger. Or we could just stay at the house.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t like that; it wouldn’t be as easy to defend.”

  “Not necessarily. I could have a security system installed and the house pretty much has an open field of fire surrounding it.”

  At his questioning look, Halley explained how a security system in this day and age worked and the advantages it would give them in case someone tried to harm them.

  Cade nodded. “The cave too primitive for you?”

  She put her arms around him and pressed herself against him. “Not at all. When this is over and done, if you want to live up there for the rest of our lives, I can be good with that. In any event, if it’s not part of some kind of state or federal land, I’d be inclined to see who owns it and see if we couldn’t buy it from them.”

  He smiled. “Your grandmother did that a long time ago. She said the deed was with the one on your family home.”

  Halley shook her head. “I’m seeing a whole side of my grandmother I never knew.”

  Cade fondled her backside. “She loved you, Halley. She loved you more than anything else on this earth.”

  “I know she did. I loved her too. Did you know my grandfather?”

  “No, he’d passed before I woke to save you from your own foolishness.”


  He nodded. “You should never have stormed off from that young man. Fact is you shouldn’t have been alone in the woods with him letting him take liberties with you.”

  She laughed. “Taking liberties? This from the guy that fucked me the first time before I ever even knew his name?”

  “That was different,” he growled. “You were mine. You’ve always been mine.”

  She snuggled against him before bringing his head down to hers. “I suppose I have. But you have to be nice to Charlie. He’s my best friend’s boyfriend and he’s changed a lot, for the better as far as I can tell.”

  “As long as he keeps his distance, he and I won’t have a quarrel. Your plan makes some sense. But if I get so much as a hint that you’re up to no good...”

  “I promise I will behave myself. I’ll stay close and do what you tell me... at least until we get back to the cave.”

  He nodded. “You’ll do what I tell you there as well.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Cal Worthington was worried. His employers had not been happy with how he had tried to handle the opposition from Halley Jordan or the outcome. They had not been inclined to believe a great bear had attacked him until they saw the damage done to his face.

  The plastic surgeon said the damage had been extensive, and while they could minimize the scarring, he would always carry a reminder of that night. Cal was very unhappy about that. He comforted himself with the idea that he was still breathing while his companions were not. He was surprised that Dr. Jordan hadn’t reported the incident. In fact, no one seemed to know anything about it.

  The bell over the door rang. He walked out to see one of the town’s deputies had decided to pay him a visit.

  “Deputy? I’m Cal Worthington. How can I help you?”

  “I’m not here officially, Mr. Worthington...”

  “Cal, please,” he said with all the charm he could muster. The fact was he was still in a great deal of pain.

  “A friend of mine, Halley Jordan, told the city clerk she was coming to see you the other day and hasn’t been seen since.”

  “She did stop by, but wasn’t here long. Then she took off down the street. I saw her get in her red truck.”

  “So did others, but I think you’re the last one who spoke with her. Did she give you any indication about her plans?”

  “Just that she was going to be conducting some kind of wildlife study. Maybe she’s out doing that.”

  “Maybe,” said Charlie, nodding. “Well, thanks for your help.”

  “Any time, Deputy. Any time.”

  Cal clos
ed the door behind him. Getting rid of Halley Jordan was becoming a necessity.

  * * *

  Halley and Cade arrived at her house and were pleased that nothing seemed amiss. She persuaded him that they should take a break and she’d make them something to eat. While he knew in theory about modern conveniences, he was fascinated with the way things worked, most especially the refrigerator. He’d seen them at various times, but the fact that it easily kept things cold, you could get chilled water and ice out of the door, and there was cold beer on hand seemed to please him. She made a quick flatbread pizza with chicken, avocado, bacon, and a tangy southwest sauce that Cade seemed to enjoy.

  “We could take some of the beer back with us. It’ll stay nice and cold if we sit it in that cooling area you have.”

  He nodded. “Good idea. Why don’t you go get whatever you want from upstairs and I’ll clean up down here?”

  “Okay,” she said, running up the stairs. She was just coming out of the closet when she heard the front door open. Halley ran down the hall and stopped at the top of the stairs. Oh, good Lord, she thought. There stood Charlie Murdock demanding to know who Cade was and why he was in her house without her.

  Halley came tripping down the stairs as if this was the most natural scenario in the world. But it wasn’t. What could be more bizarre than her two-hundred-plus-year-old lover confronting the man he felt had taken liberties with her more than a decade ago?

  “Hey babe!” she called brightly. “Oh, hi, Charlie. Did you meet Cade? Cade, this is Charlie, Kaye’s boyfriend. Charlie, this is Cade... mine,” she said, snuggling up to him. She could feel the tension in Cade’s body.

  “Kaye didn’t mention you were seeing anybody,” said Charlie suspiciously.

  “That’s because I hadn’t had a chance to tell her.”

  Cade’s hand moved possessively down her back until it was resting lightly on her buttocks.

  “Halley,” he said silkily, “have you been naughty again and not told people we’re betrothed?”

  She looked up at him, barely able to suppress the look of shock on her face.


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