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Page 2

by Ashers, LeAnn

  I turn my attention to the guys. I feel unfulfilled. “We have to go back. We’ve not dealt with them at all yet.”

  Vinny nods. “I agree. I got really bad vibes from them.”

  “How about once she’s feeling better we’ll get together and discuss plans?” Lane suggests.

  “I like that idea. Goodnight. See you tomorrow, Vinny.” I give my brother a hug and slip inside of the house, exhausted but burning to do more.


  The Next Day

  Today is my niece and nephew’s birthday. They’re twins and are turning five. They were born a few months after I came to live with my brother.

  I walk up the driveway to the backyard. The twins, Sariah and Caleb, spot me and run over. “Wow, those are for us?” Sariah’s eyes are glowing as she looks at the big presents.

  I know I went overboard, but they’re my babies. I don't have any kids, but in my heart I love them as I would love my own and Michaela.

  “Mommy, look! Look what Etta gave me!” Caleb runs ahead with the present. Sariah is struggling holding hers. Trey takes the present from Caleb, and I move to help Sariah when Caleb runs back to take it from her.

  I spot Lynn getting out of her SUV. I walk to her so we can walk inside the gate together. We both tend to get nervous around people we don’t know.

  We all know no one will hurt us, especially the guys that are in the MC—I know all of them—but we have some random parents we don’t know here from the twins’ school.

  There is one guy named Lee. He is an uncle of one of the kids that go to school with the twins. He comes everywhere with the parents.

  I don't like him.

  I don't like the way he stares at me and Lynn, but me in particular. I seem to get most of his focus, which I’m thankful for because that means the focus is off of Lynn. He tries to talk to me, but I always manage to slip past him.

  I haven’t told anyone because he hasn’t done anything to me, plus I only ever see him at school functions and things like that. I just don't like his vibes.

  “Hey sister, how is Linda?” I ask Lynn once she walks up to me. Michaela runs past us to go play with the kids, her long, beautiful hair flowing behind her.

  The door to the house opens and Lane walks out with a few of his members. He’s speaking to one I’ve never met before.

  He stops talking to Lane and his eyes connect with mine. My stomach flips, my fingers tingle from his gaze. I can’t stop the smile that I give him, my face burning from his gaze.

  Then he smiles at me. I have to look away and Lynn is grinning from ear to ear at our interaction. “Stop that!” I hiss, trying to gather my senses.

  I have never acted like that before. Most of the time when I’m around the guys it’s strictly brotherly.

  This was different. I felt like I was a teenager and I just spotted a cute boy.

  “Cute” is not a word that I would give that guy. He has dark brown hair, with some graying at the temples. Tattoos everywhere, up to under his chin, down his arms, fully sleeved and around six foot five. He’s huge.

  “Girl, I saw that look between the both of you! Konrad is a great guy,” Lynn whispers to me so no one hears. We’ve walked to the side so we can talk amongst ourselves.

  My eyes open wider. “Wait, you know him?” I ask.

  She nods. “He volunteers with the boys. He takes them out for the day sometimes.”

  I can’t deny the pleasure I feel that he is kind enough to do that. Lynn smiles again, giving me a weird look.

  “Stopppp it.” I push her shoulder slightly, my face growing redder.

  Lynn giggles, covering her mouth, Vinny walks over to us and I smile at him. “How does it feel the babies being five?” I ask when he gets closer.

  “It’s fucking hard. One second they were small enough to hold them in one hand and the next they’re tearing down the house.” Vinny stares into space as he thinks of his babies.

  I’m so proud of the person he has become. He has come so far from everything that happened to us as kids, and so has Danny.

  Vinny moves closer and has a secret grin on his face. Oh no. “So, I saw that look.” Lynn almost falls to the ground in laughter, my face is burning so bad from the embarrassment. Who all saw that? I am such a dork! Why did I smile like that?

  “Shut up,” I hiss, itching to punch him on the shoulder.

  He laughs. “Etta, you almost knocked him on his ass. When you looked away, he grabbed the damn banister.”

  My embarrassment goes out of the window. “That makes me feel better.”

  Lynn wraps her arm around my shoulder. “I love you, Etta.”

  My heart does a little happy dance. “I love you too.”

  “I’m going to go use the bathroom.” I hug her back and tap Vinny on the shoulder. I keep my head down and walk inside of the house, not wanting to look stupid again.

  I shut the door behind me, locking it, then look at myself in the mirror, studying myself. In my old life, being pretty made everything harder. If someone was attracted to you, it was your fault because you tempted them.

  My husband is alive. We were not legally married. I know that Vinny tried to find him, but they never could, or Lynn’s husband for that matter.

  I do have that fear in the back of my mind that he could find me, but it’s been years and I doubt that they would even know where to look. What could he do? I’m surrounded by the MC every day of my life.

  I was actually kicked out of my home that I slept at—I wouldn’t even say I lived there. I survived; his dogs were treated better than I was.

  One day I was tired of it. I stood up for myself and I was sent back to my parents so my behavior could be corrected.

  Sometimes when I wake up in the morning it’s almost like I’m there once again. I have that startling fear for a split second before I come to my senses.

  The thing is, we didn’t know that this wasn’t normal. The life in the cult is made to seem like we were the only normal people in the world. The outside was just made up of sinners and demons.

  We just knew that life was shitty and that was the way it was meant to be, until my sister had Michaela.

  That’s when we knew that we needed to get out. We were planning it, but then Vinny showed up out of nowhere and took us out of there.

  I smile at myself in the mirror, letting some of my anxiety melt away. Why was I looking away, being embarrassed? That was not me, not anymore.

  I open the bathroom door, and standing right outside of it is Lee.

  Oh no.

  * * *


  “Who is she?” I ask Lane the second we break eye contact. I can see the blush on her face all the way over here.

  Lane chuckles. “She’s Etta.”

  Then it clicks because I’ve heard the guys talk about her a lot over the years but I’ve never met her, though I have met Lynn, her sister.

  “She’s fucking beautiful, man,” I confess, looking at her again. She has beautiful blonde hair that reaches her ass, a beautiful tan, and she’s tall—around five foot seven or eight.

  “Tough as fucking nails,” Wilder pipes in.

  Lynn looks over at me and smirks, catching me staring at her sister, and Vinny does the same, but I don’t give a fuck.

  Etta hugs them both and walks inside of the house, keeping her head down as she walks inside.

  A minute later I notice a guy practically running inside of the house after her. “I don’t fucking like that,” I tell Lane.

  I walk inside right behind him with Lane and see him standing right outside the bathroom.

  * * *


  “Can I speak to you for a few minutes?” Lee asks, taking a step closer to me, and I take a step back from him.

  I study his body language. He’s anxious and looking around to see if anyone is around.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t feel comfortable speaking to you right now,” I tell him nicely and I step past him, walking through th
e house in case he changes his mind about letting me pass.

  Turning the corner, I spot Lane and Konrad. I make my way to them, instantly feeling relieved. I don’t know Konrad, but I know Lane very well. “Are you okay, Etta?” Lane asks.

  I nod. “Yeah, I’m fine. I think that guy is a little weird though,” I answer honestly.

  Konrad looks behind me. I peek around and see Lee just standing there watching the three of us. I can see that he’s angry. “I think it’s best you go outside to the party,” Konrad says to him.

  Lee walks past us. I have to take a step back so he doesn’t brush against me. A shiver wracks my body.

  “I’m going to speak to your brother about this.” Lane leaves me and Konrad alone together in the house.

  “Thank you for watching out for me,” I tell him, feeling kind of nervous being alone with him like this.

  His face changes from that deep menacing one that he was giving Lee to one that is different, softer. “It’s not a thing, sweetheart.”

  I try not to close my eyes, his deep voice and that endearment affecting me. “It is though.”

  “Go out with me tonight.”

  My whole body literally jerks in shock that he has asked me that. His eyes are watching me intently. “Okay,” I agree, and I start to freak out inside immediately.

  I have never been on a date in my life. I’ve not prepared myself for this or asked Lani any questions.

  He smiles for the first time. “After you.” He puts his hand on the small of my back, leading me out.

  I spot Lynn by herself and I walk over to her, trying to act cool and not freak out because I have a date.

  She watches me as I walk to her. “Are you okay? I saw Lee run in after you, then Lane and Konrad,” she questions, taking my hand.

  “It was really weird. He wanted to speak to me but I told him no, that I was uncomfortable. He was standing outside of the bathroom when I opened the door.” She looks over at Lee, who slips out of the gate. I hope he’s leaving.

  “What the fuck? He is so weird! I’ve noticed that he’s creepy for a while now,” she admits.

  “Wait, you did too? I thought I was just paranoid,” I confess, feeling more concerned now because I’ve caught him staring at her.

  She nods, looking at the gate once again. “Yeah, I’ve seen him staring at you, but I’ve also caught him staring at Michaela more than once.”

  That pisses me right the fuck off. “I should have shot him.” I’m half tempted to run after him after hearing about that. I am shaking mad. “Did Michaela notice?” I ask.

  Lynn looks at the ground for a second. “She’s the one who mentioned it to me.”

  That is the final straw for me. I leave Lynn standing and run out of the gate toward him.

  I spot him immediately standing beside a car. “Hey,” I call, walking up to him.

  I can tell that I’ve taken him completely off-guard with my actions. It’s one thing to fuck with me, but my niece? I will destroy you.

  “I want to know what your problem is,” I demand, my hands fisted at my sides so I don’t knock him out.

  His expression changes to one of anger. “You. I’ve tried to talk to you for months. I realize now you’re a stuck-up bitch and a whore clinging to those men out there,” he spits at me.

  I laugh, shaking with the anger building up inside of me. “Look, say whatever you want about me, but I’m warning you, I catch you staring at my sister or my niece again, I will fucking end you. And I mean that with every part of my being.”

  He takes a step back at my threat. “I haven’t…” he starts, but I throw my hand up.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what you think you did, my niece was made uncomfortable by a grown-ass man. That is the issue. She brought it to her mother’s attention! That is the problem and you made my sister along with my myself uncomfortable.” I have my gun in the back of my pants and I’m not afraid to use it. Honestly, I wish a motherfucker would.

  His face drops. “Listen here, bitch. You do not speak to me like that! It’s not your place!” he yells back, and it’s like I’ve been hit by a ton of bricks. I am fucking floored by his words.

  It sounds like the…

  * * *


  Lynn runs to me, frantic. “Etta just ran after Lee. I let it slip to her that he made Michaela uncomfortable!” I take off running through the gates, pissed off at myself that I didn’t even see her leave.

  I spot her and him across the gravel yard. “Listen here, bitch!” I hear him yell, and I’m instantly enraged at the disrespect.

  He lifts his hand like he’s going to strike her. I grip her by the back of her shirt, pulling her back and behind me.

  It happens so fast that he can’t stop his movement, and he hits me in the chest instead.

  His eyes widen as he takes me in; I can see the fear in his eyes. Lifting my hand, I take ahold of his fist. “Biiig fucking mistake,” I chuckle, twisting his wrist with all of my strength, loving the fucking sound of the breaking of his bones.

  “Please let me go,” he pleads, his knees on the ground.

  I tighten my hand on his wrist. “Please let me go,” I mock his pathetic fucking voice. “I won’t let you fucking go. You DARED to hit her!” I roar in his face, loving the way he flinches.

  “I think he’s from the cult,” Etta whispers softly behind me. I look at her and her face is completely, utterly fucking pale. “He said, it’s not my place.” She’s shaking.


  I take out my phone and text Lane to get here ASAP. I don’t know her story, but I know that she grew up in a cult and they were fucked in the head.

  Lee starts screaming, trying to pull away. “Get the fuck down!” I growl, pushing him down until his face is on the gravel, lifting his arm up higher so he can’t move unless he wants to break his shoulder.

  “Etta, look at me.”

  She looks at me, her beautiful eyes wide. “You’re safe. No one can hurt you,” I reassure her. I know that she’s feeling some old shit right now.

  She takes a deep breath, nodding. “Tell me who the fuck you work for,” she demands, putting her foot on Lee’s neck, pushing down.

  Holy fuck.

  He struggles to get away from her. “You will tell me or I’ll shoot your fucking dick off. You have no other choices. Know your place, fucker.” She throws his words right back at him.

  I can’t resist the urge to laugh. She’s fucking hot. “Darlin’, if you’re trying to make me fall in love, it’s working.” I wink at her.

  She grins, the light back in her eyes giving me exactly what I was hoping for.

  “You’re crazy,” she tells me, laughing slightly.

  I laugh right with her. “I don’t think I’m the only one.”

  She shakes her head, turning the attention back to Lee. “Tell me the name of the fucking cult now!”

  “Danielson!” he screams.

  She takes a step back like he burned her, just as Trey runs up with her brother Vinny, Lynn, and my MC brothers. Vinny stops in his tracks at the word Danielson.

  “This fucker tried to hit her,” I tell them all. I’m still so fucking pissed. I want to put a bullet in his head. I want to end him for daring to hurt her.

  “Danielson is the cult that we grew up in,” Lynn tells everyone around us, letting it sink in.

  He is there for them.

  * * *


  When he spoke those words, I knew. I knew because I heard them almost every single day of my life.

  Know your place.

  We were taught that we were nothing, that was all we would ever be in their eyes.

  Lynn takes my hand. I know she’s scared and, honestly, I am too. “Why are you here after so many years?” Lynn asks. Vinny wraps his arms around her tightly.

  “You took my fiancée.”

  I blink and the silence around us grows as we each try to figure out who the fuck his fiancée could be.

sp; Lynn pales to the point that I’m terrified she’s going to pass out. “No!” she screams and then it hits me.


  Fear unlike anything I have ever felt before overwhelms me. It’s all-consuming. I take off running. I need to get to her. I can hear the others on my ass; I can’t even feel my feet hitting the ground.

  After running inside of the gate to the backyard, I stop for a second, trying to find Michaela, my heart beating so hard.

  I don't see her, nor do I see Lani.

  “Where is Lani!” Trey yells so loudly, I can hear the slight panic in his voice. Opening the door to the house, Konrad puts his hand on my back as we run through the rooms trying to find Michaela.

  Looking out of the window to the front of the house, I see Lani holding onto Michaela, who is getting dragged by the father of the kid in Caleb’s class. They’re halfway across the huge-ass field where the parking lot is.

  Oh my God!

  Michaela is screaming at the top of her lungs. I rip open the door, and Konrad lifts me out of the way of Trey who runs past me.

  A motorcycle comes to a stop across the field. Tristan gets off of his bike, coming to the party. “Tristan, help!” I scream at the top of my lungs. His head whips in our direction and takes in the scene; he is the closest to them.

  I take off running behind Trey. Lynn passes me the fear for her child, spurring me to move faster. Everyone pushes past me as Lynn tries to get to Michaela and Lani.

  Tristan rips the guy off of Michaela and starts beating the shit out of him right in front of everyone.

  Lynn falls to the ground by her daughter, her legs not holding her up anymore. Trey picks up Lani, holding her, and Vinny is holding their kids.

  I can’t breathe with the terror I’m feeling. I would die if they had taken her. I would have murdered everyone in my path.

  “Look at me.” Konrad stands in front of me, cupping my face. “Breathe for me. She is safe,” he repeats over and over until I finally connect the words he’s saying.


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