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Taken by Tryon Scavenger

Page 9

by Alyx X

  This game was all mind-based now.

  He checked the chains behind my back, and the metal pinched against my wrists as he drew my hands together. At least I could breathe. Even if the air tasted of rust and garbage, at least I could breathe.

  He stepped back, his gaze assessing as he looked at me. Then he nodded, seeming satisfied before approaching me. I stayed completely still as I took in the hard cock tenting his pants right at jaw height. Maybe more erotic than I thought.

  My jaw tensed, and I ground my teeth. I knew what he wanted; it was obvious. However, I wasn’t prepared for my little game to end with him fucking me, no matter how much I had indicated that. Maybe I’d pushed him too far before, teasing him.

  When he offered to let me buy my way home before, I’d assumed a degree of what I recognized as humanity in him. I wouldn’t assume again. It looked like I’d played this round wrong.

  I glanced away, looking into a corner thick with black mold and slime. I focused my attention on anything but him. A dumb move, because he grabbed my chin, making me flinch. So much for not showing him my fear.

  He lifted my head, forcing me to face him, and I hissed through my teeth. I didn’t plan to make this easy.

  “You’re going to obey me.” He spoke in a cold, hard voice, and his eyes narrowed as he established his dominance again. “I don’t want to hurt you, but if I have to I will.”

  I forced myself to sound amused, and even I almost believed my chuckle. I only hoped he wouldn’t notice the goosebumps that rippled over my skin. “Well then.” My voice sounded confident enough. “Get ready to have to hurt me, because I don’t plan to just roll over for you.”

  He squeezed his eyes a fraction narrower.

  “This isn’t how you woo women, after all.” I lowered my voice. Back to seductive, back to playing him. It had worked before, it was worth a shot again. I shifted position again, an effort to make myself comfortable and show him my ease despite my situation. “A woman—” I began my instruction with more of the same confidence. “—likes to be treated gently. Even a woman who threatens to eat the heart and rip off the cock and balls of her enemy. Maybe especially those.” I threw in another chuckle, and it bounced richly off the metal walls. “No woman likes to be treated like property. Princesses, maybe, but not property.” Then I nibbled my lower lip and went for my best line. “If I had to guess, you haven’t been around enough women to know that.”

  “Are you ever going to stop trying to get under my skin?” He laughed, and I almost believed it was genuine, like I actually amused him.

  Something that looked a hell of a lot like regret shone briefly in his eyes, and I seized my moment. “No.” I smiled and tried to lift my arms in a shrug, but the chains prevented it. “But I have a proposition for you.”

  He lifted his eyebrows and waited.

  “If you answer two questions for me, I’ll suck your cock.” This had better work.

  For a moment, he looked surprised, and I pressed harder, jutting my chin out to indicate his hard-on.

  “That’s what you want, right?”

  He laughed, but there was no merriment in the sound. It grated on me.

  Then he rubbed his hand across his chin, the gesture thoughtful, like he might be considering the deal. I watched as his green chest flexed and bunched as he moved, the dark green swirling script shimmering in the low light of the room. I forced myself to look away from the writing, to meet his gaze and hold it.

  “So, two questions. Just two?”

  I nodded my agreement.

  “Two questions so you can try to get into my head, then follow that up by biting my cock off? No chance. I mean, I appreciate the deal, but no.”

  “Hmm.” Two could play at this fake thinking thing. “Maybe…” I widened my eyes as if I’d just thought of the answer. “Perhaps you just want to fuck me, then. If I had to wager a guess, I’d say you are rethinking your business deal. Maybe you want me for yourself.”

  “No.” His reply was immediate, short and sharp, and unexpected.

  I didn’t show him my surprise, but I needed to know more. If he didn’t plan to fuck me, what did he plan to do? “Why not?” Then I nodded. “Oh, okay. I get it. Of course.” I exhaled, then leaned my head against the damp metal wall. “It’s the tail. Of course it’s the tail.” I sounded like I ran up against this sort of problem all the fucking time. “It’s something to do with the tail, right?”

  His face froze. The only muscle movement was the barely perceptible tick on the right side of his jaw. He said nothing.

  I’d hit a nerve. That was interesting. “You know, if you answer, we can count this as one of my questions,” I said sweetly. “Why don’t you want to fuck me, tail-guy? Don’t I look nice enough, or is it your tail that does the fucking?”

  He hesitated. The pause obvious after his quick response about fucking me before. Mine was probably a response he hadn’t intended, but it had been given before he could think it through. An instinctive, visceral reaction.

  I shifted again, flinching as the clanking chains gave away my restlessness in the face of his silence.

  “On my planet, my people take sex seriously. It’s something only for our life mates.” But it was only half an answer.

  He hadn’t even addressed his tail, and why the hell did he think he deserved a life-mate when he had unceremoniously removed any possibility for me to have the same? It naturally led to lots of other questions, but I had to be careful. I only had one more, per our deal.

  His answer irritated me. I struggled to contain it. “Right. So, you get to take sex seriously, as you put it, but you’re planning to train me to be used as an object for who knows how many aliens. Do you know how many?” I hadn’t meant to ask a question, so I rushed to answer it before he could say he’s answered two. “No, I bet you don’t.”

  “Who knows how many aliens,” he murmured before looking at me as his eyes cleared, becoming more business-like. “But I don’t care where my money comes from. And I’m not going to fuck you—your first use is reserved as a privilege for your new master.”

  I lifted my chin as his answers began taking away my choices. If I couldn’t use my body to provoke him, I didn’t know what else to do.

  “But before we get to that new master…” He lowered his voice and dropped his hand to smooth the bulge of his cock. “You’re going to swallow my cock.”

  That was what he thought, but I didn’t answer him. I just snapped my teeth, the sound echoing around the room.

  He laughed, and his expression changed. “Oh, you will take my cock, but not now.”

  Before he finished speaking, his tail flicked outward, the tip touching my exposed clit, and I gasped, part in shock, part at the strange sensation. My back arched at the unexpected invasion. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced—sinuous, cold, hot, and like the shocks he’d administered before but without the pain. He had full and very detailed control of that tail in a way I hadn’t expected. I watched, trying to summon the will to resist, as he rubbed the tip over me, and around me in a way not even fingers had before. It was perfect, and I arched again, unable to stop myself pressing closer, wanting more. Fuck.

  I gasped with each fresh movement he made and closed my eyes so I didn’t have to look at him while I tried to focus on maintaining my control. Even as each tiny movement stroked heat and desire through me. My nipples hardened, throbbing with the need to be touched, and that frustration played against the sudden desire in my pussy.

  He chuckled, the sound low and full of heat, caressing my skin. “You like that?”

  “No.” But my word emerged as a moan of pleasure, and he continued to stroke me before circling around my opening. I inhaled sharply in anticipation as sparks skittered across my skin.

  I wanted more. There was no way I could tell him that. However, my traitorous body moved anyway, seeking what I couldn’t ask for, pleasuring itself against him.

  I’d never felt anything like it, the way each ri
dge and muscle seemed to move and be controlled by him to press or flick against me in just the right places. I swallowed, trying to fight my response, but it was like a drug. I didn’t want to fight it. I wanted more, and I’d do anything to get more.

  I moaned and writhed, the chains at my wrists clinking louder as my movements grew bigger. I didn’t want to see the look of satisfaction on his face, so I kept my eyes closed.

  “I don’t think I have to answer your question about whether or not my tail does the fucking.” He breathed a little harder. “You seem to be enjoying it.”

  He twitched it again and exquisite heat shot through me as I gasped and writhed harder.

  “It’s not even inside you.” I froze. His low voice was halfway between seduction and taunting. “Just imagine what it would feel like to have this inside you. Or to have my cock inside you while my tail continues pleasuring you like this.” I knew he was inexperienced, but my brain managed to forget that fact in the wake of this strange confidence he was displaying.

  I moaned. I couldn’t imagine. Or I could, but I shouldn’t. My pussy contracted just thinking about it, and I fought to get enough breaths as my chest heaved up and down. I wanted him to touch me. I wanted his mouth on me as his tail worked me to a frenzy. Vaguely, I wondered where my anger had gone. Apparently I had needed a good fucking. Badly.

  “Human.” He crooned the word and I finally met his eyes. They were heavy-lidded, the green orbs smoldering in the heat of the moment. “I’ve answered your questions, and I’ve shown you what my tail can do, so now it’s time for you to keep your end of the bargain.

  He took a wide-legged stride toward me and my gaze fell on his obvious erection. Fuck me, I wanted it.

  “Open wide, and you can taste me.” He made it sound like a treat, and my mouth watered as I continued to writhe against him. A fog of passion and movement and moaning had descended over me. I was nearly unable to think. I just wanted sensation and pleasure and release.

  I’d had sex before, but nothing like this. It almost made me wonder what I’d even been doing before. How could I possibly have been satisfied by those men? The guys I’d been with had been experienced, but this green-skinned alien with a tail took expertise to a whole new level, and he made me want him, despite my situation. The logical part of my brain screamed that he was my enemy, that I still needed to kill him. However, against everything I thought I knew or could control, he made me want him. The power balance had shifted, and I didn’t even care as long as he didn’t stop touching me.

  I opened my mouth, signaling my willingness, my urgency, to complete the bargain I’d laid out. He pushed his pants down, his cock springing free to bounce against the ridges of his abs. Abs that I was just now noticing. His alien cock was big, but I wanted it, and I watched as precum beaded at his tip.

  I leaned forward and licked it off, the taste exploding in my mouth, every bit as much of a drug as the tail he still worked against me. So alien cum actually tastes good too? Sliding my tongue against his shaft, I drew him into my mouth, using my chains to support me as I gripped them and pressed toward him.

  Fuck. I could barely think. My mind lost itself in the whirl of sensation. His hard cock slid in and out of my mouth, the skin soft and slick as I ran my tongue over it, coaxing more pre cum from him. His tail worked my clit, the touch alternately gentle when I needed it and faster or harder without me needing to say a word. He was responding to my body before I even knew what it wanted. He probed against my pussy, sliding along my slit, and I moaned around him.

  His breath became ragged, and I responded, my thighs clenching, signaling my body’s need for release.

  But no, I couldn’t come. If he came, he’d win this round, and my pride wouldn’t allow that to happen. I was supposed to be in control. As more muscles tightened through my body, I pulled away from my desire with a painful yank and pressed my teeth into his cock.

  He cried out, jerking away and taking both his cock and his touch from my reach. The orgasm that had been building slammed to a stop, but the residual pleasure still raced through me like the lingering effects of a drug.

  “Fucking human.” He spat the words, but that was all he said as he left the room. I sagged back against the wall as my pussy pulsed and fluttered, wanting something I could no longer give it.

  I wasn’t sure who’d lost this round as frustration welled inside me. All I wanted to do was rub my finger against my throbbing clit. If this fucker was going to whip out that tail every time he wanted something from me, I was so fucked.



  I didn’t run to the bridge. I wasn’t running anywhere. Not on this ship. As I strode away, deliberately leaving her unfinished, I curled my tail around my waist and caught it in my hand. It was still wet with her, glistening in the ship’s low lights.

  Her scent drifted around me, and I breathed it in, filling my chest before I drew my tail taut, pulling it to my mouth. At first I was tentative, swiping lightly with my tongue, but as her taste hit me, I licked my skin with force then sucked her juices from my tail.

  It was a delicacy I’d never tasted, and the cock I’d only just put away grew hard again in an instant, throbbing with unsatisfied desire. Well holy shit. I had almost just had my first sexual encounter, and with a human no less. Thinking of her… my cock throbbed and my tail tensed. My body wanted to return to the beautiful human, even though she had bitten me in the end.

  She was forbidden to me. I wasn’t her true master, and she wasn’t my life partner. Frustrated, I shoved my tail back into my pants, working it down my trouser leg to secure it where it couldn’t cause me any more trouble.

  Then I continued my walk to the bridge, determined to shove the human and her scent and taste from my mind, no matter how remarkable she was. I had to train her, that was all. And I would. She would submit to me.

  I almost turned back, but it was a moment of weakness and I ignored the need to rush back down the corridor to her, to finish what I’d started. I wanted her to finish what she’d started, too. Need still coursed through me, but I had to find an off switch.

  I trailed my hand along the corridor wall—searching for sensory input that would drown out the desire pulsing through me. My tail shifted restlessly, and I pressed it to my leg. I didn’t need the opinion of one of my body parts to make this any more difficult.

  I walked onto the bridge and closed the door behind me. The more doors between the human and me, the better. My flight controls were lit up and blinking reassuringly. At least something was still normal aboard this ship. I walked over and studied them, needing to know when we’d arrive with Satyan so I could hand over his human. She was doing weird things to my head, and I needed the balance Satyan owed me in my account a lot more than I needed the mind games she kept trying to play.

  I grabbed a beer from my drawer and sank into my seat to study the screens. If there weren’t any unexpected events like a stray asteroid or an incoming solar flare from a distant galaxy, we could arrive in just a few days. A sigh of relief escaped me, and I took a long swig on my bottle as my frustration cooled a little.

  A few days wouldn’t be any problem at all. I could just keep her in the hold without needing to see her. That way she could play her mind games and I wouldn’t have to deal with the fact that the only part of me being fucked was my head.

  I laughed; the sound hollow. A mindfuck. Yeah, that was about right for my life so far. However, my mind snagged on the glaring problem: she was not yet trained. Definitely not submissive. How the fuck was I supposed to convince Satyan that this human was what he had paid for? He’d made it very clear that he wanted a woman who would do as he commanded, and the human in my cargo hold was anything but. I wasn’t sure what to do, but I know that delivering a human at all was better than nothing. Satyan would just have to be satisfied with a warrior human, and maybe I could lower my price a little to avoid his wrath at her obvious defiance.

  I sighed, wondering for the thousandth time
how I’d gotten myself into this mess.

  The beer slipped down my throat easily, and I reached for my communication device to type out a message for Satyan informing him of my arrival time and date. But the communication program was already flashing to indicate a message had been received, and I opened it with trepidation. I didn’t need any more last-minute changes or additional instructions from Satyan. The training he’d sprung on me was bad enough.

  I opened a vid sequence, and Satyan’s grotesque face filled my screen.

  “Greetings Lyx,” he said. “I hope everything is still running to plan.” He sighed and seemed to look off into the distance before returning his gaze to almost focus on me. “I find myself increasingly excited to meet the mahogany human beauty you’ve procured for me, but apprehensive about the degree of training you’re capable of delivering. However, I’m a reasonable man. I’m aware your skills in this area are somewhat... limited.”

  He laughed, his chuckle dark. The idea of my skills being limited amused him, and he almost certainly had some knowledge of Tryonian traditions regarding partnering for life, or he wouldn’t have sent this communication. Bastard.

  I huffed out a sigh. Despite his earlier assertions at our first meeting, I had no interest in entering into long-term business with this man. This human transportation was my first and last.

  Onscreen, Satyan continued. “As such, I’ve sent a helpful vid sequence for you to watch. It provides some basic instruction on what I will expect from my new female.”

  The air I’d been holding in my chest released with a whoosh, and my stomach cramped. Instinctively, I knew this wasn’t a vid sequence I wanted to watch, but I had to if I wanted to complete the deal and fill my bank account, I couldn’t do anything else.

  The camera panned out, widening the angle so I could see Satyan’s entire room, and my stomach flipped over at the sight on screen. Satyan stood in a room with several species of women, one on her knees in front of him. The others were nuzzling against him and stroking their hands across his red, pustule-covered skin. I almost gagged.


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