Book Read Free

The Mountain Valley War

Page 21

by M. A. Carlson

  “We can share,” Icyhot protested.

  “I don’t share,” said Rose, her eyes narrowing.

  Icyhot just grinned a little. “Well, regardless of Rose’s claim on Bye-bye, we would be happy to be part of your quest chain.”

  “Excellent,” said Olaf. “Welcome to the club. Now, when we get back to Hammerton, we need to find out the origin of that book. Bye-bye, I assume you already assigned Heath to dig into those two Dwarves once we find out who they were?”

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “Great, so what can we do to help?” Icyhot asked.

  “I don’t know yet,” said Olaf.

  “I do,” I said, jumping in. “This quest, the recommended level is for 13 and higher. You and your team need to level up, a lot.”

  “You’re not exactly that high of a level either,” Icyhot replied.

  “I know, we need to level up some more as well,” I said. “That said, there are a few repeatable bounty quests we’ve uncovered that will help.”

  “But honestly, you need to find your own side quests. You’re human which means you have a naturally higher charisma, you need to max that out, use your Local Hero title and start plumbing the locals for quests, as many as you can find,” Olaf added. “That means talking to the NPC’s, treating them like real people. I know, it seems strange to actually talk to them but the AI’s in here are advanced. I couldn’t believe how much so until I saw Bye-bye at work. Just asking for a quest, doesn’t work with most of them.”

  Icyhot frowned, his eyebrows creased. “Is that true? Does talking to the NPC’s really matter that much?”

  “More than you can possibly imagine,” I said. “The biggest thing, when you talk to them, ask about them, ask about what is going on in their lives. If they mention something being a problem or annoyance or even something that brings them joy, ask if you can help. Most of the time, it will lead to a quest or quest chain, often quests that overlap.”

  “I suppose I can only try,” Icyhot said with a shrug. He had just started to speak when we were notified of a quest completion.

  Quest Alert: Destroy the Pit! (Recommended Level 8-10) – Completed!

  You have discovered a Demon Pit is responsible for summoning the gremlins to this world. Now, you need to find a way to destroy it before something bigger than a gremlin finds its way out.

  Reward: +10,000-Experience, Increased reputation with Captain Grandmite

  “Yeah!” Rock suddenly shouted from the center of the room where the previously glowing green pit was now dark, completely absent of energy. “You bet we’re going to look into the Demons,” said Rock.

  “Hey, I just got that quest you were talking about Bye-bye,” said Icyhot. “Looks like Rock got offered the same quest for cleansing the pit as you did for finding that book . . . and great balls of fire, you weren’t kidding about the recommended level. I need to almost double my current level to meet it.”

  “As I said, time to grind those levels,” I reaffirmed.

  “Also, for those bounty quests. I would recommend you hire a Wagoneer, wagon and oxen team, maybe someone able to scavenge the animals,” Olaf added.

  “I can scavenge them,” Duncan volunteered.

  “I would hire someone anyway. If you can get someone capable of training you, you’ll gain levels rapidly,” Olaf said.

  “Either way, our work here is done. What do you say we discuss this when we get back to the surface?” Rose interjected, stopping our plotting in its tracks.

  “She’s got a point,” said Icyhot.

  “Right, then everyone, let’s get out of here. I want to do one more sweep of all the side tunnels on our way back out. Given we haven’t received completion for the ‘Gremlins!’ quest, we must have missed one,” Olaf ordered.

  As it turned out, we had missed one, just one of the little buggers. It was trapped under a pile of gremlin corpses about halfway out of the tunnel. We caught him trying to gnaw his own leg off to get away. As soon as he died, we got the notification.

  Quest Alert: Gremlins! (Recommended Level 8-10) – Completed!

  You’ve uncovered the cause of Hammerpeak Mine’s troubles. Now you need to solve the problem. Exterminate the gremlin infestation before it spreads outside the mine.

  Reward: +10,000-Experience, Increased reputation with Captain Grandmite

  It was a big relief when it was done.

  “Well done, everyone,” said Digren as soon as we exited the mine. “I cannot begin to tell you how much of a relief it is to have the mine restored to full working order. Be sure to tell Captain Grandmite I am putting her and you up for commendations. The Hammerton war effort thanks you for your services.”

  Hammerton War Effort: Securing the Mine – Completed!

  You have secured the Hammerpeak Mines for the Hammerton War Effort. Continue to secure resources and personnel to fight in the battles to come and you will be well rewarded.

  Reward: +25,000-Experience, Increased reputation with Hammerton Military Structure

  Well, that was a surprise. There wasn’t even a quest for it.

  Congratulations! You’ve reached Level 11!

  +1 to bonus Holy Spells, +1 Intellect, +1 Charisma

  That was even more unexpected. I really should pay more attention to my experience bar. A quick look around showed everyone in my group gained a level except for Baby, though I was sure she was close.

  Chapter 12

  Icyhot and his group ended up walking back to Hammerton with us, which actually turned out to be a very good thing for at least one of his party. As we still had a little room in the wagon, hunting bears and rock giants was still an option, one we took full advantage of, making sure to fill our wagon with a full complement of bear meat and skins. A simple request to Gras and he instructed Duncan in scavenging the same as he did us. Duncan was very pleased. And when the wagon was full, Kimmie decided to acquire a pair of bears to fill out her menagerie of six beasts in total.

  For the rock giants, we took a different approach. It mostly involved letting Rock get beat on by one until Rose had completely drained it of mana. Then she let it recharge and beat on Rock again while Rose drained it again. Eventually, Rock killed it in his effort to keep aggro. Rose’s cheering over several level increases to ‘Drain Magic’ made it worth the time.

  Eventually we re-entered Hammerton with a full wagon and several rock giant hearts ready to be turned in.

  Olaf checked us in with the gate guard. Once again, the gate guard was suspicious of us and ended up sending a runner for the Captain.

  “Good, you have returned,” Captain Grandmite greeted us as she came through the inner gate. “I have already received the report from Hammerpeak Mine. I must say, job well done, very well done indeed. My superiors are pleased, meaning I am pleased. The question now, are you ready for something a bit more challenging?”

  “More than ready,” said Icyhot.

  “I do not know you,” said the Captain harshly, her eyes narrowing as she studied Icyhot.

  “They are some new friends. They helped with the mine,” Olaf explained, probably just in time as the Captain’s hand was inching toward her weapon.

  “I see, I still do not know you. Nor have you done anything to earn my trust,” Captain Grandmite continued on. “Earn my trust and perhaps I will give you a chance to prove yourself.”

  Icyhot sighed. “I suppose that makes sense. So, how do we earn your trust?”

  “The army always needs food. Collect 10 bears worth of meat and deliver it to Quartermaster Jod,” she ordered.

  “We’ll do it,” said Icyhot.

  I assumed he accepted a quest for himself and his team.

  “Excellent. I hope you prove to be as valuable as your compatriots have,” said the Captain, nodding in approval.

  “I suppose we should go see about reserving one of those wagons and a driver,” said Icyhot. “Let’s go guys, we’ve got our marching orders.”

  “Son, this might be the old military
man in me speaking, but hunting bears an hour before sunset does not strike me as wise,” Duncan said, carefully advising his team leader.

  “I guess you’re right,” said Icyhot, sounding disappointed. “Oh, well, let’s go check-in to a hotel and explore the town then. I’m sure we all need repairs and the like. Come on,” he said, waving for his group to follow him into the city.

  “Someplace nice,” Jay added, fluttering ahead to fly next to Icyhot.

  “Interesting group,” Rose mumbled to me.

  “See you all soon, level up fast so we can rock some more quests,” Micaela cheered, waving frantically at the retreating group.

  “We don’t have much room to talk,” I mumbled back to her, getting a giggle of amusement.

  “You were saying, Captain,” Olaf said, getting back to the more important conversation.

  “Follow me,” Captain Grandmite said, moving quickly past the inner gates and into the city.

  “Ash, we’ll meet you at the kitchen entrance, Heath, stay with him,” Olaf ordered quickly, following right behind the quickly moving Captain. Micaela wasn’t far behind him but the rest of us scrambled to catch up.

  The Captain led us into the barracks. It was considerably larger than I thought it would be. Just past the entrance was a massive hall, based on the long tables and benches as well as the eating soldiers, this was just the mess hall. On the southern side of the mess hall were stairways leading upwards, most likely to the battlements we had seen when we first entered the city. There were also supply crates and stacks of cannonballs lining the walls below the ramps. Beyond the mess hall, we walked past a dozen large rooms that appeared to have been setup for training purposes, either with dummies, targets, or Dwarves beating the hell out of each other. Deeper still we passed more rooms filled with bunks, some with sleeping Dwarves, some empty, but more than enough to sleep the entire garrison.

  Finally, the Captain led us down a flight of stairs.

  “This is the officer’s level. You wanted to help with our war effort, this is where we plan all our efforts to thwart the Anvilton menace. Here is where you will report starting tomorrow,” Captain Grandmite explained as we entered a room with several other officers standing around a diorama of the Hammer and Anvil Mountain Province that was extremely detailed. Olaf was quickly in conversation with the Captain, no doubt getting details.

  I moved without thinking to look more closely at the diorama, drinking in the details of the two opposing mountain ranges. I took the opportunity to look at the landscape. The valley was more of an oblong bowl as there were even mountains blocking both the eastern and western approaches. The west end of the province was dominated by a large lake that was fed from the north and south by waterfalls that poured down from the two mountains.

  Then I traced the paths we had taken hunting and got a better look at the rock maze outside of the city. I found the path that led to the Hammerpeak Mine, my UI suddenly popping up a notification as I looked at it.

  Hammerpeak Mine – Secured – Producing at 100% capacity

  I was suddenly looking for any other points of interest.

  Hammered Dwarf Brewery – Unsecured – Producing at 25% capacity

  Flattop Mill – Unsecured – Producing at 0% capacity

  Unstoppable Factory – Unsecured – Producing at 50% capacity

  Snowy Gulch Sheep Farm – Unsecured – Producing at 70% capacity

  Hatchet and Sons Lumbermill – Unsecured – Producing at 40% capacity

  And those were just the points of interest on the Hammerton side of the valley that I could see. On the other side of the valley there were six points of interest, corresponding to the six on the Hammerton side.

  Anvil Cracking Brewery – Enemy Controlled – Producing at 115% capacity

  Anvildeep Mine – Enemy Controlled – Producing at 150% capacity

  Chop and Cut Lumbermill – Enemy Controlled – Producing at 135% capacity

  Big Boar’ing Farm – Enemy Controlled – Producing at 100% capacity

  Immovable Factory – Enemy Controlled – Producing at 160% capacity

  Stoneground Mill – Enemy Controlled – Producing at 110% capacity

  Aside from the fact that Anvilton had secured and controlled all their available resources, the fact they were all operating at a higher capacity than normal did not bode well for us given the Hammerton side had yet to even secure all their resources.

  “Where would you start, lad?” a Dwarf asked, drawing my attention from the diorama.

  I looked up to see an older Dwarf, his nameplate listed him as . Realizing I was probably facing the top of the Hammerton military, I straightened up.

  “At ease, lad,” said the General, waving a hand at me to relax. “Now, I asked you a question. Where would you start?”

  “Everywhere,” I said, knowing full well it wasn’t possible, but the look from the General told me to continue. “We need to secure our resources and get their production up significantly. Beyond that, we need to slow down Anvilton, attack their resources and the like.”

  “If only we had the Dwarf-power,” the General said with a huff. “I do hope more of you adventurers arrive to fight on our side. Without any mercenaries or help from the spineless Human King, we are in quite the bind.” There was a bit of heat in his words when he spoke of the Human King.

  “More will come,” I said. They may not come to fight the good fight, but for the money I was putting up, they would come to get paid if nothing else.

  “I hope you are right. But back to my original question, where would you start?” the General asked again.

  “We need resources, the factory and lumbermill specifically need to be secured. Captain Grandmite had the right idea to send adventurers out to collect food from the wild to feed the soldiers. We already bring in hundreds of pounds of meat every day and will continue to do so. It makes the farm, mill and brewery a lower priority. On the other side of the map, we need to attack their food source, force them to use their adventurers in the same way, take them off the board so to speak or at least keep them busy,” I said. I wasn’t an expert of Sun Tzu in any way shape or form, but I understood the basic principal behind food supply and demand. Simply put, a starved army doesn’t fight as well as one that is well fed.

  “Well, you are not completely useless,” the General said, I couldn’t be sure if it was a compliment or an insult.

  “General Hammersmith, sir,” said Captain Grandmite, saluting the General. “I am very sorry your planning was interrupted. I will see to it this adventurer is barred from this room going forward.”

  With those words I was on the verge of a panic attack and was about to protest.

  “Nonsense, Captain,” General Hammersmith said. “No harm done. Sometimes, getting a different perspective is valuable. You should be glad to have this one, he is clever . . . dangerous, but clever. Be glad he is on our side.”

  “Sir,” Captain Grandmite said, snapping to attention and saluting.

  “Mr. Jacko, I will be keeping an eye on you. Do not disappoint me,” the General said, turning sharply to return the Captain’s salute and dismiss her.

  “If not for the General’s kindheartedness I would have you banished from this city . . . as it is . . . you might have . . . impressed him,” said Captain Grandmite, straining to say the words as if they were physically painful.

  “We’re here to help,” I said, restating what we had been saying from the beginning.

  “That is yet to be seen,” the Captain replied, motioning toward the exit where my friends were waiting.

  “Getting us into trouble again, Jack?” Rose asked, grinning.

  “Oh, you know me, can’t help but make friends everywhere I go,” I replied, matching her grin.

  “That’s what we keep you around for,” said Micaela. “So, who was your new friend?”

  “General Hammersmith,” I answered.

  “Nice, a General, that’s a first,” said Micaela.

  “What did you talk about?” Olaf asked.

  I relayed the pertinent bits of the conversation.

  “Not bad,” said Micaela. “You’re no Monty. But still, not bad.”

  “Thanks . . . I think?” I puzzled aloud. It wasn’t exactly a compliment . . . or was it? “And who is Monty?” I asked, worried she was referencing the comedy troop.

  “Bernard Montgomery,” Micaela answered as if I should know who that was just by the nickname. “Oh, come on, do none of you study British history? He beat Rommel at El Alamein.”

  “I’m no historian,” I started, finally getting the reference. “But, wasn’t Montgomery out ‘Generaled’ by Patton at almost every turn? And wasn’t Montgomery’s only win against Rommel because Patton attacked his main column dividing his forces?” I asked. Actually, I was a bit of a historian, or at least I was once training to be a historian . . . archeologist . . . same difference.

  “Bloody Americans, bloody Patton,” Micaela grumbled, crossing her arms and pouting.

  Before more could be said, Captain Grandmite began to speak, “Tomorrow morning, same time, be here or-”

  Captain Grandmite’s words died in her throat as a loud and repeating bell started sounding throughout the barracks. We were forgotten instantly, the Captain rushed ahead of us, easily cutting through the throng of soldiers.

  “What’s that all about?” Baby wondered aloud.

  “Attack!” a voice screamed down the hall. “We’re under attack!” The voice was getting closer and repeating the same thing with each room he passed.

  Olaf and I barely shared a glance as he moved to chase after the Captain, his large form was able to cut a path through the soldiers back the way we came, the rest of us hot on his heels.


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