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by Danny E. Allen

  As this country, invites one to make his own-path so it defines that joy, gratification and bond you may-see a ‘self’-’way’, in a place truly a procession of the prized. Hearing ‘the-call’; whom would not, to this end-there, justify its elements most clearly , through the vision of those whom would-not relinquish, or relent. Providing-dimensions and development and in involving-spirit the defining and detailing and vivid-terms… And now the spirit of, now-dwell in least imminent-term, but in its restitution it has grown-wise and strong. The Eyes and Hand of God has blessed-her so that progress; the deeper-meaning of things, blows the breath of renewal-and-strength. Promulgating-interest as well as perfect in the arms of practicality, providing and provocative-proficiency, that price can mean the productive-culture, there-after.

  Now, as I fall into old-age, I venture-no further. The hopes I have had, now fall into place-in my children.

  Signed-Genevieve Garcon Mc Masters



  …I, the matriarch of the Mc Masters’ family and now almost laid-upon as the foundation of our family. After spending-years of cultivating, enlisting and gaining en-valuing, significance; investing and deliberating, developing useful-rules and priorities in-definition and adoption. While Rob and Sarah, Bau and Lillia and Zack and Mary set-aside their needs in the greater-good of allowing their-charges to succeed in, as many areas, as possible. While I had taken a break-away from all the bustle of rudimentary, businesses I have written that my-efforts have improved, each of my grand-children’s out-look. In decent proclivity, each has taken to finding and intending the-forwarding, attitude which my sums-of funds, has provided, and illuminated. In-sufficiency, discordance and in-effectuality has made for more-earnestness and commitment in the way of willingness, focus and desire to-find their goals, in life. I think-it will not be too-long until all-seven grand-children find their talent, even at seven, and initiated-at the influenced-age, of 15, and below…

  Sarah, who had slowly recovered the instrumentality and effective, self-resolve to retake some of her former-life and as her braved-intentions, will some-day pursue some of her-talents and fortunes, in-living. Along with affirm and adaptation; the energy and inherited-intentions can mean she-will avoid any-further contention-of any, number of deliberative and labors; perhaps finding an invoking-of the preeminence, to forge new-bases… If we-stay together through any hard-times and strengthen and remain, guided-by principle in encountering, enlightening and excelling as the many-issues that may occur in the many-instances of life no-matter what the bounds, we should be-able to follow any-dream…

  As I, and their-father and grandfather-did, as we drove-across the west, without-being sure of the outcome so shall we follow the ‘star’ of our hopes… We-will impact in any-oracle, we pursue… No-matter what my-life, the life of my children, shall never see falter, defame or in disaster but destiny, determination and drive-to attain, anything. My-promise and priorities is to give-to their improvement, dimension and honest-earning. Money, which had been failure and infamy; we shall always-know the profits, proving and profoundness in, an elaborate-decision to follow the best-path…

  My honor, shall be my children’s ambitions. Where-there is want, there shall-be way and reason, to do-it. None, shall go-hungry or any-lonely, they shall know love as they know refinement, as intention they shall know purpose, and control. The things of this country, shall they be aware of its teaching as I have-known of its once, absolving-richness they-shall know of this ‘bounty’, in-its requiem. Decision, resolve and intention they-shall see the arising to truth, trust, belief and bestowal. This, in my private-law shall-be abreast and breach that shall be seen, heard and felt in-all its determination. Implying and imposing, shall-be property; the ‘invention’ and inviting, the vibrancy of deep-dedications and independence an-ovation of humanness, and an ovation-of interpretation. Understanding and enlistment to-charter, charge and channel; any-desire, that proves that-in impression; the vision-of-fortitude…

  As my Patrice is my-oldest, so shall my youngest-be one of the boldest-forwarding. No-one of my offspring, be-left wanting, desiring or implore-to withstand the marring or miring of employ… In vestment, vocal and advancing-as to have met the mightiest-force in engendered-empower. Vying, in any-number of activities; and engrossing the presence, and practicality that finds and functions; in the-prevailing and preciousness of the model, of mode, and mission. The work-and wonder, the world’s coming-to know the providing and provocative that will be an-aim, in attempt of-arduous testing, trial and triumph; in the way-of energetic, and engaging; the ‘process’, and ‘progressing’ of intercourse in life, living and legitimacy… My waking-spirit shall see these, my children awaken to a life as strong as the most-prized; and as simply, fulfilling as the pride-of premise. The profits which I have-had over the last three-years, I have enjoyed and relished mine with noble-children, buying and paying-for their practical-needs… Though not, all are in-want of need; I follow my truest-intuition and succeeded-in giving due-process to their future-desires. In raising my-own children I have validated what the potential of their-future, and as their-future I can see the basic-talents, character and needs as I-am planning for its-outcome.

  Presiding-like an assertion and not assumption these preliminaries-ordered; and not interfere, with the propounding and pretext; that pre-lay and promote the deepest-furnishing and not preferences, that align or not allusion of assignment, or entering-effectual that can proceed in the provisions-of living, likelihood and liberal-learning. It is a liberal-want, yet I am up to the challenge and advocacy due the immediate and intensiveness-of their not to long, applying. The denizen of my-charges, young-ladies and young-gentlemen will be off-to studies, and have the ability to-invest their own-private time in things of their want; share the meaning of purpose, and fulfillment; and learn and understanding, that the littlest-concerns, the slightest-love and the framework-of inviting, discovery; shall give drive to-pursue as in-issue; the bettered-circumstances of awareness, and import.

  Advising and improvising, in the differing-diligences, of purport and particular; that they may-fashion in-any form; the factor-of value and furtiveness, that comport, may forward-and-focus; the-proclivity of directions and acknowledgement. So the-fixture and fathom of focusing the-framework, of facing the advancing of-vocal and value in-themselves and others, alike; and be a providence to culture, as well as class… In an imputing, the venture-ship and vantage-ship of changing-times, tenement and the ‘virtues’ of placed-pretense…

  It, the-system of situational, sophistication and imposition in-which the precise-of pervading; the pretense and practicality-of vocation, implication and utter-inhibitions; of edging, Evan and Coventry, in the name of preciseness and pragmatic-standard, station and statute… In this un-par feasibility; will employ and improve-in, given the impetuses and promotions; of vital-enlisting, and entail the preamble in something, monies and attainment can not provide and necessarily-permit. In my grand-children, which I-can foresee and advance-in the order-of-objective, in the eyes and ears-of living among-greatest, grandeur and gratitude; I shall announce the declaration of ‘aim’, ability and accounting-which invoke and not-infer, impress; not, in the allotted-time my young-ones have a life-time, so-short and pivotal…

  In turning in a life-span the instances and issues, of life. Wanting-to learn, grow and expand. Their-lives shall be worthy, and inciting the focus and vigil of-lifting, manifest and forging the principles of advice, progress and productivity that is beyond our knowledge. So that the price-of-life, is not as deep and that ‘prime’-order; is not, so consuming in the primacy and pride-both be-evident and essential… A self-impact, elucidating-presence and preciousness in ever-standing; so that-in the arranging of toll and trust, end in-endeavor and not-enticing.

  July 13, 1877

  Dear Diary,

  …The disciplines of maturing-persons and individuals shall-be an inaugurating-’blu
eprint’ to the essentials-of independently, oriented and invocative that their-efforts, both profound and professed, in entrance and entrusting that precision and pre-doctrine; that the message of mission and the adoption of-protocol and pre-seminal will be freely, given and the interests of statement and understatement-in, the entertainment-of vitality and advantage in the plural and priding-eventual and eventuality; that the best-act becomes the best-intricateness.

  My present efforts shall be in treatise and tracing of the power of the intimate-’void’ and instrument; that will act-to give-deeding as devoid discouraging; in the many umbrages, in-centering and devising, the calculate, the procuring, and professing-so doling in-people and perceptive-privacy. My Mere shall be in-mine as they pursue topic, judgment, deepening interest and attaining-judgment; and operate the-best deliberate-quest of all who may-benefit… How I-will do this, is to aim-confirmedly in attentiveness, resign and vying resolution; to define-in individual consideration and composing; that officiates the scale, breach and bearing; of focal, foundational and fundamental-commitment. In fair, and genuine-completing, and the fabric-of-family shall be-binding as the performing-of action.

  In its re-quaint; the demand, deeming and devising-shall contribute love and loyalty; work, will be an effort of industriousness and ‘trans-focal’, that others may-follow along in portends and proposed, policy… In competence and creative-morals, one-will deduce and affiliate in the great-digest of human-mind… In this, is the ever awareness of the forces-of reality, forming a-ratifying duty and demand-for respect, admiration and commandment to resign in keeping the incentive, as realize the importance-of concerting. In an offer of goodwill, their-children, friends and acquaintances shall know the mood of respect, dignity and generosity; the willed aplomb in a myriad of-simplicities…

  As I move them through the many ventures of self, vision and commandment there shall always be insistence that moral and manifest-draw and drive forward, the policies-of perception and persistence in a calling-forth the infinite-designs of saving-source and surmise, in self-dominion and allocation. My descendants will not experience the trials of struggle but adaptations of fortifying and fortune. The money, I save now will be a notation-of fulfillment in entity and encouragement so-that as it expands and asserts the definite-meaning of consistence and coordination will-be a perfecting and re-founding; in interests, invocations and fullness of proctor and presumption. So that, in the very, instance of life may-in itself, be a recognition-of-recompense and actuation-in intern and internality; the very, price-of purest, presiding…

  The community, I have-fostered…in-belief, and beneficence; providing, and resounding-benefaction, in bestowal. That ‘insistence’, to-brave and befriend…has turned-into basis and ‘betterment’ in unifying, justice; that this country, and its uniting…in-impression, redeeming and resounding-in influence and factor, permits… And proceed with in situation-and -adjoining. Where the promotion and premature-effects in laws-of-people, and ‘precepts’ in-engaging and emerging; converging-on many aspects of incredible, incurring…

  Improving, advantages insuring-advantages and convening, in a process-of-promotion. It, this fixed-commitment will hopefully, show assigning and implication-so that they may as well, give of themselves and find-out more of the world’s greatest-treasures and dominion. The world, is now different from three-decades ago, that the memory of people as my husband and so many others who have lived and died will not be a reality to the people they meet and extol. In the premise of what my Will lived-for, the reliance and reward of sums, and station; will not be ill-certain but assertive-consistency. In the truest-evidence the practicality, not only in my life but in finding, facet and forming-facility.

  Approaching on respect; in the final, finite embellishing the deliberate and delivering; in the outcome-of, in-division, destiny and derived-advancing; that in-proving deriding in effective ingenuity and accounting… Perfection, is not my-goal, as the sentiment and subsistence-of which many can-decide, to proceed… As the image of instance-in, this the essence-of-life, living-it; self-relying, and the understanding that life is an intimate-system of judgments and worthwhile-resolves; that in, imperatives derive the dimensions of self-in-ordination; that reflect the powers of flourish that no-one can divide…

  My-daughter, my-sons and their-partners and children-will fulfill reverent resolve and in-put reliabilities of effective self-placement so that unity, faith and priorities don’t falter but ally among-all who know their justice, fairness and the evident deeming-of profession.



  Dear Diary,

  While riding in a train for the trip to Sacramento, I met a nice-gentleman. He was a construction-executive who was visiting Los Angeles to be with his brother. He says he used to live in L.A. as a youth. His mother had to rear him and his brother and now she had died several years hence and his brother and he stay close. His father was an Indian fighter during the Indian wars. He went on reconnaissance and never returned, he received the medal of courage for his duty. He had always wanted to be an soldier like his Dad but his father forbade-it. So he worked from a worker to an executive over the years. He worked hard and now traveled often to meet with fellow business-men and to assign work-sites. He had been trained by a supervisor who had taken him under his wing. He was not fortunate he says just did his job, well. We had a wonderful conversation over the trip and we talked about California, the building west and the work of our President. He has a great awareness of things. He said he always wanted to go to college but the money wasn’t there.

  He left home to pay for his mother and younger brother and now he had only himself. I felt very moved by his ability to take-charge. He has a grand-grasp of facts and stories. I told-him about all my-children, and he was so taken with my dedication to them, he wanted to set up a place where we could meet, I declined. Long ago, not many people in the western states and territories had even the most basic of education yet now more hardworking, deserving and honest-men have come west to seek their-lives. I wanted to tell him about all my life, about the illusion of money in gold, and how I and my Will overcame adversity to earn a substantial-living. And that it was not the effort of seeking dreams but what you make of your circumstance… I went-on and sent-him on in the train after my departure. Many people understood the value of human-endeavor and the place of moral-reality and the determination-of holding-insight, into the future. The once, ‘dry’-attitude in the west has dissolved into the patented-rule of self-vocal and earned-drive. I had seen men their hope elude-them while insincerity tumult into inadequacy and inordinate, dispatch…

  Buy that spirit has gone along-with all those apparent, greediness and unlawful disregards. I feel that I-have come through much, and as our society-changes so I meet the rewards of standing, in reserve, to be acquired. Now as I see after my-heirs I secede the indeterminate of self-want and only, feel the great-potential and gratification, of giving.

  I perform perhaps the best-deed I can in seeing the un-seeable and focus on their providing in the salvo-of involving the plenty of living with the plot-of-life. As many philosophers have noted, the great-gift of life is how, well you assume its-duty. Its abundance in-fortune, of living is totaled-in how well you prepare the derivation-of instilling. And in this position, I feel the purpose of these children in the shaping of their maturing. I will get more out of their process to grow, than they will understand-fully until they are grown. Intents, motivations, wonderings and ponderings; which they grow to have, is indeed the great-liberation of innocence, incentive and allotment; in the grand-scheme of things…

  I may never se the full-breadth of what will become of-their outcome, yet alone as I have lived my life, I’ve seen the ability-of the fashion of purpose, perception and proving-in many, arenas. It was not the gold, as I know it was the seeking of the want-for life of which I-am intimate… In all the bounty, dangers, hardships and dimension-of-life, Wes
t; taking one’s will and become an adamant-possessor for-good as God’s purpose proved life is quite a place of belief, bounds and bestowal.

  My Margret, now is a fine-cook, her-father Rob, is kept well-fed as she has taken to her mother’s excellent aptitude to prepare-food. She can prepare breakfast well, aids in her mother’s luncheon gourmet and still has time to-go and garden in their huge-yard. Young Mr. William, his grand-father’s namesake, and my third-youngest grand-children is a fine builder with blue-eyes like his namesake and long-red hair; is quiet, often sitting, alone building something in the yard while humming a terse-song. He is a very-excellent observer listening to the singers in church and following-along. He doesn’t like being observed or talked-about. He is quite a loyal-child listening to his Grand-mama as she tells him, her like-for his abilities. Then there is Mark a quite simple young-man who reads very-well, he may be a priest because he listens very attentively, when someone is speaking-of others, and loses concentration then-has trouble identifying his focus.

  While he has the ability to hold informative, conversations. Independent and strong, there is Michael who divides his time leisurely, between his friends which he makes easily, to playing his guitar which his father gave him, not challenged by the act, now plays songs from folk-songs to Hymn. Not liking overly, pious or sad-songs. He is a fete de plais often sitting with those who are impressed and singing compliment-request. He is a self-adaptive man who doesn’t show the slightest vanity.


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