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Reckless Page 2

by Jennifer Loren

  “Wow Ava, that must be exciting?” Joel asked.

  “I enjoy it, most of the time,” she said smiling.

  Our food arrives and I notice Rebecca continuing to stare at Ava. She has more questions and that makes me nervous.

  “So Ava, you must be super smart, huh?” Joel asked before meeting Rebecca’s glare. “It figures Sean would end up with a smart woman, I just didn’t realize he could find one so beautiful too.”

  I promptly answer for Ava, “She is that and I went through a lot to find her.”

  “So when did you live in New York, Ava?” Joel asked as I take a drink, tensing with every awkward question.

  “Oh actually about the same time as Sean, we just didn’t know it until years later.” Ava answered innocently.

  “Yes, that was interesting to learn, but really we met because of my mother and next thing you know I was head over heels. Pretty normal story from that point on,” I said, earning a bewildered glance from Ava.

  “How funny that you guys lived in the same city all that time and never even knew each other existed,” Rebecca pried further.

  “Actually,” Ava said as I search for a way to dive into my food and hide. “Sean and I did meet once in New York.”

  I glance up long enough to see Rebecca look over at me, “Really?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Yes, we ran into each other at this little Italian restaurant. He was going there with his brother and I was standing outside waiting for my friend when Ethan’s fan club came running out of nowhere and were about to trample me. That’s when Sean pulled me out of the way.” Ava looks over at me sweetly and I return her smile while ignoring Rebecca’s glare. “He was so incredible even then. He just held onto me for the longest time. If Kyle hadn’t of interrupted us …” Ava laid her hand on mine. I instantly sweep it up into my palm, caressing it with my thumb.

  “Interrupted you, what were you doing?” Rebecca said harshly.

  “Oh no, we weren’t doing anything. It was simply a moment that we both seemed to have shared. When I ran into him a couple of years ago, I knew he wouldn’t remember me since when we first met I was covered head to toe because of the cold weather. All he could see were my eyes. Eventually I told him and I assumed the meeting didn’t mean anything to him, at least not like it did to me at the time. But when he showed me the locket I lost that night, I knew he did remember and he had felt the same way.” I concentrate on my food, holding Ava’s hand under the table like a life raft. Silence. I search the room for the quickest exit.

  “So you did cheat on Rebecca, your supposed fiancé at the time, with your future wife? Damn Sean and I thought you were the innocent one in that whole mess,” Joel said sarcastically.

  “He didn’t cheat on me, they didn’t do anything,” Rebecca snapped at him as he laughs.

  “Whatever. I remember you finding that locket wrapped up in the back of his drawer and then asking me about it, like it was my fault. You thought for sure he was cheating on you because he barely paid attention to you after that night. You complained about it nonstop, thinking his brother or I had something to do with it. Well now you know … it was because of her.” He exclaimed pointing at Ava.

  I instantly stop retreating and glare at him until he removes his accusing finger from my wife. Ava drops her gaze to her plate and pulls her hand away from me. “It wasn’t Ava. Rebecca and I weren’t really getting along then, if you recall. We would have still broken up despite Ava and me meeting,” I said, trying to ease the situation. “Probably why you two ended up together as well.”

  “So you two met again years later, fell in love, married and even have a kid already - wow. You are a totally different Sean than the one I used to know.” Joel said, eating his food without concern.

  “A much happier Sean, thank you very much,” I said, gaining a promising glance from Ava.

  “Well enough about the love stuff, let’s talk about the film. Ava, did Sean tell you we are filming near Atlanta so he will be able to be home while we shoot?” Joel asked.

  She smiles at him. “He did, I was very happy to hear that,” she said, still avoiding eye contact with me.

  “So I guess we will start as soon as you’re finished with your film in New York?” Joel asked.

  Ava whips her head in my direction, “I thought you were going to take breaks in between films, so you could spend time with Lillah?”

  “Well I thought since I will be able to stay home, then I would still be able to spend time with her,” I said, reaching for her hand again to try to calm her down. Ava allows me to hold her fisted hand but I know an argument will begin as soon as we are alone.

  Joel and I tried to lighten the mood since both women are now scowling and silent. I make a mistake of asking Joel whom else they have lined up for the film and Rebecca perks right up. “Well Sean, that’s kind of the other reason we wanted to talk to you.” Joel said sitting up straight. “Rebecca wants to play, Lacey.” He said fidgeting as he looks up from his up-turned glass and Rebecca dances in her seat.

  “That’s probably more up to your father isn’t it Joel?” I said eyeing the coward.

  “Yes, but if you recommend her then he will surely allow it,” he said, looking away from all of us.

  “Joel, that’s the primary female role. This is your movie. Do you really want to risk it?” I ask.

  “Sean, you know I am good enough!” Rebecca yelled as I sit back in my chair and ignore her.

  “Rebecca when was the last time you worked? And what was the last thing you did? You haven’t ever had a lead role!” I yelled back at her as she sits back in her chair sulking. “No, I won’t help you and in fact I will insist that it won’t be her.” I point back at Rebecca who shoots me an evil glare. “You can be mad at me all you want Rebecca. You should understand that this movie is too important, especially to your husband, to risk you in that role. Take a lesser role, maybe, but not that one.” I relax back in my chair and put my arm around the back of Ava’s chair, kissing her cheek tenderly.

  “You know it has nothing to do with me, it’s all about your wife getting upset, isn’t it Sean?” Rebecca yelled at me.

  “Rebecca calm down?” Joel says, putting his arm around her.

  “No! He is so afraid that she is going to get upset with him doing those sex scenes with me and kissing me. Heaven forbid that he might find me more attractive than her.” Rebecca steamed while Ava’s eyes widen immensely.

  “This has nothing to do with Ava. It has everything to do with you not being ready for that significant of a role. Now calm down and back off.” I stare her down as tears form in her eyes and she sprints towards the restroom. I look back at Joel as he rolls his eyes. “What was that about?” I asked him.

  “I know you are right Sean, and I tried to talk her out of it. I told her she could be in one of the smaller roles but she has been pushing and pushing - driving me insane about it. She even forced me to ask my father in front of her and he laughed - which didn’t help matters any. I didn’t know what else to do, she won’t let it go.” He said, looking completely beat down over it.

  “When was the last time she worked?” I asked.

  He waves his hands in the air, “She’s been doing some local commercials and some plays here and there, but nothing of any importance. They barely get reviews. I don’t know why she is so hell bent on doing this role, but she seems to think it’s going to get her career going again.”

  “Not if she screws it up,” I said. He responds with a nod and an exasperated sigh.

  “Should I go check on her?” Ava asked.

  “No!” Joel and I responded simultaneously.

  “When she’s upset Ava, it’s usually best to leave her alone and stay out of the way,” Joel expressed to her.

  “Sweetheart, Rebecca is not one for consoling. Attention only makes it worse,” I said as Joel nods in agreement.

  “Well it looks like dinner is over. Thanks for meeting us and we will see you in Atlanta next,
I guess.” Joel said, tossing his napkin on his plate.

  “Are you sure you don’t want us to wait with you?” I asked him. He nodded and waved me off. I pay for everyone’s dinner as Ava hugs Joel and kisses him on the cheek, making him smile bigger than I have ever seen. Ava and I leave the restaurant in silence. “Are you okay?” I finally have to ask.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” She says with that tone in her voice.

  “Because, Ava, you haven’t said two words to me since we left the restaurant.”

  “Well maybe that’s because I am still trying to figure out why you wouldn’t tell me we were having dinner with your ex-girlfriend…I mean your ex-fiancé.”

  “I didn’t know she was going to be there Ava.”

  “She’s his wife, why wouldn’t she be there? And I know there is something else that you’re not telling me, so you better just do it now since the night is already ruined.” I glance over at her determined expression and sigh.

  “Fine, you want to know everything? Joel and I were best friends at the time I was seeing Rebecca. They hated each other, but I asked him to watch over her while I was away doing another film. I can’t believe I am telling you this.” I shake my head as she crosses her arms waiting for me to make it worse. “I ended up coming back early and finding the two of them in our bed together.”

  “You lived with her?” shit

  “Ummm, yes.”

  “So you were practically married?”

  “We talked about it but …”

  “But what, Sean?” She snarled at me.

  I sit up and lean over to her, “I was going to say … but then I met this beautiful redhead with gorgeous blue eyes, who made me realize that I wasn’t really in love with Rebecca.” She shuts her mouth.

  “I thought you said I didn’t have anything to do with why you broke up?”

  “Well her cheating on me with my best friend had a lot to do with the break up, but you were the one that caused me to be so distant from her. That is probably why she did run to him. I thought I loved her but when I ran into you my whole world changed.”


  “Because I realized what love really is when I met you. Besides, I only wanted to marry Rebecca because I thought it would make my mother happy. Have a family and all that to distract her from my father’s death. As it turned out though, she hated Rebecca and I realized I wasn’t ready for marriage - not with her anyway. You know mothers’ are always right.” I said with a smile to match her emerging one.

  Chapter 3


  It is my birthday today and I am stuck in New York trying to finish-up filming. This movie is fun, lots of action and plenty of stunts for me to get excited about, but I miss my family. It didn’t help me any, getting the sweet birthday video from my daughter singing happy birthday Daddy, way off key. On the way back to my trailer, I stop by the crowd of fans waiting to give me birthday cards and presents. I try to greet them all respectively but some are determined to get a hold of me and never let go. Randy, my best friend and overworked bodyguard, is always handy in these situations. He graciously pulls them off me and puts them back behind the line. However, one manages to get by him somehow.

  “Oh Mr. Grant, can I please come home with you. I love you!” she exclaims.

  Pulling the girl off my back, I look down at my wife and smile wide. “Baby, what are you doing here?”

  “I couldn’t let you spend your birthday alone.” Ava jumps into my arms and I wave goodbye to the numerous disappointed women who watch me carry my wife off to my trailer. Kissing Ava is only fun for so long before I want to take it further. I can barely get started before I am called back to the set. Reluctantly, I send her to my hotel to wait for me and hope that my day ends early enough that I can spend some time appreciating my wife before the day is over. However, the day drags and the stunts become more complicated, which take longer to setup and prepare. Usually I enjoy these stunts more than anything, but all I can think about is Ava’s new, frilly underwear I got a quick glimpse of before she left. By the time I arrive back at the hotel, the fire is going and the music sounds seductive, but my beautiful wife is passed-out, curled up in a blanket. At least she tried. Sighing, I pick her up and put her to bed before crawling in myself.

  I barely get my eyes closed before I can feel her crawling towards me, “I love you Sean.”

  I glare at her approaching smile. “Prove it.” I said, lying on my back watching her kiss up my chest, my neck and to my mouth.

  “I said, I love you,” she said, hovering over me.

  “I heard you,” I said as her frustration becomes obvious.

  “Forget it.” She huffs retreating to other side of the bed.

  “Where are you going?” I reach for her quickly.

  “If you don’t love me, then I’m leaving.”

  “No you’re not.” I wrap my arms around her and pull her back to my chest.

  “Why is that?” She asked smiling wide.

  “Because I want to make love to you.”

  “That would imply that you love me.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yes, that’s how it works,” she said smugly.

  “Oh. Well then I guess that means …” taking her lips within mine “I love you.”


  My eyes open to the sun barely drifting in, before suddenly meeting her focused eyes. “What’s this about Sean?” I sit back unsure if I am in trouble as she rattles my phone in my face. “Why is she texting you?”

  “Who?” I questioned.

  “Rebecca.” She pronounced emphatically.

  “Oh.” I shy away from her judging eyes. “I am supposed to have dinner with them tonight.”


  “It is my birthday Ava and they wanted to do something nice.”

  “You’re not going are you?”

  “I already said I would.”

  “Can’t you call and cancel?”

  “No, but you can come with me. Then we will come back here and have our own birthday celebration.” I reach for her, but she scoots away from me, crossing her arms.

  “You’re going to have dinner without me, for your birthday?”

  “Baby you can come, I swear it’s nothing. It is simply meant to be something nice for my birthday since I am away from my family.” I mock her until she relaxes her tense frown. “Come with me, please.”

  “I guess, but don’t leave me with her. She’s scary.”

  “It is just dinner, Ava.”

  “Just dinner huh? Is it going to go better than the last time?”

  “Yes, I promise.” I said, cringing as the thoughts of our last dinner with them run through my mind. It surely can’t go any worse than that?


  Ava sits silently, twisting and curling the ends of her scarf between her fingers. I have a feeling she is going to shred it by the end of the night. Grabbing the end of her scarf from her hand, I sigh as I tuck it under her coat. “It’s going to be fine Ava. You don’t need to be nervous”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Yeah, you look it,” I said, taking notice of her annoyed expression.

  “This was planned before you got here. They remembered my birthday and … And I have said this all a million times already.”

  “I understand but I don’t know that I should be going.”

  “It is fine. It’s only take out. Besides, it will be a good chance for you and Rebecca to get to know each other.” Ava immediately looks at me as if I am the stupidest man on earth. “I know, but I am really excited about hanging out with Joel again. He was my best friend once and I can’t help that he married my ex. Please, just try to get along with her … for me? Please, Ava.”

  “For you I will try, but I have a feeling she isn’t going to make it too easy for me.”

  “You might be surprised. Joel said Rebecca is so excited about getting a part in the movie that she has been a completely different woman and actually enjoyable to be around
. She even commented on how sweet and beautiful she thinks you are.”

  “Oh, I’m so sure she did.”

  “Ava,” I said sternly.

  “I will try … for you, baby,” she said kissing me.

  We pull up to their apartment building and Ava is seemingly as shocked as I am by the repugnant building. I look cautiously around before I help her out of the cab. Ava swallows hard after we are buzzed in and I immediately hover around her when we enter. We walk up three flights due to the ancient elevator being out of order - since the last World War. Ava leans in close to me as a suspicious-looking man peers out of his door at us. I let go of Ava’s hand and wrap my arm around her, making sure to check behind us as we walk down the corridor to their apartment. Ava knocks while I keep an eye out behind us.

  “Ava. I’m so glad you were able to make it, too.” Joel said with excitement as he hugs Ava and grabs my hand. We walk into the small, sparsely furnished apartment with an awkward air around us.

  “Let me get your coats,” Joel says as he helps Ava remove hers.

  Rebecca enters the room from the closet sized kitchen, smiling. Maybe this will be a better night than Ava feared, and for that matter, me as well.

  “Come in and sit down. We already have food laid out on the dining table. I hope you guys are hungry. Joel over-ordered as usual.” she said, shaking her head and still smiling.

  “Sean, we thought since it’s your birthday we would get your favorite,” Rebecca said as she lifted the towel covering the food.

  “Uncle Wong’s! Damn, I can’t believe that place is still in business.” I laugh, remembering how much I use to eat at that place.

  “Ava, this guy ate at Uncle Wong’s, I think, every day,” Joel mocked me

  “It wasn’t every day, but probably close to it. That man was really nice to me, he gave me extra everything and I was a growing boy back then. I could eat a semi full of food in one sitting. And it was good too. But really there was just something about the place that was calming to me. I don’t know, maybe it was the table waterfalls.” Everyone laughs, remembering the awful décor. I glance at Ava, seeing her smile at me makes me feel much better about the night going well. “Ava, let me make your plate. I know exactly what you will like,” I say, anticipating her pleasure.


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