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Reckless Page 3

by Jennifer Loren

  “This Uncle Wong’s, is it next to that bar … umm what was it … Crazy Horse?” Ava asked, getting excited about remembering the bar.

  “I think that was the name of it, it’s a Starbucks now, but yeah I think that’s the place,” Joel said before putting a fork full into his mouth.

  “Did you go there too, Ava?” Rebecca asked.

  “Yes, I never ate there but I was there quite often,” she smiles.

  “How is it that you remember it then? Did you stand outside smelling the front door?” I grin in her direction, receiving a mocking expression in return.

  “Actually smart ass, Kyle and I lived in the apartment above it.” My mouth drops as she laughs nervously. “Yeah, we smelled the food so much that we could never bring ourselves to actually eat there too, but … he was a very nice man.”

  “That’s just … I don’t what that is.” Joel exclaimed.

  I glance over at him, catching Rebecca’s stern stare on Ava. “Are you sure, sweetheart?” I asked her.

  “Yes, he was our landlord. We called him Bing because he liked it for some reason,” she said.

  I laugh, nearly choking on my food. “He liked it because I told him he looked like Bing Crosby one day and from that point on, I always called him Bing.” Ava laughs with me, taking my hand. We don’t even care that we are the only ones seeing the humor in it. “I can’t believe that you were right above me. We must have just missed each other hundred times, at least.”

  “At least,” she said.

  “Well, until I left for LA. When I got back, for some reason, it wasn’t the comforting place I use to love. I chalked it up to all the jade symbols hanging everywhere. So, I guess you moved pre-symbol days?” I smile, assuming her absence was the reason for my discomfort.

  Her smile diminishes, “No, he hung those for me. It was right after Spencer … and he ...”

  I reach for her, “Baby, I’m so sorry. I should have never brought it up.”

  “It’s alright, you didn’t know,” she said, caressing my face with a smile. “But, if you will excuse me for a second?” We all nod as Ava walks to the bathroom.

  “Is she okay?” Joel asked.

  I look back at Joel and Rebecca’s questioning eyes. “Ava was kidnapped and attacked viciously. He hung the symbols to help protect her spirit. I remember Bing telling me about a sick girl, I just didn’t realize who, until now.”

  “That’s horrible,” Joel said.

  “Yeah, well if you would, please don’t mention that I told you.”

  “Sure, no problem.” Joel nodded.

  Once Ava returns, the conversation moves to the dumb things we use to do and people we use to know, drinking up the wine without thinking.

  “We seem to be out of wine,” Rebecca said, standing up and shaking an empty bottle.

  “We could go out, maybe the bar down the street?” Joel asked.

  “That’s probably not a good idea, maybe somewhere more…” I hesitated trying to come up with a solution.

  “I know the perfect place, your Mom told me about it, Sean. And since I haven’t gotten you anything for your birthday yet, then the rest of the night is on me, for everybody. Besides, I am your wife so I should pay for your birthday party, right?” Ava sits at the edge of her seat, seemingly excited by the whole idea. I grab her hand and squeeze it, feeling very lucky to be married to her.

  “If you want to do that Ava, I guess we shouldn’t ruin Sean’s birthday by saying ‘no’,” Joel said shyly.

  “Of course not, it will be fun and I haven’t been out in forever. Oh, I need to change if we are going out though!” Rebecca excitedly runs out of the room. I try to stop her, but she is gone before I can get a word out. Joel simply sighs in the direction she left in.

  When Rebecca is finally ready to go, we all leave for the cozy upscale restaurant where we are seated immediately when we arrive.

  “Do you guys remember when we snuck into that upscale party for the food?” I asked.

  “Oh, I can’t believe you brought that up. That was crazy. Ava, your husband pretended to be some hot shot attorney and we followed him like fools, only because he was craving shrimp.”

  “Me? You wanted it just as bad. I seem to remember you saying, ‘Oh Sean, they even have steak.’ Your mouth was watering the whole time,” I laugh with them.

  “Well at least I was the innocent one.” Joel and I laugh at Rebecca’s comment. “I was. My only fault was following you two idiots.”

  “You may have followed, but you were the one eating your weight in chocolate covered strawberries.” I laugh even harder after she smiles away from everyone. “You thought I forgot that,” I said, winking at her.

  “Those were some of the best strawberries I have ever had.” Rebecca said as she sips her wine.

  We laugh some more until I hear a few of the staff singing Happy Birthday and bringing a flaming cake towards me. I glance at Ava, who is biting her bottom lip to keep from laughing. Exasperated, I lean over to whisper into her ear, “I didn’t see you leave the table but I know you had something to do with this and I will get you back.” I smile, watching her laugh and sing along.

  “That was great. But how did they know it was your birthday?” Rebecca asked

  “I believe someone here told them,” I glance at Ava, who takes a drink to hide her smile.

  “You did this Ava? How? You never left the table?” Joel asked, curious.

  “Yes baby, please tell us how you did it?” I asked glaring at her with an impish smile.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. How would I have been able to do it?” She looked right into my eyes and lied. “I never left the table, so it’s impossible that it was me.” She wiggles a little in her chair, and in that instant I know damn well she is lying. I fork a mouthful of cake that the waiter cut for us, eyeing her disbelievingly and smiling as I plan to make her confess to me later.

  “Ava?” someone calls out from another table.

  “Oh no,” Ava mumbles.

  The man approaches our table, with a superior attitude, “Ava it is you.” He said reaching out for her as she slowly stands and hugs him.

  “Jasper, I should have known I would run into you here.” Ava said with tenseness in her voice.

  “We had a meeting across the street and decided to have dinner and a few drinks.” He laughed, stopping only to stare Ava up and down while I struggle to place the name that sounds so familiar. “I think you are more beautiful now than when we worked together and that’s saying something.”

  “Thank you Jasper. You look nice as well,” she responded, still sounding tense.

  “I have seen some of your recent work, Ava. I knew you were special.”

  “You have?” Ava asks wide-eyed.

  “Yes. Are you surprised that I would keep up with my rising protégé? I do have to keep an eye out for possible competition.”

  “That’s nice of you to say, Jasper, but I don’t think I am quite to your level.”

  “You will be, especially if you have someone giving you the right direction.” His drooling over her is starting to annoy me.

  Ava sighs, “Jasper let me introduce you to my friends, Joel and Rebecca Castor.”

  “Nice to meet the both of you,” Jasper said while he shakes Joel’s hand and kisses Rebecca’s causing her to blush.

  Ava looks at me nervously. “Jasper this is Sean, my … husband.” Glancing at her, I stand up and shake his hand.

  “Very nice to meet you, Sean. I thought I heard something about Ava getting married.” He quickly turns back towards Ava, drooling all over himself again. That shit is getting on my damn nerves. “You are a very lucky man. I tried to get her to marry me.” He said, as I tense and she stops breathing. “But no, she was too wild then to be contained I guess.” He smiles back at me.

  “Or maybe you just aren’t her type.” I smile forcefully in his direction. He laughs as if my comment is ridiculous. “So how did you and Ava meet?” I said tho
ugh my teeth, taking Ava’s hand to pull her away from him and closer to myself.

  “Ava was right out of school, my sweet little protégé.”

  “Ohhhh.” Rebecca giggled, but one look out of the corner of my eyes and she shuts up immediately.

  “So she worked for you?” I said as calmly as I could. JASPER! Son of a bitch, now I remember.

  “Yes, years ago but I still hold out hope that she will return,” he said. Over my fucking dead body asshole. “Oh my love, you must come meet someone. I think it may be interesting for you,” he said, taking her other hand. “You don’t mind do you Sean?” I grip Ava’s hand tighter.

  “I will be right back, okay sweetheart?” Ava said, looking up at me with pleading eyes, only I’m not sure what she is pleading for. “I promise I will be right back.” I nod at her and then proceed to have to watch her walk away with him to a table full of other men.

  This is a first for me. I have never met anyone she was with before me. Now I meet him, who not only fucked my wife but proposed to her. I want to carry Ava out of here right now. Breathe Sean before you do something stupid.

  “Sean, are you alright?” Joel asked.

  “Yes. Why?” I said.

  Joel kicks me under the table, jarring me to his attention. “Because you look like you are ready to kill someone.”

  “I’m fine,” I said, taking another drink while eyeing Ava. She is laughing with all those men, while they just stare at her.

  “Wow, you have really changed. I have never seen you jealous over anyone. So, he had sex with your wife.” I instantly glare at him. “Oohh kayyy. Just calm the fuck down Sean, it’s not like he’s going to do anything here.” Joel backs off making eye contact with Rebecca.

  “Who is he?” Rebecca asked.

  “Some architect that apparently is some great talent or some shit,” I said, twirling my glass on its edge.

  “He’s handsome, distinguished looking.” She smiles devilishly at my sinister glare. “He is, Sean. I can see why she would be interested in him.”

  “Rebecca,” Joel nudges her.

  “What? He is.” Rebecca said. I feel sick.

  “Sorry about that. Jasper had a project that he thought I might be interested in.” Ava said smiling at me timidly.

  “I’m sure he did.” I said too sarcastically, and receive a glare in return. Ava begins a conversation with Joel while Rebecca fights a smile, seemingly to keep from laughing at me. I don’t know why she finds this so humorous.

  We leave the restaurant soon after, apparently because everyone found my attitude distracting. Ava and I don’t speak the entire ride back to the hotel or in the elevator, and when we get in the room I go straight to the bar.

  “Do you want to talk about this or are you going to be in this mood for the rest of the night?” I glance her way but simply roll my eyes. “I did tell you about him.”

  “No. You didn’t tell me everything.” I shake my head and sit across from her. She follows with her head in her hands again. “Why didn’t you tell me, Ava?”

  “My relationship with Jasper was nothing, Sean, and when I started to realize I wanted more than just sex, I told him it was over. He thought it was because I wanted to get married, so he proposed. It was not even about that, I wanted more than sex. I wanted to feel something and I didn’t for him. I didn’t tell you about it because I had practically forgotten about it. It was out of desperation, he knew I was going to quit and he didn’t want that. It wasn’t a proposal of marriage it was more like a business deal. I don’t hold onto things that don’t mean anything or have any importance in my life. You are what I hold onto, and Lillah, those few years of childhood I had with my mother …” She stands up shaking her head. “But if you prefer to sit here and steam over nothing and ruin our night together, then that is your problem - not mine.”

  I rub my face and head. “I’m sorry Ava.” I said, growling my frustration. “I was caught off guard. I guess I had convinced myself that you had never been with anyone else but me, which has been easy with you. But knowing your past with him and then seeing him touch you and obviously still desiring you. Uuuggghhhh! And the way he acted, like he was sure he could easily get you back into bed with him.”

  “That is his personality Sean, and you helped feed his ego with all your jealousy. He was my mentor and I worked for him because of who he is. I idolized him.”

  “Do you still?”

  “A little bit, but I’m older now and I know the difference.” She moves into my lap, facing me. “I know the difference between appreciating someone’s work and not needing the admiration returned to feel good about myself. You’re the only man I need, Sean.”

  “I’m really sorry for tonight. I love you, Ava.”

  Chapter 4


  Sean has agreed to do some promos for the Cancer Society and they want to meet with him to go over some ideas, especially since Sean is sponsoring a majority of the efforts. Unfortunately, Sean got called back to the set early this morning to redo a stunt before they have to reopen the street. So that leaves me to entertain until he returns.

  When they arrive, I open the door to four men. There are two older gentlemen with two younger men standing eagerly behind them. “Hello gentleman, please come in and make yourself comfortable. My husband is running a bit late, but he asked me to make sure you are taken care of until he arrives.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Grant.” One of the older gentlemen said as he reached for my hand. “My name is Donald Williams and this is my co-worker Henry Parker. We are with the Cancer Society. These gentlemen behind us are with the advertising agency.”

  “Ava, please.” I smiled as I greet each of the older, somber men.

  I have to hold back my laughter as I watch one of the younger men fidget rapidly with his bag, phone and jacket in order to produce a free hand for me, “Mrs. Grant, I mean Sean - Ava. Mrs. Ava, I mean, I am Sean … Shane … Grant, No.” He winced, forcing a breath. “I mean Shane Putnam. That’s me. I am Shane Putnam.” Shane shamefully hangs his head as he shakes my hand and the other younger man snickers behind him.

  “Nice to meet you, Shane, and don’t worry. I have days like that too.”

  The last remaining man smiles eagerly at me, “Ava, Dillon Conrad.” I put my hand out warily to him. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m a southern boy. We don’t shake hands. We hug, if you don’t mind.” Before I have a chance to protest, his arms are wrapped around me securely. I hug him simply, but his sniffing of my hair sends a slight uneasiness through my body.

  I make sure to sit away from Dillon but despite my attempts to talk with everyone else, Dillon continues to work his cockiness back into my view. He earns quite a few swift kicks and nudges from Shane whenever he doesn’t think I am watching. The two continue to bicker quietly until Shane makes a cross symbol across his chest, praying for some sort of relief. I take that sign as a signal that I should leave the room. “Would you gentleman like anything to drink?”Each of them asking for mild drinks, Dillon being a little more difficult, waits until last. I look over at him with an uneasy sigh, “And you Dillon?”

  “What are you having?” He asked with a sincere smile.

  “Water,” I said.

  “Then that’s what I will have too.” His contagious smile inflicts its will on me and I can’t help but smile back at him.

  Once in the kitchen, I grab some glasses and nearly drop them as I see that contagious smile coming towards me. “Did you need something Mr. Conrad?” I asked suspiciously.

  “Dillon, please,” he said sweetly.

  “Dillon,” I nodded.

  “Yes, Ava,” he said, continuing closer towards me.

  “Did you need something?” I asked giving him a warning look.

  “I thought you might need some help.”

  “Well thank you, but I think I have it handled.”

  “Well, I am here if you need me.” He stops his approach and leans against the wall with a manly pose. “Am I making
you nervous?” He asked.

  “A little.” I said.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean too. You are just so beautiful. I don’t think I have ever seen a woman so beautiful in my life. You make it hard for me to …”

  “Mr. Conrad, are you flirting with me?” I asked sternly, trying not to smile.

  “It’s Dillon. And why? Do you want me too?” He opens his mouth just enough so I can see his tongue trail the inside of his perfect teeth.

  “Dillon, I am sure you do well with that charming smile of yours with most women, but I guarantee you that it won’t work with me.”

  “Really?” He asked with a puzzled expression.

  “No. And if I were you, I would back off before my husband gets home. You’re coming on a little too strong.”

  “You want me to come on to you a little less?” He said, seemingly confused by the idea.

  “No, I prefer you not to come on to me at all.”

  “But that’s no fun.”

  “Are you always like this?” I ask, standing back from him to look him over fully.

  “Like what?” He asks leaning in closer to me but I push him back and sigh. “Alright, but you’re missing out. I can be a lot of fun and I am extremely good looking…but I am sure you noticed.”

  I laugh before I can stop myself, “I wouldn’t doubt that.” Dillon instantly gets excited by my response. “But I am married. Very happily married,” I said having to push him away - again.

  “He doesn’t have to know. Come out and have a few drinks with me tonight. Nothing has to happen.” His cockiness takes hold of him as he leans in. “Unless you …”

  “No! And you better hope Sean doesn’t find out you said that to me - he will tear you apart.” I try to warn him but the cocky little bastard seems undeterred from his mission.

  “Jealous, is he?”



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