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Keep Me Safe

Page 2

by Angela Bennet

  “He didn’t see you, did he?” Olivia asked in horror.

  Marissa shook her head. “Nope, I ducked around the corner. Now do you want to sit here forever or do you want to get away from this bast-“

  Olivia hopped off the table. “Let’s go!” She still had her doubts that escape was possible but she was willing to try anything. Having her sister's support gave her the courage she thought had died long ago.

  Marissa pulled the hood over her blonde hair again. “There are security cameras everywhere and I don’t want him tapping in and getting a look at my face.”

  Before her sister could leave the room Olivia stopped her. “You go ahead and I’ll follow in a minute so we’re not seen together. Tell me where to go.”

  “I hired a cab – using cash - so he won’t trace my car. It’s waiting at the back of the building.”

  “Near the kitchen? I’ve been here before so I can take a different route than you.”

  “Let’s do it, but don’t dawdle. I’m starting to feel antsy.” Marissa gave her a quick hug then sneaked out the door.

  Olivia tried to calm her breathing and swiped at her smudged mascara. She was beginning to feel edgy as well. If Ethan came looking for her too soon – the thought made her jerk open the door and peer down the hallway. So far the coast was clear. She saw Marissa’s hooded figure hurrying far down the hall before darting to the left. Olivia took a deep breath then followed at a somewhat more sedate pace. She didn’t want to bring attention to herself.

  She could hear the party behind her but sounds from the kitchen grew as she approached. Where Marissa veered to the left to exit the building, Olivia went right and ran smack into the senator’s aide. Oh no, not him!

  He gave her a wide grin when he realized who she was. “Hey, gorgeous! I’ve been looking for you. You want to get out of here?” His easy grin slipped into a frown as he peered closer at her. “Is something wrong? You look really upset. Your face - did something happen?”

  Olivia didn’t want to waste any time speaking to him but realized he could cause her trouble if he talked. “I’m okay, really.” When he reached out for her she shied away. “Please, don’t mention seeing me and stay away from Ethan Moore for your own good.”

  He looked confused but he was still smiling. “Is that some kind of joke? Ethan is out there talking to my boss right now.”

  Olivia shook her head. She was sorry for the senator’s aide and she knew bad things were in his future but what could she do? “He’s going to destroy you, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  He still looked baffled and started to speak but Olivia brushed past him and swept into the noisy kitchen. No one paid her any attention. She wasn’t sure if the senator’s aide followed her but at this point she didn’t care. She felt a pressing sense of urgency. She had to get out of there, away from Ethan. Everything he touched he destroyed. And if he knew she was trying to run away again he would destroy her as well.

  She darted through the kitchen and out the back. Once she hit the pavement she reached down and tugged off the stilettos. She was tempted to leave them behind but there couldn’t be any clues. Beyond the row of dumpsters a discreet beige taxi pulled to a stop. Marissa thought of everything. Olivia ran the distance, feeling the pain in her injured hip but she ignored it.

  “Hurry, get in!” Marissa cried as Olivia wrenched open the back door and dove into the seat.

  “Take off!” she ordered the driver as she slammed the door. As the car sped away she turned to see if anyone watched her escape. The senator’s aide stood in the open doorway and she prayed he knew how to keep his mouth shut – for both their sakes.

  “So now where?” Olivia asked as she tried to catch her breath. She pushed her worry for the senator’s aide aside. There was nothing she could do about him. “We can’t go to your apartment or Mom and Dad’s. As soon as I check into a hotel under your name or mine, it’ll show up in the computer and he’ll find me. There’s nowhere I can hide.”

  “Oh yes there is,” Marissa answered smugly. “I’ve got it all planned. We’re going to the municipal airport.” She gave the driver a sidelong glance. “At the risk of divulging too much, we better stick with cloak and dagger secrecy. I suspect Ethan will go to great lengths to learn where you went.”

  “You have no idea,” Olivia nodded as she eyed the driver. He seemed distracted by the traffic but she knew he heard every word. He would be hurt too. Rather than demanding answers to a million questions she sat back and closed her eyes. Was she making a terrible mistake? He would beat her when he caught her and he would ruin her family. She shouldn’t do this! She was tempted to order the driver to turn back but she kept silent. How could she go back to him? She wouldn’t!

  They arrived at the airport and Marissa paid the driver. It was late and the terminal was locked up. As the taxi drove away, Olivia cast her sister a worried look. “Now what?”

  “Now you'll go change your clothes. I packed a bag for you from the stuff you kept at Mom and Dad’s. Come on. A friend of mine is flying you out of here. There will be no record of you as a passenger so Ethan won’t even realize you’ve left the state. No paper trail, or in this case, cyber trail. You can thank me later,” Marissa added with a gentle nudge before grabbing Olivia’s hand. She led her away from the terminal along the fence to where a few cars were parked. As they approached, a stout woman stepped from a black SUV. Olivia’s step faltered but Marissa pulled her forward. “She’s okay; she’s with us.” The woman appeared to be in her mid-fifties and she looked like she ate skinny men like Ethan for breakfast. The thought brought a small smile to Olivia’s lips.

  “This is Doreen. She’s one of the best back country guides I’ve ever met. And she can shoot a rifle like nobody’s business. She’ll take good care of you.”

  Olivia opened her mouth to introduce herself but Doreen cut her off in a gruff voice. “I saw you in Swan Lake three years ago. It was beautiful. And I owe Marissa a favor.” She reached into the SUV and grabbed a duffle bag, then she shoved the bag at Olivia. “Here are your things. Get changed in the backseat while I start the pre-flight, unless you want to stay in that dress.”

  Olivia cast her sister a sidelong glance to find Rissa grinning. “I won Doreen's freedom in a Swahili poker game during one of my humanitarian assignments.” Olivia's mouth dropped open but Rissa cut her off, “Don’t ask; it’s a long story.”

  Five minutes later Olivia was dressed in her old faded jeans and a tee shirt, something she hadn’t worn for years since meeting Ethan. Two years of my life stolen, she thought with an angry frown. Two years of pain and fear and misery. And if she wasn't careful, he'd find her again and there would be no escape this time. She kept looking over her shoulder, expecting to see him. He was crafty and determined. She knew he would already be searching for her. He'd treat it like a puzzle and he wouldn’t rest until the final piece was in place.

  The plane roared to life and Doreen motioned for her to climb aboard. Olivia hesitated, giving her sister a tight hug. “Tell me where I'm going.”

  Marissa gave Olivia an encouraging smile. “I've got another friend who's promised to take you in for a while. You'll be safe.”

  Olivia found it impossible to hide her shudder. “But you won't be! He'll drain your bank accounts and steal your identity. Mom and Dad will never survive his revenge. You might even have an ‘accident.’ How can I keep you safe? I shouldn't be doing this. If I go back now - “

  Marissa grabbed Olivia's arm. “No! I've hired people to help us. We're leaving the country for a few weeks – it'll be a nice little vacation for the folks. I have people to help you and friends who will keep Mom and Dad safe until it all blows over. They know the truth now, Livvy. And they're willing to do whatever it takes to see you safe. You're not fighting him alone anymore.”

  Tears welled in Olivia's eyes. While she didn't share Marissa's confidence, she was thankful to have her family in her corner. Yet she knew it wouldn't take long for Ethan to crack all
the codes, hunt down each one of them and unleash all his fury. She gave her sister a sad smile. “Stay safe.”

  Marissa looked fiercely determined. “You too. Now go!”


  Eight Months Later

  Olivia sighed as she jiggled the key in the lock and tried to find that exact position where the worn key fit and would actually match up with the tumblers. The lock was old, the key was old, and her condo was in desperate need of attention. But it was a rental and it was home – for now.

  She shifted the bag of groceries to her other hip as she wiggled the key softly. “Come on, come on!” she muttered under her breath. She didn’t like standing out in the open like this. She’d become a get in–get out kind of person thanks to Ethan. She’d lived in three different states and six cities since the night Marissa helped her escape – a lot of moving around in eight months. Now she was in Denver, Colorado. It was beautiful. She’d performed in the downtown theater once when she was a teen. The people were friendly. But the weather was already getting cold. Her sister would be amazed at how independent she’d become in these past months. It had taken time to rebuild her confidence but she was getting there. She hadn’t dared contact Marissa since the escape for fear of Ethan tracking them both down. She missed her family desperately.

  She heard heavy footsteps come up the path behind her and her grip on the keys tightened instinctively. She swung around, expecting to see Ethan but it wasn’t him. It took her a moment to realize he hadn’t found her. She released her breath in a heavy sigh.

  “I don’t usually get that reaction from women,” her neighbor joked as he jogged up their shared walkway.

  Olivia forced herself to blink and stop staring. He was one of the sexiest men she’d ever seen with muscles on top of muscles, but she knew she couldn’t get attached. He seemed solid and friendly and everything she could want in a guy – but she’d had positive thoughts about Ethan at first and look where that got her.

  She glanced at him again and took a quick inventory. He looked yummy in the running shorts and tight tee shirt. His short dark hair glistened with sweat. She had no idea what he did for a living but he looked like a movie star and walked like a soldier. He carried himself with confidence, probably because he was as big as a lumberjack and nobody wanted to mess with him. In some ways it made her feel a little more secure having a guy like that nearby.

  It wouldn't matter if he was Superman.

  No one could protect her from Ethan, not even this hunky man. Especially not him. Ethan's battles were never with fists – unless she displeased him. His preferred weapon was a keyboard and a stopwatch. He liked to see how fast he could ruin a person’s life. How would her neighbor fare against that type of assault?

  She shook her head sadly. Even if she wanted to get to know him, she couldn’t endanger him. And she wasn’t sure she could trust him. Ethan had taught her there was real evil in the world. She didn’t want to know what sordid things her neighbor was into. She didn’t know his name, and didn’t care to since she probably wouldn’t be in Denver long. But she couldn’t help watching him. He went jogging a lot. And he watched her too. It seemed like he was always close at hand, and she’d caught his curious glances. Sometimes he tried to chat with her but she wasn’t willing to answer personal questions. But she did like watching him jog away from his house every morning. She hadn’t seen a butt that good since her days in ballet with all those guys wearing tights.

  Her dance partner, Bret Johnson, had been the best. He was strong and talented and gorgeous, yet an all-around good guy. Romance never sparked between them but they’d been close friends until Ethan ruined the relationship with his jealousy. She hoped Bret was okay. Last she heard, he had a falling out with the company management and quit. Now he had a contract with the New York City Ballet – far away from California. She knew Ethan was behind it all. Thankfully Bret was alive, recovered from the accident that destroyed her career, and no longer in danger.

  When she lived in Cheyenne a few months ago she used the library computers to check on her friends. It was the only safe way to get information. She never contacted any of them but that’s how she learned about Bret. She sighed. He was probably worried about her but there was no way to assure him she was okay. As soon as she picked up a phone or fired off an email, Ethan would have another lead to track her down. She wrinkled her nose at her distracted thoughts and again focused on the key in her hand. She had to get this lock fixed!

  “Problems getting in again?”

  “Oh!” He startled her and she dropped the bag of groceries. She hadn’t expected him to be so close. How had he moved so fast without her noticing? She stared down in dismay at her apples, ramen, and other things scattered across the front step. She couldn’t bend and gather it up again. Her hip and leg didn’t move that way anymore – at least not easily.

  She slowly crouched and reached for an apple.

  “Hey, I’m sorry!” Her neighbor quickly squatted down and grabbed the plastic bag that was blowing away. “Here, let me. I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you knew I was there.” Up close she noticed his eyes were the color of a tropical sea. Nice, warm, brilliant blue, and fixed on her with curiosity.

  Olivia flushed and glanced away. “I did but you still scared me,” she answered with a shrug.

  Her neighbor raised a dark brow but didn’t respond. He quickly gathered the half dozen apples and shoved them in the bag. He eyed the box of hair color with another quirk of his brow. “Not a natural brunette, huh?”

  Olivia made a strangled sound of annoyance and snatched the bag out of his hands. She didn’t need people making such personal observations and remembering her. To her dismay she nearly fell backward when she tried to stand again. Her darn leg didn’t cooperate when she needed it to. She knew she ought to thank him for helping her but she couldn’t do more than mutter something unintelligible.

  “I’m really sorry; I shouldn’t have asked that. Here, let me help you –“

  She put out her hand to ward off his assistance. She didn’t want his help, or anyone else’s. She just wanted her old life back.

  She should be dancing. In a world without Ethan she would be practicing for a new performance with Bret, surrounded by other dancers and the choreographer. She had been an integral part of the dance company and it had consumed her life. Her face had been on billboards. People paid big money to see her dance. Now, she was hawking overpriced perfume to women as they hurried past the fragrance counter at the mall. She even had to sell the same perfume she’d modeled for four years ago. Thankfully her face wasn’t on the ads now. This was all Ethan’s fault. He was chasing her in this cat and mouse game while he sat in his comfy California penthouse. Angry tears filled her eyes but she quickly blinked them away. That would be the icing on the cake. A total meltdown in front of her sexy neighbor that she couldn’t allow herself to know.

  No, the real icing was when her neighbor realized she couldn’t stand back up on her own. Before she could protest or explain, he reached for her. He wrapped his big arms around her and stood to his feet, taking her with him. At first she felt acutely embarrassed. Then she decided to ignore the awkwardness and enjoy the feel of being light as a feather in his strong arms. It had been a long time since anyone held her tenderly. Once she was steady he quickly released her and stepped away. It took her a moment to get her bearings again. “Uh, thank you. I feel really awkward about all of this.”

  “Don’t! It was my fault entirely. I shouldn’t have scared you. My name’s Paul Justice, by the way. I figure we should introduce ourselves since we share a wall.” He motioned to the apartment behind her.

  She liked how his eyes crinkled when he smiled. He was early to mid-thirties maybe? He was definitely too hot for his own good. He held out his hand to shake hers but she was holding the groceries and her keys. She gave him an apologetic smile. “It’s nice to meet you and thanks for the help.” She then turned back to the door. It had better open this time!
  Paul moved to her side and leaned against his own door as she struggled to work the lock. “Look, I realize we got off to a bad start and I’m sorry I frightened you. Here, let me make it up to you. I could cook you dinner. Our front doors are only inches apart. Isn’t that reason enough to be friends? Do you have a name?” he persisted when she remained silent. His voice had become a blend of pleading and persuasion. Olivia found it difficult to ignore. Plus the dumb door still wouldn’t open.

  As she turned back to face him her mind went blank. What name had she chosen this time? She’d been Elizabeth, Courtney, Dana, Jessica, Sasha; they all came to mind in rapid succession except this one – she shook her head. She couldn’t remember anything when those gorgeous eyes studied her so closely. She wanted him to draw her back into his arms so she could forget about her awful life for five minutes. “Liv. You can call me Liv,” she whispered then immediately wished she could take it back. No, that wasn’t right! Her eyes widened. “But please don’t tell anyone my name.” Oh, no. She realized she’d said way too much when his gaze narrowed. Why had she made such a dumb move? Maybe because she liked his easy friendliness. But she wasn’t here to make friends, and slips like this one could cost her everything. Paul was eyeing her with speculation; she could see the wheels turning in his mind. She could kick herself for botching this so badly. She’d only been here a week! She had to be more careful.

  She pressed a smile to her lips as she remembered her latest name. Maybe she could smooth over this awkward situation and he’d forget the rest. “But my name is Chelsey Reynolds. Maybe you should just call me Chelsey. It’s easier than a nickname. Well, look at that. I finally I got the door open and I’ve gotta go.” She quickly stepped inside and started to close the door in his face. He was frowning and wore a puzzled look. She’d really blown this encounter but there was nothing she could do about it now. “Thanks for helping me pick up the groceries and um, everything.” And with a nod she shut the door with a firm snap. Hopefully she wouldn’t have to face him anytime soon.


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